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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Monday, June 22, 2015


     Matter consists of stars gas and dust in the universe that are visible through the telescope.
    Meanwhile science has developed a lot and the latest telescopes are able to look into the depths of the Universe. With the increase of the scientific knowledge mysteries of the universe have also increased. Some such mysteries are black matter and black energy.
     Astrophysicists found lot of discrepancies between the mass of large astronomical bodies as calculated from observation of stars gas and dust and as from their gravitational effect. As per their calculations these bodies would have been thrown out of their central binding force. But they are intact. This forced them to think that some other invisible force might be binding them together. This led to the understanding of the existence of dark matter in the universe.
     The dark matter cannot be seen through telescopes since it cannot emit light. It also cannot absorb light. It also cannot emit or absorb electromagnetic radiation. Its presence is only felt by its gravitational effects on the visible matter. The total mass-energy of the universe contains 4.9% of visible matter, 26.8% of dark matter and 68.3% of dark energy. Many cosmologists think that the dark matter is composed of a not yet charecterized subatomic particle. Search for the same is going on very effectively in the particle physics today. There is a theory that Higgs Boson particle which is responsible for the mass in the universe might decay into dark matter. But this has to be confirmed in future.
     Dark energy is a kind of energy that spreads uniformly throughout the universe. This dark energy is supposed to cause the expansion of the universe. The density of dark energy is very  low. Its value is 6.91x10 to the power -17 kgs/cu. m.(6.91x10^-17 kgs/cu. m.). It is much less than the ordinary matter or dark matter. However It dominates the mass-energy of the universe as the space occupied by it is enormous compared with matter or dark matter.

     With the experiments in Large Hadron Collider etc., astrophysicists are keen to find several secrets on the creation of the universe within few years.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


     When the Universe was created about 13.7 billion years ago, matter and antimatter were also created simultaneously. When anti matter met with matter annihilation (total destruction) took place with liberation of lot of energy comprising of most powerful gamma rays. This is nothing but destruction of creation. This can also be called as clash between Creator and Destroyer, or simply clash between God and Satan, if we name good as God and bad as Satan. In spite of destruction universe continued its existence and expansion. This evidently means that the matter created is very much more than antimatter. In spite of the fact that some matter got destroyed the Universe was formed with the remaining matter and is still expanding at the rate of one light year per terrestrial year. This is a good sign indicating that God is more powerful than Satan or good is superior to evil. That is how the Universe exists. Perhaps God and Satan are two independent indestructible forces existing in the spiritual world.
     Before going further we should know what matter is and what antimatter is? Matter and anti matter have opposite charges at corresponding places. Atoms of matter have nucleus with protons of positive charge along with neutral neutrons. Electrons with negative charge revolve around the nucleus. In the case of antimatter the nucleus is composed of antiprotons with negative charge in the nucleus with positrons with positive charge revolving around the nucleus. When the matter meets with the corresponding anti matter annihilation takes place resulting in total destruction, with liberation of gamma rays.
     The collision of matter and antimatter particles is still continuing in the Universe. It is the same case even at the centre of our Galaxy (Milkyway Galaxy). It is even possible that a speck of antimatter particle may escape and enter into the atmosphere of our planet Earth. Human bodies are made up of mainly carbon atoms. Suppose an anti carbon particle touches the human body, it is quite possible that the human body may meet with instantaneous total destruction within a millionth of a second or even in less time. There won’t be time for the cloths or shoes to catch fire. Perhaps this is happening in spontaneous human combustion. This cannot be tested for emission of gamma rays as the time of action is not known and cannot be assumed.

     Most part of the article is only a theory except the definitions of matter and antimatter and need not be taken for granted. This has to be accepted by science. We have to wait and see.