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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     There are some frequently asked questions in the comments on my blog. I am sorry as I could not find time to answer individually. Hence I like to answer collectively without mentioning the questions.
     My blog is made public. My intension is to spread the information and my ideas to public. Anyone can share it.
     The information and knowledge I collected by reading variety of books right from my teenage besides my personal experience by following the circumstances and even my thoughts with sufficient reasoning. I stopped reading novels and story books at an early age and started reading books on facts and science. This gave me scope for sufficient knowledge to write my articles in my blog. Especially my experience as given in my article ‘secrets from experience’ gave me much initiative to start a blog and spread the information what I have understood accidentally. Different people may think in a different way. But what I think looked as more reasonable to me. In fact nobody knows what exactly the creation is. There are many theories that are based on religion and science. These are going on changing based on experience of different persons and due to the development of scientific knowledge. That is the reason why there are so many religions and even the scientific theories are also going on changing with new understanding. Due to different understandings in different religions, even religious clashes are coming to the fore resulting in damage to humanity. If this has to be avoided there should be proper understanding of each religion. The basics of all religions are just prayers. And prayer is nothing but generation of thought power. Already power of thought is understood by science. So scientific meditation (unconnected to any religion), auto suggestion, black spot gazing (for concentration) are already under sufficient development. My experience also proved that they are true and act more powerfully than any religious prayer. Unity between religions is quite possible if this is properly understood. On the same lines I expressed my opinion in my blog.
     I used to type the matter of any blog post under Microsoft word first to enable me to easy corrections and to add sufficient information at intervals and finally copy it into my blog post. For the present I am using Hathway network Hyderabad, a division of Hathway Cable & Datacom Ltd., Mumbai, India as service provider.
     For the beginners I suggest that they may get guidelines from ‘blogger.com’, ‘blogspot.com’ or ‘the blogstarter.com’ and such others and from there they can go for templates for selection of design of screen.
     Some are suggesting me to add videos and visions, games etc., for attracting my blog. I am limiting the same so that concentration may be on text.
     The universe seems to be a mixture of good and bad, positive and negative charges everywhere including the atoms of matter as well as antimatter. The same principle of good and bad I have extended into spiritual world also and wrote the article ‘matter and anti matter’. In most of the religious books Satan (the evil power) is also created by God, first as an angel and later revolted against God. If Satan is created by God, God can destroy it at any time. But this has not happened and evil is still continuing. This looks not reasonable under the principles of equilibrium between good and bad. Hence I made God (good) and Satan (evil) two almost equal indestructible powers of the spiritual world, since the original provisions as in religious books does not tally with the development in science and the existing principles in nature. Hence I have written that God (creator) created matter (Physical world) and the opposite power Satan (destroyer) created antimatter. This is only a theory for the present depending on nature and hence need not be taken for granted. When matter and anti matter meets there is total destruction. Most of the matter (God’s creation) was destroyed by Satan. What we see now is what remains after destruction. God’s creation (matter) is more than that of Satan’s creation (anti matter). That is how the balance universe still exists. The clash between matter and anti matter is still going on in the entire universe especially at the center of galaxies. This may not affect us on this planet earth.
     There is a proposal to create an antimatter space ship to explore the universe. But the cost of creating a milligram of antimatter is about $100 billion. Moreover it may not be safe to humanity to create antimatter.

     I request all the visitors of my blog to be kind enough to spread the information given in my blog for the sake of unity between all religions and hence for the benefit of mankind. Thank you very much in anticipation. I also thank you all for your kind suggestions for improvement of my blog.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


     We know very well that we are on the planet Earth. But we have to know where exactly our planet Earth is located in the universe. To start with we must know at least something about our planet Earth.
     The Earth is the third planet from the Sun after Mercury and Venus, orbiting the Sun at an average distance of about 150,000,000 kilometres from the Sun. Its diameter at the equator is 12,756 kilometres. It is the densest of all the planets in the solar system, with a density of 5.50. Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees and 27 minutes to the plane of its orbit. This inclination of its axis causes seasons on Earth. About 71% of its surface is covered by water and 29% by land. Earth’s atmosphere contains about 78% Nitrogen, and 21% Oxygen. The Earth has only one moon, rotating around Earth at an average distance of 384000 kilometres, covering about 27 days (which is considered to be the same as the menstrual periods interval of women; most of the astrologers believe that the menstrual periods of women are related to the motion of moon with respect to their birth moon). The Moon always keeps the same side towards the Earth. Earth is the only planet with life in the solar system. The other planets in the solar system are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.(Pluto is now not considered as a planet). Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Its mass is 318 times that of Earth.
     The Sun around which all the planets of solar system revolve is a star. A star may be defined as a self luminous body of gas. The Sun contains about 99% of the total solar system mass. Its diameter is 1,392,000 kilometres. It can contain more than one million Earths in it. Sun contains large amount of hydrogen. Four atoms of hydrogen combine to form one atom of helium. In this process lot of energy is liberated and this makes the Sun shine. Also many varieties of particles are liberated besides light. One such small particle is neutrino. Neutrinos are small neutral particles produced by the atomic reactions in the Sun. 60 billion neutrinos pass through our thumbnail every single second without harming us. This indicates how small the size of a neutrino particle is. It seems the neutrinos are passing through human cell without crossing nucleus of the cell. Some are of the opinion that if these neutrinos pass through nucleus of human cell there may be great reaction. Can it be instantaneous human combustion? It is not known yet to science.
     Our star, the Sun is located in the Galaxy known as Milky Way which contains about 100 billion stars approximately. The diameter of our galaxy is 100,000 light years (A light year is the distance travelled by light in one year at the rate of  300,000  k.m. per second). Our galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy. Sun’s galactic rotation period is about 225 million years (Also known as cosmic year). The galactic center is about 27000 light years from us. The solar system is almost to the edge of our galaxy. The orbital speed of solar system about the center of galaxy is about 220 kilometres per second.\
     There are unlimited numbers of galaxies in the universe. The nearest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri of the constellation Centaurus at a distance of 4.39 light years from the Sun. The nearest galaxy to us (other than our galaxy, Milky way) is The Large Megellanic cloud, about 160000 light years from us. This galaxy revolves around our galaxy, Milky Way. Another galaxy known as The Small Megellanic cloud is at a distance of 200000 light years from us. One of the most important galaxy, known as The Andromeda Galaxy which is also a spiral galaxy and similar to our galaxy is at a distance of about 2,500,000 light years from us. This Galaxy is moving towards our galaxy at the rate of 300 kilometres per second and the two galaxies are likely to collide in a few billion years time and will result in a single massive galaxy and in an enormous burst of star formation.
     Our galaxy, The Milky Way galaxy is located in a group of galaxies known as Local Group. This local group contains The Milky Way galaxy, The Andromeda galaxy, The Triangulam galaxy and other smaller galaxies. This local group may be considered as a part of Virgo Super Cluster. This cluster contains most of the elliptical type of galaxies. It is even difficult to distinguish individual galaxies among thousands of elliptical. Somewhat less than the half of the mass Virgo Cluster lies in the form of galaxies. The rest is the hot gas that fills the space between them. The gas is not static. Lot of energy from the center of cluster is flowing out to edge of cluster through gas.
     This Virgo Super Cluster may be considered as part of large scale structure of the cosmos and everything is a part of observable universe. This observable universe is only a negligible part of total universe constituting only 5% of the total universe. The rest of the universe cannot be observed even through telescopes. (My post on ‘Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy may please be verified).

     If we assume the size of the humans as 10^0 (i.e. one ) metre, the size of Earth is 10^6 metres and the size of the Universe is 10^25 (10 to the power 25) metres. This indicates where we stand in the universe in terms of size. This is only the size of the observable universe what we can see through telescopes, by study of light rays. Beyond the observable universe, to what extent the universe exists nobody knows. Light rays have to still reach the earth from beyond the observable universe. Some say that the universe is having infinite size. Some believe in parallel universe. In both cases they believe that people like us (exact twins) with similar circumstances and similar surroundings exist somewhere in the infinite universe or in the parallel universe.  Simply we do not know exactly where we are in this vast universe because we do not know the boundaries of the universe. We have to wait and see for further development of science.    

Sunday, July 5, 2015

D N A (deoxyribonucleic acid)

     DNA is a molecule that contains most of the genetic information that needs to develop, live and reproduce in all living organisms and even in viruses. It consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complimentary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine.
     D N A is found in nucleus of cells. Hence it is found in blood, semen, skin, saliva and even in hair. Hence in a crime scene (for example a murder case) if any of the above of the murderer is found at the site it is easy to identify the murderer by comparing the D N A of the suspected persons with the D N A found at site.
     Even in mass accidents, and in decomposed bodies found later, D N A is very useful for identifying the dead body by comparing the D NA of the body with the D N A of blood related close relatives.
     There are instances that sons born illegally, claiming their father with the D N A technology successfully. Anyone who deceives a lady and make her pregnant can also be detected by D N A test.
     Understanding techniques in storage of genetic information in D N A has led to lot of development in computer technology. Machine learning, database theory, string searching algorithms is the result of the same.
     D N A in human cell and D N A In chimpanzee are almost the same up to 98%. If so why there is so much difference in human being and chimpanzee both in appearance and intelligence is not clear. Scientists attribute these differences to the sequence of genes of D N A as well as the types of genes. There may be need for further investigation in this regard.
     With so much technology developed in connection with D N A, we must know at least some brief note on it.
     D N A is organized into chromosomes within the cells. The set of chromosomes in a cell makes up its genome. The human genome has approximately 3 billion base pairs of D N A arranged into 46 chromosomes (23 pairs of chromosomes). 22 pairs of chromosomes look the same in both males and females. In the 23rd chromosome females have 2 copies of x chromosome, while males have one x and one y chromosome. A gene is a sequence of D N A that contains genetic information. Cell division is essential for an organism to grow. When cell divides it must replicate the D N A in its genome, so that the two divided cells have the same genetic information as their parent cell.
     Genetic Engineering:

     Methods have been developed to purify D N A from organisms, such as phenol-chloroform extraction and to manipulate it in the laboratory. Recombinant D N A is a man made D N A sequence that has been assembled from other D N A sequences. They can be transformed into organisms. The text of 54000 word book was encoded in D N A by researchers in Harvard University in August 2012. There may be many further developments in connection with D N A in the near future.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


     King Umberto 1 of Italy was born on March 14, 1844. He had been married on 22-04-1868. The name of his wife was Margherita. His son’s name was Vittorio.
     A restaurant owner at the town Monza near Milan was also named as Umberto. He too was born on March 14, 1844. He got married on 22-04-1868. The name of his wife was also Margherita and his son’s name was Vittorio.
     Both the king and the restaurant owner are similar in appearance. They both were born in the same town. King’s coronation and the opening of restaurant took place on the same day.
     The King accidentally met the restaurant owner in his restaurant and was surprised to see him like him only in appearance and enquired in detail about him. Later on his return, he sent an aide to invite the restaurant owner to his place. The aide returned and told him that the restaurant owner had died on that day in a shooting accident. At that same moment three shots were fired on the king by an assassin and the King too died.

     The purpose of writing this article is to indicate the effect of Karma of their previous births. One is a King whereas the other is an owner of a restaurant. There is a lot of difference in their status. This variation in status is attributed to the Karma of their past lives. The time, date and place of birth may produce similar events in life but the effect of Karma of past births may give different status in life. Hence doing good deeds and living with dignity in this life can enhance our status in our next birth.