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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


     Some astronomers compare the expanding universe to an inflating balloon. Keep some dots on the balloon. When the balloon is inflating the dots move away from each other. Consider one fixed dot. Consider a nearby dot.  The speed of the dot that is at double the distance from the nearby dot is also double than the speed of the nearby dot whiles the balloon is expanding. The same phenomenon is also occurring in the expanding universe also. Consider each dot as a galaxy. If we are at one galaxy and look at the galaxies in the universe, the speed of the galaxies is in direct proportion to the distance from the galaxy from where we look into the universe. This is the same phenomenon from whichever galaxy we look into the universe.
     In the year 1925, Edwin Hubble an astronomer from America, demonstrated that the universe contains numerous galaxies besides our own galaxy, Milky Way. In 1929 Hubble further discovered that the galaxies are moving farther away from our galaxy with a speed in direct proportion to their distance from our galaxy, by studying red shift of light coming from other galaxies.
     In the balloon the elastic rubber is expanding while the dots are attached to it at a fixed place. The same phenomenon occurs in the universe too. The rubber sheet of balloon is compared to invisible space. All the galaxies are attached to the space, and the space is expanding at tremendous speed and thereby it appears as if the galaxies are expanding at tremendous speed. This phenomenon is well accepted by many astronomers.
     However there are certain things that this expanding theory cannot explain. Our galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy and the galaxy Andromeda are moving towards each other with a speed of 300000 miles per hour (130 k m per second). It takes about 5 billion years for their collision. Also some astronomers believe that our galaxy, along with other galaxies is moving towards a massive “The Great Attractor” which is considered to be a million times heavier than our own galaxy, the Milky Way. It will take our galaxy about 15 billion years to reach the center of the Great Attractor. All such phenomena are contradicting the theory of the expanding universe. But the theory of expanding universe is well established by the American astronomer, Edwin Hubble by studying the red shift from the light coming from other galaxies. Hence it cannot be overlooked. We may have to search for the modified theories.
     Let us assume that the universe is bound by space, the invisible elastic sheet of very much less density capable of carrying the entire universe with sufficient thickness and invisible energy and it is being expanding due to high  intensive pressure of the initial Big Bang at the time of creation. Let us also assume that the binding force (may be called dark energy) was unable to bind the expanding space at one stage resulting in breakdown in space. What happens when a balloon is broken we all know. Since the expanding universe is similar to the inflating balloon, the same thing happens to the universe bound by space. The balloon gets broken into small pieces and each piece gets contracted to its center. The same thing happens to the universe bound by space. If we consider a single broken piece of space all the galaxies in it may be moving towards the center of that piece which is similar to the Great Attractor mentioned above. There may be many Great Attractors as there is the possibility of many broken pieces out of which our galaxy is a part of one only. The same shrinking phenomenon of individual broken pieces of space can also explain the fact that our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy are moving towards each other. There is also a possibility that some other galaxies might be moving towards each other. But they may not collide after certain shrinking of space, just as in a broken rubber sheet of a balloon.
     The phenomenon of expansion of universe can also be explained in breakage of space. The broken pieces of space shrink together toward the center known as “The Great Attractor”. The galaxies farther away from the center move slowly towards center and the galaxies nearer to the center move with great speed towards center. Due to this phenomenon each galaxy is moving farther away from each other as seen from red shift of light coming from them. Only variation is that the distance between the Great Attractor and any galaxy is getting reduced. The Great Attractor is made up of both the visible matter that we can see along with the so-called dark matter that we cannot see. Even the broken pieces of space are moving away from each other. Hence the Universe appears to be expanding even after its breakdown. This is the theory to be confirmed by the astronomers.
     Some astronomers believe that there may be other universes in the form of balloons. If so what are these quasars. They are away from earth than any other known object. The energy of a quasar is equivalent 100 normal galaxies. Light from quasars takes billions of years to reach earth. There is need to re-examine these quasars whether they have any connection with other universes. Some astronomers believe that our universe is dying but not before 100 billion years.

     There is difference of opinion regarding expansion and contraction of the universe among the astronomers. Majority of astronomers support the expanding theory. My attempt of writing this article is to support both the theories. This has to be confirmed by the astronomers. This theory need not be taken for granted as it is for the present.
          In general the overall universe is expanding. But there are isolated spots that are contracting. The universal balloon appears to be exploded, resulting in overall expansion and contraction at some isolated stretches as explained above. Yet the life of our universe is sufficiently large up to 100 billion years. But the planet earth becomes uninhabitable only after one billion years from now. It is not known that any superior life exists anywhere in our universe, or in other universes if exists.
     According to Indian saints, the soul can take infinitesimal form and taking light ray or any other shorter wave lengths as vehicle and travel anywhere into the universe at the speed of light. Some are of the opinion that the soul can be anywhere in the universe by wish only. That means that there is no limit to the speed of the soul. Ancient Indians were able to leave body by wish and make a journey into the universe and reenter their bodies later duly keeping their bodies under normal condition by power. They were even able to enter the dead bodies of animals and make them alive as long as their soul remains in it. Science and technology are fast improving. Now the man can prepare human D N A in the laboratory. He is also claiming that he can prepare human beings from chemicals. The day will come that the man may be able to separate soul from body temporarily and get it reenter the body at the appropriate time, so that the soul will travel into the universe for the purpose of investigating. Before the time earth becomes uninhabitable man will be able to select some other inhabitable planet from some other star and reach there for further continuation of his life. There appears to be no limit to the technology also. The inter relationship between physical body and the spiritual body is closing in. Yet it may take a sufficiently long time. 

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