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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Monday, December 23, 2019

QR code scam

QR code scam
(Source:News paper Times of India)
     Cyber criminals send fake link, cheat people by asking them to transfer money.
How the scam works:
Cyber criminals share a QR code, or Quick Response code, over WhatsApp.
They ask victim to scan the code to receive money in their account.
This is in fact a collect request by scanning and entering the pin, the victim consents to the request of cyber criminals.
Citizens must remember that they need to scan QR only to make payments, not to receive money.
A QR code is like a normal internet link, don’t click on it if you don’t know its origin.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Source: Visual Capitalist Ministry of Tourism. through News Paper Times of India
     This is how the world travels, and more tourist are headed here in 2017.
     International tourism can be the backbone of nation’s economies and underline a country’s cultural influence. In 2017, more than 1.3 billion tourists spent over $ 1 trillion around the globe, according to the World Tourism Organization. A look at the destinations for the tourist and the dollars spent.
Country           Dollars spent  visitors        $ per visitor
                          (in billions) (in millions)
1.      U S                         210.7          74.7           2821
2.      Spain                        68.0          81.8             831
3.      France                      60.7          86.9             699
4.      Thailand                   57.5          35.4           1624
5.      U K                           51.2         37.6            1362
6.      Italy                          44.2          58.3             758
7.      Australia                   41.7           8.9            4685
8.      Germany                  39.8          37.5            1061
9.      Macao                      35.6          17.3            2057
10.  Japan                        34.1          28.7            1188
11.  Hong Kong               33.3          27.9            1194
12.  China                        32.6          60.7              537
13.  India                         27.4          10.2            2686
14.  Turkey                      22.5          37.6              598
15.  Mexico                     21.3          39.3              542
     Australia’s size and distance from the rest of the world mean visitors are likely to make the most of a trip. Longer vacations to the island nation likely contribute to the high average spending through it only saw 8.9 million in 2017.
     Visitors spend the most total amount in the U S by a massive margin with its many attractions including Disneyland, Yellow Stone National Park, and the country’s highest-rated tourist spot, Central Park.
     Europe too, is a top holiday destination both by number of visitors and amount spent. Macao and Hong Kong, both independently administered regions of China, beat the mainland in terms of dollars spent though China gets more visitors.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


(Source: Times of India news paper)1.    
1.Vienna (Austria) 2. Zurich (Switzerland) 3. 1. Auckland (New Zealand) 4.Munich (Germany) 5. Vancouver (Canada) 6. Dusseldorf (Germany) 7. Frankfurt (Germany) 8. Geneva (Switzerland) 9. Copenhagen (Denmark) 10. Sydney (Australia) ------------ 139. Hyderabad (India) 144. Pune (india) 145. Bangalore (India)  150. Chennai (India) 152. Mumbai (India) 160. Kolkata (India) 161. Delhi (India)----------- Worst city – Baghdad (Iraq).
Vienna offers the highest quality of life among cities across the world. A liveability list was compiled by consulting firm Mercer after doing survey across 230 cities focusing on social and economic conditions, health, education, housing and environment
This is the seventh consecutive time Vienna has topped the list. With population of just 1.17 million, it has highest figures for G D P per head, just behind the U S and ahead of Germany and Briton. It has a tradition of investing in high quality social housing
making Vienna almost uniquely affordable among western cities.
London, Paris and New York fail to make a cut even in the top 30s. At 26th place, Singapore tops the list among Asian countries. Dubai (75) is the top west Asian city for expatriate living. Best African city is Durban (South Africa) at 85. Dhaka (Bangladesh) ranks 216 and Islamabad (Pakistan) 193.  


List of books etc. referred in blog

1.)    Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda 2.)A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineater 3.) Thought Power by Swamy Sivananda 4.) Mental powers by Sri A S Murthy 5.)The Holy Science by Gnanavathar Swamy Sri Yukteswar Giri 6.) Mysteries of the Unexplained by Readers Digest 7.) Unseen world by Readers Digest 8.) Haunted World by Jason Karl 9.) Bang by Brian May, Patrick Moore, Chris Lintott 10.) Cosmic Tourist by Brian May, Patrick Moore, Chris Lintott 11.) Astrology by Raphael 12.) The manual of Astrology by Sepharial 13.) 1001 notable Nativities by Ala Leo 14.) Mundane Astrology by Alan Leo 15.) The progressed Horoscope by Alan Leo 16.) Medical Astrology by Raphael 17.) Meditation and its Methods according to Swamy Vivekananda compiled and edited by Swamy Chetanananda 18.)Karma Yoga by Swamy Vivekananda 19.) The Miles Kelly Book of Life 20.)Amazing Facts by Readers Digest 21.) News Paper Times of India 22.) Many other scientific books and astrological books 23.) Study of self (practical experiences, Thoughts and actions).  

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


(Source: The Breathless Moment, Philip van Doren Stern, cd – though Readers Digest)
     In a period of one year, more than 100 automobile accidents occurred on the straight reach of the Bremen and Bremerhaven road in Germany, all at K M stone 239. When enquired it is revealed that some great force seized the cars and pulled them off the road. In a single day on September 7, 1930 nine cars were damaged at k m 239.
     A local dowser Carl Wehrs, suggested that the mysterious force is a powerful magnetic current generated by underground stream. To test he took a steel divining rod in his hand and slowly walked towards k m stone 239. When he was directly opposite it, and about 12 feet away, the rod suddenly flew out of his hands as if flung by some invisible force to the other side of the road, while Wehrs himself was spun half way round in his tracks, perhaps due to the force on the rod. Having understood the theory behind the accidents, Wehrs applied his own solutions to the problem behind accidents at the single spot by burying a copper box with star shaped small pieces of copper at the spot of the magnetic attraction at the road side near K M stone 239. The box remained buried for a week. No accidents happened during this period.
     The box was then dug up. The first three cars that passed the k m stone met with accident. The box was quickly reburied and since then there have been no accidents at the K M stone 239.
     But the local farmers believed that a devil was responsible for the accidents. They said that after it had been exorcised from the road it entered their radios which henceforth produced nothing but static. This may be due to the magnetic disturbance caused after the copper box is placed near the k m stone 239.
     All the accidents are of small magnitude compared with the accidents at Bermuda triangle, and at a place in Mexico where even the planes were dragged into the ocean in Bermuda triangle and on to the ground in Mexico. There may be great magnetic force acting from underground at these places. The accidents are attributed to some superior intelligent life from exoplanets coming through flying saucers to the Earth.
     I fully support the theory of Carl Wehrs, who is a water diviner. All the other theories on devils, and intelligent beings from exoplanets seems to me as imaginary.

     There is need to locate places of such isolated heavy magnetic fields on Earth and vehicles should not be allowed to move close to such spots.  Ships in oceans and aeroplanes over such spots and vehicles on roads at such areas should not be allowed. Even locations of such heavy magnetic fields might be moving and new such locations might even be formed due to internal movement of layers of Earth. Such locations should be closely observed and care should be taken so that there may not be any loss of life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


     A scientist applies his thought to discover. He thinks of the subject in his mind to know more and more and finally he discovers. He asks for and God gives. This is a phenomenon well accepted in most of the religions. Humans are provided with the facility of response to their thoughts. No other creature in the creation of God is provided with this facility. The same facility is also available in the religious prayers also.
     The primitive man was able to construct his own sheds for his shelter. He became a farmer when he understood that the seeds of a fruit thrown on earth got developed in to plants. He compared his abilities with that of other creatures. He clearly understood that he is far superior to other living creatures. He started thinking as to how he came into existence along with other creatures. So he thought that someone created everything and he called Him the GOD, the Creator. Realizing his superiority over other creatures he thanked God and started further advanced thinking. In response to their creation, besides thanking God, the primitive man started praying God intensively. He observed closely that the God is responding to his prayers. His prayers are getting materialized. This is how the idea of God entered the human mind earlier. The same is continued till today. Due to different regions, and different experiences and different understandings resulting in different theories on God different religions are formed. Though the fundamental theory behind the formation of different religions is the same, due to minor variations in understanding God led to religious wars and even destruction of humanity. This is an unfortunate thing in human history.
     Hence there is immense need to understand God in a proper way. So let us compare the thoughts of a scientist and that of a primitive man in whose mind the idea of God first entered. In the mind of a scientist there is no religion or religious God. But there is only positive thought to understand something new and something to discover. But in the mind of a primitive man there is the idea of God and hope that God will do good to him later in the long run the same idea turned into religion and religious God after many generations. One thing is common in both kinds of thoughts that Is positive thought or optimistic thought. Simply speaking the positive or optimistic thought is the governing factor in both cases. This is the fundamental fact in thought technology.
     Kindly refer my post ‘Secrets from experience’. I almost touched with death in my teenage. At the moment of death some kind of meditation with positive thought entered my mind and I got slight momentary relief. I struggled my best to catch this kind of positive thought and as a result this started me turning from death towards life again automatically. To some extent I attribute this to planets at the time of my birth. But according to some Indian saints our positive thoughts can nullify even bad influence of planets and enhance the good influence of planets. There was no religion or religious God in my struggle for existence. Everything was automatic and appeared to be not fully under my control. It is simply positive or optimistic thought. I have clearly understood that the thought power is the operating system of human life. This is thought technology. It is this experience, which is rare that forced me to write a blog mainly to keep it  on record.
     The secret behind successful prayers of religion is only positive thoughts. Religion is simply a bye product of thought technology. Hence all religious prayers work provided there is concentrated optimistic thought irrespective of the name of God. Even if positive thought is fixed in mind independent of religion it works. If this is understood properly there won’t be religious clashes. For fixing positive thought there is need of strength of mind. Any concentration method    such as black spot gazing, crystal gazing, meditation can improve strength of mind. Meditation with a positive thought (repetition of simple and meaningful sentence) at a faster rate nullifies negative thoughts or worried thoughts quickly.
     According to the study of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or more. Hence the optimistic thought is very essential in every human life. As per Indian saints life is the resultant action of planetary influence at birth (which resulted from actions (karma) of previous births) and the spiritual resources in us. We can nullify the evil influence of planes by positive thoughts and good actions by the power of meditation which is indirectly supported by the latent spiritual resources in us. Hence practicing optimistic thoughts along with good actions is essential for long life and for future births.
     The following quotations may kindly be perused in support of the above.
     “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)
     “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.” ----- “Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.”  ----- “Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating thought.” ( From the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri swami Sivananda).
The Vedantic conception of God:
      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.
     “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible). This indicates that the God is kind enough to give what we desire, provided there is sufficient concentration and strength of mind in our thoughts.
     If you like to know more on this subject, kindly read my post 'THOUGHT TECHNOLOGY'.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


     There seems to be different worlds, other than physical world in which we are existing, on this planet Earth itself. Without investigating the same the scientists are searching for life on exoplanets, (Planets revolving around other stars). Soon after our death we leave our physical body and enter into the Astral world. We do not know much about the same. But the saints of India duly developing enormous mental powers by meditation were able to look into the astral world to find its secrets.
     The souls of this astral world also carry intelligence and knowledge of this world into the astral world. There is naturally constant desire from these souls to contact the people on our physical world. Some Indian saints have looked into these worlds and are confident that the souls of this astral world are capable of taking light ray as vehicle and travel into the universe at the speed of light. The light ray of the astral world may be of different wavelength.
     But in our world the saints who controlled their sixth sense were able to talk to another similar saint by telepathy instantly, irrespective of the distance between them, and those who developed clairvoyance were able to look in to distant happenings also instantly. This is a clear indication that our thought rays travel at a greater speed than the light rays. This shows that there is a latent power within us that is capable of travelling faster than light. It gives the impression that this invisible sixth sense is carried over into the astral world soon after our death and plays an important role in the astral beings. As such astral beings are more probably are able to travel at speeds greater than light, if this power is associated with their souls. Those scientists of this world who entered the astral world after death may be fond of developing science of the astral world. It may be possible for them to develop suitable vehicles (invisible to us) that can travel at a greater speed than light rays. It is possible that the astral vehicles can be made visible to us if the same is arranged to emit light of the wavelengths visible to us temporarily, by some advanced technology.
     Since a long time we are seeing flying saucers entering the earth’ atmosphere with some visibility and disappearing either by their speed or by some other process of emitting light of different wavelengths that are not visible to us.. The spirits of the astral world are capable of taking any shape as they desire according to the Indian saints. Due to some communication gap they are not able to contact with humans at present. But it may be possible in future on further development.
     Hence there is need to examine whether the flying saucers are coming from the astral world (world of life after death) or from the exoplanets ( life in planets other than solar system).
     Flying saucers coming from the astral world that also surrounds our planet Earth may be a greater possibility than coming from distant exoplanets.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


     Harmful ultra violet rays are coming from Sun that are capable of destroying life on the Planet Earth. But the same are getting reflected back into the space by the Ozone layer in the Earth’s atmosphere duly not allowing them to enter the surface of the Earth and saving the life on this planet Earth.
     We humans live in the bottom layer of atmosphere known as Troposphere, which extend up to a height of 10 k m above mean sea level. Weather changes such as rains, winds, temperature take place in this layer. The next layer above is called as Stratosphere, which extends up to 50 k m from the ground level. Passenger flights pass through this layer as there is less turbulence of air and as air density decreases as we go up. Ozone layer is located at the bottom of stratosphere starting at an altitude of 9 miles and extending up to 21 miles. Ozone layer was discovered in 1913 by French physicists Henri Buisson and Charles Fabry. An oxygen atom  reacts with an oxygen molecule to form ozone molecule (O3), which contains 3 oxygen atoms. The molecules of ozone are continuously formed and destroyed in this layer. This ozone layer prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays from entering the Earth. This protective layer is under depletion state due to human errors. If it is further destroyed, the life on earth including human life will be in danger. Ozone holes are being formed near the poles. The next Earth layer above stratosphere is Mesosphere which extends up to 85 k m above the planet. The meteorites burn up in this layer. The layer above this is known as Thermosphere, which extends up to 600 k m above the planet. Most of the satellites orbit in this layer. The next layer is Exosphere. This extends about 10000 k m above the planet. This is the upper most layer of Earth. This is almost half way to the moon.
 The common reasons for depletion of Ozone layer are given below.
     Chlorine is considered to be a great threat to ozone layer. One atom of chlorine cam destroy 100000 molecules of ozone. Chlorine in chlorofluorocarbons is emitted by electrical appliances and aerosol cans. Depletion of ozone layer is also caused by high pollution from the vehicles. Methyl Chloroform used in industries for chemical processing etc. can also deplete ozone layer. Hydrofluorocarbons. Deforestation, fire extinguishers, and even certain volcanic activity also cause depletion of ozone layer. The following measures are needed to protect the ozone layer to save lofe on Earth.
1.      Limit the use of petrol vehicle. Go for electric vehicles to reduce pollution, use cycles and public transport to reduce the number of vehicles.
2.      Plantation of trees. Oxygen liberated by trees can assist the formation of ozone. There is need of planting trees in the open areas of buildings. There is need of planting trees on road sides. There is need of developing gardens wherever possible.
3.      Deforestation should be avoided.
4.      Reduce pesticides.
5.      Don’t buy products with C F Cs.
6.      Avoid use of plastics and non biodegradable products.
7.      Use recycled products.
8.      Avoid use of laughing gas.
9.      Spread the above information to save life on this planet Earth.
     The increasingly disastrous impacts of the climate crisis, coupled with inaction to tackle it are sending our planet down a bleak path towards an increasingly chaotic world which could overwhelm societies around the globe, reports, Melbourne-based think tank the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration. According to them human civilization may end by 2050. But such things may not happen if the world governments take care at least from now onwards and societies and citizens come forward and bring pressure on the governments and political leaders.
     Most of the countries are having nuclear weapons. Any war at this time may have extreme disastrous effect not only on the warring nations, but also on the entire world. The atmosphere will be very much polluted and the average temperature will rise, and the sea levels will rise more than 200 feet resulting in inundation of most of the coastal areas including some big cities. There is need for stopping such wars by not only by the United Nations but by all other nations and also by the public of the concerned countries. Simply speaking, wars at present stage means end of civilization.
     I hope that the end of civilization by 2050 as predicted by some experts will not come.