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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, November 2, 2017


(Source: News paper Times of India)
     Chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases affect more than 20% of the country’s population today. Medication plays a pivotal role in the effective management of these chronic conditions. However many of these drugs can interfere with the availability of the nutrients in your body, because they impair body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients from food or cause it unintentionally to excrete certain nutrients. Taking these drugs for a long period can lead to nutritional deficiencies with side effects. Hence individuals who take these drugs may look forward to a less stressful and taxing disease management experience. The following suggestions may please be considered while taking different kinds of medicines.
Metformin is a popular ingredient in several diabetic drugs and is well known for its efficacy. It works by disrupting the process of digestion to regulate the body’s blood sugar levels. In doing so, however it also depletes the body’s sources of vitamin B12, folic acid and coenzyme Q10. This causes weakness and tiredness, and a tingling sensation in the patients’ hand and feet. Diabetic pillow feet or numbness in the patients’ feet is actually caused by reduced sensitivity brought about by nutritional deficiencies. Patients may be unable to feel the temperature differences, for instance Jayaraman, medical researcher, therapist and health advisor and co founder of health platform Sepalika, explains. “B12 deficiencies can cause memory loss and brain fogging, and elevate homocysteine levels, thereby increasing the risk for heart disease,” adds Dr. Monica Goel, a consultant physician.
     The function of coQ10 is to help enzymes to function effectively in the body. It is especially important to facilitate the production of energy in the muscles and cells. Dr. Barmare explains. “Co10 is required by the mitochondria of the cells of our body for oxidation. A deficiency of this coenzyme can therefore cause weakness, malaise and lethargy.” Jayaraman adds.
Fix it: Dietician and nutritionist Kashish Alimchandani recommends, “Eat more eggs, milk, cheese, diary products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry as they are rich sources of vitamin B12. To get your requirement of folic acid, eat green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, and for coQ10 eat organ meats, peanuts and sesame seeds.”
Also called water pills, diuretics increase urine production in the kidneys, and cause salts and fluids to be eliminated from the body. Diuretics are used to treat the conditions such as heart failure, kidney failure and liver cirrhosis, which cause fluid retention. They also help to lower blood pressure and are hence used in the treatment of hypertension. “Diuretics interfere with the body’s electrolyte balance. In doing so, they cause deficiencies of sodium, zinc, potassium and calcium. This can lead to symptoms such as muscle pain and arrhythmia. They can also cause a deficiency of pyridoxine, which is important for nerve health. Pyridoxine depletion can lead to neuropathic pain,” says Dr. Goel.
     Dr. Barmare adds, “Consuming diuretics over a period of time can cause weakness, lethargy, arrhythmia and even a higher chance of cardiac arrest.”
Fix it: Step up your intake of zinc by eating more seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs legumes, nuts, seeds and soy products for zinc. Include avocado, spinach, sweet potato, salmon, pomegranate, coconut water and banana in your diet for potassium; and diary, spinach, okra and fatty fish for calcium. For pyridoxine and vitamin B6, eat fortified cereals, beans, poultry, fish, leafy green vegetables, papaya and orange.
Glyburide is an oral, glucose lowering drug used in the treatment of diabetes. Glyburide reduces glucose in the blood by stimulating pancreas to produce more insulin. Dr. Barmare says, “Patients being treated with glyburide are often deficient in vitamin B12, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.”
Fix it: Eat more eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry for vitamin B12; dairy, spinach, okra and fatty fish for calcium; green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains for magnesium; fatty fish, cheese, egg yolk for vitamin D and have regular morning walk.
Individuals often suffering from chronic pain are often prescribed pain killers such as ibuprofen, which reduce the hormones causing pain and inflammation in the body, However, Jayaraman says, long term consumption of these medicines can interfere with the body’s absorption of folic acid, increasing your risk for cardiovascular disease and anemia. It also leads to birth defects in pregnant women. Dr. Goel adds, “Taking the medication for longer periods than advised can lead to stomach ulcers or even renal failure.”
Fix it: Alimchandani says, “Folic acid can be found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and beans.”
 These are prescribed to women for family planning purposes as well as to those suffering from PCOD. Oral contraceptives can interfere with body’s absorption of magnesium, folic acid and entire vitamin B family. Dr. Barmare says, “When used for more than a year, they can cause symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances, and also affect the state of the patient’s teeth and eyes. Deficiency of zinc causes slow wound healing, lowered immunity and a loss of smell and taste.”
Fix it:  You can replenish folic acid by consuming green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and beans; for magnesium, eat green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains; for all B vitamins, dine on fortified cereals, beans, poultry, fish, leafy green vegetables, papaya, orange, milk, eggs, spinach, broccoli, peanuts and lentils.
Recommended for patients with high cholesterol, satin drugs are a means to control heart disease. Jayaraman says, “They are required to be taken for a life time and the dose usually goes up overtime unless you make drastic life style changes. All cholesterol lowering agents are known to lower the body’s reserves of coQ10.” Dr. Goel adds, “CoQ10 is essential for muscle activity, especially the pumping of the heart. Deficiencies of coQ10 can hamper heart and muscle health.”
Fix it: “Eat organ meats, peanuts, sesame seeds, and soybean, corn and olive oil for coQ10,” says Alimchandani.
If you suffer from severe acidity problems, you have likely been prescribed proton-pump inhibitor. These reduce the production of acid by blocking the enzyme in the wall of the stomach that produces acid – they also cause deficiencies of magnesium, calcium and zinc in your body. They also reduce your body’s ability to absorb vitamins belonging to the entire B family as well as iron. Dr. Barmare advises, “Vitamin B12 deficiencies can cause weakness, confusion, lethargy and anemia especially for vegetarians. Calcium deficiencies can cause bone pain and an increased incidence of fracture, especially in the elderly. They can also lead to arrhythmia. Magnesium deficiencies cause weakness and elevated blood pressure.”
Fix it: Alimchandani recommends eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products, meat, fish, shellfish and poultry for vitamin B12. “For calcium eat dairy, spinach, okra and fatty fish and for magnesium eat green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains.”
Prescribed for patients suffering from arthritis and autoimmune diseases such as asthma, corticosteroids bring about deficiencies calcium, vitamin B3, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Jayaraman says, “This can lead to side effects such as high blood pressure, headaches, muscle weakness, thinning and easy bruising of skin, slow wound healing, glaucoma, stomach ulcers and menstrual irregularities.”
Fix it: Have more poultry, fish, peanuts and lentils for vitamin B3; diary, spinach, lady’s finger and fish for calcium;  sea food, lean meat and poultry, eggs, legumes and seeds (also for magnesium), and soy product for zinc; avocado, spinach, sweet potato, salmon, pomegranate, coconut water and banana for potassium; leafy vegetables and whole grains for magnesium.

“Patients must learn to initiate conversation with their doctors asking them about possible nutritional depletion, and ask for a dietary and supplementation plan to gradually reintroduce these nutrients into the body,” Jayaraman says. Dr. Goel emphasizes, “While physicians do take steps to balance nutritional depletion caused by certain drugs by also recommending a supplementation plan, patients must do their bit by consuming a wholesome diet.” Dr. Barmare advises against self medication to compensate for these nutritional depletions. “By self medicating, patients are at risk of consuming insufficient doses for insufficient periods of time. This could either fail to replenish the deficiency or alternately cause them to ingest higher amounts of nutrients than their body needs.”  

Saturday, August 26, 2017


(This is a long article kindly have patience to read it fully. It may be beneficial to you)
     Thought power is the operating system of human life. But what happens after death? Can this thought power continue after death or not? It is a question that cannot be answered. If this thought power has any connection with the spiritual resources within us, it can continue as the spiritual resources of our soul are likely to continue even after death. It may also be considered whether there is any other power equivalent to thought power that prevails or supplied to the soul after separation from body. Whatever it may be we can call it as thought power only for purpose of this article. But some famous Indian saints are of the opinion that the entire universe including matter consisting of stars and planets have come out of great thought power of God. The following quotations may be of some use to understand the thought power.
     “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.” ----- “Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.”  ----- “Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating thought.” ( From the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri swami Sivananda).
     If the entire universe is created by the single thought power of God, there should be definite relationship between the human life and the planets and stars. Since we are in the solar system, the planets of the solar system and the Sun may have more power on our lives than the stars. It is this understanding that developed the subject ASTROLOGY. (Please go through my post ‘Learning western astrology simplified’, if you are interested in knowing about astrology). The first point of the sign Aries which is one of the intersection points of ecliptic with the equator rules the start of human head while the end of sign Pisces rules the end of feet gradually in order of signs. These intersection points are moving backwards slowly at the rate of one degree in seventy two years among the stars. So it is the solar system only that governs the shape of human body through sign Aries to Pisces. Perhaps the shapes of other creatures are governed by distant star systems as there is lot of difference in intelligence and spiritual powers and thought powers between humans and other living beings on Earth.  Next to the solar system, stars of our galaxy Milky Way along the ecliptic (The path of movement of the Sun as seen from Earth) seems to have considerable influence on human life. Since the entire universe is created by God, some religions consider these planets and stars as angels of God or deities with some spiritual powers to influence human life besides gravitation pull on human bodies which has also some effect on human life. If there is any life supporting system in the universe similar to our solar system with superior star power and earlier formation of system there should be superior life there than that of human life and some inferior animal life or other forms of life on it due to influence of our solar system and other distant star systems and vice versa. Everything lies in the secrets of creation. Only the long future can reveal it.
     As seen from the quotation given above there is need of thought technology to design our life not only in this birth but also in our future births. Thought technology consists of concentrated positive thought properly directed to achieve the desired effect. Meditation  also constitutes part of thought technology. Loose thinking and weak mind creates negative thoughts such as fear, anger, hatred, worry, lust etc. Strong mind can produce positive thoughts such as courage, love and right thinking. There is need for strengthening the weak minds. Concentration methods like black spot gazing, star gazing, crystal gazing may be useful for strengthening mind. My post on ‘mental powers’ may please be referred for details.
     Nobody knows what God is. Simply saying God is the creator is not self sufficient. The universe is full of good and bad. There is continuous clash between good and bad. If we personify good as God there should be another creator for bad. We may call it as Satan.(Not the Biblical Satan, but far more superior to it and nearly equal to God himself, as good and bad are almost equal in nature). It appears that by some law of equilibrium, two great indestructible and everlasting, equal and opposite spiritual powers representing good and bad are existing in the spiritual world since a long time. No one knows how and when they came into existence. But there seems to be continuous clash between them, resulting in partial break up of their infinite souls, that produced angels, fairies, good human beings and right up to good bacteria from God’s side; and demons, devils, bad human beings, and right up to bad bacteria from Satan’s side. There are good stars and good planets as well as bad stars and bad planets. It is even possible that there may be some bad creatures similar to human beings but of opposing nature in some other life giving planets of other star systems. The purpose of creation by God seems to reunite his broken souls into him. God seems to have created matter in this universe so that human souls are covered by matter (body). God has also given thought technology to human beings to operate through their material body utilizing the spiritual resources to reach God step by step. Satan created anti matter to counter it. When matter meets anti matter there is tremendous destruction resulting in liberation of gamma rays. This type of destruction is going on at the point of God’s creation itself. The visible universe has escaped from this destruction. We are on the safer zone. 95% of the universe seems to be invisible black matter, whereas the visible matter is only 5%. This may be an indirect indication that God is only 5% superior to Satan. (For details my post ‘My views on creation, soul, mind and matter etc.’ may please be perused).
     “A child is born on that day and of that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results”. ----- “The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasize fate ----- the result of past good and evil ----- but to arose man’s will to escape from his universal thralldom. What he has done, he can undo. None other than himself was the instigator of the causes of whatever effects are now prevalent in his life. He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual resources that are not subject to planetary pressure”.(From the book ‘Autobiography of a YOGI’ by Paramahansa Yogananda”.
     The above quotation is a very useful one as it reveals the processes of life even in different births. Probability of rebirth is very well established now not only in India but also in some foreign countries by some practical studies. We can design our advanced rebirth in each birth by utilizing spiritual resources in us properly; simply speaking by utilizing thought technology as explained already. As the entire universe is created from great thought power of God and as we are also given mini thought power, by applying positive thought power with concentration and meditation in proper direction we can design our next birth so that we can reach God step by step.
Quotations by Sri Swami Sivananda:
     “Thoughts of worry and thoughts of fear are fearful forces within us. They poison the very sources of life and destroy the harmony, the running efficiency, the vitality and the vigour. While the opposite thoughts of cheerfulness, the joy and courage, heal, soothe, instead of irritating, immensely augment efficiency and multiply the mental powers. Be always cheerful, smile, laugh”. -----“ “As a man thinketh so he becometh” is one of the great laws of thought. Think you are pure, pure you will become. Think you are noble, noble you will become”. ----- “Therefore understand the laws of thought, raise only thoughts of mercy, love and kindness from your mind and be happy always.” ----- “Remember again, positive overcomes negative. This is a grand effective law of nature”.
     “ Man has made his own destiny by his own thinking and acting. He can change his destiny. There is no doubt of this. By right thinking and by strong exertion, he can become the master of his destiny”. ----- “Intense passion, hatred, long standing bitter jealousy, corroding anxiety, fits of hot temper actually destroy the cells of the body and induce diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and stomach”. ----- “There is no limit to the power of human thought, the more concentrated the human mind is, the more power is brought to bear on one point”. ----- “Being a great force thought carries tremendous power. It becomes a matter of great moment to know how to use this power in the highest possible way and to the greatest possible effect. This can best be done by the practice of meditation”. ----- “Concentrate; explore the higher regions of the mind. You can see distant objects , hear distant voices, send messages to distant places, heal persons who are at a distance and move about to a distant place in the twinkling of an eye”.(Please refer my post on ‘MENTAL POWERS’ for details). (Quotations are taken from the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri Swami Sivananda).
My Experience:

     Kindly go through my post on ‘SECRETS FROM EXPERIENCE’ which is the basis for writing all the articles connected with thought power etc. The experience I underwent is a rare one at the borderline of life and death with a surprise recovery with some secrets of life, which I am bound to keep on record for the benefit of others who read it. I touched with death and even lost ability to pray, but meditation was born in me (not prayer) but a positive thought that just touched me from the depths of my subconscious mind, which I struggled to catch with Herculean task, and ultimately succeeded with enormous struggle between life and death. There was no prayer, but it is only positive thinking repeatedly that worked well. Though my recovery took several years I never lost hope as my positive thinking continuously gave sufficient improvement. Since my feelings were blocked for several years, when once I recovered they came out with enormous force and out of my control. Whom so ever I liked was momentarily hypnotized by my feelings. I was not aware of it since a lady asked me, why she was hypnotized by me to marry a mad man. I have clearly understood the power of thought even under weakness. If so there is no limitation to the powerful controlled thought. My experience even revealed that all religious prayers work independent of which religious God you pray, as every prayer releases positive concentrated thought power, which ultimately reaches God and response comes. Probably it is a process under creation. This is indicated in most of the religious books either directly or indirectly. My experience also revealed our connection with planets and Sun of the solar system. Kindly go through the post 'Secrets from experience'
     Every religion accepts that the universe is created by the thought power of God.
     “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. (John, chapter 1, and verse 1 of Bible)
     The above verse from the Bible also indicates indirectly that the universe is created by God by his thought power.
     The quotation given by Sri Swami Sivananda in the early stages of this article as shown below also indicates the belief of Hinduism in support of materialization of this world by the thought power of God.
     “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God”.
     “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divine within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work or worship or psychic control, or philosophy --- by one or more or all of these --- and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines or dogmas or rituals or books or temples or forms are but secondary details”. In my article I am giving more importance to psychic control.
     “Vedanta recognizes no sin, it only recognizes error; and the greatest error says the Vedanta, is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature and that you have no power and you cannot do that or this. Strength is life, weakness is death; strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal! Weakness is constant strain and misery. Weakness is death. Let positive, strong, helpful thoughts enter into your brains from very childhood”. To strengthen your mind there is need to practice mental powers if necessary, as I have mentioned already. (Please refer my article on ‘Mental Powers’).
     “Thou wert my God with prophets old; All creeds do come from thee; The Vedas, Bible, and Koran bold sing thee in harmony”. This indicates that all religions lead to common God.
     “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible). This indicates that the God is kind enough to give what we desire. In my opinion several do not know how to ask God. The routine prayers in the churches and temples and other worship centers may not represent the right way of asking God as they do not contain the required concentration of thought. To achieve what we ask God there is need for greater concentrated thought power with positive thoughts only. Weak and miserable thoughts and the thoughts that you are a sinner will damage you. Hence be careful while praying. Let there be only positive thoughts, and no negative thoughts.

     All religious prayers work as they generate thought power. Be careful not to criticize other religions. If you criticize other religions, you are indirectly criticizing the basic principle of your own religion, as it is the same for all religions. There is danger that your prayers of your own religion may not work if you criticize other religions.
The Vedantic conception of God:
      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.
     “Avataras (divine incarnations) alone can descend to the ordinary plane from that state of Samadhi, for the good of the world. Ordinary Jivas (individual souls) do not.
     “It is impossible to find God outside of ourselves. Our own souls contribute all the divinity that is outside of us. We are the greatest temple. The objectification is only a faint imitation of what we see within ourselves. Concentration of the powers of the mind is our only instrument to help us to see God. If you know one soul (your own), you know all souls, past, present and to come. The concentrated mind is a lamp that shows us every corner of the soul”. (From the book ‘MEDITATION AND ITS METHODS according to Swami Vivekananda’).
Meditation is an integral part of thought technology. It is through meditation our thought power is enhanced. It generally consists of a positively meaningful sentence repeated frequently suitable number of times with sufficient concentration. Due to repetition proper channelization to God is formed and further meditation thereby becomes easier. Preferable timings for meditation are morning and evening, but the same can be practiced at any time depending on the necessity. Regular practice can increase the power of meditation. Concentration methods such as black spot gazing etc. can strengthen mind and further improve the power of meditation.
     According to Swami Vivekananda meditation is the power which enables us to resist our slavery to nature.

     According to Swami Sivananda, thought carries tremendous power. It becomes a matter of great moment to know how to use this power in the highest possible way and to the greatest possible effect. This can best be done by the practice of meditation. Meditation promotes radiant health, heal diseases, develop personality, changes destiny, can transform the mentality of persons. 

Thinking about sense objects will attach you to sense objects; Grow attached and you become addicted; Thwart your addiction, it turns to anger; Be angry, and you confuse your mind; Confuse your mind, you forget the lesson of experience; Forget experience, you lose discrimination; Lose discrimination, and you miss life’s only purpose.
·                                         *                                      *
The uncontrolled mind does not guess that the Atman is present: How can it meditate? Without meditation, where is peace? Without peace, where is happiness? (Bhagavad Gita, II. 62, 63, 65)
     Controlled mind is necessary with proper thinking and less attachment to sense objects for the purpose of meditation.
     The universe is said to be materialization of thought forms of God. If so the matter is another form of thought. Man himself is a mini form of God as stated in most of the religions. As such man can produce matter from his thought power. This is what exactly happened by some powerful saints of India.
     “Masters who are able to materialize and dematerialize their bodies and other objects, and to move with the velocity of light, and to utilize the creative light rays in bringing into instant visibility any physical manifestation have fulfilled the lawful condition: their mass is infinite”. (From ‘Autobiography of a YOGI”.)
     According to science mass increases with velocity.  Any material body moving with the velocity of light is said to have infinite mass. Also according Einstein the energy latent in a matter is equal to its mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light. This idea resulted in the production of atomic bombs, wherein matter is converted into enormous energy.
     If thought power interacts with this latent energy of matter, there may be no limit to release energy into the universe. It appears that such things were achieved by the ancient maharishis of India by enormous TAPAS (meditation) for years together in Himalayas. They used to fight with these powers they gained by tapas, causing enormous destruction, as indicated in the ancient books of India.
     It is also stated by some saints of India that after our death, our souls take infinitesimal form as desired, and take light ray as vehicle and travel into the universe as they please. It is not known that the wave lengths of the rays they use are the same as that of visible light or some other wave length. It appears that they use shorter wave lengths than that of visible light that penetrate even through matter. Only our future can reveal the facts.
     If any modern saint can develop this art of materializing and dematerializing objects, they can defuse any stored atom bombs and make it inactive for the benefit of humanity.
It is generally accepted by almost every religion that the essence of creation is light. As per the latest available information from science and astronomy and astrophysics that only the 5% of the universe contains light and the rest of 95% of the universe contains dark matter and dark energy. In terms of matter only, the dark matter is 85%.. Then what happened to the created light if we assume that the universe is first created with light as the essential part of creation? This discrepancy led to me with a new theory as indicated in my post ‘My views on creation, soul, mind and matter etc.’ kindly go through the post for details. Briefly saying, I assumed two great creators God (good) and Satan (evil) with frequent fight between them. God’s creation of matter and Satan’s creation of antimatter clash resulted in enormous destruction of both resulting in production of gamma rays. This might have eliminated light from them resulting in the formation of dark matter and dark energy. This is only an assumption as science is not yet able to form any reliable theory on the formation of dark matter and dark energy. Based on these phenomena, it is assumed that God is only 5% superior to Satan in power. We are only living in the 5% visible universe that escaped the fury of Satan and hence we are on the safe zone.
     “The law of miracles is operated by any man who has realized that the essence of creation is light. A master is able to employ his divine knowledge of light phenomena to project instantly into perceptible manifestation the ubiquitous light atoms. The actual form of the projection (whatever it be; a tree, a medicine, a human body) is determined by the yogi’s wish and the powers of will and visualization.” (By Paramahansa Yogananda).
     But I think that the above Para is applicable in the 5% visible universe only where the light energy exists.

“The actual technique (of kriya yoga) should be learned from an authorized kriyaban (kriya yogi) of Yogada Satsanga Society / Self Realization fellowship. Here a broad reference must be suffice.”
     “Kriya Yoga is a simple psychophysiological method by which human blood is decarbonized and recharged with oxygen. The atoms of the extra oxygen are transmuted into life current to rejuvenate the brain and spinal centers. By stopping the accumulation of venous blood, the yogi is able to lessen or prevent the decay of tissues. The advanced yogi transmutes his cells into energy”.
      “By Kriya Yoga past masters caused their bodies to materialize and dematerialize at will. Kriya is an ancient science, but lost in the Dark Ages. Sri Sri Mahavatara Babaji rediscovered it and simply named it as Kriya Yoga.”
     “The ancient yogis discovered that the secret of cosmic consciousness is intimately linked with breath mystery. This is India’s unique and deathless contribution to the world’s treasury of knowledge. The life force which is ordinarily absorbed in maintaining the heart action must be freed for higher activities by a method of calming and stilling the ceaseless demands of the breath.”
     “Untying the cord of breath that binds the soul to the body, kriya serves to prolong life and to enlarge the consciousness to infinity. The yoga technique overcomes the tug of war between the mind and the matter-entangled senses and frees the devotee to reinherit eternal kingdom. ----- Master of his body and mind, the kriya yogi ultimately achieves victory over the last enemy, Death.”
     “Attaining the power or sense disconnection, the yogi finds it simple to unite his mind at will with divine realms or with the world of matter. ----- The life of an advanced kriya yogi is influenced not by effects of past actions, but solely by directions from the soul.” (From the book ‘Autobiography of a yogi’).
     AS observed from the above pares from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’, it is clear that a kriya yogi can materialize and dematerialize his body at will. Controlling breath and thereby controlling senses seems to be an essential part of kriya yoga. Even if you stop breathing for few seconds, you find lot of improvement in your concentration power. (But don’t stop breathing for more time than few harmless seconds unless you know the right practice of kriya yoga under the guidance of an expert kriya yogi).
     It appears that this technique of kriya yoga existed in India from the year 3102 B C but lost in the dark ages and later rediscovered by Sri Sri Mahavatara Babaji. Modern science is also fast improving to catch up the connection between the mind matter and soul. If there is mutual cooperation between the kriya yogis and the modern scientists this relationship can be quickly ascertained.
      “Maya is the magical power in creation by which limitations and divisions are apparently present in the immeasurable and in separable.”
     “The Vedic scriptures declare that the physical world operates under one fundamental law of Maya, the principle of relativity and duality. God, the soul life, is Absolute Unity; to appear as the separate and diverse manifestations of a creation He wears a false or unreal veil. That illusory dualistic veil is Maya. Many great scientific discoveries of modern times have confirmed this simple pronouncement of the ancient rishis.” ----- “No law of physics, chemistry or any other science is ever found free from inherent opposite or contrasted principles.” ----- “Maya is the very structure and fabric of creation. Nature herself is Maya.”
     “To surmount Maya was the task assigned to the human race by the millennial prophets. To rise above the duality of creation and perceive the unity of the Creator was conceived as man’s highest goal. Those who cling to the cosmic illusion must accept its essential law of polarity: flow and ebb, rise and fall, day and night, pleasure and pain, good and evil, birth and death. This cyclic pattern assumes a certain anguishing monotomy, after man has gone through a few thousand human births; he begins then to cast a hopeful eye beyond the compulsions of Maya.” ----- “So long as the man remains subject to the dualistic delusions of Nature, the Janus faced Maya is his goddess; he cannot know the one true God.” ----- “Maya cannot be destroyed through intellectual conviction or analysis, but solely through attaining the interior state of nirbikalpa Samadhi. (In nirbikalpa Samadhi one realizes fully his identity as spirit).(From the book ‘Autobiography of a YOGI’).

     Some consider Maya as Satan. Satan seems to be a great obstruction for joining the human soul with God. It seems to create all varieties of negative thoughts in humans such as anger, lust, hatred, etc. that weakens the mind of human beings and drags them into the world of Satan, where the human soul undergoes unbelievable sufferings. It is here the birth of God as human being becomes necessary to take the sins of human beings and Himself suffer, and relieve the humans from the clutches of Satan. Birth of Jesus is an example. (I have already mentioned that the sins are transferable). This is a process of saving humanity from the evil control of Satan, by God. 
It is observed by several saints of India that current birth is the result of our past karma in the previous birth. The sins we committed in our previous birth will result in our sufferings in our present birth. This seems to be a process of purification. Since we are governed by the planets position at birth, our time of birth is so adjusted to suit the planets position to compensate our karma of the past birth. This process of purification continues with each birth until we reach proper access to join with God. In case our sins are of extreme nature we may be even dragged into the world of Satan to undergo enormous sufferings. There may not be escape from this state of sufferings. Hence there is need to be good with strength of mind. Good is God, just with removal of ‘o’.                                                        

Friday, July 21, 2017


(Certain information is collected from the news paper Times of India. Source: National Geographic.)
      In the year 2010, in my post ‘ Independence Day horoscope of India’, I predicted the collapse of the then ruling party in the 2014 elections which came true, and I also predicted war with a neighbouring country in 2018/2019. It may even start earlier due to orb of influence.
     Also in my post ‘World War III’ I predicted the likely world war from the year 2026. The war starts as a chemical and biological war due to fear of destruction from nuclear war and continues for a long time and later forcibly turns into nuclear war resulting in lot of destruction and heavy global warming. It is also this global warming that creates havoc on Earth besides other effects of war.
     As on today, about 70% of water is frozen covering about 30 million cubic k m of ice. Antarctica mountain ranges are almost as extensive as Alps, covered in ice sheets. Sea levels may rise by 216 feet if global warming melts all the ice at the poles and on the mountains. The net effect of melting of ice on Earth is as follows.
1.      Land now inhabited by 600 million Chinese would become inundated.
2.      All of Bangladesh with 161 million, much of coastal India, including Kolkata and Mumbai and Colombo in Sri Lanka and Karachi in Pakistan would disappear into the sea.
3.      Flooding of the Mekong Delta would leave Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains stranded as islands.
4.      Entire Atlantic sea board would vanish along with Florida and the gulf coast.
5.      New York, Boston on the U S east coast too would be in trouble.
6.      Australia is likely to gain a new inland sea and loose much of the coastal strip where four out of five Australians live.
7.      The sea will swallow London, Venice and the Netherlands too, along with most of Denmark.
8.      Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires, coastal Uruguay, and most of Paraguay will be wiped out.
9.      Africa will lose less of its land to rising sea levels than other continents. Egypt’s Alexandria and Cairo would be swamped by the Mediterranean.

     If this should not happen the probable world war should be avoided. Let us wait and see the future of this world. Nostradamus prediction of world war is there as well as astrological tendency for a world war. It may be difficult to prevent world war.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


     The answer is yes. With deep concentrated and well determined prayer or meditation, it can be achieved. There are examples from the history of mankind.
     The Mogul King Baber (1483 – 1530), when his son Humayun was seriously ill, prayed to God with great determination to save his son, and himself to receive the sickness of his son. In response to his prayer his son recovered and King Baber got the same disease of his son and died. This indicates that any human being can also achieve this, by meditation through proper concentrated thought.
     Jesus also took himself the karma (Sins) of others as well as that of his disciples and got crucified himself though he is capable of avoiding it by divine powers.
     There may be many such hidden instances. A Yogi (Saint) is capable of performing this act more easily.
     The following quotations from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda reveals many secrets about this action.
     “By a secret yogic method, the saint unites his mind and astral vehicle with those of a suffering individual; the disease is conveyed, wholly or in part, to the yogi’s fleshly form. ---
Though he may allow it to become diseased in order to relieve other persons, his mind, unpollutable, is not affected. He considers himself fortunate in being able to render such aid. ---
A guru’s work in the world is to alleviate the sorrows of mankind, whether through spiritual means or intellectual counsel or will power or physical transfer of disease.-- By putting on the ailments of others, a yogi can satisfy, for them, the karmic law of cause and effect. This law is mechanically or mathematically operative; its working may be scientifically manipulated by men of divine wisdom.”
     “The spiritual law does not require a master to become ill whether he heals another person. Healing ordinarily take place through the saint’s knowledge of various methods of instantaneous cure in which no hurt to the spiritual healer is involved. On rare occasions however, a master who wishes to quicken greatly his disciples’ evolution may voluntarily work out on his own body a large measure of their undesirable karma.”

     Not only a yogi but even an ordinary man can achieve this feat just as King Baber did it. Even a soul, who sympathizes with any, can be born to them to take up their suffering and sins partly or fully and relieve them. Simply speaking anything can be achieved by thought power. Thought power is the operating system of human life.

     In my opinion there is no need of transferring sins and sufferings of others. There are better ways than this process. It is enough to pray or meditate for the relief of others utilizing thought technology. It works without getting others sufferings transferred to another. It is how some saints and other deeply religious persons are able to reduce the sufferings of others by prayer or meditation. Even the same person undergoing suffering can get himself cured by prayer or meditation utilizing thought technology. This is a simpler method than any other method, as it is a direct application of thought technology. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017


(Taken from the news paper Times of India)
Source: The World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Software & Society.
1.      99% of the population will have unlimited and free data storage by 2018.
2.      The first robotic pharmacist will arrive in 2021 in U S.
3.      One trillion censors will be connected to the internet by 2022. From the clothes you wear to the ground you walk on, everything will come online.
4.      10% of the world’s population will be wearing clothes with embedded chips that connect them to the internet by 2022.
5.      The first 3D printed car will be in production by 2022.
6.      The first implantable mobile phone will become available in 2025. The device will be able to track a person’s health more accurately, while also allowing communications via brain waves.
7.      Government will replace its census with big-data technologies by 2023.

8.      80% of people on Earth will have a digital presence online by 2023. Many people will gain a digital identity as internet penetration increases. According to the report digital life is becoming inextricably linked with a person’s physical life; and will only continue to grow  in importance.
     The Hyperloop: Train of the future:- It promises to transport people faster than aeroplanes. Elon Musk's ambitious hyperloop project could revolutionise travel. But the US entrepreneur has said that just getting the approval for the project is a lot of work. Its potential speed is around 750 mph (1200 kph).

Friday, June 9, 2017


(Taken from news paper Times of India)
Largest active armed forces: ( Source: international Institute of Strategic Studies).
China ------------------------ 2.2 million troops.
India ------------------------ 1.4
U S -------------------------   1.3
North Korea -------------   1.2
Russia --------------------    0.8
Pakistan ------------------   0.7
South Korea -------------   0.6
Iran ------------------------   0.5
NAVAL POWER: (Source: International Institute of Strategic Studies).
Size of principal naval vessel fleets
 Country    Cruisers,
                  destroyers  Submarines*     Amphibious Ships
U S                 93                    54                      31
China            78                     52                        4
Russia           32                     49                         -
India              28                     14                        1
France           23                       6                        3
Britain           19                       7                        6
*Attack/guided missile submarines.
AIR POWER: (Source: Flight Global and Teal Group).
Air Force Fighter Aircraft by Generation
Country   2nd generation           3rd      4t      5th
U S                                            431    795    193
Russia                                       275    855         1
China                                        484    509
India         245                         214     311
France                                                  259
Japan                                                    217
Britain                                     59           87
Includes only active and non-training aircraft.
U S President Trump has proposed a $54 billion increase in defense spending, which he said “one of the largest increase … in American history”. Here is how big the world’s mightiest military is and what the new commander-in-chief wants to make of it.
United States spends more than any other country on defense because it
It defends its border.
Upholds international order.
Promotes US interests abroad.
Is geared to fight on multiple fronts.
3476 Tactical aircrafts; 637 unmanned aerial vehicles; 157 bombers, 93 cruisers, destroyers, and frigates; 31 amphibious ships; 10 aircraft carriers; 68 submarines; 450 ICBM launchers; 2831 tanks; and 760 attack helicopters.
MILITARY SPENDING BY COUNTRIES: (Source: Stockholm international Peace Research Institute 2015).
United States ------$596 billion;       China -----$ 215 billion;     Saudi Arabia -----$ 87 billion;                                                      Russia -----                   66                    Britain -----   55                   France ------------    51

India -------                   51                    Japan ------   41                                                   

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


(Taken from news paper Times of India)
News from the climate change continues to be cause for worry as a look at global numbers shows that the underlying global warming trend is stronger than ever as shown below.
1.      GLACIERS (36th year of shrinkage): Global ice is melting from Argentina’s southern Patagonian ice field as observed in Nov. 2015.
2.      ARCTIC ICE SHEET LOSS:  An ice berg broken of from a glacier floats near south west Greenland. (2nd smallest summer ice pack extent ever in 2016 – 4.14m sq km).
3.      GREENHOUSE GAS EFFECT (CO2): Above 400 ppm (parts per million) for the 1st time in 2015 and unexplained methane boom.
4.      SPECIES AFFECTED: 19% of the 8688 species are threatened by climate change. Polar bears are among the several species threatened by rising temperatures.
5.      ABNORMAL TEMPERATURES: (Russia) – 6 to 7 degrees higher in certain regions.
6.      EXTREME WEATHER: (Southeast Asia) – 12 to 15% more violent typhoons in the lst 37 years.
7.      SEA LEVEL RISE: (+3.3 mm per year) – Rise 25 to 30% faster from 2004 to 2015 than 1993 to 2004.
8.      ANTARCTIC ICE SHEET LOSS: 2 m sq km less in summer 2016 (14.2 million km2 than from 1981-2010.
9.      GREAT BARRIER REEF AUSTRALIA: Worst ever bleaching for the 2nd year in a row. Affected coral is lost according to experts. Experts say the great barrier reef has “zero prospect” of recovery from bleaching.

10.  CLIMATE CHANGE: Year 2016 is the 3rd hottest year on record with +1.1 degrees relative to the pre-industrial era.
 11.BIG ICE BERG BREAKS: Ice berg 4 times London's size breaks off Antarctica. A trillion tonne ice berg, one of the largest ever recorded has snapped off the west Antarctic ice shelf, scientists who have monitored the growing crack for years said on Wednesday. "The calving occurred between July 10th and July 12th (2017) when a 5800 square k m section of Larsen C (ice shelf) broke away," the Swansea university said. It is about 350 m thick. The ice berg was already floating before it calved away so has no immediate impact on sea level. It seems that global warming accelerated the process. If the glaciers held in check by Larsen C split into Antarctic, it would lift the global water mark by about 10 centimetres, the researchers said.    

Tuesday, January 31, 2017


     A religion considers the creation of Satan as God’s angel, who later revolted against God. If so God can easily destroy Satan. Hence it does not stand to reason. Another religion considers that creation including sufferings and even accidental deaths of human beings as play of God. As God is considered to be merciful to mankind, this assumption is also not reasonable. Hence there is need to write a reasonable theory on creation. This world is full of good and bad, positivity and negativity. There are even wars between good and bad. Some saints of India are of the opinion that our next world (astral world) is also have wars but not severe as on Earth. By projecting the events on Earth and of astral world into the other worlds and even up to God, I have come to the conclusion that there should be someone evil power almost closely equal to God but of opposite nature to God resulting in wars with God and even adversely affecting God’s creation. I named him as Satan (not the Biblical Satan, who seems to be the descendant of original Satan) for the sake of convenience. The influence of good and bad with wars is extended into all other worlds under creation, including our world. Even there are good bacteria as well as bad bacteria in its lowest form of life.
     There is no point in following old theories of ancient religions even now when science and technology is fast developing. We have to formulate new theories with the available knowledge and known events. Science is a method of knowledge. We have to form theories scientifically. Even the new theories are subject to modification depending on further developed knowledge of science and astronomy. These theories may vary with individuals depending on their belief and knowledge. What I have felt probably by intuition also, I have written, so that it may give scope to others to think more and develop their own theories. What is written need not be taken for granted. It is only a theory subject to modification, but to keep in mind so that it may be improved further.   
      In the ancient times of India great saints of India meditated in Himalayas and found the need of joining their souls with God step by step in a systematic way. They stretched the need of all detachment with the physical world for the purpose of joining with the great soul of God. According to them joining with the soul of God is possible by integrating their soul with that of God. If it is so, its opposite (vice versa) should also be true.
     It is here the need of creation can be outlined. By law of equilibrium, there existed two great equal and opposite forces of opposite natures long ago, almost of infinite size. Nobody knows how they came into existence. But it looks that they have no death and they are eternal and indestructible One Great Spirit is very good in nature and may be called as God. The other one is extremely bad and may be called as Satan (not the Biblical Satan, which was once God’s angel). There are continuous spiritual wars between the two great forces of opposing nature. This resulted in splitting of their souls partly into small pieces of souls both good and bad. These pieces of soul have no death and are also indestructible. The total separation of their souls into small pieces is negligible compared with their size and power of souls, though they are enormous in number. The bigger pieces of souls with greater spiritual powers became angels of God, while some lower parts of souls became the souls of human beings. Still smaller pieces of souls with less spiritual powers and less consciousness became souls of animals and even that of bacteria. Even now there seem billions of small pieces of souls of good as well as bad nature trying to find a way to take physical form on Earth at the earliest opportunity. This necessitated God to reintegrate the separated souls from Him into His soul by the process of Creation of the Universe. Under this creation of the universe God provided physical bodies to be occupied by human souls etc. These physical bodies are provided with thought technology by which they can enhance their understanding and find a way to reach God step by step. The creation of the universe is a platform for the humans to jump into the spiritual world with enhanced knowledge to approach God. The fate of the animal world and bacteria cannot be guessed. God has so arranged that the life on the earth is governed by the solar system and to some extent by the stars of our universe, besides the spiritual resources within us.
     In the early stages of life on earth there was need to direct the human beings to develop thought technology. As there was no scientific development and the early humans are not aware of thought technology, there was need to introduce the same in the form of prayer. Hence God utilizing part of His soul used to take birth as human being at different places and different times in different forms to guide the humans towards prayers to God as it is the only short route to get response from God through thought technology which is behind every religious prayer. Due to local conditions and on the ability of understanding by the people, different beliefs and accordingly different religions came into existence. But the prayers of all religions worked well and everyone felt that their own religion is realistic. They have failed to understand the thought technology behind their prayers which is actually working. This resulted in religious clashes and even religious wars resulting in deaths of human beings. Simple misunderstanding brought great loss to humanity. This needs to be rectified by right thinking as the basic principle behind all religious prayers is thought technology as provided by God Himself. 
     Just as parts of God’s soul are formed as angels, human beings etc., the separated souls of Satan are formed as demons and devils, evil humans, certain wild animals and evil bacteria. Even at the stage of bacteria, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. As such war between God and Satan is extended into the universe also due to similar creations between God and Satan. This difference is vivid even in the stars and planets, where some are considered to be good while some are bad.
     About 15000 million years ago God created the universe by Big Bang. The universe started expanding at a tremendous rate. God created matter. Satan is against the creation of God. Hence he created anti matter. Antimatter is material composed of anti particles, which has the same mass as the particles of ordinary matter, but have opposite charge. When anti matter meets with matter annihilation takes place resulting in total destruction producing gamma rays. This reaction usually takes place near the center of any galaxy.  Since we are close to the outer edge of our galaxy, Milky Way, we are on the safe zone. Yet occasionally we observe that some persons are becoming dust momentarily while their clothes and shoes are unaffected. There are about more than 200 such cases. No one knows the exact reason for the same. But it is quite possible that an antimatter particle (anti carbon) might have touched them. What are its effects? Are their souls were just separated from their bodies or are their souls were also cut to pieces so that they may be reborn in the animal world or as bacteria? It is a mater to be considered.
     The essence of creation of God is light. But it is observed that the visible universe from telescopes is only 4.9% of the mass-energy content of the entire universe. The existence and properties of dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation and large scale structure of the universe. The discovery of dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics. Dark matter is estimated to constitute 84.5% of total matter of the universe, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95.1% of total mass-energy content of the universe. Dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light or electro-magnetic radiation at any significant level. Hence there is need to study whether it is the destroyed original matter that was capable of emitting light under creation of God. Since God created the universe taking light as the essence of creation, Satan naturally finds its ways to destroy God’s creation by suitable means besides creating antimatter also. It appears that the dark matter and dark energy is the result of Satan’s power against God’s creation. It also appears that God is only about 5% superior to Satan in power. It seems that about 95% of God’s creation is destroyed by Satan. What we are seeing is the remaining 5% as the visible universe. We are in the visible universe and in the safe zone.
     One question is to be answered. The population on Earth is continuously increasing. Where from the increased souls are coming? Are these coming from the spiritual worlds? Or these souls are still being separated from God and Satan, as the endless war between God and Satan is still continuing? This needs great analysis of happenings and lot more thinking. According to some Indian saints astral persons can bring offspring into being in astral forms by will power, without the need of a woman. Astral beings travel at great speeds taking light rays of their world as their vehicles.
     The visible light of our universe and that of astral world may be of different wavelengths. The wavelength range a human can see is about 390 to 700 nanometers (430 to 770 THz). Since the visible range of the astral world is different from our world we cannot see the astral beings and the astral beings cannot see us. “By intuition astral persons pierce the veil and observe human activities, but man cannot view the astral spheres unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have momentarily glimpsed an astral being or an astral   world”. (From the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda). Since we are also provided with astral body and causal body besides physical body, when we are about to get up from deep sleep sometimes our astral body gets activated for few seconds and we can see astral beings near us or even the astral world. The astral world and the astral beings may also pass through us without our knowledge and without harming us, as they belong to the world of different wavelengths of spectrum. Soon after our death we also enter the astral world. The persons of astral world travel taking their light rays as vehicle into different parts of their world.
         This post is mainly based on the following assumptions with the available reasoning.
1.      It is a known fact that the universe including spiritual worlds are full of good and bad of almost equal in magnitude with good having a slight edge superior over bad. The same is extended into the other worlds and even up to God and Satan.
2.      Due to some law of equilibrium, the good and bad (God and Satan) are existing without death. In short they are indestructible and they are the infinite sources of good and bad respectively.
3.      Everything in the universes including souls are divisible and even the divisible souls are indestructible and everlasting but can be further divided loosing spiritual power and consciousness in proportion to their size.
4.      Due to frequent clashes between good and bad (God and Satan) the infinite souls of God and Satan were slightly divided and separated into billions of parts.
5.      The great soul of God was divided into angels, fairies, good human beings, good animals and good bacteria. The great soul of Satan was also divided into devils, demons, bad human beings, bad animals and bad bacteria. All these souls were not having physical form in the initial stages of their division.
6.      It appears that God wanted to reunite the divided souls from him into his own major soul. For this purpose there was need to create the physical universe in which we are now existing.
7.      God has assigned the physical bodies to all the divided souls from him. He also provided thought technology especially to bodies of humans so that they can utilize the same as a stepping stone to advance towards God through other spiritual worlds.
8.      He also made males and females in all physical bodies of different species so that other wandering souls may be born and reborn and utilize the physical bodies for further upgrading.
9.      There was need to guide his creation to direct them towards Him, and so God has to take birth as human being and in other forms also for the same purpose. According to one religion God descended into the animal world also twice.
10.  The incarnation of God as human being in different regions in different forms resulted in different religions and prayers to Gods of different forms. Every religious prayer worked as thought technology is behind every religious prayer. Hence each religion considered that their own religion is great and reliable, without knowing what is behind their prayer.  This resulted in religious clashes and even in religious wars.
11.  Humans have failed to understand that thought technology as introduced by God is behind every religious prayer. If this is properly understood there won’t be any religious clashes and wars. Right understanding will lead us to unite with God early. We must cooperate with the principles and purpose of creation by God.
12.  We must also be cautious as the power of Satan is also acting against the creation of God. As long as good and bad are prevailing in all the worlds, the wars seem to be inevitable. There are zones of supreme happiness and extreme suffering. Only concentrated optimistic thoughts can save us from entering the evil zones. To improve concentration, black spot gazing or crystal gazing may be useful besides meditation. Life seems to be a game of snakes and ladders. We must be cautious not to take a wrong step.
     I once again state that this is my view on creation and other secrets of life. The readers of my post need not be taken it for granted. They are requested to keep these ideas in mind and develop their own understanding depending on their own experience and knowledge and future developments in science and technology and astronomy.
     I thank all the readers who go through this article in particular.
