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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Necessity of incarnation of God as a human.

 Necessity of incarnation of God as a human

     The incarnation of God seems to have occurred many times. Each religion represents at least one or even many incarnations of God. India is a big example of many incarnations of God in many forms.

     The early human being after his thinking capacity was sufficiently developed after some generations was surprised to see himself and animals and birds and the Earth and stars in the sky, started thinking wherefrom all of these came including himself. And he got the idea that some power in the universe created them all.  He called this power as God, the creator. And the same thought continued till today in spite of enormous development in technology and the power of human thinking with some deviations and certain beliefs. In this process of thinking he also understood that ones he prayed God, God is responding to his prayers depending on the intensity (concentration) of his prayers. But even the modern man failed to understand what is behind his prayers and how and why his prayers are materialized.

     On his development in thinking processes, some humans who studied our thinking processes accidentally understood that it is the thinking with certain right thoughts is the basis for the response of God. So in order to develop right thinking they formed suitable meaningful sentences to get response from God. They have also understood that the repetition of such sentences with more concentration is more powerful to get the response from God. This type of understanding led to scientific meditation which is not connected to any religious faith. In such scientific meditation there is no need even to mention the word ‘God’. It will automatically reach God by some natural process and response also comes. However this fact is not fully understood by many and even now religious faith is dominating.

     If we go back and think well we can understand how the religion came into existence and why there was need to God to take many incarnations. In the ancient days people assumed that God created the universe and started praying God. But there concentration in many cases (with some exceptions) was very less to get their prayers materialized. In order to improve the concentration of them in prayers there was need of super human beings who can do miracles. This is only possible if God takes the form of human being and do some miracles. In such a case, humans are forced to believe that human form as that of God and pray that form with greater concentration as he witnessed the miracles of God’s human form. In order to improve the human positive thinking and to help humans in this way God has taken human forms in some incarnations. If this incarnation is at one place it may not spread all over the world at a faster rate. Hence God has to take many incarnations in human form at different places at different times as regional Gods. Each incarnation resulted in different religion and different faiths. Thus for the sake of humans God has taken different incarnations in human form at different places at different times resulting in different religions with different faiths.

     The basic principal of all these religions is a secret and if properly understood it is a positive optimistic thought. Hence a popular meditation with a sentence ‘day by day in every way I am getting better and better’ is highly useful repetition for betterment of life. It reaches God and response comes. Repetition of the sentence with concentration is essential.

     The following quotations from the religious books support the above fact.

From the Bible :

“Before the world was created, the word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God.  From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things.” (From the book John, chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.

“So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.” (From the book Genesis, chapter 1, verse 27).

 “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible). This indicates that the God is kind enough to give what we desire, provided there is sufficient concentration and strength of mind in our thoughts.

     If we go through the above verses from the Bible it clearly indicates that the word (Thought) is God and we are also part of the word of God. It is a clear indication that we can approach God through the word of God which is also with us.

     As the same is not thoroughly understood by humans there came the necessity of sending the Son of God, Jesus to introduce prayer which is also a positive thought and is the word of God. It may please be noted that the word of God,                                        (positive thoughts) can also nullify the sins if humans.

The Vedantic conception of God:

      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.

     This also indicates almost the same meaning as in the above quotes from the Bible.


 “Being a great force thought carries tremendous power. It becomes a matter of great moment to know how to use this power in the highest possible way and to the greatest possible effect. This can best be done by the practice of meditation”.(From the book ‘Thought Power’ by Swamy Sivananda.

     Besides the incarnations of God himself. God created many prophets (may be called as God men) to generate faith in God and thereby prayer which also produced positive thought (word of God) which benefits humans with good concentration..

     In short positive thought is the word of God. It can be generated by many ways including any religious prayer. In order to get the benefits of the word of God the following care is needed.

1.      Concentrate on your own religious prayer.

2.     Don’t criticize other religions. You will lose what is gained by prayers of your own religion as the basic principle of all the religions are the same.

3.     Develop concentration by several means including black spot gazing etc. if necessary. Most of the prayers result in failure due to lack of concentration.

4.     Form meaningful short sentences and apply repetition suitably with sufficient concentration. This is meditation.

5.     Preferable timings for meditation are early in the morning soon after one gets up and just before going to bed. In general any time is preferable.

6.     Our ordinary prayers in the church, temple etc. do not have sufficient concentration. So also our family prayers. Long and lengthy prayers also lack concentration. So, such prayers may not work fully. Prayers should be of meditational type with short and meaningful sentences with repetition and with concentration..

     My post ‘secrets from experience’ of my blog ‘astroblog-msa.blogsot.com’ proved me all the above writings. I like to keep on record what I have learnt from my experience. It is with the same intention only I have created this article, with the hope that it may be useful to at least some who reads it. Also this is written with the intention of bringing unity with all religions especially in India where numerous religions with different faiths are present. I wish that my article may not be misunderstood as it is written with good intention of unity of all religions.

Sunday, August 7, 2022



     God is positive thought while Satan represents negative thought. From God emerged love, affection, faith, optimism, determination, and concentration, where as Satan represents its opposites like hatred, worry. Pessimism, anger, lack of concentration etc, God also represents matter where as Satan represents anti matter. When matter meets antimatter, there is tremendous destruction resulting in very powerful gamma rays.

     Human beings are considered as mini Gods in Hinduism. Bible also says that the human beings are created by God just like Him. If that is the case human beings should possess positive thought only as mentioned above. But it is not exactly the same. Humans also possess the qualities of Satan. Humans possess both the qualities of God as well as that of Satan. Those who possess greater number of qualities of God are considered as representatives of God or even considered as close to God or even called as god men. Similarly those who possess greater number of Satan’s qualities represent Satan. They are fond of troubling godly human beings. They are even fond of killing humans. This variation in human qualities gives much complication on the creation of human life. How this influence of evil of Satan entered God’s creation of humans is still an unknown mystery.

     Human beings are created long after the big bang, the starting point of creation of the universe. In the initial stages humans are just like animals, but they possessed the greater brain which allowed the human intelligence to increase faster than animals or other creatures. Early human started thinking how the universe including him was created. The only way he can think in the absence of science is to assume that some powerful force created the universe. He called him as God. They also noticed that some evil also surrounds him. He attributed this evil force to some other power opposite to God may be now called as Satan for representation.(The same Satan is called with different names in different religions).

     As the human intelligence increased, science also started developing. People have gradually understood there are mainly two great opposite forces operating in the universe. They have gradually understood the powers of stars and planet besides living creatures. They have understood evil stars as well as evil planets. Star Antares is considered as extremely evil to say as example. Similarly planet Saturn is considered to be very bad, while planet Jupiter is considered to be very good. Universe is a mixture of good and evil. In short we can conclude that the universe itself is a war field between good and bad.

     Let us consider big bank to distinguish God and Satan. As far as the human knowledge is considered big bang started several billions of years ago almost from nothing. As a result the universe is formed with both good and evil together.  In such a case if we assume that the universe is formed by God, it may mean that God is an integral part of good and bad (probably in the form of punishment). If we think that God is only good, then it may mean that the universe as we see it is formed due to great clash between God and Satan. It is natural to say that when two great spirits of opposite nature meet, that will result in supreme blast, resulting in formation and expansion in some other form. We do not know what exactly happened except the fact that the universe is full of good as well as evil. It is difficult to understand what exactly happened and what exactly is happening. Probably the good of God and the evil of Satan are mixed in the formation of the universe due to the clash of God and Satan. If so the universe may be called as a battle field of good and evil.

     The question is, is this universe alone or there are other universes? There are no proper answers to this question. Far away there are intensive star clusters known as pulsers. Some consider these as separate universes. Only future will decide this. Beside these there are invisible universes around us only under different wave lengths. For example our soul enters a different universe known as astral universe soon after it leaves its body. This universe is in different wave length than ours. We cannot see it. Among us only those who developed sixth sense such as ancient Indian saints can look into that universe. But the souls that left our universe can look into our universe with a bit of trail more easily. They can even look into the past life events of any one of our universe easily. “The astral universe is infinitely beautiful clean, pure and orderly. There are no dead plants or barren lands. The terrestrial blemishes --- weeds, bacteria, insects, snakes --- are absent. Unlike the variable climates and seasons of the earth, the astral spheres maintain the even temperature of an eternal spring, with occasional luminous white snow and rain of multicoloured light. Astral worlds abound in opal lakes and bright seas and rainbow rivers.” (From the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’). There seems to be mini wars in this universe also, but not so severe as on earth.

     This gives the impression that besides the formation of the universe by big bang, there seems to be many more universes. OnLy long future may give the facts. . If any instrument that can convert other wavelengths into our visible wavelengths is developed, it may become possible for us to look into nearby other universes.

.    If any instrument that can convert other wavelengths into our visible wavelengths is developed, it may become possible for us to look into nearby other universes such as astral universe.

Is this universe created by God alone ?

         God is supreme and symbolism of extreme good. But the universe is a mixture of good and bad. If it is created by God alone it should be very good and extremely pure. It gives the impression who else is mixed in the creation of the universe. The other one should be bad (evil).Many religions call this name of bad with different names just as the God is also called as by different names by many religions. Let us use the name Satan to represent evil. In such a case to represent good as well as evil in the universe we can assume that the universe is the result of clash between God and Satan.

     It appears that the universe is from the clash of two great spiritual forms(that existed due to law of equilibrium) that resulted in matter and anti matter. Even after the start of creation of this universe, the matter and anti matter fought with each other resulting in heavy dark matter and dark energy. Dark energy and dark matter in the universe seems to be 95% (68% + 27%) of the total universe. The visible universe out of the total universe is only 5%. All the visible galaxies, stars including living beings including ourselves are included in this 5%. only. We are lucky to note we have escaped the fury of Satan. From this we can conclude that God is only 5% superior to Satan. Explosion resulting in destruction of matter and anti matter resulting in liberation of very powerful gamma rays. Ultimate result in this clash appears to be creation.  Ancient Indian saints are continuously insisting us to join God early in order to strengthen God as we are separated from God due to the clash of God and Satan. There seems to be some influence of Satan even in this 5% of the universe.


Friday, June 24, 2022



Speed vs mass

     Anything that has zero mass can move with infinite speed. Light ray is said to have no mass. It moves with a speed of 300000 km per second. But it is said to be absorbed by a black hole when it comes near to it. If light ray has no mass it should not be absorbed by a black hole. This indicates that the light ray has very minor mass that cannot be measured or understood.

     However there are certain things that have no mass. For example our thought ray has no mass. For example a saint from India can talk to another saint in America instantly by telepathy. Also our soul has no mass. It can also travel from India into the dream of another person in America momentarily at an infinite speed duly retaining its connection with its body at the same time. If one can control his soul he can travel anywhere into the universe with unlimited speed after leaving his body and return back into the body by wish.

     The ancient Indian saints were experts in leaving their bodies and returning into body at a suitable time by wish only, but how far they went is not properly recorded. They were even able to enter the recently died animal body and make it live. This is an art of living for them. Not only the Indian saints but also some beggars in India also developed this art of living. They used this performance for begging and collecting money for the purpose of living. If this art of spiritual technology is developed in consultation with some Indian saints living, and developed further in the light of science, it may be possible to know more details of the universe.

     Since a long time several have seen flying saucers surrounding the Earth, moving with tremendous speed. If they have come from distant stars, either they might have started several billions of years ago with robots driving the same. Or they might have developed mass less material with mass less robots that can move with unlimited speed or at least with a very much less mass by any technical processes.  Is there any way to prepare material that will not be pulled by gravity? Perhaps science has not reached that stage. Since mass increases with velocity, trying for a mass less material is very important. If we have to reach closer to any star, we must be able to counter mass and thereby gravity. Is there any process to make the human beings also mass less? As on today science has not reached that stage? As per general theory nothing is impossible. After many generations later it may be possible. Then only we can inhabit the suitable exoplanets.

     We are surrounded by several dimensional worlds. After death our soul enters the world of another dimention. It is mass less. Hence can we train some of our souls to investigate about the worlds in different dimension.

     Soon after death our soul enters another world of different dimensions known as astral world.  Ancient Indian saints have understood something of this world by spiritual powers. The following abstracts from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ may be of some use to understand the astral world.

     “Soon after death in this world man leaves his physical body and enters the astral universe. His life period on the astral planet is dependant on his material karma that draws him back to the terrestrial realm at a calculated time. Until he comes out of material karma, this process of rebirth and redeath continues. Once he comes out of the karma of this world, he settles down in the astral world for a considerable time.”
"There are many astral worlds teaming with astral beings. The inhabitants use astral vehicles, or masses of light to travel from one planet to another."
"The astral universe is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure and orderly.--Weeds,bacteria, insects, snakes are absent.--The astral spheres maintain an even temperarure of eternal spring."
"The astral beings dematerialise and materialise their forms at will. All astral beings are free to assume any form and can easily commune together. Astral persons through fiats of their cosmically attuned will, bring offspring into being in significantly patterned astral forms."
"Communication among all astral world residents is effected entirely by telepathy and astral television. -- Spoken and written word -- are unknown in astral realms.”

     "By intuition astral persons pierce the veil and observe human activities, but man cannot view the astral spheres unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have momentarily glimsed an astral being or an astral world."

     From the above information, the following is suggested as any physical movement to exoplanets by space vehicle is not an immediate possibility,

    At least some human beings on earth should come into contact with the souls in the astral world by developing sixth sense. They should suggest the astral beings to investigate the far distant universe in the dimention they live and reveal the secrets about their universe to us so that we can compare them with the secrets of our dimentional universe.

     There may be still some Indian saints who are capable of leaving their body and can travel any distance in to the universe by wish only. They may be encouraged to investigate into the secrets of this universe such as exoplanets with habitable zone with intelligent beings and submit the same for recording for future developments such as possibility of contacting them.

     There are verities of spiritual powers among several Indian saints. For details if required, it may be verified from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda and also from the address of Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Math given in the early pages of the same book.


Thursday, June 9, 2022


Similarities between the human brain and the universe, is it true? Analised.

     In their paper published in frontiers of physics, Franco Vazza (astrophysicist at the University of Bologna) and Alberto Feletti (Neuro surgeon at the University of Verona) investigated similarities between two of the most challenging and complex systems in nature: the cosmic network of galaxies and the network of neuronal cells in the human brain.

     The human brain functions thanks to its wide neuronal network which contains about 69 billion neurons. The universe is composed of a cosmic web of at least 100 billion galaxies. Within both systems only 30% of their masses are composed of galaxies and neurons. Within both systems galaxies and neurons arrange themselves in long filaments and nodes between the filaments. Finally within both systems 70% of distribution of mass or energy is composed of components playing an apparently passive role: water in the brain and the dark energy in the observable universe. There is much more proportionate comparison also.

     The theory needs lot of analysis and investigation.

     As human beings we are all living in the solar system, particularly on Earth which is in the habitable zone where water and oxygen and protective atmosphere are available. Due to the inclination of the axis of earth by about 23 ½ degrees seasons are also formed. It is due to this inclination the equatorial plane and the path of movement of earth (ecliptic) also intersect at 23 ½ degrees. These inte section points are known a s equinoxial points. When the apparent longitude of sun is 0 degrees it is called as vernal equinox or first point of sign Aries and when the apparent longitude of sun is 180 degrees it is called autumnal equinox or first point of sign Libra. These intersection points are moving backwards (precision of equinoxes) among the stars at a rate of one degree in about 72 years.

     According to western astrology the head and face of a human is ruled by sign Aries and proportionately the last sign pisces rules feet. But some different astrol0gies consider head and face to be ruled by constellation Aries (not sign Aries). The angular difference between the first point of sign Aries and the first point of constellation Aries is called ayanamsa in India. Ayanamsa as on 01-01-2022 is 24 degrees 9 minutes and 18 seconds, and accordingly the first point of sign Aries falls in the 6th degree of constellation Pisces. According to signs, Aries rules head. According to constellation Pisces rules feet. In my case there is Saturn and Mars conjunction in the second degree of sign Aries which rules head. But the same falls in the 9th degree of Pisces constellation at the time of my birth which rules feet. But I met with head injury when the aspect was full and it marked a horizontal scar on my fore head. It is a clear indication that the signs rule the body parts of humans but not the constellations. It means that the stars (except the Sun) have no influence on our body parts. Several such instances from my horoscope and from others horoscopes showed me that our body parts are ruled by the signs and not by constellations (stars). The planets of solar system have also some effect on our body parts depending on their position and aspects with other planets.  

     Hence it is clear that the human body is ruled by solar system only and not by any other stars or galaxies. So the human brain should also be ruled by solar system only but not by stars outside solar system. In such case how there are some similarities between human brains and galaxies, seems to be a mystery and needs further intense study. Human brain should also be ruled by solar system only, probably by some interior processes of the sun, as it is the center of the solar system.

     It appears that each star produces life creating invisible rays that can produce suitable form of life in the habitable zone of suitable planet orbiting around it. This life should be of much intelligence depending on the star forming it. Besides this there is other possibility of other forms of inferior type in the same planet of one star formed by distant stars, as the life giving rays from distant stars are much less powerful. For example the all other living species on earth seems to be formed by the life giving rays from the distant stars. The corresponding specie (animal as an example) may be of much intelligent specie in the habitable zone (planet) of the corresponding star from where the life giving rays reached earth. It may be of a superior shape with two legs an two hands with hair suitably distributed in the body and with tail or without tail and face partially resembling that of the animal. This is to indicate that any star can produce life anywhere in the universe at the planet in the habitable zone of any star. The intelligence of the specie is dependent on the distance of the star. The proportion of the brain to the mass of the body seems to be dependent on the distance of the star from the planet in the habitable zone. The proportion of the mass of human brain to the mass of the human body is 1:50. The same proportion for chimpanzee is 1:120 and that of a cow is 1:1200.

     The main problem is when the human body is clearly represented by solar system, how can human brain indicates similarity with galaxies?

     This is only a theory based on my own imagination and needs further immense study.




Monday, April 25, 2022

Advice of Swamy Vivekananda

Advice of Swamy Vivekananda

     Swamy Vivekananda is famous for his spiritual powers. After knowing his spiritual powers several foreigners followed him and wanted to take up Hinduism to practice the celebrated spiritual powers of Swamy Vivekananda under his guidance.  But the Swamy Vivekananda advised them to continue with their own religion and told them that all religious prayer to their God reach to the same point (The Supreme God) common to all and the response comes to their prayers suitably depending on the strength of their prayers.

     This advice of Swamy Vivekananda is the most important especially in India where there are so many religions. Following his advice leads to cooperation between all religions. But how many are following his advice is a matter of consideration.

     If we take his advice as granted and further investigate on religious prayers we may find several other secrets. My experience as in post ‘secrets from experience’ as in my blog ‘astroblog-msa.blogspot.com’ reveals further secrets of thought te4chnology. It may kindly be perused. There seems to be a kind of positive thought in all religious thoughts. It is this positive thought that reaches the supreme God and response comes suitably. Hence it appears that the positive thought in all religious prayers works well independent of any religious faith.

     According to the study of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or more. Hence the optimistic thought is very essential in every human life. As per Indian saints life is the resultant action of planetary influence at birth (which resulted from actions (karma) of previous births) and the spiritual resources in us. We can nullify the evil influence of planes by positive thoughts and good actions by the power of meditation which is indirectly supported by the latent spiritual resources in us. Hence practicing optimistic thoughts along with good actions is essential for long life and for good future births.

  The following quotations may kindly be perused in support of the above.

     “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     The above verses indicate that the God is word indirectly indicating that the God is thought as thought is nothing but word only. If it is word it should be good as God is indirectly good only if you add one more ‘o’ to God. So it is good word or good thought. As we are integral part of God our thoughts are directly connected to God. So if your thought is good the response is good. If your thought is bad its reaction is also bad. So be careful with your thoughts. To simplify your positive thought is your God as its response is good. The response is proportional to the intensity of your thought. Other religions also teach almost the same.

Change in the name of God will not change the God.  

Thursday, March 17, 2022




     The J W S T  Was launched on December 25, 2021on an E S A Ariane 5 rocket from Kourou, French Guiana, and is intended to succeed the Hubble space telescope. It is 100 times more powerful than Hubble telescope. The telescope is named after James E. Webb who was the administrator of N A S A from 1961 to 1968 during much of the Apollo programs. It is organized by European Space Agency, N A S A, Canadian Space Agency at a cost of 1000 crores U S Ds. Launching mass is 6161.4 k gs and its dimensions are 20.197m x 14.162m. Mission duration seems to be !0 years but is likely to be extended up to 20 years.

     JWST operates in a halo orbit, circling around a point in space known as the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange point, approximately 1,500,000 km (930,000 mi) beyond Earth's orbit around the Sun. Its actual position varies between about 250,000 km (160,000 mi) and 832,000 km (517,000 mi) from L2 as it orbits, keeping it out of both Earth and Moon's shadow. By way of comparison, Hubble orbits 550 km (340 mi) above Earth's surface, and the Moon is roughly 400,000 km (250,000 mi) from Earth. Objects near this Sun-Earth L2 point can orbit the Sun in synchrony with the Earth, allowing the telescope to remain at a roughly constant distance with continuous orientation of its unique sunshield and equipment bus toward the SunEarth and Moon. Combined with its wide shadow-avoiding orbit, the telescope can simultaneously block incoming heat and light from all three of these bodies   and avoid even the smallest changes of temperature from Earth and Moon shadows that would affect the structure, yet still maintain uninterrupted solar power and Earth communications on its sun-facing side. This arrangement keeps the temperature of the spacecraft constant and below the 50 K (−223 °C; −370 °F) necessary for faint infrared observations.

     It will focus on four main areas, first light in the universe, assembly of galaxies in the early universe, both of stars and protoplanetary systems and planets (including the origin of life). The webb is primarily is an infra red telescope. So it sees light that in lower wavelength than what our eyes can see. Its larger light collection area means that it can peer further back into time than Hubble is capable of doing. Its great sensitivity will enable the identification and characterization of comets and other icy bodies in the outermost regions of solar system. The webb will be able to see what the universe looked like around quarter of a billion years (probably back to 100 million years) after the Big Bang when the stars and galaxies started to form. Webb has a reserve of fuel to keep it operational for 10 years or more.

Thursday, February 17, 2022




     On 19th October 2017 a wonder space object was detected by Robert Weryk using the pan-starrs telescope at Haleakala Observatory Hawaii. It was close to the Sun on 9th September. When it was first observed it was about 33 million k m away from the Earth. It is about 400 meters long and is about 10 times longer than its width. It was moving at a speed of about 90 k m per second.

     It is not possible to specify whether it is a space object or a space ship sent by super intelligent aliens. It has no similarity to comets or asteroids of solar system. It has no tail like comets and it has no similar dimensions of asteroids. It is more elongated than the asteroids of solar system. Its speed is also enormous compared with objects of solar system. It is not only spinning but also tumbling. It has non-gravitational acceleration. It is understood that the object does not belong to solar system.  It seems it has circulated Milky Way galaxy several times and thus may have originated from entirely different part of Milky Way galaxy several billions of years ago.

     On observation it seems to be coming from the direction of star Vega in the northern constellation of Lyra. As it leaves the solar system in the year 2022 it will head for the constellation Pegasus. Each star has many asteroids of different sizes at the end of its gravitational pull. For example our Sun (star) has oort cloud very far away from the Sun where its gravity is very much less. Due to enormous speed of these asteroids some may go out of the gravitational control of their star and wander in the space. There may be many such asteroids. Scientists expect about 50 such interstellar objects spanning at least 50 miles across in our solar system at any given time. Interstellar objects have greater speed than the objects of our solar system.

     21/Borisov another interstellar object was discovered on 30th August 2019 and was soon confirmed to be interstellar comet. It arrived in the direction of constellation Cassiopeia. The object was close to the Sun on 8th December 2019.

     But the appearance and the size and movement etc. of Oumuamua is entirely different from that of 21/Borisov. The present technology of ours is quite insufficient to recognize the interstellar object Oumuamua correctly. But our technology is fast improving and in near future we may be able to recognize any such object correctly whether it is a space object only or a space ship of aliens. For the present some scientists assume it as a space ship of aliens, while majority of scientists consider it as a space object wandering in Milky Way galaxy since billions of years.  

Friday, January 28, 2022




From the book ‘Autobiography of a YOGI’


     Indian yogis are famous for mental powers. They developed many powers by meditating in Himalayas even for years and developed several secrets regarding human powers of mind. In those days there were no papers to record their powers. They could only instruct their disciples orally regarding their practice of mental powers. As there is no record of these powers, there powers were gradually lost as later saints were not so interested in practicing these powers. Yet some recent Indian saints attempted to know and reestablish these powers. The following are some examples of the powers of the Indian saints.

No physical disintegration of body even after death:

     The author of the book ’Autobiography of a YOGI’ himself had great powers of a Yogi. This book is of its own type to keep record of mental powers of Indian Yogis. Paramahansa  Yogananda entered mahasamadhi (a yogi’s final conscious exit from the body) in Los Angeles California, U S A on March 7th 1952. No physical disintegration was visible in his body even twenty days after death as experimented.

Appearance after death with physical body:

    “ On June 19, 1996 ---  I was roused from my meditation by a beatific light. Before my open and astonished eyes, the room was transformed into a strange world, the sunlight transmuted into supernal splendor, -----as I beheld the flesh and the blood form of Sri Yukteswar.” (This indicates the physical appearance of Swamy Yukteswar to his disciple after his death). “From cosmic atoms I created an entirely new body, exactly like the cosmic-dream physical body”.(These are the words of Swamy Yukteswar on his appearance after death.

Deathless Babaji:

     “The northern Himalaya crags near Badrinarayan are still blessed by the living presence of Babaji. --- The secluded master has retained his physical form for centuries, perhaps for millenniums, The deathless Babaji is an avatara. --- Babaji is ever in communion  with Christ; together they send out vibrations of redemption and have planned the spiritual technique of salvation for this age. The work of these two illuminated masters __ one with body, and one without  body __ is to inspire the nations to forsake wars, race hatreds, religious sectarianism and the boomerang evils of materialism.”

 Materializing palace in the Himalayas:

     “The hour is midnight. My guide laughed softly. ’Yonder light is the glow of a golden palace, materialized here tonight by the peerless Babaji. In the dim past you once expressed a desire to enjoy the beauty of a palace. Our master is now satisfying your wish, thus freeing you from the last bond of your karma. The magnificent palace will be the scene of your initiation tonight into Kriya Yoga.” --- Before us in dazzling gold stood an   Ornamented with countless jewels, set amidst landscaped gardens reflected in tranquil pools --- a spectacle of unparalleled grandeur!  Towering archways were intricately inlaid with great diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds. --- Who ever realizes himself as son of God, even as Babaji has done, can reach any goal by the infinite powers hidden within him. A common stone secretly contains stupendous atomic energy; even so, the lowliest mortal is a power-house of divinity. --- “I smiled at the memories of the vanished palace; surely no simple yogi has ever received initiation into the august mysteries of Spirit amidst surroundings of more impressive luxury!”

     “The substance of the dream is held in materialization by the subconscious thought of the dreamer. When that cohesive thought is withdrawn in wakefulness, the dream and its elements dissolve.

The Sleepless Saint:

     Ram Gopal Muzumdar is a sleepless saint. He is always awake in an ecstatic consciousness. His home is in Ranbajpur near Tarakeswar. Ram Gopal had received illumination after many years of Kriya Yoga practice in isolated caves in Bengal. According to him “Masters are under no cosmic compulsion to live on mountains only. The Himalayas in India and Tibet have no monopoly on saints. What one does not trouble to find within will not be discovered by transporting the body hither and yon. As soon as the devotee is willing to go even to the ends of the Earth for spiritual enlightenment, his guru appears nearby.”

The Women Yogi Who Never Eats:

     Giri Bala is the woman yogi who never eats. Her diet appears to be thin air. She employs a certain yoga technique which enables her to live without eating. Maharaja of Burdwan tested her to verify her ability. She agreed to a test and lived for two months locked up in a small section of his home. Later she returned for a palace visit of twenty days; and then for a third test of fifteen days. The Maharaja himself told that these three rigorous scrutinizes had convinced him beyond doubt of her non-eating state.

     By the time Swamy Paramahansa Yogananda met her, for a period of over fifty six years she had not eaten food or taken liquids. In her early days she was rebuked by her mother-in-law for overeating. So she decided not to ear forever and approached their guru to guide her to that effect. Though surprised at first, her guru initiated her into a kriya technique that frees the body from dependence of the gross food of mortals. The technique includes the use of certain mantra and a breathing exercise. Accordingly she succeeded in not eating food or taking drinks. She was strictly instructed by her guru not to divulge the secret to others. She is of the opinion that by divine advancement man can gradually learn to live by the eternal light and not by food.


     The power of appearing in more than one body is a Siddhi (yogic power) mentioned in Patanjali’s yoga sutra. The phenomenon of bilocation has been exhibited in the lives of many saints down the ages. An example is given below.

     In order to meet Kedar Nath Babu, Paramahansa Yogananda met Swamy Pranabananda in Banarus on the advice of his father. Soon after seeing Paramahansa Yogananda , Swamy Pranabananda told him “off course I will locate Kedar Nath Babu for you.” The saint surprised him by his clairvoyance. Abruptly terminating our conversation the saint became gravely became motionless. A sphinxlike air enveloped him. At first his eyes sparkled as if observing something of interest, then grew dull. “Little sir, don’t get worried. The man you wish to see will be with you in half an hour,” said the yogi. Then the yogi went into silence. After about a half an hour the yogi told Yogananda “I think Kedar Nath Babu is nearing the door.”  Yogananda surprised that how Kedar Nath Babu can come there when no messenger was sent for him. The Swamy has spoken to no one but him since his arrival.

     Yogananda quitted the room and descended the steps halfway to receive Kedar Nath Babu.  Kedar Nath Babu told him that in less than an hour ago Swamy Pranabananda approached him and asked him to met Yogananda who is waiting for him in his room and left him some time latter. After repeating the entire situation with each other they both have understood that Swamy pranabananda can materialize an extra body and work through it. It is how Swamy Pranabananda had two bodies. These are the special yogic powers.


     This type of book was not published before. Usually the saints of India only reveal such secrets of yogic powers to their disciples only. There are many secret powers hidden in this book.  Many even do not know that powers are integral part of human life. This book gives enormous knowledge and gives way for right thinking for a better life. Reading this book is an enormous encouragement for happy life. There are many more facts to be known in this book. These can be understood only by reading this book. Everything cannot be written here. What is written is only an outline. I advise the readers to make it convenient to read this book for your own benefit.

Sunday, January 9, 2022





 “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.” ----- “Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.”  ----- “Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating thought.” ( From the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri swami Sivananda).

The Vedantic conception of God:

      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.

  “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible).

     The above quotations from religious books indicate that God is the same for all religions. In short God the supreme has no form. God is only principle, not person  according to Vedanta. God is word as in Christianity.  We are connected to God through the word and certain principle. The word is also our thought. So we have great link with God. Since God cannot be defined exactly, different religions named God differently. All human beings are not of the same power. Some are born with extraordinary powers. Secrets of such variation in power are not known. So people born with extraordinary powers are considered as close to God or even called as sons of God or even as the incarnation of God. But we do not know exactly what this phenomenon is.

     Whatever it may be, we have to study the observed facts in connection with God in some religions. When a Hindu prays Rama with high concentrated thought, his prayers get materialized. With such thought for a considerable time Ramadas could see the materialized form of Rama. There are instances that some Hindu saints seen Jesus by concentrated thought. Paramahansa Yogananda was able to talk to Jesus. Christian preachers were able to cure many diseases of others by prayer to Jesus. In Christianity also some pray mother of Jesus, some pray through Jesus, and some pray Jehova directly. And all of the prayers are being rewarded. In Hinduism also some pray Rama,  some  pray Krishna and many other Gods. All their prayers are getting materialized. There are instances that some pray ordinary human beings due to their sacrifices in Jatharas and even their prayers are successful.

     All these indicate there should be something common behind their prayers. If we analyse there seems to be common God, Word (thought power) and concentration behind the prayers of all such cases. So we can conclude that we are linked to God mainly through our thought. Depending on our concentrated thought we can materialize whatever we want.

 “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible).

The above verse from the Bible is true and is applicable to all religions since the God is the same for all religions in whatever name is given to God. So the common factor is our thought. We have to properly apply the same properly. The following may be useful.

  According to the study of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or more. 

. . This article is written for the unity of all religions especially in India.