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Monday, April 25, 2022

Advice of Swamy Vivekananda

Advice of Swamy Vivekananda

     Swamy Vivekananda is famous for his spiritual powers. After knowing his spiritual powers several foreigners followed him and wanted to take up Hinduism to practice the celebrated spiritual powers of Swamy Vivekananda under his guidance.  But the Swamy Vivekananda advised them to continue with their own religion and told them that all religious prayer to their God reach to the same point (The Supreme God) common to all and the response comes to their prayers suitably depending on the strength of their prayers.

     This advice of Swamy Vivekananda is the most important especially in India where there are so many religions. Following his advice leads to cooperation between all religions. But how many are following his advice is a matter of consideration.

     If we take his advice as granted and further investigate on religious prayers we may find several other secrets. My experience as in post ‘secrets from experience’ as in my blog ‘astroblog-msa.blogspot.com’ reveals further secrets of thought te4chnology. It may kindly be perused. There seems to be a kind of positive thought in all religious thoughts. It is this positive thought that reaches the supreme God and response comes suitably. Hence it appears that the positive thought in all religious prayers works well independent of any religious faith.

     According to the study of scientists from Boston University School of Medicine in the U S people with greater optimism are more likely to live to the age of 85 or more. Hence the optimistic thought is very essential in every human life. As per Indian saints life is the resultant action of planetary influence at birth (which resulted from actions (karma) of previous births) and the spiritual resources in us. We can nullify the evil influence of planes by positive thoughts and good actions by the power of meditation which is indirectly supported by the latent spiritual resources in us. Hence practicing optimistic thoughts along with good actions is essential for long life and for good future births.

  The following quotations may kindly be perused in support of the above.

     “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     The above verses indicate that the God is word indirectly indicating that the God is thought as thought is nothing but word only. If it is word it should be good as God is indirectly good only if you add one more ‘o’ to God. So it is good word or good thought. As we are integral part of God our thoughts are directly connected to God. So if your thought is good the response is good. If your thought is bad its reaction is also bad. So be careful with your thoughts. To simplify your positive thought is your God as its response is good. The response is proportional to the intensity of your thought. Other religions also teach almost the same.

Change in the name of God will not change the God.