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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


A ghost is generally the spirit of a dead person. But the word ghost is more commonly used as an evil spirit. It possesses an astral body. Soon after death, the spirit leaves the physical body, but continues with astral body. It takes some time to detach itself from the bonds of this materialistic world. Those spirits which can detach itself from the bonds of this world can take any form of their previous births. Some spirits may find it difficult to get themselves detached from the bonds of this world. Those who die with great intensity of thought (such as a murdered person with high revengeful feelings) may find it difficult from detachment of this world. They live as ghosts with revengeful feelings. They can attack any human being to satisfy their revengeful thoughts at the time of death. According to some Indian saints, the spirits of a dead person take light ray as vehicle and move in straight lines. But the movement of evil spirits is restricted. It is a common fact that the ghosts move in straight lines. These are known as ghost paths. Whenever these straight lines intercept a house, there is every possibility that house may become a haunted house. Suppose a family living in a haunted house vacates it and goes to a new house, and ghost also follows them to that house, then the line joining the two houses becomes a ghost path. In such case it is better to vacate that house also and select a new house not falling on the line joining the previous two houses, and considerably away from the ghost path. If a ghost path intercepts a roadway, it is often found the presence of a ghost at that point. And many accidents also occur at that point. If a ghost path runs along a road, ghosts are generally found all along the road. Besides ghost paths there are some individual isolated locations of ghosts. These are also associated with some murdered persons as well as suicides. Suppose a murdered person shouts before death, the same voices are getting repeated at the same time on every day , particularly if it is night. This is a phenomena of repetition. So also if some tombs of a dead persons are destroyed, it results in generation of evil by ghosts, if the ghost is of evil nature. Generation of evil power of a ghost is due to the thought force generated at the time of death. Hence the evil power of a ghost applied on any human being can be nullified with proper thought power and meditation. We have seen that some prayers of certain divine persons expel the ghosts either from a haunted house or from a human body occupied by a ghost. This is a phenomena of thought power only. One should not be afraid of a ghost if he happens to see a ghost. Due to fear our thought power becomes weakened and the ghost can take advantage of it. If you are not afraid of a ghost, ghosts cannot do any harm to you. Proper understanding concentration and meditation can strengthen once own mind from any stage of weakness.
     Ghosts are mostly connected to murder, disappointment in love, family tragedy etc. that is linked to great emotions at the time of death. Ghosts often repeat the same action, as such some believe that the actions of a ghost are only a past actions replayed again by some strange unknown phenomena.
     The light ray is oblivious to mass. The ghost or any spirit has no mass. Besides light ray there are other rays of very short wave lengths that have no mass  and even pass through solid matter. Ghosts or any spirit may take these rays as vehicles and even pass through solid matter. A ghost or a spirit may take any shape such as flower ,tree or any form of previous births. It can reduce itself to infinitesimal size and move along any cosmic rays which have no mass just like ghost itself. But the movement of evil ghosts is considerably reduced due to its unavoidable attachment to this world, whereas good souls can move freely.
     Even among the ghosts there are varieties, Some ghosts appear in person to create psycological fear. Some do not appear but they create lot of noices and throw things with considerable force or even start fires or attack people. These are known as poltergeists. some occupy the body of others and takes over the mind of a living human being and performs all heinous acts through the person it occupies. This phenomena is known as pessession. Ghost cannot occupy any body. Only some mediumistic persons are subjected to this possession. Some consider this as a mental illhealth only.
     Not only the spirits of the dead, but also the demons and angles exist in the spiritual world. The demons are evil and are usually associated with ghosts and assist them in doing evil. The angles on the other hand do good to good dead souls. They at times even act as spirit guides.
     There is an art of raising the ghosts or demons by magic to get profit by them. This art is known as necromancy. This is mainly an evil art directed to do harm to any desired person after getting financial benifits from his opponents. Ancient India was famous in this art known as Chatabadi or killing a person by raising a ghost or a demon (devil) and directing it to kill a specified person. There were seperate streets in Indian big cities, where such persons lived. But this art is dangerous and may even misfire against the person who performed it, in case the demon fails to kill the person directed due to any strong reasons, it may turn back and even kill the person who raised him.
     There are ways to protect from the evil of such raised ghosts or demons. These evil spirits are weak in the presence of light. Or they are strong in darkness. If there is any suspicion of ghost attack it is better to sleep in a white washed room with tube lights in on position. For those who practise meditation and develop strength of mind and concentration by practicing black spot gazing or crystal gazing, these evil forces cannot do anything. As an alternative, the person who raised them will be in trouble. Ghosts can attack a person in sleep more easily usually between 12 midnight and 3 a.m., if the mind of the person is weak. Developing strength of mind is essential to be free from ghost attacks.
     In short, most important factor to safe guard ourselves against any probable ghost attacks is strength of mind. There are many books on how to develop strength of mind.
     Most of us might have momentarily experienced a presence of a spirit of a dead person or persons from the astral world just before awakening state from sleep. We are possessing not only physical body but also astral body besides other forms. It may be due to the interaction of our astral body with the beings of the astral world, we often see astral beings (spirits of dead persons) just before awakening state from sleep. This is only a momentary glimpse. If we have to look into the astral world our sixth sense should be developed. Skeptics do not agree to this phenomena. They attribute such visions to the extension of dream phenomena. In this case we have to review the entire situation. There are many things unknown than the known things scientifically. Every situation at the present knowledge cannot be proved scientifically. For most of the paranormal situations we have to depend on saints who develop great powers of mind. The facts I have given above are approved by the Indian Saints.
      Suicide is definitely not an escape from the disappointment and worry of this world. Those who commit suicide generally carry with them intensive feeling with them at the time of death. Therefore they cannot escape from the feelings of attachment to this world. As a result they may have to remain as ghost with
the feelings of disappointment and worry at the time of death. They may not be able to enter the spiritual world fully and take rebirth at the right time. They may remain as ghosts for a long time until they can find a way of detachment of the feelings of this world. Hence committing suicide is highly not desirable. There are ways of escaping from suicide.
     Feeling to commit suicide is just a thought only. It can be nullified by thought force. It is very simple. Even if you meditate any sentence repeatedly at a fast rate, it can overlap the thoughts of disappointment and those worried thoughts  will escape deep into the subconscious mind  and you will be relieved. Such repetitions gradually nullify total disappointment and you will be replaced by fresh positive, optimistic thoughts. A general sentence like 'Day by day in every way I am getting better and better'  is preferable. Or any suitable sentence to counter your worry is more desirable. This is a well established fact. Such repetitions can even cure unknown bodily diseases. Avoiding thoughts of suicide are in our hands. We can easily nullify thoughts of suicide. Just meditate for five minutes as fast as you can with concentration and see its effects. You feel greatly relaxed. Repetitions will add to greater relief.
     All religious prayers work, because the ultimate reduction of any prayer is generation of thought force and thought force is the operating system of human life. If you are religious, meditate with a suitable sentence depending on your belief and faith, to lessen worry. It will definitely work. Long and lengthy prayers may not work as they lack concentration.
     power of thought is a well established fact, and we have to utilize it for our benefit.
