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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Thank you
      Many have appreciated my blog. I thank you all for the encouragement given to me. My intension in writing this blog is to bring unity between all religions and in particular unity among all human beings. It is all a simple understanding hidden in all religious books. Different persons represented the same in different ways leading to religious clashes. Several started practicing powers with some religious faith and got powers as the basic principle behind their power is generation of concentrated thought power. Accordingly they felt that their own religion is supreme and propagated on their faith only. This applies to all religions. Each religion is deviated from the other religions due to lack of simple understanding only, though the principle behind all religions is the same, and it is the generation of positive optimistic concentrated thought.
     This fact I have accidentally understood as stated in my post ‘secrets from experience’. Nobody can start at that stage to understand facts as they have to encounter death. Recovery from that stage is almost impossible. I am just lucky to be back from that state of mind. Ever since my recovery I had intension to keep the same on record at the appropriate time so that the information may be useful to others.
     Concentrated prayers of any religious God results even in appearance of God as imagined, indicating some achievement by religious prayers and strengthens religious belief. But the same is covered under great MAYA. MAYA is something that subsides actual facts from right understanding but gives effective result for prayers. And thought power is behind it as a reality. It is here all religions coincide, if properly understood. Different people think in a different way.           But this is from my own experience.

     I once again thank you all for the encouragement given to me. Kindly make it convenient to spread the information to as many as you can. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


     According to Big bang theory the physical world started emerging about 15000 million years ago (According to latest revision it is 13700 million years ago). Nobody knows the reason for creation and how it is created. It can only be assumed that prior to the emergence of physical universe spiritual world existed. To start with, the radius of the universe was almost zero at 13.7 billion years ago and started expanding quickly. The present size of the universe is 10 to the power 25 metres. The universe is expanding at present at the rate of one light year per year.
     After the inflationary period, quarks were formed and from them protons and neutrons of atoms were formed. From them Hydrogen and Helium atoms were formed within 10 to the power -3 seconds after Big Bang. An atom consists of nucleus having protons and same number of neutrons, with the same number of electrons moving around the nucleus. Each proton and neutron contains 3 quarks. These quarks are said to be indivisible and are said to be fundamental. The atomic number of an atom is indicated by the number of protons in it. For example Helium atom has two protons and two electrons, its atomic number being 2. The atomic number of carbon which is mostly connected with life on Earth is 6 and that of Uranium is 92.
     There are 12 different matter particles and 4 different forces in the universe. Among 12 matter particles six are quarks and six are leptons. Quarks constitute proton and neutron while lepton family include electron and electron neutrino, its neutrally charged counterpart. Quarks and leptons are indivisible. The four forces are gravity, electromagnetic, electrostrong and electroweak. These forces have corresponding carrier particle or boson that acts upon matter, just as electromagnetic fields depend on photon to transit electromagnetic force to matter. Higgs boson has a similar function, but transferring masses itself. Higgs boson is responsive for all the mass in the universe. The finding of Higgs boson (God’s particle) may lead to rapid discovery of our universe.
     The atom is almost like a miniature solar system. In solar system gravity is the key force whereas in an atom it is the attraction between the positive charge of nucleus and the negative charge of electrons which keeps the electrons in the orbit.
     First stars were formed 200 million years after Big Bang (13500 million years ago from now). Galaxies were formed 3000 million years after Big Bang (10700 million years ago). Our Solar system was formed 9100 million years after Big Bang (5600 million years ago).  Humans (Homo Sapiens) emerged on Earth 13699.8 million years after Bib Bang (195000 years ago from now). Modern world on Earth started after 13699.9 million years after Big Bang (10000 years ago from now). Earth will become uninhabitable after 1000 million years from now. Sun becomes white dwarf after 10000 million years from now.
     Life on Earth is entirely dependent on the atom carbon only. Ours is simply the carbon based life. Carbon atom has the ability to combine with four different molecules to form different life supporting compounds. Silicon has similar properties, but silicon based life is not found on Earth. Depending life on Earth the following condition are essential to support life on other planets including exoplanets (planets of other stars).
     The planet should have atmosphere that contains sufficient free oxygen. The planet should have solid and possibly liquid surface. There should be adequate supply of water. A fairly equable temperature should also be there. Availability of sufficient carbon is essential. Planet should be in the habitable zones of star. Not many changes in the atmospheric condition for a long period should prevail.
     Several scientific theories and religious books indicate that the universe was created by God by some great thought power and human beings are also given mini thought power of God. The matter in the universe itself came out of great thought power of God. As such there is definite inter relationship between everything in the universe. There is relationship between human life and planets and stars. I have tested this aspect with one in million probabilities and found to be correct. Due to this fact the subject ASTROLOGY came into existence since very olden times, even before modern science emerged.
      Soon after death human soul enters the spiritual (astral) world. It is believed by some saints of India that the soul can take light ray as vehicle and travel in the universe at the speed of light. The universe contains the wave lengths varying from 10 to the power 5 metres to 10 to the power -15 metres and even more on either side. The visible wave length of light on Earth is from red to violet only and is of minor range. The spirit can take even infinitesimal form and can take very shorter wave lengths as vehicle and even pass trough matter and even through our bodies without our notice. This is possible for ghosts also but their movement is restricted to some extent if they are evil. Eminent scientists believe that there are invisible worlds by our side only under different wave lengths. There are instances that life is locked up in enclosed solid matter even for million years (refer my post on ‘life locked up in solid stones’). The reasons for the body not get decomposed, and the life not escaping out of body, as well as from solid rock is not known. Probably it is connected with the wave lengths. The wave lengths on which the spirit can travel might not be able to pass through the solid matter enclosing it for millions of years. At the same time the conditions necessary for the decomposition of body did not exist inside solid. It may be a hell for the spirit according to Chinese saints. Also the spontaneous human combustion cannot be explained by any of the present scientific theories. Birth and rebirth are now well established facts.
     Ancient India is famous for many mysteries of this world. The saints of India meditated in Himalaya mountains and took full control over their body and mind. They achieved great powers unknown to the present world. Before their powers, telepathy, clairvoyance is only of minor nature. They came out of planetary control and their death was in their hands only. They used to leave their body and reenter it whenever they want after roaming into the universe, taking suitable wave length as their vehicle, duly reducing their spirit to infinitesimal size and duly preserving their bodies from decomposition. They were able to enter into a freshly dead animal body also. These secrets were not recorded as there was no writing facility in those days. They only trained their disciples in this regard. These powers were gradually lost, as they were kept as secrets and as they have not become popular.
     Even the beggars of India used to practice these powers. In my boyhood days I have seen something that cannot be explained. Someone was performing at some place in my native place. He was asking others to show any rupee note to an ox of him and keep it with any other man in the group collected there. The animal was able to catch the person with whom the note is kept by touching him. I witnessed it for nearly 20 days and could not see a single failure. The reasons behind are not known. Perhaps if any human soul enters the body of dead animal it may be possible.
     When my wife was only a girl (long before our marriage) a beggar came to their house. Her younger sister went to give him some rice. He asked her to send elders alone. When they came he told them that the girl will die in three days only, and asked them to show her good affection so that she can die comfortably. They rebuked the beggar for his statement as the girl was quite healthy and active. Third day after the incident came and the girl suddenly collapsed due to sudden failure of heart and died. The beggar had clairvoyant powers.

     There may be some saints of India having super human powers even now in remote places. These powers are to be combined with latest development of science. If done so, many new secrets of universe as well as human life can be found.