Since a long time we are witnessing flying
saucers moving around earth. There are several stories such as they are taking
humans and testing them and leaving them. Some flying saucers even entering into
the sea and some appears to be settled down at some secret places in
Himalayas. There are several encounters with flying saucers especially in
America and Russia. Most of the countries have witnessed flying saucers in
their sky. There are some attempts by our vehicles to observe them closely, but
they could not match the speed of flying saucers.
Our scientists have recently sent a
vehicle into space with all identifications of location of Earth in space and the
type of life here. As a result of this
probably a space vehicle of cylindrical shape passed over the sky. It is
expected to come again for detailed observation.
Now the problem arises whether advance
living beings whatever may be the technology developed by them can travel such
a long distance by any space vehicle? As
an alternative are these space vehicles are governed by robots of very high intelligence
developed by the superior beings of exoplanets? We can’t answer these questions
immediately as we don’t have sufficient knowledge of them. We can only study
the probabilities.