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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, July 21, 2017


(Certain information is collected from the news paper Times of India. Source: National Geographic.)
      In the year 2010, in my post ‘ Independence Day horoscope of India’, I predicted the collapse of the then ruling party in the 2014 elections which came true, and I also predicted war with a neighbouring country in 2018/2019. It may even start earlier due to orb of influence.
     Also in my post ‘World War III’ I predicted the likely world war from the year 2026. The war starts as a chemical and biological war due to fear of destruction from nuclear war and continues for a long time and later forcibly turns into nuclear war resulting in lot of destruction and heavy global warming. It is also this global warming that creates havoc on Earth besides other effects of war.
     As on today, about 70% of water is frozen covering about 30 million cubic k m of ice. Antarctica mountain ranges are almost as extensive as Alps, covered in ice sheets. Sea levels may rise by 216 feet if global warming melts all the ice at the poles and on the mountains. The net effect of melting of ice on Earth is as follows.
1.      Land now inhabited by 600 million Chinese would become inundated.
2.      All of Bangladesh with 161 million, much of coastal India, including Kolkata and Mumbai and Colombo in Sri Lanka and Karachi in Pakistan would disappear into the sea.
3.      Flooding of the Mekong Delta would leave Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains stranded as islands.
4.      Entire Atlantic sea board would vanish along with Florida and the gulf coast.
5.      New York, Boston on the U S east coast too would be in trouble.
6.      Australia is likely to gain a new inland sea and loose much of the coastal strip where four out of five Australians live.
7.      The sea will swallow London, Venice and the Netherlands too, along with most of Denmark.
8.      Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, coastal Uruguay, and most of Paraguay will be wiped out.
9.      Africa will lose less of its land to rising sea levels than other continents. Egypt’s Alexandria and Cairo would be swamped by the Mediterranean.

     If this should not happen the probable world war should be avoided. Let us wait and see the future of this world. Nostradamus prediction of world war is there as well as astrological tendency for a world war. It may be difficult to prevent world war.