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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


     There are many wonders in the design of human body. We can think of a few wonders only, as they are unlimited. One should know at least something about his own body. Hence this post is written. Importance is given not for the functions of body or bodily diseases but for certain aspects connected to body that lends a note of mystery to our mind. 
     Right with the start of formation in the womb, the human body is only a speck, but it develops into more than 5 billion times by the time it grows into full shape. Average interval time between the time of birth and fertilization of egg is about 266 days. Most cells die at the rate of about 5 millions per second and the heart beats about 40 million times every year. A human blinks about 6 million times every year. Brain needs more blood, about 20% of the total blood, though its weight is only 2% of the total body weight. Bones and joints can be replaced by stainless steel and titanium. But the latest development shows that even heart and liver can also be replaced.
     The life span of red blood cells is about 3 months only whereas the life of nerve cells in the brain is more than 50 years. About 2 million red cells are being created every second by the bone morrow. Experiments are being made to know whether change of blood of aged people with blood of young can increase the health and also life span among the old people. It is successful in case of mice. If this happens number of aged will be more than the number of new born and children. However the average life span of human beings is likely to be increased to 150 years shortly with the latest discoveries in medical field. Science has developed to such a stage that a man can be turned into a woman and a woman can be changed into a man. It is successful practically.
     The surface of the skin is made up with tiny dead cell flakes not visible to the naked eye that can be rubbed away. Body looses about 4 kg.  of rubbed  skin flakes every year. Hair on head grows for about 5 years up to a length of about one metre and rarely up to four metres also before it falls naturally. Number of hair on the head (scalp) is more if its color is light and less if it is black. Hair in the head grows at the rate of 3.5 mm per week. Hair colour is dependent on the genes from parents. On the average there are about 120000 hairs on the head. Nails grow about half a millimetre per week.
     There are about 650 muscles and 206 bones in an adult body, but the numbers of bones in a baby are about 306. Some of this join together and become one as the baby grows. The largest bone in the body is thigh bone while the smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear. The skull has 22 separate bones bound together by fibres.  Spine supports the body mainly. It is made up of 22 vertebrae. Spine also supports spinal cord which connects the brain to all body parts. The body has more than 200 joints, the largest being at hip and knees. The biggest muscle is also in the hips.
     Heart pumps about 200 million litres of blood in an average life time. Adults’ heartbeat rate at rest is around 72 per minute. For a new baby it is around 125 per minute. One cubic mm of blood contains about 5 million red cells, 8000 white cells and 350000 platelets. The volume of blood in a man is about 5.5 litres and of a  women is about 4.5 litres. There are mainly four blood groups, namely A O B AB. O is popular. Each group is either Rh.+ or Rh.-. For the patients requiring blood transfusion same group of blood should be given. Otherwise they can become very ill.
     One can urinate about 45000 litres in his life time. Body’s water balance is controlled by urinary system. In each kidney there are about one million tiny filters known as nephrons. Kidneys take about 85 litres of water and other substances from blood of 1000 litres and let out only 0.6 litre of urine after recycling.
     Nervous system controls organs and tissues in the body. The total length of nervous system in the body is about 80000 k m. The fastest nerve signals travel at a speed of 120 m per second and the slowest is about 1.5 m per second. A network of nerves connects brain to every bodily part. The brain is the first part and biggest at one stage to be developed in the womb. The human brain is about 1/50th of the weight of the human body and has a much greater proportion compared to other animals. That is the reason perhaps that the human being is so intelligent among the living beings.
     Respiratory system takes air and separates oxygen from it, pass it into blood. Body cells take this oxygen to burn glucose, which also cells receive from blood when it carries digested food. Under normal rest one can once breathe half litre of air in about 4 seconds. Strenuous breathing rate may be more than 60 breathes per minute. New born babies may breathe up to 40 times a minute.  For an aged person of 80 years the total number of breathes in his life time may be around 600 millions. Oxygen rich blood from the lungs that goes to the heart is red while the blood that comes to lungs is poor in oxygen and its color is dull purple.
     The total quantity of food one can eat in one year is about 10 times his body weight. While passing through the tract, the food is broken to small substances known as nutrients and get absorbed into the blood. The whole journey of food from mouth to anus takes about 24 hours. The length of the digestive system is about 9 metres.    

     Dogs’ nose is 10000 times more sensitive to smell than a human being. Leprosy destroys nerves that respond to touch. Hence a leprosy patient can suffer injuries without realizing it. Tongue has a unique print just like finger print. Tooth is the only unrepairable part of the body. Our body consists of about 50 million cells and each cell has its genetic code that makes us as a unique individual. The genetic code is found in DNA.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Astrology is the only subject that is capable of calculating mischief, made up races  and hidden horses that win unexpectedly in some races.
     I have personally verified many methods in numerology also and found them of no use. But the subject astrology has something to do with horse racing. It is reliable with some exceptions. In one race I have calculated a horse was very superior as per speed calculations. But according to astrology another horse that was second in calculations but far below in timings compared to the top horse was preferable. The results were as per astrology. Perhaps it is a made up race by mutual understanding between the trainers. In another race almost 6 horses were exactly same in timing as per calculations. In such case usually we should not play. But astrologically a horse was clear. But it lost its position being struck up in the middle of the group and fell behind. In spite of that it won by nose at the finishing line. All the six calculated horses were in the blanket finish. In another race a horse came on top on speed calculations and it was also top as per astrology. But it was last in the betting ring. It was paid more than 20 times of the betting amount. The reason for its not recognition is it never figured up to 4th place in any race. I calculated its timing from its last race when it came 5th only. And its timing is superior in this company. Moreover it is an old horse. Hence no one bothered about it. It won from start to finish.  Astrology is so much useful in horse racing. Even those who do not know anything about astrology can calculate the winner in horse racing in some cases if they follow the suggestions given by me below.
     It is dependent on the chart at the moment of the post time of any race. It can be directly read from the internet. I will give how to read it in this article. The planets within 2 degrees of the four angular points of the chart can give the name content of the winning horse depending on the nature of the planet and the words ruled by the planet by its nature, in many cases with some exceptions. Nature of planets and the exceptions I will give in this post.
     The chart at the post time of any race can be erected from either ‘www.secretlanguageofastrology.com’ or from ‘www.alabe.com’ duly filling the required rows such as date, time, city and country and hitting submit. The name row need not be filled up. Just below the circular chart you can find symbols of planets and symbols of signs. From this you can find the degrees of the angular points. i. e. Degrees and signs on the 10th House cusp on top of the chart and its opposite point. Similarly the degrees with signs on the East (left side known as ascendant) and its opposite west side (right side known as descendant) may please be noted. Any planet within 2 degrees on either side of the four angular points may also be noted if any. These planets give the clue of the winning horse by virtue of the name content of the horse governed by the planets. The nature of the planets in angles is reflected in the name of the winning or runner up horses with some exceptions. Each sign is of 30 degrees and each degree is of 60 minutes. It is enough if it is rounded to the nearest degree.
    You can also prepare your own free birth chart on similar lines. For detailed study of your horoscope they may charge some fee.
Those who are interested in knowing more on picking winners in horse racing may please refer the book ‘A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator’ by Llewellyn George under the heading Part V Additional Studies/ picking winners/ Horse Racing. However instead of my own writing, I quote below from the book some important information I have personally verified and found to be correct in order to give more respect to that great author of the book.
     “The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are said to denote short names, while Venus, Saturn denote long names. The Sun by itself suggests a name derived from nature or royalty, but Jupiter may also signify a royalist or Biblical name. Mercurial names are common conventional names, while the moon has rule over family names of the more rural variety, suggesting simplicity, domesticity or collectivism. Venusian names are the euphonious, musical or ornate names pleasant to the ear or suggestive of glamour. Martian names are concise, blunt, militant names popular among fiction writers as typical names of heroes. Saturnine names are those suggestive of dignity, tradition or history. Uranus seems to indicate unusual, startling names either ultramodern or archaic, while Neptunian names are those which lend a note of mystery to the imagination. Pluto’s names are those associated with the underworld or politics. No hard and fast rule can be offered concerning the question of planetary name-cues.”
     “We have noticed that the current aspects in operation or the angular placements of the planets, at the track during post time often give a clue as to the name-content of the winning or runner up horses.” 
In the same book under Part V. Additional Studies/ Astrological Vocabulary about more than 3000 words governed by different planets are given. These may be useful while catching the name content of the horse governed by a planet. Only some important words as verified by me along with some additional important words I give below for guidance. For further verification the book may please be referred.
MOON: Adaptable, aqua, baby, bakery, butter, canal, cheese, change, dairy, domestic, emotional, family, feminine, groceries, house, hydro, infant, juice, kitchen, lady, liquid, luna, moist milk, naval, oyster, pale public plastic ,queen, quiet, receptive river, silver, stomach, tides, umbilical, voyage, water women, young.(Moon also governs the word ‘gold’ besides Sun, from my experience).
MERCURY:  Accounts, books, clerk, clever, debating, education, elocution, fingers, fluent, Gemini, hands, intellect, imagination, journal, journey(short), knowledge, learning, letters, magazine, mail, messages, neighbors, nerves numbers, name, opinion, paper, publisher, quick silver, records, rumor, speech, talking, understanding, virgin, writers, youths.
VENUS: Artistic, beautiful, cheerful, cleanly, dancing decorate, delightful, entertainment, floral, gaiety, garden, handsome, immoral, joyous, kind, ladies, lovely, modest, neat, nice, ornaments, pleasure, perfume, queenly, rose, singing, sweet, tune, unify, vocalist, wine, wedding, youthful.
SUN: Authority, boss, bright, cardiac, celebrated, dignity, elevate, famous, glory, gold, heart, honor, individuality, joy, king, leader, loyalty, light, majestic, noon, nucleus, omnipresent, prince, president, quality, royal, ruler, sovereign, throne, vigor, warmth, yellow, zealous.
MARS: Angry, attack, accident, bold, brutal, cuts, cannon, daring, danger, energetic, fiery, fighter, gunner, gladiator, headstrong, hectic, iron, impulsive, jolt, knife, lusty, mechanical, missile, noisy, needle, oppressive, provoke, quarrelsome, quick, rash, red, regiment, sharp, soldier, steel, torment, temper, uproar, violence, vex, warlike, wrestler, weapon.
JUPITER: Abundant, auspicious, big, banking, cashier, capitalist, comfortable, development, diplomat, excessive, expansive, finances, fortunate, growth, huge, honest, immense, jovial, judge, knowledge, large, legal, lucky, magnificent, maximum, noble, orderly, philosophical, prosperity, quality, rich, respectable, sporting, surplus, truthful, uniformity, value, wealth.
SATURN: Aged, ailing, bitter, bones, carbon, colds, decay, disaster, debt, delay, envy, fear, failure, grudge, grievous, heavy, hard, inert, irksome, jealousy, knees, kill, loss, limitation, misfortune, malicious, miserly, needy, neglect, obstruct, poor, pessimistic, quash, reduction, ruin, sedative, suspicious, tense, terror, tragedy,( thunder), underneath, vested, worry, yoke.
URANUS:  Astrologer, amazing, broadcast, catastrophe, cyclone, crisis, drastic, discard, electric, eccentric, flying, freedom, gases, generator, humanitarian, invent, intuition, kinetic, liberty, lightning, magnetic, miracle, notorious, novelty, out-break, process, quest, revolt, reform, shock, spectacular, telepathic, turbulent, upheaval, uranium, vibrant, whirlwind, x-rays, zigzag.
NEPTUNE: Aquamarine, adulteration, addict, bogus beach, bribery, confusion, cheat, dreamy, deception, enigmatical, fake, fraud, gullible, hallucinations, hysterical, indefinite, inundation, kelp, liquid, mediumistic, mystical, nebulous, ocean, oil, obsession, psychic, plotting, poisoning, quack, rendezvous, seduce, scandal, trance, toxic, undulating, vague, wet, yeast.
PLUTO: Abyss, alibi, betraying, bad, criminal, corrupt, convict, defiance, detective, evolution, enigma, filth, grave, havoc, horrible, immoral, impure, kidnaper, loot, menace, miscreant, nullify, nefarious, obscene, pollute, ravage, rogue, septic, sinister, treachery, underworld, unknown, victim, virus, waste.
     If the name of the horse is that of a famous and familiar name of king or a queen then it can win or placed if Sun is in angles. Similar thing applies if the name of a musician or a dancer or of a beautiful lady like Helen of Troy for Venus; names of war lords for Mars and so on as indicated under nature of planets.
     Those who are beginners in this field are to exercise lot of caution. In most of the cases it is difficult to find that which planet governs the name content of the horse. Only less than 30% of the horses may be clear to catch the planet governing the name of horse. Some horses may carry the primary influence of a planet and secondary influence of another planet. The name of the horse is only based on primary influence only. If the secondary influence of this horse is superior to the primary influence of a selected horse, this horse can win over it. In this case the astrological method fails, but it is a rare case. Until one gets acquainted with this method by trial and error practically, it is always safe to play small amounts only.
GERARAL: if both speed calculations as given under the post ’Horse Racing’ and astrological calculations also tally it is safe to play. Usually mischief occurs in racing if the number of horses running is 6 or less than 6. In such cases we have to closely observe whether there is any astrological clearance. Even otherwise, we must know something about racing psychology (nature of the trainers and owners). In a set of jackpot races (5 in number), if the first three winners are favorites, the next two races can be outsiders. In such case it is better to go for astrological influence also. Always prefer speed calculations first, and then only astrological calculations, except in special cases as mentioned above and where you suspect mischief. In such cases you can play both the horses of speed calculations as well as astrological calculations adjusting the amount of money in such a way that you can be on the gain considerably even if any of them wins.
     Horse racing is a game for pleasure with money. Hence one must know the limitation of losing money without any kind of worry. That limit should not exceed under any circumstances. It varies with the financial condition of the individual. Our pleasure in racing should not be lost by losing more money beyond limits.

     One’s horoscope also should favor gains in racing. If his horoscope is much against gains in horse racing, he will be a continuous loser. If it is so it is better to stop horse racing, and prefer some other field. (ALSO REFER MY POST ON HORSE RACING).