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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.
     It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body. The exact reasons are not known. I could only guess that I was under slow poisoning due to family clashes. Gradually I was finding very much difficulty even to eat or even to drink water. They are getting struck up in throat. Even the quantity that a normal man can eat in ten minutes, I was taking two hours with lot of difficulty. In fact I was not eating required quantity. My father seems to have understood something but he was unable to do anything due to family troubles, except worrying about me. Gradually my mind was further weakened horribly. I was unable to enjoy the company of friends. It looked as if I was dragging my dead body, whenever I walked along the streets. I could not even able to laugh. I lost minimum required concentration for a normal life. My soul was imprisoned in my body unable to find expression. It was maximum trouble in the year (1957) before I joined the College of Engineering at Anantapur. I was at home in that year as I was not selected for M. A. Course and I did not apply for Engineering. I only just recovered when I joined Engineering College. But I was very weak in strength of mind. There was difficulty to move along with my classmates. I was eating only a little quantity in the mess with lot of difficulty. After attending the classes, I used to come to my room and lie down on my bed fully covered with a blanket and start meditating to strengthen my mind and take it under my control. Even in the classroom I used to sit in the last benches and trying to look at any fixed point in my note book or text book for concentrating and strengthening my mind. I was unable to listen to the lectures. I felt sorry as I was not in a position to develop any friendship with any of my classmates. I could not tell my problems to any as I know that any looks of sympathy could fully remind my past and quickly result in my suffering which was just under control. So much was my weakness. I can’t even imagine the possibility of such a great failure of mind over body.
      The year before I Joined the Engineering College I clearly felt that the end of my life was nearing. My mind was weakened beyond the ability to pray God. I find myself unable to concentrate on prayer. My mind was thinking beyond my control. Perhaps I was mad with tremendous suffering. One day I felt that was the last day in my life. I felt very sorry that I could not even able to tell my parents that I was dying. I went to bed expecting that I will not get up on the next morning. My mind was thinking beyond my control, but with great suffering. It is at this time some wonders happened. It looked as if my subconscious mind reacted to the thoughts of great suffering. I have noticed some counter thoughts entering my mind somewhere from within me occasionally. Whenever such thoughts entered my mind, I felt a bit of momentary relief. I tried my best to catch such thoughts. But it was a Herculean task. I could not catch them. And suffering increased. As the suffering increased such thoughts again entered my mind perhaps from my subconscious mind and reduced a bit of suffering. This process continued throughout night. At last I could catch the positive thoughts, and started repeating them with some control over my mind. Meditation was born in me, perhaps from within me. Help came from my subconscious mind. I have understood many things. Right thinking can save from any state of mind. Even unknown bodily diseases can be cured by regulating thoughts. My thoughts have slowly come under my control and recovery started. I felt improvement in every five minutes of meditation. For full recovery it took some years as my regular thoughts of age were blocked, but I never lost hope until I recovered fully. Though I recovered to some extent, I could not come out of the great disappointment I met with, as my feelings were blocked for a considerably long period. This disappointment and the resulting thoughts produced wonders and revealed certain natural secrets of life later in my life.
     As a result of this experience, I have seen wonders in my latter life.
     On one fine morning a young lady came to me, and asked me why I hypnotized her to marry a mad man. I was shocked to hear it from her. I do not know anything about hypnotism. I was only interested in astrology and once asked her date of birth. After seeing her horoscope I have understood that she did not give her correct date of birth, as the horoscope is controdicting her nature. But only told her that she will marry a mad man, according to the horoscope she gave me. In a short period she actually married a mad man. She is a nice lady. She never says lies even for a joke. She told me I had powers of hypnotism. I have to think a lot on the subject. There should be something true in her statement, I have to extract it. To do it I must look into my past. Most of my early life my feelings were struck up without expression. Though I recovered a lot by the power of meditation, a great disappointment haunted me most of my life period. There can be some relief if I could tell my story to someone. But telling it seemed to be impossible as impressions of worry of the past experience over took my attempts to say it to any. And the disappointment continued. As a result of the past experience and the resultant latent disappointment, my feelings, once blocked for a long time used to release at an enhanced rate occasionally. I liked her as a friend enormously. I know that my feelings were enhanced a lot. I cannot imagine such a purity of thought. My thoughts were extremely pure but enormous. But I can even say they are out of my control. After reviewing her association with me I have come to the conclusion that my feelings are of so much intensity that they hypnotized her. What she said is correct. She never said lies even for a joke.
     In the ancient times Maharishis of India used to meditate in Himalayas and get great powers of mind. They were able to hypnotize any by the powers of their mind. This is positive side of powers of mind by controlling their thoughts and applying on others. Their thoughts were under their control. In my case my thoughts were not under my control. But they are of high intensity as explained above. There is a definite relationship between persons through thoughts. One can govern other with high intensity thought. Perhaps the Universe itself came out of a great thought power of God. Even matter can be created out of thought power.  Ancient Maharishis of India were capable of creating mini matter out of thought power. There are great secrets behind thought power.
     After understanding the present situation, most important idea entered my mind. Why should I like her? Why not others? Whenever we fix some idea in mind, the answer comes after some time by natural process. It is a law under creation. When we ask for, God gives it. It is natural. The answer came at a later time.
     Roughly after five years, my liking was directed on another lady. She was also a nice lady, but extremely beautiful. I asked her date of birth for verification. Her horoscope tallied with her nature. She gave the correct date of birth. She is a married woman, unlike the other. I attempted to tell her my story for relief, but I was unable to speak about my past due to extreme disappointment. She seems to have understood me. She asked me to give my past in writing. I was happy that she wanted to read about my past. That would definitely give me relief to some extent.  Accordingly I wrote about my experiences in a small note book and gave it to her. She was kind enough to go through the same. She sympathized with my past. She seems to give good company for my relaxation. As she is a relative to me I got her good association several times for a considerable time. Her very presence removed lot of disappointment hidden in me. She even never cared her husband when he was against her giving me good company. She is the lady who recovered me fully against a great disappointment of my life in the year 1984. I am very grateful to her. From her horoscope, I have understood that when one of my progressed planets of my horoscope crossed over one important and favorable planets of her horoscope, this event occurred. Planets at the time of birth act as doors and windows to the individual body house. Whenever a progressed planet of one’s horoscope crosses one of the planets position of the other’s horoscope an event occurs whether good or bad depending on the nature of planets forming aspect, provided they are connected by event. This formation of event is well known in astrology.
     Two angels entered my life at the right time. First one gave me great relief without even knowing my problems. The second one totally brought me to normalcy after she understood my past. I worship both of them.
It appears that the Universe is created by the great thought power of God as stated by many saints and scholars.
Perhaps God created man giving him similar mini thought power as such man can operate his thought power to his advantage. Prayer is nothing but a kind of thought power. We can achieve many things by regulating our thoughts. Especially the ancient Maharishis of India are experts in meditation. Meditation is nothing but a method of generating thought power. For generating thought power, repetition of positive optimistic thoughts are necessary. For generation of this type of thoughts some belief and faith are required. For that purpose religion was introduced by the ancient saints based on their experiences. In fact God cannot be defined. But prayer of any religion and to any religious God works beyond any doubt, simply because it generates thought power and thought power is the operating system of mankind.  There are people in some villages who worship the statues of cocks and say that their desires are fulfilled. Their worship also generates thought power which in turn reaches God and response comes. All religions are equally good and equally bad in some respects. God is only one for all human beings. Different lines of thinking created different religions resulting in religious clashes, though all religious prayers reach the same God with different names. Right understanding and right thinking are necessary to avoid religious clashes. It is also quite possible God may take different avatars at different times at different places to guide humans. Perhaps creation of only good is not possible. Good and evil are two great equal and opposite forces. When good is born, bad is automatically born for the sake of equilibrium in creation.
     Sky is the language of God .
     Right from the ancient times, people have understood that there is a definite relationship between the planets of solar system and human life. Several experiments were made to establish the same. If two different persons were born at the same time to different parents at the same place or at nearby place, their lives should tally to a great extent.  This experiment was successful. Not only the names of their wives, brothers and sisters, but even the names of their dogs also tallied in some cases. In my case also astrology gave me lot of clarifications and guidance for early improvements. Timely readings of some books like ‘MENTAL POWERS’ by SRI A. S. Murthy also helped me a lot. One of the most feared aspects in my horoscope is the conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the second degree of the sign Aries. The location is the most feared degree for the conjunction. It took place in the second house of my horoscope, which rules finances and feelings. Both finances and feelings were terribly affected in my life. One of the good aspects in my horoscope that saved me is the conjunction of Sun, Venus and Jupiter in the twelfth house of my horoscope which rules the subconscious mind. The real help entered my mind from my subconscious mind only. From my experience I have understood that the life is the resultant of planetary influence and the spiritual resources with which we are born. If we can utilize spiritual resources fully, we can nullify the evil influences of planets to a great extent and utilize the good influences of the planets to our advantage. A saint can come out of planetary influences fully and leave his body at will. Hence knowing the right type of astrology is useful for a normal man. For him ‘sky is the language of God’.

