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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, March 26, 2010


The Chief Minister of A. P. (Sri Roshaiah) entered into the camp office on 22-03-2010 at about
10-26 A. M. I.S.T. It is always safe to select a moment which is good both in Indian astrology as well as western astrology, which is also popular. Though the muhurtha is good in Indian astrology, it is very bad in western astrology.
Muhurta in Indian astrology mainly deals with good thiti, vara, nakshatra, yoga, karanas for the muhurta with referece to birth star and the nature of the occation. Western astrology deals with planetary aspects with reference to birth chart, besides other things.
On 22-03-2010 tbe Sun in the sign Aries in sayana system (western astrrology) was in exact opposition to the evil planet Saturn. The sign Aries rules head and the evil opposition aspect of Saturn with Sun indicates impact to head around local mean noon. This thing actually happened indicating that the muhurta selected is bad.
In the same electional chart the right ascension (r. a.) of transiting Saturn comes into exact opposition to the r.a. of the Sun around 03-04-2010 and 27-07-2010. These dates are to be watched, though transits may not produce major effects. Besides, transiting Saturn is in conjuction with the progressed positions of Jupitor and Mercury in his progressed chart of the year 2010, nullifying the the good impressions of Mercury and Jupitor conjunction. This is an additional bad impression of the electional chart.
Ever since Sri K. Rosaiah became the C. M., transiting Uranus is running in close opposition to his natal Mars, and it will be in exact opposition to it around
26-04-2010 and 18-09-2010. Also the transiting Uranus runs in opposition to the progressed position of his Sun of 2010 during Nov. , and Dec. of 2010. It creates a revolutionary type of atmosphere in the State which all of us have witnessed already. On the date when he became C.M., The transiting Sun was in exact conjuction with the progressed position of planet Neptune indicating a confused state of affairs that cannot be solved so easily. In his horoscope transiting Saturn will come into opposition to natal (birth) Uranus around 16-12-2011. A major aspect of progressed Sun in conjuction with the natal Mars will also take place in the year 2013. All these indicate lot of disturbance to his career and health.
To overcome all these stresses and strains, there is need to practice meditation either religious or scientific in the early morning and before going to bed, to relieve himself from the burden of the evil circumstances ahead. Though he is managing nicely till today, the future may be more problematic, and at this age it may be more troublesome to him.
In the electional chart the opposition of Sun (Heart) from Aries (Head), with Saturn (evil) also indicates that due to great stress in the mind, his heart will be overburdened with strain. As such he must be cautious about the condition of his heart at this age. In short, there is tremendous undermining to his post as Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh State.