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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Monday, February 15, 2016


     At a distance of 1.3 billion light years away from us, great phenomena of merger of two massive black holes occurred. (One light year is the distance travelled by light in one year at a speed of 300,000 k m per second). They are part of binary system orbiting one another. One is   36 times of our solar mass and the other is 29 times of our solar mass. The two compacted black holes are about 150 k m across only; whereas the Sun’s diameter is 1,360,000 k m. Thereby one can imagine how dense the black holes are when they are many times massive than Sun in spite of their small size. While orbiting one another they came closer and suddenly in a split second they collided and merged into a single black hole of size equivalent to a mass of 62 Suns, with 3 solar mass worth of energy emitted as gravitational waves. The power released by the merger of black holes is equivalent to 50 times the power of all the stars in the visible universe. Since we are very far away in space there is no danger to us.
     This merger took place 1.3 billion light years back and the resultant gravitational waves were received on Earth on September 14, 2015 by L I G O (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave observatory) located in America. It is understood that the speed of the gravitational waves is the same as that of light. This observatory use a technique called Laser interferometry to detect these fluctuations in space time, which are as small as 10^-18m, or about 1/1000th diameter of a proton. It can detect gravitational waves in a volume of one billion cubic light years, covering about one million Milky Way type galaxies.
     The existence of gravitational waves was first predicted by Albert Einstein through his famous theory of general relativity in the year 1916. According to him gravity bends space-time, and more massive the object is, the larger the effect. Space is like a rubber sheet. Things that have mass cause the rubber sheet to bend if it hits it. The more the mass, the more space gets bent and distorted by gravity. The Sun is massive and causes a big distortion of the space around it and due to this distortion the Earth goes around the Sun. There is no actual force pulling the Earth around. It is just a bending of the space. Gravitational waves are produced when masses accelerate, changing distortion of space. Everything with mass and/or energy can make gravitational waves.
          Albert Einstein’s theories are amazing. There were no well developed scientific instruments   to observe and develop any theory. How his mind worked on such things is an unsolved mystery. He also stated that light ray bends when it passes near a star. Long after it was proved to be correct, at the time of eclipse to the Sun. His formula E=mc^2 is a well known one world over. Moreover his theory on general relativity is most wonderful. It was proved practically only after 100 years, thanks to L I G O. But how could he develop all these theories are a mystery. When he wrote about general relativity only three persons in the world could understand it only to some extent. It took 100 years to solve his theories practically with great work. No ordinary scientist is capable of thinking like that. What is the specialty in him is a matter of consideration. Even his brain is also preserved for further study. In the ancient days when human thinking was not fully matured God used to be born as a human being to guide people in the right way. Now in the modern world there is no such need. If God has to take reincarnation, it should be as a scientist or as a physicist to guide humans in an advanced stage.  Probably this is the case with the famous Albert Einstein. World has to bow down before him. His discoveries paved way to unlock the hidden secrets of creation. His gravitational waves along with other very minor waves and particles may be linked to human thought rays that may make human beings as super human beings one day or other in near future.

     Light, ultraviolet, x-rays, radio waves are easily absorbed by dust and gas, leaving much of the universe hidden. The beauty of gravitational waves is that, while weak, they penetrate anything in their path. We will be able to receive cosmic signals for the first time that were previously entirely hidden; measure the frequency of major cosmic phenomena such as supernovas or merger of black holes – events that shape star systems and galaxies; hear the noises produced by gravitation of celestial bodies on the fabric of space time.

     Simply speaking we are heading towards the secrets of creation. Let us wait and see.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Other dangers may come and go, but this danger seems to be a continuous one, right from the ancient times till today, even in the modern civilized world. There is lot of cumulative destruction of human lives due to clashes in religion, caste and racism, may be even more than the result of other occasional dangers I mentioned somewhere.  Unable to understand the governing principles behind the creation of human life, different people thought in a different way depending on their own experiences to unfold the secrets of human life. As a result they introduced their own religion depending on their imagination and experience. Once they settled with their own God of their own religion, they have understood well that their prayers are being rewarded and their faith increased, and they felt that their own religion is great. This applies to all religions. Hence what is common in prayers of individual religions is to be considered. It is a simple fact that thought power is behind all religious prayers.
Universe seems to have come from some great thought power of God. This is very well established in VEDAS of India as well as Bible of Christianity and may be in many other religions too. Even the latest scientific thinking is also leading to the same idea. Even the matter of the Universe was created from thought power of God. God has given similar mini thought to humanity. Hence we are connected to the entire Universe and God by thought. It is from this fact that a subject known as ASTROLOGY came into existence. Once I did not believe in astrology. But when I practically studied astrology, to my surprise I could clearly establish the relation between mind matter and soul. This is the inter connection under creation itself.  We can operate many things by thought power. THOUGHT POWER IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM OF HUMANITY. Ancient Indian Maharishis achieved great things by meditating in Himalayas and generating great thought power. It is a well established fact.
Though this thought power is behind every religious prayer, and all prayers of all religions work, most of the religious persons failed to understand this fact, and felt that their own religion is great, resulting in religious clashes, even causing destruction to humanity. There are religions which try to rule over the world even today. Not only this there are stampedes in religious functions due to irregular arrangements causing deaths, and some religious activities themselves are harmful to humanity and to the religion concerned. Some religions play with fire due to some blind belief causing destruction to humanity. Right understanding can save humanity from religious wars, and destruction.
Caste is one great obstacle to progress of humanity. In the ancient days those who dominated over a part of society became kings. They have distributed land and property to those who are loyal to them, neglecting those who could not influence them. Those who are close to the king became rich whereas those who could not influence the king became poor. Those who dominated others grabbed the land and other property. There is need to rectify this discrepancy, except from those who become rich by merit. Besides this there is caste feeling. The upper class is always trying to dominate over the lower class. Those who became rich by influence and as might as right dominated over others and declared themselves as belongs to superior caste and that trend is continuing till today. Equality among all castes and all people should be restored step by step. There are plans of the Government to bring equality among all castes and all people, but it seems to be not fully successful.
Another important one to bring equality among humanity is equality in race. As seen from history black people were treated as slaves by the white people. The colour of the skin is dependent on the location. In hot countries people turn black, whereas in cold countries people become white. There is some improvement in equality between black and white people nowadays. It has to be improved further.
For the sake of human development, religion, caste and racism should be over thrown and there is need to form a world government with proper representation from each country.
Looking back into the ancient times when human thinking was not fully developed, there was need for the God to come to Earth to guide the human beings. In a country like India there are about 10 reincarnations of God. If we consider this as a regional appearance of God to guide human beings, we have to think that how many reincarnations of God would have occurred when we consider the entire world population. It seems most of such reincarnations were not recorded. Only a few such reincarnations outside India are available, the most important, and the most popular reincarnation of God outside India being that of Jesus Christ.
When human thinking was in an undeveloped state there was need for God to guide the people. But at the present stage human thinking and intelligence have gone to such higher extent, they are able to prepare ROBOTS of great artificial intelligence, that can even rule over humanity in future. Under the present circumstances there may not be any need for God to guide humanity. Humanity can influence God directly by thought power only. That may be the reason that the reincarnation of God in human shape with movement of body and full ability to speak and influence humanity and to guide them in proper direction has not so far happened in the last 2000 years and it may not happen in the near future.
Except the facts that “THOUGHT POWER IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM OF HUMAN LIFE”, which I have accidentally understood as explained under my post ‘SECRETS FROM EXPERIENCE’, the rest are only imaginary. As such it is for the reader to understand in his own way of thinking. Of course nobody knows what exactly the creation is and what should be the purpose of creation.
Some religions say that creation is only a play of God. But human life deals with extreme suffering as well as extreme happiness. Generally God is said to be kind. If so can God enjoy with such a great human suffering? It looks not reasonable. Some religions say that an angel of God rebelled against Him, and turned into evil SATAN, and all sufferings to humanity are resulting from misdeeds from Satan. Even this theory also did not sound so well, simply because, if God is the creator of Satan, he can also destroy it at will. So I do feel we have to formulate a new theory, outside any religious belief.
For this purpose we have to look into the universe as a whole, including varieties of life in the universe as well as matter in the universe.
If we consider matter, there is the creation of antimatter also. If matter and antimatter meet there is total destruction and high energetic gamma rays are liberated. (Please read my post on ‘Matter and Antimatter’). If we consider life even from the stage of bacteria, it is well known that there is a very harmful bacterium that destroys life as well as extremely good bacteria that support life. If we consider the most intelligent life on Earth that is of humanity we also find bad human beings that are fond of destruction of life as well as good human beings that support development of life on Earth. These opposite forces are quite visible everywhere in the creation. Not only on this planet Earth, if we enter the spiritual world as investigated by the experts with sixth sense (E S P) it is well established that there are regions of good angels, spirit guides as well as regions for evil forces like devils and demons. This will lead us to think about creation itself. Has the creation resulted from the war between two great indestructible forces of GOOD and BAD namely GOD and SATAN? (Kindly note that the word Satan I used here has nothing to do with the Satan of the Bible but it only indicates evil). This sounds better than any other religious theories mentioned already. We have to elaborate this theory.
The Universe is full of Galaxies. There is tremendous good and evil activity at the centre of the galaxies. Clash of matter and antimatter getting each other destroyed. The visible Universe is only about 4.9% of the total universe. The rest of the universe is of dark matter and dark energy which can neither emit light nor absorb light. (Please go through my post on “Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy”). But it has only gravitational pull. Can it be called a dead matter? Not known yet. If light is the essence of creation, what is the dark matter that has no connection with light? Is this the result of interaction between matter and antimatter? If we consider God as the creator (of matter) and Satan as the destroyer by creating antimatter, and also assume that dark matter and dark energy is the result of interaction between matter and antimatter, we can come to the conclusion that God is only 4.9% superior to Satan. We are only living in the balance universe that escaped destruction from Satan. Simply speaking creation is the result of war between God and Satan. Perhaps God wanted to reunite the damaged part of his spirit in his clash with Satan by creation, whereas the Satan started obstructing from God’s action. We are living at the outer edge of our galaxy and so we are safe to a great extent. Life may not be possible at the centre of any Galaxy. Perhaps we have just escaped the evil power of Satan.
Whatever it may be our purpose is to bring unity among all human beings for the sake of God. For this purpose we have to eliminate all obstacles on our way including religion caste and racism etc.

All religions are equally good in some respect and equally bad in some other respect. So we just can’t criticize any particular religion. Only one has to think what benefits the religion is doing to mankind, and what damage the religion is doing to humanity. It is always safe to have one religion known as humanity instead of so many religions. Simply speaking there should be proper understanding of human life, God and creation from the available knowledge, as human knowledge is increasing with every generation, and we have to formulate new theory to support the available information on different aspects. This approach may lead to progress in human understanding. There is no point in sticking on to what ancients have written with knowledge of their own time. The knowledge is very much improved now. It is better to give up religion, caste and racism for the sake of unity among all human beings. A world government may also be desirable. I hope that something good will happens to humanity if we think in the direction suggested as above. For the sake of unity and peace, we may have to sacrifice religion.