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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Para in Greek language means 'beyond'. Normal is an English word meaning 'ordinary'. Hence paranormal means 'beyond ordinary. The very meaning of paranormal indicates some mystery not susceptible to present day science. There are many branches to paranormal situations. This deals with study of psychic phenomena. This deals with out of body experiences (O B E), near death experences(NDE),reincarnation, predictions, intuition , hypnosis and strange dreams, etc.
Under OBE, the soul seperates itself from materialistic body and moves independently. Most people who experience OBE can be seen by others at places where the soul moves independent of the body after seperation from body. The soul can join the body later.
N D E is similar to O B E, wherein soul seperates from body, but occurs at the point of death. There are several reports from people that they have seen their body from above before moving on through a tunnel at the end of which they see light. But later the soul returns to body. Due to enormous stress and strain resulting from injury or illness, a person may be unconscious. The unconscious person at times feels leaving his body, and witnesses the seen from a different height. He can even see the treatment given to his body. When the body recovers the soul can reenter the body. Such souls can even verify what they have seen after reentering the body.
After the soul is seperated from a body after the death, the soul can be reborn into any other physical body, as the soul has no death. In recent years there are several examples of people remembering their past lives. In 1930 a four year girl by name Shanti Devi from Delhi declared that she lived in a village Muttra in her past birth with the name Ludgi. When she was taken to the village she even recognised her relatives and her story was found to be true. There are many such examples.
There are people who predict the future of an individual, future of a country and the future of the world as a whole. For predicting the future of a man Astrology is the main subject that deals with the human reactions to planetary vibrations. Some even predict by developing mental powers. They can look into the future of a person or a country by clairvoyant powers. Nostradamus predictions are very famous worldwide. But unfortunately he has not given any specific dates for his predictions for the reasons known to him only. These predictions were recognised after they were fulfilled. There are many such prophets all over the world.
Intuition is knowing information without any definite source. This information might be received telepathically or subconsciously. The people with intuition are at a loss to explain as to how they acquired the knowledge. This intuition fails under test conditions.
Hypnosis is a trancelike condition. It is like sleep, but not exactly so. Under hypnosis, person is more open to suggestion than in awaken state. Austrian doctor Franz Mesmer was the first to investigate hypnotism in 1770 and he called it as "animal magnetism". Hypnotism was used for medical purposes especially to reduce pain. Hypnotism was also used for investigation of past lives. Meditation may lead to self hypnosis that can cure unknown diseases within us. Any deep and concentrated thought (feeling) may also hypnotise the person towards whom it is directed.
Man is trying to find some meaning for dreams since some thousands of years. Some dreams are pleasant, while others are terrifying. Some dreams contain people and places known to the dreamer, while others are of opposite nature. Dreams are symbolic. Lucid dreaming is most studied. In lucid dreaming, the individual is aware that he is dreaming during the dream and the dream is well remembered after awakening. Some dreams are informative such as the accident ahead. I personally had such dream that saved my life beyond any doubt.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


About 4600 million years ago, the planet earth was formed from dust and gas. It was full of poisonous gases with no food to eat and hence with no living things. It seems as per theory, that every living thing came out of a common ancestor that lived long ago. Though living things have different genes, they have all inherited the same genetic code to make those genes work.
Evolution is a theory that living things change from generation to generation with a change in the genetic composition with time and change in climatic conditions. The ingredients in the formation of life are water, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia. Lighting or ultraviolet radiation might have changed these chemicals into amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, which constitute living things, mainly. Evolution theory was first given by Charles Darwin and others in 1850s. According to Darwinsm, the natural selection is the mechanism of evolution. Living things slowly changed and evolved into different species over millions of years.
About 3800 million years ago, first life appeared consisting of primitive single-celled organisms. 3300 million years back, the first simple plants, algae apeared in oceans. About 700 million years ago first water animals such as worms, jelly fish (multicellular animals) appeared. 450 million years back first fish (first vertebrate) appeared in the oceans. 410 million years ago first plants appeared on land. About 230 million years back early dinosaurs moved on earth. 60 million years ago the first large mammals emerged. About 14 million years ago, early apes appeared. During the period of 10000 years to 1.8 million years back, early modern man emerged in Africa.
No one has seen prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs. But we know about them sufficiently from their fossils, resulting from their bones burried in mud or sand million years ago and then turned to rock by natural chemical process.
A large part of life cannot be seen with naked eye. It can only be viewed through a microscope. Besides plants, animals and bacteria, fungi (mushrooms and toadstools) is another type of life, looking like plants, but grow by absorbing food instead of by using sunlight.
All living things are connected to each other. Plants get energy from sunlight. Animals eat these plants as their livelihood. Some animals eat each other and live. When animals and plants die, bacteria and fungi break them down. And recycling starts. This process is ecology.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


To our present knowledge, life is available only on Earth. The planet earth along with its atmosphere and oceans and climate provide great facilities for the creation of life. The aspect whether there is life anywhere in the universe is under consideration by astronomers and scientists.
Earth is a planet in the solar system and revolves around the Sun, which is only an average star. There are billions of stars in the universe, some are bigger and more aged than the sun. Some of these stars have planets circling them. AT least some of them might be having similar conditions as on earth which support emergence of life. The universe contains about 100,000 million galaxies and many of them contain about 100,000 million stars. But it is difficult to examine the availability of life on such planets, with limited scope from earth. Such planets are several thousand light years from earth. ( one light year is the distance travelled by light in one year at the rate of 300,000 kilometers per second). As such it is at present impossible for us to examine the possibility of life in other places, even if life exists in other places in the universe. If life exists in planets having superior life period, they should be definitely superior beings than us.
Astronomers and scientists are for years busily engaged in the search for extra terrestrial intelligence (SETI) since 1960. Atrophysisists and radio astronomers are trying to intercept signals from extra terrestrial beings using powerful radio telescopes. Some believe that they have come into contact with aliens. They say that these extra galactic creatures are already among us, and we are unable to prove the same due to our limited understanding and resources.
There are several appearances of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) since a long time. There are even instances that even aeroplanes also followed to investigate them, but they could not match their speed. There are also reports from several human beings that they were taken into the UFOs and they were tested and then left back on earth. Even lie detector tests were performed on such reporters and the results were positive. Some assume that these flying sausers carry extra terrestrial aliens who are far superior to us in technoligy. Only we have to wait and see with some hope of extra terrestrial beings to come into contact with us in the near future, with our developement in technology.

Friday, November 27, 2009


As far as our knowledge is concerned the only place where the life exists is the planet Earth, revloving around the Sun.
The universe was created about 15000 million years back in a big bang. About 6000 millions years ago, our galaxy known as Milky Way was formed along with some other galaxies. The solar system (Sun and planets) were formed about 5000 million years ago. Sun is only an average star among the billions of stars in the ever expanding universe. First micro organism emerged in the depths of oceans on earth about 4000 million years ago. Life on earth is mainly a carbon based life. 30 million years ago, the man-like ape known as hominoid existed in Egypt. After many trasformations, the emergence of modern man took place in the dominant human species in Europe and Asia as Homo neanderthalensis about 250000 years ago. Around 30000 years back, they were driven to extinction by Homo sapiens from Africa, who came into existence between 200000-140000 years ago.
DNA analysis of the Neanderthal remains shows that they cannot be the ancestors of modern man. But the DNA research shows that the modern man has descended from a human population living in Africa between 200000 to 140000 years ago.
All modern humans are genetically similar. But due to the atmospheric and climatic conditions they lived in, different races are formed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


According to the astronomers and cosmologists, time and space began with a mighty cosmic explosion known as 'the big bang'. Although this name might not sound serious enough for the origin of the world, the theory is solid and most scientists support it. But we will never know exactly what happened at the dawn of the universe.
I give below some salient features of big bang theory.
At the moment of big bang the radius of the universe is almost zero. After
10 to the power -43 seconds (a negligible period of time ), the radius of the universe is less than 10 to the power -50 centimeter (which is also negligible).
THIS CREATES THE IMPRESSION THAT SOME SUPERNATURAL FORCE (MAY BE GOD), CREATED THE UNIVERSE FROM NOTHING (EMPTINESS). After 10 to the power -35 seconds the universe has grown and its temperature is 10 to the power 27 degrees celsius. one second after the big bang, the universe is an undifferentiated mass of matter and energy. Its temperature is 10 to the power 10 degrees celcius. 200 seconds after the big bang Helium and other light elements are created through nuclear fusion. 800,000 years after, the universe becomes transparent. Matter releases radiation, later to be discovered in the form of microwave radiation in cosmic background radiation. 1000million years after big bang, birth of the proto-galaxies took places. Most of these remain outside the range of our instruments. After 3000 million years, evidence of quasars and some radio galaxies took place. 8000 million years marked the birth of most galaxies including the Milky Way ( our galaxy). Birth of Sun and planets took place after 9000 million years. First life on Earth was created after 13000 million years after the big bang. This is all about the origin of the universe as per the big bang theory.

Monday, November 23, 2009


The green house has received a great deal of attention in recent years. As it is often mentioned in newspapers, magazines and T V reports - sometimes as 'global warming' - most people are not sure exactly what it is, or whether it is good or bad thing. The green house effect is a term for the warming influence of the atmosphere, which may be termed as most dangerous to the existence of human life on Earth.
The origin of the problem lie with rapid industrialisation, the clearance of tropical forests, and the burning of more and more petrolium, natural gas, coal and other fossil fuels. All these processes will increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This has increased by about 60 times than it was in
1860. Besides this, the increase of methane or ozone gases ( ozone hole is also growing on the upper layers of atmosphere) account for about 15% of human destruction. All these, results in warming up the atmosphere.
The forests that can be used to consume large amount of carbon dioxide and supply oxygen are shrinking at an alarming rate. The cold oceans can also store large amounts of CO2. But the warming of the atmosphere will also warm the oceans, thereby reducing the capacity of oceans to store CO2.
A rise of 2 - 3 degrees of celsius would have the most serious consequences in the polar regions, where it would cause the glaciers to melt. As a result of the green house effect (global warming), the ice caps melt and the seas rise, flooding cities, towns and farms, while blistering heat waves and devastating #f26522
floods ravage the land.
Little progress has been made in reducing the build-up of green house gases such as carbon dioxide, ozone, methane , water vapour etc., in the atmoshere. So far the results of international conferences and conventions have been disappointing. If the same process continues, it may result in great damage to human life on Earth.
About 50% of world populatdion is near the sea shore. If the sea level rises due to negligence of controlling green house effect, there is every possibility that 50% of population will become homeless. However there are plans to construct floating buildings and floating roads on the sea water, Also there are plans to manufacture cars that can move on earth as well as inside the sea water.
Most of the ice is located at Greenland and Antarctica. If this melts ocean levels are likely to rise considerably. Cities like London, Newyork, Losangeles, Sydney, Tokyo, Hongkong, Bombay, and Rio De Janeiro etc. are likely to be submerged in ocean water. Besides most of the coastal areas of India, Bangladesh, East coast of U S A  will be flooded by ocean water, rendering the residents of coastal areas homeless.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


When we closely observe differnnt lives and events, we find strange coincidences that come under unknown mysteries. Few example are given below.
Similar Assasins:
An assasin named Claude Volbonne murdered Baron Rodemire de Tarazone of France in 1872. 21 years earlier Baron's father had also been murdered by a Claude Volbonne. The two assasins were not related.
Franz Richter Times Two:
Franz Richter a 19 year old volunteer in The Austrian Transport Corps following world war 1, was admitted to the hospital suffering from pneumonia. In the same hospital there was another patient named Franz Richter, also 19 year old, also suffering from pneumonia, and also a volunteer in the Transport Corps. Both men were born in Silesia.
Heart to Heart:
John and Mowforth were twins. "What happened to one," their sister said, "usually happened to the other. On the evening of May 22, 1975, each experienced severe chest pains and was rushed ( unknown to the other or their families) to the hospital-- one in Bristol and the other in Windsor, 70 or 80 miles away as the crow flies. Each man died of a heart attack shortly after arrival."
A Shared Fate:
A man riding a moped was killed by a taxi in Bermuda in 1975, exactly a year after his brother had been killed-- on the same street, by the same taxi driver carring the same passinger, and on the same moped.
Wanda Marie Jhonson times two:
Both Wonda Maries were born on the same day, June 15,1953; both moved from Washington, D.C., to Prince Georges Country; both have two children delivered in the same hospital, and both own two-door Ford Granadas; the 11-digit serial numbers on their cars are the same except for the last three digits.
... And Dogs Named Toy :
Identical twin boys born in Ohio some 40 year ago were adopted by different families shortly after birth. In 1979 after 39 years apart they were united. It was discovered that each was named James; that each had had law-enforcement training; that each liked mechanical drawing and carpentry. Each married a women named Linda, had a son-- one named James Alan and the other named James Allan -- had diversed, and then married a second wife, named Betty. Both had had dogs named Toy. Also both favoured the same St. Petersburg, Florida vacation Beach.
Clocking out :
An ornate clock belonging to King Louis XIV of France stopped at the precise moment of his death, 7.45 A.M., on September 1, 1715, and has never run since.
There is need to examine the secret behind these strange coincidences . An astrological survey was made on this aspect long ago. If astrology is true, the life of two different persons born to different parents at the same time at the same place or nearby place, should tally. Numerous examples were tallied and were published in Scientific American. The same were published in the Astrological Magazine.
If that is the case, it looks as if the events of our lives are prearranged, as a result of our Karma in the past birth, and is dependant on the planets position in the sky at the time of our birth. But this is not totally correct as per the Saints of India. Since the planets positions at our birth are as per our past Karma, and the Karma was done by us only, we have got the ability to nullify the evil and enhance good of the planets by utilising our spiritual resources. (Please also refer my posts on ASTROLOGY AND THOUGHT POWER).

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I am more impressed by the chapter "The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar" from the book "Autobiography of a Yogi". I give below some of the quotations from the book regarding the life after death.
Sri Yukteswar appeared to Sri Paramhansa Yogananda on 19-06-1936 duly creating his material body from cosmic atoms, and revealed several secrets of life after death. Some extracts are given below.
"God encased the human soul sucessively in three bodies--the idea or causal body; the subtle astral body, the seat of man's mental and emotional natures; and the gross material body. On earth a man is equipped with his physical senses. An astral person works through his consciousness and feelings and a body made of lifetrons. A causal-bodied being remains in the blissful realm of ideas.
Soon after death in this world man leaves his physical body and enters the astral universe. His life period on the astral planet is dependant on his material karma that draws him back to the terrestrial realm at a calculated time. Until he comes out of material karma, this proces of rebirth and redeath continues. once he comes out of the karma of this world, he settles down in the astral world for a considerable time.
"There are many astral worlds teaming with astral beings. The inhabitants use astral vehicles, or masses of light to travel from one planet to another."
"The astral universe is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure and orderly.--Weeds,bacteria, insects, snakes are absent.--The astral spheres maintain an even temperarure of eternal spring."
"The astral beings dematerialise and materialise their forms at will. All astral beings are free to assume any form and can easily commune together. Astral persons through fiats of their cosmically attuned will, bring offspring into being in significantly patterned astral forms."
" In most cases the astral body is an exact counterpart of the last physical form. An astral person meets a multitude of relatives, fathers, mothers, wives husbands, children and friends acquired during different incarnations on earth."
"By intuition astral persons pierce the veil and observe human activities, but man cannot view the astral spheres unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have momentarily glimsed an astral being or an astral world."
"Communication among all astral world residents is effected entirely by telepathy and astral television. -- Spoken and written word -- are unknown in astral realms.-- Astral world inhabitants are sustained principally by cosmic light. Astral world dwellers consume fruits and vegetables and drink a nectar that flows from glorious fountains of light and in astral brooks and rivers."
On a similar way when an astral being meets his astral death, he carries his astral karma to the causal world. Rebirth and re-death takes place in the astral world many times until his astral karma is exhausted, and he settles down in causal world.
"So long as the soul of man is encased in one, two, or three body containers sealed tightly with the corks of ignorance and desires, he cannot merge with the sea of Spirit. When the gross physical receptacle is destroyed by the hammer of death. the other two coverings -astral and causal- still remain to prevent the soul from consciously joining the Omnipresent Life. When desirelessness is attained through wisdom, its power disintegrates the two remaining vessels. The tiny human soul emerges free atlast; it is one with the Measureless Amplitude."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Spontaneous Human Combustion is a well documented phenomenon in which a human body ignites and burns without any known contact with any external source of fire. In some cases the damage is slight and in other cases the victim is reduced to ashes. And in some of the strangest cases nearby objects escape relatively unscathed. The chair or bed in which the victim was sitting or lying, and even the clothes on the charred body, may be undamaged or slightly singed. Often, too, a single foot, a leg or tips of some fingers remain in tact, although the rest of the body is consumed.
Cases of Spantaneous Human Cumbustion (S H C) began to appear in medical reports as far back as 17 th. century, and in a span of four centuries more than 200 such incidents have been reported.
I too happened to read one such incident in a newspaper during my lifetime. Few examples of such incidents are given below.
A former actress Mrs. Olga Worth Stephens, age 75, of Dallas, Texas, was sitting in parked car in October 1964, when witnesses saw her burst into flames. She was fatally burnt before anyone could come to her rescue. Firemen said that the automobile was not damaged and contained nothing that could have started the fire.
Two constables found the burned corpse of a woman in the village Manner, near Dinapore, India in 1907. The two men carried the corpse, still smoldering inside unscorched clothes, to the District Magistrate's office. The Indian press said that the officers had seen no signs of fire in the room where the body was.
Several resarchers put forward several mundane causes for seemingly inexplicable fires. But none of these hypotheses could really account for spontaneous human combustion. Static electricity seems to be a good candidate for starting these fires, no matter what might fuel them thereafter. The human body can according to the Fire protection Manual of the National Fire Protection Association, accumulate a static charge of several thousand volts. Some people have been known to build up far greater charges, occationally generating upto 30000 volts. Ordinarily this electricity is harmlessly discharged through hair, but in certain volatile situations, such as factories for combustible materials or hospitals operating rooms using gaseous anesthetics, these people can spark of explotions. But these exploaions have never been known to burn one person to ashes, leaving the room and the furnishings undamaged.
Spantaneous Human Combustion still remains as a mystery unexplained.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Mayans lived in Mexico of South America in the 7 th. century. The end of their civilisation is not known to history as on today. In those days they were experts in Astronomy. They developed their own calanders. The date of their calanders ends on
21-12-2012. Acording to Mayan prophet Pacal Voltan, the noon day sun on 21-12-2012 will exactly conjunct the crossing point of the Sun's ecliptic with the galactic equator, while also closely conjuncting the exact center of galaxy, resulting in biospheric destruction. Some called this as the end of the world. There are about 175books and a cinema on this phenomenon.
Due to some religious faith many are supporting this theory. According to them the Sun is close to the center of galaxy (Milkyway) and also passes through the dark rift of the galaxy. There is enormous nuclear action at the center of galaxy and the dark rift consists of interstellar dust that runs along the Milkyway from the galactic center.
The scientists of N A S A are not accepting this theory. It is the distance of the Sun from the centre of the galaxy, that is important to be considered, irrespective of the fact that the Earth , Sun and the galactic center are in line. The distance of the Sun from the galactic center is about 25000 light years. (One light year is the distance travelled by light in one year at the rate of 300000 K.M. per second). Sun is very far away from the center of galaxy and will not be affected by the neuclear reactions at the center or by the dark rift. The last time when the Earth was in the galactic plane was about 65 million years ago. The end of Dinosaurs is also estimated to be about 65 million years ago. But the end of Dinosaurs may not be due to the presence of earth in the Galactic plane. The impact of an astoroid is the most popular theory. The Sun takes about 225 million years for its revolution around the center of Milkyway. That means it will cross plane of Milkyway after 47.5 million years from now onwards. Considering an orb of influence, any evil effect on the Sun and the Earth may take place if any, only after 40 million years (400 lakhs of years). The statement that we are about to cross the galactic plane is untrue. Any damage to Earth or the end of the world is totally ruled out by the scientists of NASA.
According to them the only threats are global warming, loss of biological diversity, and perhaps collision from an asteroid or commet in the long future. Space guard survey is taken up by NASA astronomers to find any asteroid long before hitting the Earth. There are no such threats in near future. In case no such calamity occurs, the ultimate end of life on Earth occurs only when the life of Sun ends after 5000 million years from now
There are some who are spreading rumours of the end of the world on 21-12-2012, in the light of some writings by Mayans, Nostradamus and Bramham.
Even the Mayans did not predict the end of the world on 21-12-2012. They only prepared their calander upto 21-12-2012. This does not mean that they prepared their calanders upto the end of the world. They only predicted some biospheric destruction but not the end of the world. This is exagerated by many.
Nostradamus never predicted about the end of the world on 21-12-2012. In his letter addressed to his son Ceasar Nostradamus, he mentioned that he gave prophesies up to the year beyond 3000. Where is the question of the end in 2012. Bramham never predicted the end of the world in 2012. He mentioned that water level will touch the nose of a diety on the hill top at Vijayawada. Many reasons and many alternatives are possible for this. EVERYTHING IS MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



TIME started with the creation of the universe about 15000 million years ago. Prior to that, time did not exist.
According to the latest theory of creation, the universe was formed as a result of a BIG BANG ( a gigantic explosion) about 15000 million years ago. In this explosion matter, energy space and time were created. Due to this Big Bang the universe is expanding. Due to expansion universe cooled down from the original heat of explosion
and the hydrogen atoms were formed in dense clouds. Nebulae, galaxies and stars were formed. A nebula consists of gas (hydrogen) and dust. When nebula contracts, galaxies with stars in them are formed. There are about 100000 galaxies in the universe. The galaxy we live in is called Milkyway. There are about 100000 stars in our galaxy. The Sun is only an average star. There are stars so big in size,so that the entire solar system including planets come within the diameter of the star. The star ANTARES is one like that.
Sun has 9 planets circling it including pluto. (Pluto is likely to be eliminated as a planet).There is life on the third planet i.e. EARTH revolving around the Sun.
The terrestrial time measure is based on the revolution and rotation of Earth . The time of one rotation of earth around its axis is taken as one day and its revolution around the Sun, which covers about 365 rotations is taken as one year ( about 365 days).This is a terrestrial measure of time.
According to latest discoveries there are planets circling some stars and there is likelihood of life in those planets also.If so their measurement of time depending on the rotation and revolution of the planet around its star should be different. It has to be converted into terrestrial measure of time suitably.#f26522
Just as length width height(depth) are dimensions, time is also a dimention. All these dimensions were formed with the creation of the Universe. Nobody knows the life of the universe. Some stars are still under formation only. Some stars alresdy died. When the Universe collapses time also disappears.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Science is a metnod of knowlwdge. Depending on the available events we have to form a theory to explain the same . Accordingly, Newton's law of gravitation came. Latter as a further improvement Einsteins theory of relativity came. At the time of Newton time is different from space which consists of three dimensions. But according to Einsteins time cannot be seperated from space. Time is the fourth dimension.
Several theories were put forward regarding the creation of the Universe. The BIG BANG theory is the most popular theory among the scientists on the creation of the universe.
The Sun is only a tiny speck in this boundless and ever expanding universe. It is created in the galaxy ,known as Milkyway. The Galaxy Milkyway contains about 100,000 million stars. It is shaped like a disc with a bulge in the middle. The stars on this disc lie on arms that curve out from the central bulge. It is a spiral galaxy.The whole galaxy rotates. The diameter of our galaxy, milkyway is about 100,000 light-years.( A light-year is the distance travelled by light in one year, at the speed of 300,000 kilometers per second). The Sun is about 25000 light years from the centre of Milkyway. The Sun revolves around the center of galaxy in about 225 million years.
There are many galaxies in the universe. Some are spiral in shape (just like ours), some are round or oval in shape and are called as ellipticals and others are irregular galaxies. The nearest galaxies to our own galaxy are called Magellanic clouds. They are irregular Galaxies. Andromeda Galaxy is one of the few galaxies we can see with naked eye, even though it lies over 2,000,000 light years away. It is a spiral galaxy just like our galaxy but is bigger.
Astronomers think that the Universe was formed about 15000 million years ago resulting from BIG BANG. At present it is an expanding universe. Nobody knows what will happen to the universe in the far distant future. It may contract again or may continue expanding.
The Sun is formed about 5000 million years ago. It will start dying after the entire Hydrogen in it is converted as Helium. Four Hydrogen atoms combine together to form one Helium atom, resulting in light and heat etc. This process is likely to continue for another 5000 million years more. Then it swells up into a red giant 20 to 30 times larger. It slowly shrinks puffing off rings of gas and finally becomes a dense white dwarf.
Sun is an average star. A middle weight star, which has mass more than Sun, at the end of its life collapses to form tiny neutron star. A heavy weight star which may be about 10 times the mass of Sun explodes as a supernova and collapses into a black whole, a region of enormous gravity.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Sunday, August 9, 2009


Under my astroblog, I like to discuss subjects like astrology , thought power, shifting date of Sankranti to 22 nd. December, unity between religions, views of places, astronomy, meaning of time, life after death, life at other locations in the universe, evolution of life on earth, ghosts, Mayans prophecies of end of the world in 2012, instantaneous human combustion, strange coincidences, the big bang and the universe, the emergence of man, the universe and life of Sun, paranormal situations and various mysteries of the unknown, and the horoscopes of the celebrities etc.
All the subjects are very interesting , and some subjects such as thought power are very useful to those who follow it. My main intention is to spread the knowledge to others so that they may also do so for the benifit of others.


Astrology is a science of human reactions to planetary vibrations.
I quote below some important portions of paragraphs from the chapter "outwitting the stars" from the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramhansa Yogananda a well known Yogi.
" A child is born on that day and on that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual KARMA. His horoscope is a challenging portrait revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results."
" The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasise fate, the result of past good or evil - but to arouse man's will to escape from the universal thraldom. What he has done he can undo.---He can overcome any limitations because he created it by his own action in the first place and because he possesses spiritual resources that are not subject to planetary pressure. --- The soul is ever free. It is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars."
The above quotations are self explanatory. It is there the utility of astrology comes. The correct astrology gives the right timings of good and evil. By utilising our spiritual resources we can enhance good and nullify evil by scientifie meditation or religious prayers of any religion.
There are so many astrologies in different countries by different methods. All of them are not fully perfect. From my own experience I have realised the following method of prediction is comparatively better.
The Earth revolves around the Sun in one year, covering 360 degrees. The Earth also rotates around its own axis also covering 360 degrees in one day. From trial and error methods it is found that there is some relation between one day and one year. As an example if some astrloger has to predict some one's life at 30 years of age , he has to see the planets positions , 30 days after his birth, and see what aspects these planets are making with the position of birth planets and do predictions accordingly. These are called progressions. The movement of planets in the sky at the 30 th. year of age (current year ) also give support to the progressions in predicting the approximate timing of event if they are similar to progressions. These are called transits. Progressions are 365 times powerful than similar transits. Only events that have birth chart impressions can materialise . If there is no birth chart impression, the power of event is minor or no event as indicated may take place. This method is said to be once originated in India and lost its significance as simpler and easier methods were developed in India. This method of prediction was gradually shifted to Gulf countries and from there to Europe and America, where it underwent much research and development. At present this method is known as Western Astrology.
Most of the astrologers who follow this method give their predictions folowing the longitudes of planets. But as observed by me the predictions are more appropriate in timing of events if we take right ascensions of planets instead of longitudes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Unity between different religions is essential for modern living. All religions accept that God/Creator is the same for the entire humanity. But each religion has given a specific name to their own religious God. Hindus called him as Vishnu, Christians as Jehovah, and Muslims as Allah. Their are people in every religion who worship their religious God and achieved their desires. What is common behind these different religious prayers is to be understood.
As a simple answer , it is the thought force behind every religious prayer. It is the thought power that reaches God/Creator (common to all religions) where from the response comes. If so why the religious clashes?
These religious clashes are mainly due to lack of understanding of their own religion . No religion encourages fights between religions. Since all religions lead to the same destiny (God/ Creator) there should be some common aspects between different religions. Several eminent men and saints of India tried their best to bring unity between different religions. One such effort is given below for the sake of better understanding.
The book Kaivalya Darsanam , THE HOLY SCIENCE by Jnanavatar Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
is one such attempt to bring unity between Christianity and Hinduism and all other religions. I quote below a paragraph of the foreword of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda on this book.
"Prophets of all lands and ages have succeeded in their God-quest. Entering a state of true illumination, NIRBIKALPA SAMADHI, these saints have realised the Supreme Reality behind all names and forms. Their wisdom and spiritual counsel have become the scriptures of the world. These, although outwardly differing by the reason of the variegated cloaks of words, all are expressions --- some open and clear, others hidden or symbolic --- of the same basic truths of Spirit."
This book brings out several aspects that are common between Christianity and Hinduism as in their religious books, and attempts to establish a fundamental harmony between the religions. It is worth reading for those who are interested in unity between religions.
We are endowed with some spiritual resources. Our life is the resultant action of application of these spritual resources and the planetary vibrations. The position of the planets at the time of birth are so adjusted that they represent the resultant action of our Karma in our past birth. Indirectly we are responsible for the planets position at birth. Any evils in the planets position at birth can be nullified by utilizing our spiritual resources,  by meditation and by doing good deeds that can nullify the evil of our past birth. Utilising correct Astrology we can calculate the good and evil timings. We can enhance good and nullify evil by our spiritual resouces. That is where the utility of astrology comes. The ultimate principle of operation behind every religion is thought force. It is behind every religious prayer. It is common to all religions. It is where all religions coincide.
It may be surprising to say that there are people who worship the idols of COCK and get their wishes fulfilled. Thought power is behind their worship. If this simple principle can be understood properly there can be unity between all religions. The creation is like that. THOUGHT POWER IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM OF HUMAN LIFE.
Behind every religious prayer by any person some thought power is generated. In case the same person criticises other religions, he is indirectly criticising the principle (thought power) common to all religious prayers. Thereby he is bound to loose the thought power generated by him. Most of the religious prayers are getting nullified as they have not understood the principle behind all religious prayers. If he wants to achieve something by his own religious prayers, he should not criticise other religions. There lies the correct utility of prayer.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The correct date of festival Sankranti is 21/22 of December of every year. The present fixation of date is not correct. By following the present procedure the date of Sankranti is being shited by one day in 72 years. Ultimately the festival is heading towards summer, where as it should be in winter.
Sankranti is a seasonal festival and seasons are dependent on the movable zodiac but not on the fixed zodiac which is being followed at present. Taking the date of entry of Sun into the Capricornus sign of the movable zodiac which falls on 21/22 of December of every year is more appropriate. This also tallys with the maximum southern declination of the Sun which is about 23.5 degrees, indicating that the Sun is farthet from the northern latitudes. India comes under northern latitudes.
The difference between the movable zodiac and the fixed zodiac known as ayanamsa is 23 degrees 59' 12" as on 01-01-2009, as taken from Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris for 2009, equivalent to 24 days as Sun moves by about one degree in one day. Accordingly the date of festival Sankranti is shifted by about 24 days from the correct date of Sankranti. The fixed zodaic and the movable zodiac coincided in the year 285 A.D. It will take about 26000 years to coincide again from that year. During this period the date of the festival Sankranti covers all the 365 dates (days) of the year. That means Sankranti falls in all seasons including summer, whereas it should fall in winter (on 21/22 of December). If we follow the date of Sankranti as the date on which the Sun enters the Capricornus sign of the movable zodiac, the date is always as 21/22 of December only for the entire circle of 26000 years, and gets repeated later on also.
Most of the Indian festivals are dependent on fixed stars. On a similar basis, Sankranti was also fixed on the date of entry of Sun into the sign (constellation) Capricornus of the fixed zodiac, where as the seasons are not dependant on the fixed zodiac, but are only dependant on the movable zodiac. That is where the fixation of date of Sankranti has gone wrong. Accordingly the date of festival Sankranti is heading towards Summer at the rate of one day in 72 years. It is high time to save the festival of cool season from heading towards summer.
The festival of Ayyappa Swamy falls on the date of Sankranti. It is only a chance coincidence. The date of entry of Sun into the fixed sign Capricornus of the fixed zodiac is the date of festival of Ayyappa Swamy. That date will remain the same as before even if the date of Sankranti is shifted to December 21/22 of every year. The date of the festival Ayyappa Swamy will be getting shifted by one day in 72 years as usual.
It is high time that the astronomers and scientists of India should make an attempt to get the date of Sankranti shifted to its correct date as on 21/22 of December of every year. To get this date corrected, they have to appraoch the eminent Pitadhipaties such as Shankaracharyas, with whose permission only, the date can be changed.


Thought force is the operating system of human life with the influence of planetary vibrations. Behind every religious prayer there is immence thought power. This thought power stimulates one great central force (called as God with different names in different religions). When our thought force stimulates this central force we get response in different forms ,depending on the way our thought is directed.
MEDITATION is an important aspect of thought power. There are several books on meditation.
Scientific meditation is preferable to religious meditation. In Scientific meditation it is enough to select a meaning full sentence like " DAY BY DAY IN EVERY WAY I AM GETTING BETTER AND BETTER" or any suitable sentence and repeat the same many times as fast as possible for few minutes, (say 15 to 20 minutes) two to or three times a day. Preferable timings are the early morning when we get up , and the evening and at the time of going to bed. Those who can't believe in scientific meditation but are religious can form a suitable and meaningful sentence based on their own belief on their religion and apply meditation as explained above. Long and lengthy prayers will not work. They take a lot of time to meterialise as the same cannot develope concentration sufficiant for materialisation of their thought force. Repetition of small meaningful sentences form channelisation through which our thoughts reach the central force of creation at the earliest to get response in a short period. It all depends on faith in meditation , concentration. There can be lot of improvement in the form of circumstances, health and it can even counter the evil influences of planets. Hence MEDITATION is a most important aspect of art of living.
In order to improve meditational powers there is need to improve concentration. This can be done by blackspot gazing, crystal gazing , star gazing in the night, etc.
Thought technology is a science.