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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Most of the astrologers (including the Western astrologers) follow the republic day horoscope of India, duly neglecting the independence day horoscope of India. But as seen from the operating events, it seems that the impressions of the horoscope of the independence day are coming to the fore.
One of the major aspects operating on hand is that the progressed Saturn (by right ascension) is heading towards the conjunction of the right ascention of the radix Sun in the fourth house in the sayana system (western system) in the year 2013 just a year before next elections. Its orb of influence has already started materialising its impressions.
It is a major evil aspect. Under its influence, India is heading towards a major finacial crisis. Regional feelings are likely to be developed and India is more likely to be split into several minor states. The aspect brings several obstacles and difficulties to the Government. Crops will be affected very badly by extreme bad weather. It adversely affects agricultural matters. Land value will get depreciated. Major earth quakes are also likely. Under its influence there is danger to one of the leaders of india either by illhealth or by accident. Ruling party is likely to be much affected in the next elections in 2014.
Besides this aspect, there is another important evil aspect to be occurred in early 2019. This is the progressed mars forms conjunction aspect with the radix saturn. under its influence war like situations will be formed in India. Terrorism will increase besides lot of internal disturbances. A war with a neighbouring country cannot be ruled out in the years 2018 or 2019.
There is need to save funds by the Government from now onwards to meet the coming financial crisis.
India is ruled by the sign Capricorn. There are instances that India met with financial crisis when planet Saturn transited Capricorn of sayana system. Even rupee was devalued under its transit. Saturn again transits the sign Capricorn in the years 2018, 2019 and major part of 2020. This is an indication that India will be under financial crisis upto the year 2019. Jupitor, the planet of fortune and goodluck enters the sign capricorn in the year 2020. India will start improving from the financial crisis from 2020.
These are the general impressions of the future of India based on the independence day horoscope of India.