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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


There are numerous examples of living creatures locked up in solid rock strata thousands of years old. Even in India when temples were built, when stone pillars giving peculiar sound on beating were broken, living frogs or toads are found coming out of the cavity.
The following few examples may serve as proof of such happenings.
A horned lizard was found alive in a block of stone, which can even prevent the entrance of the smallest insects, was sent to Smithsonian Institution in Washington in 1853 for testing. The lizard lived for two days. (Based on Scientific American, July 30, 1853).
In 1852 workmen digging for ore at Paswic, Derby, England found a living toad in a cavity in a large rock at a depth of about 12 feet from the ground level, after breaking the rock. The toad died soon after it is taken out. (Based on the Zoologist, 10:3632, 1852).
There are numerous examples of toads and frogs locked up in solid rock strata for thousands of years. But the following example of a pre-historic flying reptile locked in a great boulder of Jurassic limestone for 100 million years with life is a great mystery.
When French workmen were digging a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines, they happened to split open a great boulder of Jurassic limestone. They found something monstrous stumbled towards them. It fluttered its wings, croaked and died. It is a flying reptile known as Pterodactyl, with leathery wings and long toothy beaks, which existed about 100 million years ago according to scientific opinion. The rock stratum in which it was found was consistent with the period in which it lived. The boulder also contained a cavity in the form of an exact mold of the creature’s body. (Based on the illustrated London News, February 9, 1856).
Several theories are put forward to explain such phenomena, but no theory is self sufficient to explain the same. One such explanation is that though the stone in which these creatures are found appears to be solid, it may actually contain fissures through which water, air, perhaps even  nutrients may enter. But this theory seems to be an assumption only, but not proved scientifically.
According to some Indian saints, the soul of human beings or any other life force takes the light ray as vehicle and makes journeys into the universe. While doing so it takes infinitesimal form suitably and travels at the speed of light. If so there should be certain range of wavelengths that it can make use for its journeys into the universe. This fact is unknown. There should be certain wavelengths that this life force cannot use. Perhaps such wavelengths which the life force locked in solid rock can use, cannot penetrate into such rock. Not only that, but the bacteria or others that can decompose the body also cannot enter the solid stone to reach the body of the living locked up life, let it be any creature including human being. Due to some sudden phenomena of getting locked up in a solid stone, neither the life force (soul) comes out of solid stone, nor the body gets decomposed for million years. This is only an extended theory based on available human knowledge. Need not be taken for granted.
Buddhists call such locking of life in solid rock for thousands or even millions of years as occasional Hells. These occasional Hells lie outside the main circles of Hell, and are sometimes encountered in this world.

Monday, April 15, 2013


     Having escaped from the false predictions of the end of the world on 21-12-2012, which was supported by many cinemas T V channels and other rumours of  believers, the world has relaxed after 2012. I have already predicted that everything on the end of the world on 21-12-2012 was only much ado about nothing. But there is need to examine how safe we are on this planet earth in the light of the study of the past as well as the probable future. 
     According to the latest theories in astronomy the universe was formed by BIG BANG about 13.7 billion years ago. The radius of the universe was almost zero at the start of  big bang, and the universe started expanding rapidly. The essence of creation seems to be light, and this seems to be produced from tremendous thought force.  The  formula E=mc^2,  of Einstein where E is energy of a material of mass m and c is the velocity of light, indicates that  mass can be converted into energy, which is the process taking place in billions of stars in the universe, releasing light energy mainly. During deep meditation one can find himself surrounded by enormous light. It is also known that the ancient Maharshi’s of India under great meditational powers were able to produce mini matter by thought power. It all indicates that there is some relationship between mind and matter. Perhaps the universe is also created by some great thought force of God.  There is need to investigate the connection between mind and matter scientifically.
     To have a glimpse of the  present size of the universe the following comparison may be useful.
If we assume the average height of human as 1 metre (10 to the power zero), the present size of the universe  is 10 to the power 25 metres (1 followed by 25 zeros metres). The smallest size in the universe is quark (the fundamental particle of atom, is 10 to the power minus 15 metre, i. e. 0. followed by 14 zeros and 1). The solar system is 10 to the power 12 metres and the Earth is 10 to the power 6 metres. It may please be remembered that the above dimensions are only comparison with the height of human as one metre.
     Our solar system including Earth was formed about 5.6 billion years ago. Dinosaurs appeared about 200 million years ago. End of dinosaurs took place about 65 million years ago, due to the impact of two big asteroids rotating around each other, according to latest theory. First  apes  came into existence about 5 million years ago, followed by Homo Sapiens about 195000 years ago. And modern world started about 10000 years ago.
     Ever since its formation Earth is subjected to impact of outside matter. Originally the Moon was only an integral part of  Earth. Long ago when Earth  was in a molten state it was collided with a huge mass of almost of its size, the two merged and the resultant loose debris was scattered to form the Moon. Moon has an important role in the evolution of life on Earth. It stabilizes the tilt of Earth’s axis, which results in suitable seasons on Earth. The evolution of life depends on long time stability of climate. So Moon plays a definite role in the evolution of life on Earth.
     According to some astronomical study, the Earth is generally hit by an asteroid in every few hundred thousand years sufficient to cause great damage to Earth and life on Earth. In spite of several efforts to detect such asteroids by human technological devices, a few asteroids passed closely to Earth, within a distance of few tens of thousands of miles, well within the orbit of the Moon , undetected, but only detected after they have passed the Earth. Any one of these is capable of destroying life on Earth, as a collision with a body only a few miles across is disastrous to humanity. Recently on 15-02-2013, an asteroid , which was detected earlier passed very close to Earth. On the same day a meteorite of about 10 tonnes weight blasted over Rsssia about 24 kilometers above Earth causing injuries several on Earth and even shaking buildings, but without loss of life.
     Besides such impacts there are other factors to be considered. One such thing is eruption of super volcanoes. A super volcono is discovered under Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Such eruptions will result in planet wide cloud of debris in atmosphere, obstructing in sunlight , destroying plant and animal life on Earth. Another is man made neclear war, for which we may lack civilization to stop it.
     Whatever we may escape, the ultimate unavoidable end is due to Sun only. When the Sun uses up all its nuclear fuel, it contracts putting more pressure on its core and raising its temperature enormously. Accordingly a billion years from now Earth becomes not suitable for living due to adverse climate. By about three billion years even the oceans get evaporated and Earth gradually turns molten. The Sun looses mass as it evolves into a red giant and its gravitational pull will decrease and thereby the planets go away in their orbits . The Earth will go out to a distance of about 120 million miles but not enough to escape from the intensive heat of massively swollen Sun. The Sun expands beyond the present orbit of  Earth, but cannot catch up the new orbit of Earth.
 Ultimately the Sun collapses under its own gravity and becomes a white dwarf of enormous density almost to the size of planet Earth after ten billion years from now. A tea spoonful of material of Sun now will weigh several tonnes. By this time the Earth will reach a distance of 170 million miles from the Sun. The Sun will end its life as a tiny dead white dwarf, still orbited by its remaining planets.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


All religions teach great things. But are these followed by humans If so why there are religious wars and clashes and killings in the name of religion. There seems to be something wrong with human undertsanding. There is need to review the present situation and come to a suitable conclusion to save humanity.
Galileo, an astronomer stated that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which is a star. As a result he was ordered to be burnt alive by high priests of Christianity for which the present Pope apologized. This act is against the teachings of Bible. When such high priests are not following Christianity, how can an ordinary man follow it. Every religious person feels that their own religion is great without understanding the other religions, leading to religious clashes.
There is some great effort by some saints of India to the effect that all religions are almost the same and teaches about one supreme God, the Creator. The book 'Auto biography of a YOGI'  by Paramahansa Yogananda is one such effort. There are several quotations from the Bible as well as corresponding quotations from Bhagavad-Gita. Also the book 'The Holy Science' by Gnanavathar Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri is a good attempt to teach that all religions are the same.
We have to analise the secret behind all religious prayers. All religious prayers work. What is behind the prayer. One is the generation of thought force. The other one is the belief in God. Though no one can exactly define what God is, the generation of thought force is very clear. "The stream of knowledge," Sir James Jeans writes in 'The Mysterious Universe' " is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine." It looks as if thought force is the operating system of human life. My experience proved it to be true.
In this connection some quotations from the book Autobiography of a YOGI', as given below may enlighten human understanding.
"The vedic scriptures declare that the physical world operates under the fundamental law of MAYA (the influence of SATAN), the principle of relativity and duality.God the sole life is Absolute Unity; to appear as the separate and diverse manifestations of a creation He wears a false and unreal veil. That illusory dualistic veil is MAYA. ------ To remove the veil of MAYA is to uncover the secret of creation. He who thus denudes the universe is the only monotheist. All others are worshiping heathen images. So long as the man remains subject to the dualistic delusions of Nature, the Janus-faced MAYA is his goddess; he cannot know the one true God." 
"The law of miracles is operable by any man who has realized that the essence of creation is light.-----
"Let there be light! And there was light." (Genesis 1:3 of Bible). In the creation of the universe, Gods first command brought into being the structural essential: light. On the beams of this immaterial medium occur all
divine manifestations. Devotees of every age testify to the appearance of God as flame and light. "His eyes were a flame of fire" St. John tells us --- and his countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength." ( Revelation 1:14-16 of Bible.)
Also the following quotations from the book ' The Holy Science' may also be useful for human understanding.
"Life and death come under the control of the yogi who perseveres in the practice of PRANAYAMA. In that way he saves his body from the premature decay that overtakes most men, and can remain as long as he wishes in his present physical form, thus having time to workout his karma in one body and to fulfill (and so get rid of ) all the various desires of his heart. Finally purified, he is no longer required to come again into this world under the influence of MAYA, Darkness, or to suffer the second death. See 1 Corinthians 15:31, and Revelation 2:10, 11."
"Love is God. -----If this ruling principle naturally implanted in his heart, he is sure to be on the right path, to save himself from wandering in this creation of Darkness, MAYA."
In principle it appears that the thought force is the operating system of human life and all religious prayers lead to the generation of thought force only and hence the prayers work wonders. Ancient Maharishis of India realized this power of meditation and meditated in Himalayas for years together and achieved great powers. Perhaps they introduced religion as a method of generating thought force for the benefit of human beings. Since the basic principle of all religions is the same, one should understand it clearly and should not criticize other religions. By doing so one may lose the power gained by faith in his own religion as he is criticizing the basic principle of his own religion. This type of right understanding may lessen religious clashes.
One more thing that I have clearly observed is that there is a definite relationship between human life and the planets, stars
in the sky. I have tested the same with one in million probability (not 1 in 2 or 50% probability). Somewhere I have written that "The sky is the language of God".
The life and creation is very complicated to understand so easily. Nobody knows why and how the creation took place. But we know by observation some facts and guidelines to be followed. A scientist wants to know several secrets under creation. Due to generation of this thought, he is blessed with some discoveries.
When we ask for God gives us, though we do not know what God is. This is an endless process. Discoveries will follow one after another. Whatever it may be one should know how to respect other human beings and other religions for the sake of humanity.