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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, November 26, 2021




Source: Google.com


      The great explosion in Russia about 110 years back which is equal about 185 Hiroshima bombs is still a great mystery. A large fireball crossed the Siberian sky on June 20th 1908 and exploded about 6 miles above Earth flattening about 80 million trees and left several charred reindeer dead bodies. Some Italian investigators studied the phenomena after 21 years later and suspected due to fall of a big meteorite. But this idea is not accepted by the Russian geologists. Some suggests that it may be a space object such as a comet made up of ice rather than rock moving at a speed of 9 – 19 miles per second. But most of the scientists do not accept any of the above theories. The matter is still under investigation. It is still a mystery.

2.  The shocking mystery of the ship Ourang Medan.

     In February 1948 distress calls were picked up by many ships near Indonesia from the Dutch freighter SS Ourang Medan indicating that all the officers and the captain are dead in the chartroom and he too was dying. When a rescue ship arrived and boarding party entered the ship they found that all the crew and officers were found dead. Their eyes were open and faces were looking towards the Sun (probably that is the direction from which the evil entered the ship), arms were outstretched with a look of terror on their face. There are no signs of foul play or sabotage and no signs of damage to the ship. The rescue team heard an inhuman and fearsome laughter and also some sudden appearance and disappearance of some strange lights. Once they tried to tow that ill-omened ship to the dock and attached the tow line to the ship they found strange smoke coming out of the ship. The ship exploded with fearsome sound the moment the tow line is removed. Till today the exact fate of the ship Ourang Medan and her crew remains as a mystery.


     Atlantis still captures the imagination of millions whether it is real or a myth. Here are some basic facts. Atlantis was first described by the Greek philosopher                           Plato more than 2000 years ago. Many believe that it is a myth created by Plato to illustrate his theories about politics. Others believe that it is based on a real historical disaster. According to Plato’s account, written around 360 B C, Atlantis was a major sea power located in the ocean Atlantic. It was larger than Libya and Asia Minor (modern Turkey put together), and was the way to the other islands, and from these you can pass to the opposite continent. His accounts included detailed description of the island – with mountains on the North and along the coast and a plain in the South. The entire island sank into the sea in a single day and night of misfortune. Some believe that the Atlantis myth was inspired by the Black Sea floods of around 5000 B C as in the Old Testament of the Bible. Over the centuries scholars have attempted to locate the real Atlantis but could not succeed. It is still a mystery.


There are hundreds or perhaps thousands of sites of archaeological importance throughout the world. Many of these sited seemed to be aligned. The sites Giza, Sowa, Tassili, n’Ajjer, Paratoari, Ollantaytambo, Machupicchu, Nazca, Easter Island, aneityum Island, Preahvihear, Sokhdthai, Pyay, Khajuraho, Mohenjo Daro, Persepolis, Ur, Petra are shown from Giza, on equal azimuthal projection. Since all the sites on the great circle alignment are of equal distance from the axis point at one quarter of the circumference of the Earth the alignment forms a perfect circle between halfway from the center and outer edge of the projection.  This alignment seems to be mysterious.


 The stones of racetrack playa slowly move across the surface without the human or animal intervention. While moving these also leave a track before them. These stones as heavy as human cannot move with wind, so easily. Since no one has ever filmed these stones moving, it remains still as a top unsolved mystery.


6.  Dancing Plague:

In July 1518, a woman, Frau Troffea, began dancing in a street of Strasbourg. This was not just for entertainment. It was an obsession that soon, within a month, spread in the area and 400 other people of Strasbourg joined her in dancing. They danced continuously not only for days or weeks, but for months. Some of them died from heart attacks, strokes and exhaustion. No one had any idea why people were such obsessed with dance that they lost their life.

7. Lady Dais

Scientist found an ancient body in China which is the most well preserved body till now. The body is around 2,000 years old and known as Lady Dais of the Han Dynasty. She died between 178 and 145 BC at the age of around 50, possibly because of a heart attack. The skin of the mummy is still soft, and her arms and legs could flex at the joints. The mummy had preserved in a mysterious liquid which scientist still can’t replicate.

8.  Spontaneous Combustion

On 15th September 1982, Jeannie Saffin eventually wrapped into flames while sitting on a chair. Her father, who was the witness of this incident, says he saw flash light came out of his eyes corner and hands. She covered into flames and didn’t cried or moved even. While investigation, police found no reason of Jeannie’s combustion. There was no sign of burning in the house except Jeannie’s body. The cause of her death is still unknown.

9.  Red Rain

In 2001, from July to September, heavy rain fall sporadically in Southern Indian State, Kerala. It was not an ordinary rain, but a special one. The color of rain’s water was red. The clouds were spitting out blood. The Indian Government claimed it is because of airborne spores from locally prolific terrestrial alga. But a media report, published in 2006, claimed that the colored particles were extraterrestrial cells. Despite many research, it is still unknown.

10. The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

The last of this collection of unsolved mysteries took place on March 8, 2014, while flying from Malaysia to China, a Boeing 777 carrying 239 passengers and crew members seems to have vanished into thin air. The multinational search effort, the largest in aviation history, has turned up a mere 20 pieces of aircraft debris. The Prime Minister of Malaysia has declined to comment other than to say that the aircraft disappeared over the Indian Ocean. The lack of closure has engendered multiple theories, many of which are considered “conspiracy theories,” which, according to Harvard professor Cass Sunstein, are a natural product of “horrific and disastrous situations, because such events make people angry, fearful, and looking for a target.”

Theories include hijacking, capture by the United States, crew suicide (it was reported that the pilot was having marital problems), a fire aboard the aircraft, vertical entry into the sea, a meteor strike, and even alien abduction.

Notwithstanding the passage of three years and the expenditure of $160 million scouring thousands of square miles of ocean, the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 and the 239 people aboard remains a mystery.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021




1.     DARK MATTER (The spiders web).: Planets, stars, Galaxies make up less than 5% of the universe. Scientists think that about 25% of the universe is covered by black matter. We cannot see it, but we are sure that it exists because of its gravity. Some think that the dark matter is composed of some undiscovered particle or particles, others believe it as an undiscovered property of gravity. Dark Matter is a real puzzle.

2.     DARK ENERGY (The Poltergeist): This covers about 70% of the universe. This is powerful enough to tear the entire universe asunder. Dark Matter appears to mesh the galaxies together, while the Dark Energy seems to push everything apart. Scientists believe that the Dark Energy is responsible for the fast expanding universe. Some believe that it is produce due to the collision of the quantum particles, but no one knows it is true. 

3.     QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT (Spooky action):  According to Albert Einstein it is a phenomenon by which two different particles in totally different parts      of the universe can be linked to one another, mirroring the behavior and the state of their partner.  For particles to be connected across such vast distances, they must be sending signals to one another that travel faster than the speed of light. Because of its spooky characteristics, entanglement could eventually become the bedrock of next generation.

4.     ANTIMATTER – (THE EVIL TWINS): The sub atomic particles that make up everything around us – electrons, protons and neutrons – all have evil twins. Antimatter particles have the same mass as the normal particles but      have the opposite electric charge. When matter and antimatter meet there can be enormous destruction to each other liberating most powerful gama rays. Scientists are planning to create antimatter and to use the energy liberated by the reaction of matter and antimatter in running spacecrafts. How for it can be successful we have to watch and see. Most of the antimatter is getting destroyed at the center of the galaxy itself as matter                       is more than antimatter and hence antimatter cannot reach us. Hencee there is no danger to us from antimatter.                                                                                                   

5.     BLACK HOLES – (The massive monsters):  These are the regions of enormous gravitational pull so that anything around it can be drawn into it.               Not even light can escape. That is why we cannot see a black hole. There seems to be100 million black holes in our galaxy, MILKY Way. These are billions of times more massive than our Sun. At the center of each galaxy there lurks a super massive black hole.

6.     COSMIC RAYS - ( The ghostly visitors):  Cosmic rays are high energy         particles that come from outer space and regularly  bombard Earth. Our atmosphere protects us from cosmic rays. In the upper layers of stratosphere these layers can affect human beings as well as electrons. Astronauts and aircraft crew are more likely to be affected by these rays. Electronics are the more potential victims of cosmic rays. Very rarely a cosmic ray particle with enough energy can go straight into an electronic system causing damage to it. The high energy particles can disrupt electronic data, leading to system crashes. And in an increasing digital world it is not good news. The race is on to find solution.

7.     LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE: As for as our knowledge is concerned planet Earth is the only place where life is available. Bu the universe is unlimited. There are many stars like our Sun. Many such stars may have planets that are suitable for creation of life. Considering the size of the universe scientists believe that life exists at many places in the universe. Let us a nalyse the probability with the following assumptions.

1.     Rays of every star has inheriting nature to produce life under suitable conditions of any planet rotating around it or in any planet rotating around any star. 2. Intelligence of life is dependent on the distance between the star and the life generating planet. 3. Hence it is clear that a star generates superior life in the planets rotating around it only if the planet supports the life creating conditions such as water oxygen, suitable temperature etc. 4. Other inferior life on the same planet may  be  from the rays of other distant stars. 5.It can be concluded that every life giving rays of a star can produce life on every planet of any stat that supports life giving conditions. 6. From    the above argument it can be concluded places in the universe is equal to number of species in any one life supporting planet of any star.  7. When new light rays are coming to Earth for the first tome from long distant stars, new species are being formed on Earth. 8. Hence it can be concluded that life exists in unlimited places in the Universe. 9. In other exoplanets there may be inferior human life resembling animas with four legs but the head resembling partially that of a human with less intelligence. 10.This is only my understanding based on certain statistical analysis and the scientists have to support it in due course.

8.     SPACE ROAR – (The silent scream): Space is a vacuum. There should not be any noise. But we observe there is noise in the space known as space roar. The entire universe is alive with sound. And space roar is not everyday sound. It is actually these odd radio signals we have detected throughout space. We use these waves for communications in T V, cell phones, radios. At times these waves are loud enough to down other signals. This causes nuisance to scientists who explore cosmos. So wherefrom this roar comes? Some think it is leftover radiation from early stars. Others believe that it is due to gasses swirling around galaxy clusters, or else galaxies themselves. The roaring universe is still an unsolved mystery.

9.     THE BIG CRUNCH (The end of the universe):  As on today the Big Bang theory popular. According to yhis theory the universe is expanding. Dark energy which is about 70 % of the universe is causing expansion, while the dark matter which is about 25% is likely to cause contraction. Since dark energy is much more the expansion is continuing. There is simultaneously another force, which is gravitational pull towards the center of the universe that may cause contraction when it dominates over expanding force. This may take many billions of years. As on today there is overall expansion in the universe, but there are isolated stretches in the universe that are causing localized contractions. Assume a blasted balloon. Each broken piece of balloon is going away from the other piece. If you take individual piece it is contracting towards its center. The same thing is going on in the universe also. Certain sets of galaxies are contracting towards their center, while the set is going away from the other sets of galaxies. No one knows exactly the future of the universe. It is a mystery.

10.                          EXOPLANETS: These are the planet outside solar system revolving around another star. Just about 30 years ago scientists have no idea about these exoplanets. Now from research scientists believe that every star must be having at least one exoplanet. They are expected to be of different sizes varying from gas giants bigger than Jupiter up to rocky planets like Earth or even smaller than Earth. They may be very hot enough to boil metal or may be so cool up to the freezing point. There time of revolution around their stars may be very fast and may be equal to few Earth days. They can orbit two stars at once. Some exoplanets don’t orbit any star but they wander through galaxy in darkness. There may be conditions suitable for life in some exoplanets. For example, scientists discovered the most number of Earth sized planets in the habitable zone of a single star TRAPPIST-1. This system of seven rocky worlds, all of them with the potential of water on their surface – is an exciting discovery in search of life on exoplanets. There are other life supporting exoplanets also revolving around other stars.