1. Thought power is the operating system of humanity.
2. Sky is the language of God. It can be read by means of astrology.
3. " A child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual Karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results.------ What he has done he can undo.-----He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by his own actions in the first place, and because he possesses spiritual resources that are not subject to planetary pressure." (By Paramahansa Yogananda).
4. Meditate the sentence 'Day by day in every way I am getting better and better' at least 15 to 20 minutes a minimum of 2 times a day preferably in the morning when you get up and in the evening when to go to bed, as fast as you can, so that opposite negative thoughts may not come in between. This will take care of your health (both physical and mental) and all other favourable circumstances. By regular practice you can find lot of improvement. This is a well established sentence. You can form your own better sentence, if you want. If you are religious you can form a suitable sentence based on your religious faith.
5. The purpose of creation by God seems to reunite the souls separated from Him due to clashes with Satan, by providing physical bodies and giving them thought technology as a stepping stone.
6. Th idea of a single creator of these worlds is an old one. We have to modify the same based on latest observations of our world and the other worlds such as astral world. By some laws of equilibrium, there seems to be two great indestructible super spiritual forces of opposing nature capable of creating. Moreover as we observe the phenomena of our world and that of the astral world, which is our next world after our death, there seems to be continuous clash between good and bad. Projecting these phenomena in to the upper worlds, we can conclude that there should be one great good power (God) as well as another almost equally bad power (Satan) who can create and control the other worlds also. This gives the impression that there are two creators of the worlds. Both the effects of good and bad are in every world. Probably this is a law of equilibrium in nature.
7. According to some Indian saints, any other human soul can take the burden of sins, if they are heavy of any living human being, and can be born as his child and relieve him at least some burden of sins. If it is so, God can take the sins of great number of living humans and relieve them from probable sufferings resulting from sins. Birth of Jesus may be an example. But the question arises that what kind of sins from which God can relieve human beings. They may be probable sins forced on humans by the influence of Satan. Voluntary sins committed willfully by humans may not come under this category. They have to suffer accordingly. There is no escape for it even if you pray God to relieve you from your sins. If your sins are considerably more it may go beyond the scope of even God to save you. You will be dragged into the control of Satan where you may have to undergo unlimited suffering, from which there may not be any escape. Hence one must be cautious before committing sins.
8. Soul seems to be divisible by very complicated processes known to God and Satan only. It seems to be beyond the scope of any technology being developed and to be developed by humans.
9. There seems to be many incarnations of God at different times and different places. Depending on the local understanding of God different religions came into existence. But the essence of every religion is till today is prayer. But the secret behind prayer is thought technology. God came into this world in ancient times when technology was not developed, and He only taught the humans, the thought technology through prayer. If God enters this world now, when technology is sufficiently developed, He will teach us thought technology only instead of prayer. It may happen after the third world war which is likely to start from the year 2026 as a biological and chemical war for a long time for fear of destruction from nuclear weapons, but later unaviodably turns into nuclear war resulting in lot of human destruction.
10. Religion is the result of deviation (MAYA) from thought technology. Yet prayers of all religions work because thought technology which is more scientific is hidden behind all religious prayers. God is only one and is common to all religions and he can be more easily approached through thought technology. All religions should be replaced by more scientific and most modern thought technology.
This line of thinking avoids religious clashes, religious wars and deaths due to religious celebrations.
11. THOUGHT is the basis of creation. Even the matter is a form of thought power of God. That is the probable reason for the fact that the movement of planets and the aspects between them is influencing human life. Besides this fact Satan's influence is also on our life. But how exactly Satan is influencing our thoughts, no one knows. Only we can guess that evil thoughts are due to the influence of Satan.So one should be careful in thinking. Any deep wrong thoughts may lead you close to the world of Satan. If Satan can drag you into its world you will be subjected to unlimited sufferings. Some even believe that if your mind becomes weak due to worry or uncontrolled wrong thinking, Satan can drag you into its world, even if you did not commit any sin. So maintaining sufficiently strong mind seems to be very important. Those who commit suicide usually have a weak mind. For them there is a danger of entering the world of Satan. If they enter the world of Satan they may become ghosts and attack human beings. Mind can be strengthened by certain concentration methods and worry can be removed by some meditational methods. If they understand this there is no need of suicide. Only sufficient knowledge is required. God usually comes to the Earth as a human being to take the sins of such persons who are at the verge of entering the world of Satan to save them from the clutches of evil Satan. Birth of Jesus is a clear example.
12. SIMILARITY BETWEEN SCIENCE AND RELIGION: A scientist thinks of a subject to know more about it. As a result of his thought he gets the ideas to discover more on the subject. A devotee of any religion prays God for betterment of his life. His desires are fulfilled. There is thought power of human in both cases. Both the thoughts reach God only and response comes depending on the intensity of thought. In the case of scientist the word God or even the idea of God is hidden. But in the case of a devotee the idea of God is the direct application. It may please be noted that the thought power is common in both the cases. Simply speaking, the thought technology given by God himself is the dominating factor. Hence following thought technology given by God instead of religion can save many human lives due to religious wars, clashes, customs and accidents resulting from religions. This needs to be thought over and discussed many times for the benefit, unity and happy living of humanity. There is no point in dying in the name of God and religion. God himself won't accept this..
13. Rebirth of humans is a well established fact nowadays. Depending on the attachment to this world and close relatives and friends and karma resulting on good and bad things they did in this birth the time interval between the two births is getting adjusted. Once it was believed as about 2000 years roughly but as the days passed on it is understood that at sometimes when there is great attachment to close relative , that the rebirth is taking place very soon. It is also observed that there can be change in religion, region (country), race and at times even sex. As I read in one case, a Hindu of one birth was born as a Muslim in another birth. Both were highly religious in their own birth religion and felt that their own religion was the real one to reach God. It is a natural phenomena that a person born in one religion naturally sticks on to his birth religion only. But the person concerned got the memory of his past birth accidentally. He was in a state of confusion as two religious faiths entered his mind strongly. If a single soul takes up many religions in different births, what is the significance of religion. If religion is replaced by thought technology as given by God which is more scientific and human understanding is developed to such an extent by making it a subject in schools (scientific meditation) and when it is well established in human mind,the question of accepting different religions at different births will not arise, as the person concerned did not accepted any religion in the present birth but followed the same spirit behind all religious prayers which may be called as thought technology as given by God scientifically. Proper education in thought technology is needed.
It is clear from this, that religion is not the birth right. It varies from birth to birth. What is significant is that behind all religious faiths and prayers. Simply speaking it is thought technology given by God in a systematic and scientific way. This may be the supreme ultimate understanding.
Similarly a person born in one country may be reborn in another (even enemy) country in his next birth. If so enemity and war between countries is just meaningless. Hence to avoid this there is need for a world government. Thought technology and world government may be the long future of mankind.
Our thoughts can provide us the desired events, provide we concentrate and appply proper desired directions to our thoughts. Thoughts can be mainly devided into two parts, as optimistic or positive thoughts and pesimistic or negative thoughts. Positive thoughts carry happiness and the negative thoughts are associated with worry. worry can be easily eliminated by meditating its opposite positive thoughts regularly as fast as we can. Our next birth is dependent on our thoughts and actions of our present birth, Simply speaking we can design our next birth in this birth itself. Thoughts associated with love, kindness, peace, sympathy and such pure positive thoughts can benefit you not only in this birth, but also in the next birth. Hence utilise the positive thoughts properly. This is the essence of all religions too. Prayer is only a kind of positive thought force. But all religious prayers lack required concentration to get the prayers materialized, except under special cases. In such cases of insufficient concentration there are methods to improve concentration and theby strength of mind. Block spot gazing, crystal gazing, star gazing at night, and meditation may be useful for strengthening mind. (My post on mental powers may please be perused). Thought power is the operating system of human life. Hence don't neglect your thoughts. Try to regulate your thoughts properly.
All religious prayers work,provided the thought behind the prayers is optimistic (positive) and concentrated. But the secret behind the prayers is not properly understood. The God (positive) is only one for all religions though different names are given to God by different religions and he can be approached by positive concentrated thought. The universe is full of positive and negative forces right upto bacteria. There is good bacteria as well as bad bacteria. This phenomenon of good and bad is merged into one another.and operate at its timing. There are good and bad timings in each life. Optimistic thoughts can even nullify evil timings. According to scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or older. On an average, people with positive outlook have an 11 - 15% longer life span according to their study. So be careful to think in an optimistic way and avoid pessimistic thoughts. It is easy to practice optimistic thoughts. Thought power is the operating system of human life.
Many think that positive (optimistic) thoughts and negative (pessimistic) thoughts belong to only one single God. the Creator. But after studying laws of equilibrium on this planet Earth and projecting the same into the spiritual world, I do feel there are two creators of opposite nature, one is constructive and the other is destructive to humanity, may be called as God and Satan (not exactly the biblical Satan but more powerful and almost equal to God) respectively. The influence of both these powers are acting on human life. If one can use the positive thoughts properly his life span is likely to go beyond 85 years. If one allows negative thoughts, his life span may come down to 50 years or so.One should be very careful with his thoughts. You can design your future as well as next birth by right thinking in this birth itself. Your birth planets indicate your probable future.But you have got the power within you to modify the same by proper thoughts and actions.
Religious thoughts work provided they are optimistic and concentrated along with good actions. To some extent our present life is dependent on the Karma (actions and thoughts) of our previous births. The net resultant karma of the previous births is indirectly indicated in the planetary position of the present birth. We are provided with facility in the latent spiritual power to nullify the evils of planets and enhance the good effect of planets. According to Swam Vivekananda prayers in temples, churches and masjids etc. are of secondary type to realise God. Probably we have to look into self to realise God as we are integral part of God. This may need deep concentration, meditation and anticipation. It may be difficult for an ordinary man. But concentrated optimistic thoughts through spiritual resources within us can nullify evil and enhance good and pave the way for a better life in this birth as well as in future births.Where your thoughts are religious or scientific they work well if they are optimistic and concentrated. To improve concentration black spot gazing, crystal grazing or star gazing or any other methods may be followed. My post on 'Mental Powers' may be referred if required.
18. All religious prayers work as there is an element of optimistic thought in prayers. or simply speaking any optimistic thought whether it is religious thought or any scientific optimistic thought can enhance your life span besides giving happy and healthy life. Some believe that our life span and events are prearranged by God. Our scientific study on our lives indicate that the length of our life span is dependent on our thoughts, actions and habits. God might have arranged a range for our life span but not a fixed time. It is left to us to live long, happy and healthy life by regulating our optimistic thoughts in the right direction.
19. Ancient Indian saints have stated that even the universe including matter came out of Gods thought power and God has given humans also similar thought power. If it is so by developing enormous concentration of thought by tapas (meditation), it may be even possible to release the power within matter (atoms) or some other source. Ancient saints of India did the same thing. They even trained their disciples in this regard. Hence there are wars using the mental powers developed by them. These powers were not visible to the naked eye, but the destruction only was visible. Many such examples are available in the ancient books of India. They all look to be unbelievable, but theoretically possible. Now in the modern world there is need to connect science to enhance the thought power enormously. It will result in many secrets of life.
2. Sky is the language of God. It can be read by means of astrology.
3. " A child is born on that day and that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual Karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results.------ What he has done he can undo.-----He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by his own actions in the first place, and because he possesses spiritual resources that are not subject to planetary pressure." (By Paramahansa Yogananda).
4. Meditate the sentence 'Day by day in every way I am getting better and better' at least 15 to 20 minutes a minimum of 2 times a day preferably in the morning when you get up and in the evening when to go to bed, as fast as you can, so that opposite negative thoughts may not come in between. This will take care of your health (both physical and mental) and all other favourable circumstances. By regular practice you can find lot of improvement. This is a well established sentence. You can form your own better sentence, if you want. If you are religious you can form a suitable sentence based on your religious faith.
5. The purpose of creation by God seems to reunite the souls separated from Him due to clashes with Satan, by providing physical bodies and giving them thought technology as a stepping stone.
6. Th idea of a single creator of these worlds is an old one. We have to modify the same based on latest observations of our world and the other worlds such as astral world. By some laws of equilibrium, there seems to be two great indestructible super spiritual forces of opposing nature capable of creating. Moreover as we observe the phenomena of our world and that of the astral world, which is our next world after our death, there seems to be continuous clash between good and bad. Projecting these phenomena in to the upper worlds, we can conclude that there should be one great good power (God) as well as another almost equally bad power (Satan) who can create and control the other worlds also. This gives the impression that there are two creators of the worlds. Both the effects of good and bad are in every world. Probably this is a law of equilibrium in nature.
7. According to some Indian saints, any other human soul can take the burden of sins, if they are heavy of any living human being, and can be born as his child and relieve him at least some burden of sins. If it is so, God can take the sins of great number of living humans and relieve them from probable sufferings resulting from sins. Birth of Jesus may be an example. But the question arises that what kind of sins from which God can relieve human beings. They may be probable sins forced on humans by the influence of Satan. Voluntary sins committed willfully by humans may not come under this category. They have to suffer accordingly. There is no escape for it even if you pray God to relieve you from your sins. If your sins are considerably more it may go beyond the scope of even God to save you. You will be dragged into the control of Satan where you may have to undergo unlimited suffering, from which there may not be any escape. Hence one must be cautious before committing sins.
8. Soul seems to be divisible by very complicated processes known to God and Satan only. It seems to be beyond the scope of any technology being developed and to be developed by humans.
9. There seems to be many incarnations of God at different times and different places. Depending on the local understanding of God different religions came into existence. But the essence of every religion is till today is prayer. But the secret behind prayer is thought technology. God came into this world in ancient times when technology was not developed, and He only taught the humans, the thought technology through prayer. If God enters this world now, when technology is sufficiently developed, He will teach us thought technology only instead of prayer. It may happen after the third world war which is likely to start from the year 2026 as a biological and chemical war for a long time for fear of destruction from nuclear weapons, but later unaviodably turns into nuclear war resulting in lot of human destruction.
10. Religion is the result of deviation (MAYA) from thought technology. Yet prayers of all religions work because thought technology which is more scientific is hidden behind all religious prayers. God is only one and is common to all religions and he can be more easily approached through thought technology. All religions should be replaced by more scientific and most modern thought technology.
This line of thinking avoids religious clashes, religious wars and deaths due to religious celebrations.
11. THOUGHT is the basis of creation. Even the matter is a form of thought power of God. That is the probable reason for the fact that the movement of planets and the aspects between them is influencing human life. Besides this fact Satan's influence is also on our life. But how exactly Satan is influencing our thoughts, no one knows. Only we can guess that evil thoughts are due to the influence of Satan.So one should be careful in thinking. Any deep wrong thoughts may lead you close to the world of Satan. If Satan can drag you into its world you will be subjected to unlimited sufferings. Some even believe that if your mind becomes weak due to worry or uncontrolled wrong thinking, Satan can drag you into its world, even if you did not commit any sin. So maintaining sufficiently strong mind seems to be very important. Those who commit suicide usually have a weak mind. For them there is a danger of entering the world of Satan. If they enter the world of Satan they may become ghosts and attack human beings. Mind can be strengthened by certain concentration methods and worry can be removed by some meditational methods. If they understand this there is no need of suicide. Only sufficient knowledge is required. God usually comes to the Earth as a human being to take the sins of such persons who are at the verge of entering the world of Satan to save them from the clutches of evil Satan. Birth of Jesus is a clear example.
12. SIMILARITY BETWEEN SCIENCE AND RELIGION: A scientist thinks of a subject to know more about it. As a result of his thought he gets the ideas to discover more on the subject. A devotee of any religion prays God for betterment of his life. His desires are fulfilled. There is thought power of human in both cases. Both the thoughts reach God only and response comes depending on the intensity of thought. In the case of scientist the word God or even the idea of God is hidden. But in the case of a devotee the idea of God is the direct application. It may please be noted that the thought power is common in both the cases. Simply speaking, the thought technology given by God himself is the dominating factor. Hence following thought technology given by God instead of religion can save many human lives due to religious wars, clashes, customs and accidents resulting from religions. This needs to be thought over and discussed many times for the benefit, unity and happy living of humanity. There is no point in dying in the name of God and religion. God himself won't accept this..
13. Rebirth of humans is a well established fact nowadays. Depending on the attachment to this world and close relatives and friends and karma resulting on good and bad things they did in this birth the time interval between the two births is getting adjusted. Once it was believed as about 2000 years roughly but as the days passed on it is understood that at sometimes when there is great attachment to close relative , that the rebirth is taking place very soon. It is also observed that there can be change in religion, region (country), race and at times even sex. As I read in one case, a Hindu of one birth was born as a Muslim in another birth. Both were highly religious in their own birth religion and felt that their own religion was the real one to reach God. It is a natural phenomena that a person born in one religion naturally sticks on to his birth religion only. But the person concerned got the memory of his past birth accidentally. He was in a state of confusion as two religious faiths entered his mind strongly. If a single soul takes up many religions in different births, what is the significance of religion. If religion is replaced by thought technology as given by God which is more scientific and human understanding is developed to such an extent by making it a subject in schools (scientific meditation) and when it is well established in human mind,the question of accepting different religions at different births will not arise, as the person concerned did not accepted any religion in the present birth but followed the same spirit behind all religious prayers which may be called as thought technology as given by God scientifically. Proper education in thought technology is needed.
It is clear from this, that religion is not the birth right. It varies from birth to birth. What is significant is that behind all religious faiths and prayers. Simply speaking it is thought technology given by God in a systematic and scientific way. This may be the supreme ultimate understanding.
Similarly a person born in one country may be reborn in another (even enemy) country in his next birth. If so enemity and war between countries is just meaningless. Hence to avoid this there is need for a world government. Thought technology and world government may be the long future of mankind.
Our thoughts can provide us the desired events, provide we concentrate and appply proper desired directions to our thoughts. Thoughts can be mainly devided into two parts, as optimistic or positive thoughts and pesimistic or negative thoughts. Positive thoughts carry happiness and the negative thoughts are associated with worry. worry can be easily eliminated by meditating its opposite positive thoughts regularly as fast as we can. Our next birth is dependent on our thoughts and actions of our present birth, Simply speaking we can design our next birth in this birth itself. Thoughts associated with love, kindness, peace, sympathy and such pure positive thoughts can benefit you not only in this birth, but also in the next birth. Hence utilise the positive thoughts properly. This is the essence of all religions too. Prayer is only a kind of positive thought force. But all religious prayers lack required concentration to get the prayers materialized, except under special cases. In such cases of insufficient concentration there are methods to improve concentration and theby strength of mind. Block spot gazing, crystal gazing, star gazing at night, and meditation may be useful for strengthening mind. (My post on mental powers may please be perused). Thought power is the operating system of human life. Hence don't neglect your thoughts. Try to regulate your thoughts properly.
All religious prayers work,provided the thought behind the prayers is optimistic (positive) and concentrated. But the secret behind the prayers is not properly understood. The God (positive) is only one for all religions though different names are given to God by different religions and he can be approached by positive concentrated thought. The universe is full of positive and negative forces right upto bacteria. There is good bacteria as well as bad bacteria. This phenomenon of good and bad is merged into one another.and operate at its timing. There are good and bad timings in each life. Optimistic thoughts can even nullify evil timings. According to scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or older. On an average, people with positive outlook have an 11 - 15% longer life span according to their study. So be careful to think in an optimistic way and avoid pessimistic thoughts. It is easy to practice optimistic thoughts. Thought power is the operating system of human life.
Many think that positive (optimistic) thoughts and negative (pessimistic) thoughts belong to only one single God. the Creator. But after studying laws of equilibrium on this planet Earth and projecting the same into the spiritual world, I do feel there are two creators of opposite nature, one is constructive and the other is destructive to humanity, may be called as God and Satan (not exactly the biblical Satan but more powerful and almost equal to God) respectively. The influence of both these powers are acting on human life. If one can use the positive thoughts properly his life span is likely to go beyond 85 years. If one allows negative thoughts, his life span may come down to 50 years or so.One should be very careful with his thoughts. You can design your future as well as next birth by right thinking in this birth itself. Your birth planets indicate your probable future.But you have got the power within you to modify the same by proper thoughts and actions.
Religious thoughts work provided they are optimistic and concentrated along with good actions. To some extent our present life is dependent on the Karma (actions and thoughts) of our previous births. The net resultant karma of the previous births is indirectly indicated in the planetary position of the present birth. We are provided with facility in the latent spiritual power to nullify the evils of planets and enhance the good effect of planets. According to Swam Vivekananda prayers in temples, churches and masjids etc. are of secondary type to realise God. Probably we have to look into self to realise God as we are integral part of God. This may need deep concentration, meditation and anticipation. It may be difficult for an ordinary man. But concentrated optimistic thoughts through spiritual resources within us can nullify evil and enhance good and pave the way for a better life in this birth as well as in future births.Where your thoughts are religious or scientific they work well if they are optimistic and concentrated. To improve concentration black spot gazing, crystal grazing or star gazing or any other methods may be followed. My post on 'Mental Powers' may be referred if required.
18. All religious prayers work as there is an element of optimistic thought in prayers. or simply speaking any optimistic thought whether it is religious thought or any scientific optimistic thought can enhance your life span besides giving happy and healthy life. Some believe that our life span and events are prearranged by God. Our scientific study on our lives indicate that the length of our life span is dependent on our thoughts, actions and habits. God might have arranged a range for our life span but not a fixed time. It is left to us to live long, happy and healthy life by regulating our optimistic thoughts in the right direction.
19. Ancient Indian saints have stated that even the universe including matter came out of Gods thought power and God has given humans also similar thought power. If it is so by developing enormous concentration of thought by tapas (meditation), it may be even possible to release the power within matter (atoms) or some other source. Ancient saints of India did the same thing. They even trained their disciples in this regard. Hence there are wars using the mental powers developed by them. These powers were not visible to the naked eye, but the destruction only was visible. Many such examples are available in the ancient books of India. They all look to be unbelievable, but theoretically possible. Now in the modern world there is need to connect science to enhance the thought power enormously. It will result in many secrets of life.
20. Light bends when passing near heavy gravitational pull of a powerful stat or black hole. This indicates that light ray nay have very little mass that cannot be measured by any modern technology. But the thought ray seems to have no mass and human spirit after separation from human body also has no mass. Hence they can travel with a speed close to infinity. Telepathy is an example of speed of human thought ray. In dreams human soul (astral body) gets separated from physical body duly maintaining connection with the body and travels with near infinite speed.
21.There are
many unanswerable questions. It is observed while excavating rocks that some
ancient (pre-historic) animals locked up in rocks along with their spiritual
bodies for millions of years and when they came out after excavation they
shouted and died. This gives the impression that life along with body can be
locked inside rock formation for any number of years. This is a tremendous
imprisonment for the most unfortunate animals. Whether such thing ever happened
to any human being is not known yet.
22. Your positive thought is your God. Every religion contains positive thought irrespective of whatever name you give to your God. It is this positive thought that works ultimately. The response from God is according to your positive thought . Positive thought increases your life span also. Negative thoughts are dangerous and damaging. They even reduce your life span.
23 All religious prayers belongs to a kind of positive thought (optimistic thought). Destiny of all religious thoughts is a hidden and undefined supreme power (God). This is well accepted by many Indian saints including world famous Swamy Vivekananda. This should be properly understood especially in India where so many religions exist. Supreme God --- > positive thought --->reincornation of God --- > religion --- > religious prayer --- > positive thought --- > supreme God.
Or simply Supreme God --- > positive thought --- > supreme God
Or simply the essence of reaching God is positive thought in us either directly or indirectly through religious prayer.
24. By some laws of equilibrium there existed two great spiritual giants one may be called as God and the other may be called as Satan. There domains were different, but there were occasional classes as one enters the regions of the other. They are capable of converting there spiritual energies into matter especially when there is clash between them. One such clash resulted in matter by God and antimatter by Satan and resulted in the formation of this universe from big bang. When matter meets antimatter there is tremendous explosion resulting in very powerful gamma rays. Due to clash of matter and anti matter most of the universe was destroyed and probably converted as black energy (68%) and black matter (27%) leaving behind the visible universe of only 5%. This seems to be the secret behind the formation of our universe. (This is only a theory for the present).
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