A religion considers the creation of Satan
as God’s angel, who later revolted against God. If so God can easily destroy
Satan. Hence it does not stand to reason. Another religion considers that creation
including sufferings and even accidental deaths of human beings as play of God.
As God is considered to be merciful to mankind, this assumption is also not
reasonable. Hence there is need to write a reasonable theory on creation. This
world is full of good and bad, positivity and negativity. There are even wars
between good and bad. Some saints of India are of the opinion that our next
world (astral world) is also have wars but not severe as on Earth. By
projecting the events on Earth and of astral world into the other worlds and
even up to God, I have come to the conclusion that there should be someone evil
power almost closely equal to God but of opposite nature to God resulting in
wars with God and even adversely affecting God’s creation. I named him as Satan
(not the Biblical Satan, who seems to be the descendant of original Satan) for
the sake of convenience. The influence of good and bad with wars is extended
into all other worlds under creation, including our world. Even there are good
bacteria as well as bad bacteria in its lowest form of life.
There is no point in following old
theories of ancient religions even now when science and technology is fast
developing. We have to formulate new theories with the available knowledge and
known events. Science is a method of knowledge. We have to form theories
scientifically. Even the new theories are subject to modification depending on
further developed knowledge of science and astronomy. These theories may vary
with individuals depending on their belief and knowledge. What I have felt
probably by intuition also, I have written, so that it may give scope to others
to think more and develop their own theories. What is written need not be taken
for granted. It is only a theory subject to modification, but to keep in mind
so that it may be improved further.
In the ancient times of India great saints of
India meditated in Himalayas and found the need of joining their souls with God
step by step in a systematic way. They stretched the need of all detachment
with the physical world for the purpose of joining with the great soul of God.
According to them joining with the soul of God is possible by integrating their
soul with that of God. If it is so, its opposite (vice versa) should also be
It is here the need of creation can be
outlined. By law of equilibrium, there existed two great equal and opposite
forces of opposite natures long ago, almost of infinite size. Nobody knows how
they came into existence. But it looks that they have no death and they are
eternal and indestructible One Great Spirit is very good in nature and may be
called as God. The other one is extremely bad and may be called as Satan (not
the Biblical Satan, which was once God’s angel). There are continuous spiritual
wars between the two great forces of opposing nature. This resulted in
splitting of their souls partly into small pieces of souls both good and bad.
These pieces of soul have no death and are also indestructible. The total
separation of their souls into small pieces is negligible compared with their
size and power of souls, though they are enormous in number. The bigger pieces
of souls with greater spiritual powers became angels of God, while some lower
parts of souls became the souls of human beings. Still smaller pieces of souls
with less spiritual powers and less consciousness became souls of animals and
even that of bacteria. Even now there seem billions of small pieces of souls of
good as well as bad nature trying to find a way to take physical form on Earth
at the earliest opportunity. This necessitated God to reintegrate the separated
souls from Him into His soul by the process of Creation of the Universe. Under
this creation of the universe God provided physical bodies to be occupied by
human souls etc. These physical bodies are provided with thought technology by
which they can enhance their understanding and find a way to reach God step by
step. The creation of the universe is a platform for the humans to jump into
the spiritual world with enhanced knowledge to approach God. The fate of the animal
world and bacteria cannot be guessed. God has so arranged that the life on the
earth is governed by the solar system and to some extent by the stars of our
universe, besides the spiritual resources within us.
In the early stages of life on earth there
was need to direct the human beings to develop thought technology. As there was
no scientific development and the early humans are not aware of thought
technology, there was need to introduce the same in the form of prayer. Hence
God utilizing part of His soul used to take birth as human being at different
places and different times in different forms to guide the humans towards
prayers to God as it is the only short route to get response from God through
thought technology which is behind every religious prayer. Due to local
conditions and on the ability of understanding by the people, different beliefs
and accordingly different religions came into existence. But the prayers of all
religions worked well and everyone felt that their own religion is realistic.
They have failed to understand the thought technology behind their prayers
which is actually working. This resulted in religious clashes and even
religious wars resulting in deaths of human beings. Simple misunderstanding
brought great loss to humanity. This needs to be rectified by right thinking as
the basic principle behind all religious prayers is thought technology as
provided by God Himself.
Just as parts of God’s soul are formed as
angels, human beings etc., the separated souls of Satan are formed as demons
and devils, evil humans, certain wild animals and evil bacteria. Even at the
stage of bacteria, there are good bacteria and bad bacteria. As such war between
God and Satan is extended into the universe also due to similar creations
between God and Satan. This difference is vivid even in the stars and planets,
where some are considered to be good while some are bad.
About 15000 million years ago God created
the universe by Big Bang. The universe started expanding at a tremendous rate.
God created matter. Satan is against the creation of God. Hence he created anti
matter. Antimatter is material composed of anti particles, which has the same
mass as the particles of ordinary matter, but have opposite charge. When anti
matter meets with matter annihilation takes place resulting in total
destruction producing gamma rays. This reaction usually takes place near the
center of any galaxy. Since we are close
to the outer edge of our galaxy, Milky Way, we are on the safe zone. Yet
occasionally we observe that some persons are becoming dust momentarily while
their clothes and shoes are unaffected. There are about more than 200 such
cases. No one knows the exact reason for the same. But it is quite possible
that an antimatter particle (anti carbon) might have touched them. What are its
effects? Are their souls were just separated from their bodies or are their
souls were also cut to pieces so that they may be reborn in the animal world or
as bacteria? It is a mater to be considered.
The essence of creation of God is light.
But it is observed that the visible universe from telescopes is only 4.9% of
the mass-energy content of the entire universe. The existence and properties of
dark matter are inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter,
radiation and large scale structure of the universe. The discovery of dark
matter is one of the greatest mysteries in modern astrophysics. Dark matter is
estimated to constitute 84.5% of total matter of the universe, while dark
energy plus dark matter constitute 95.1% of total mass-energy content of the
universe. Dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light or electro-magnetic
radiation at any significant level. Hence there is need to study whether it is
the destroyed original matter that was capable of emitting light under creation
of God. Since God created the universe taking light as the essence of creation,
Satan naturally finds its ways to destroy God’s creation by suitable means
besides creating antimatter also. It appears that the dark matter and dark
energy is the result of Satan’s power against God’s creation. It also appears
that God is only about 5% superior to Satan in power. It seems that about 95%
of God’s creation is destroyed by Satan. What we are seeing is the remaining 5%
as the visible universe. We are in the visible universe and in the safe zone.
One question is to be answered. The
population on Earth is continuously increasing. Where from the increased souls
are coming? Are these coming from the spiritual worlds? Or these souls are
still being separated from God and Satan, as the endless war between God and
Satan is still continuing? This needs great analysis of happenings and lot more
thinking. According to some Indian saints astral persons can bring offspring
into being in astral forms by will power, without the need of a woman. Astral
beings travel at great speeds taking light rays of their world as their
The visible light of our universe and that
of astral world may be of different wavelengths. The wavelength range a human
can see is about 390 to 700 nanometers (430 to 770 THz). Since the visible
range of the astral world is different from our world we cannot see the astral
beings and the astral beings cannot see us. “By intuition astral persons pierce
the veil and observe human activities, but man cannot view the astral spheres
unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have
momentarily glimpsed an astral being or an astral world”. (From the book ‘Autobiography of a
Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda). Since we are also provided with astral body
and causal body besides physical body, when we are about to get up from deep
sleep sometimes our astral body gets activated for few seconds and we can see
astral beings near us or even the astral world. The astral world and the astral
beings may also pass through us without our knowledge and without harming us,
as they belong to the world of different wavelengths of spectrum. Soon after
our death we also enter the astral world. The persons of astral world travel
taking their light rays as vehicle into different parts of their world.
This post is mainly based on the
following assumptions with the available reasoning.
1. It is a known fact that the universe
including spiritual worlds are full of good and bad of almost equal in
magnitude with good having a slight edge superior over bad. The same is
extended into the other worlds and even up to God and Satan.
2. Due to some law of equilibrium, the
good and bad (God and Satan) are existing without death. In short they are
indestructible and they are the infinite sources of good and bad respectively.
3. Everything in the universes including
souls are divisible and even the divisible souls are indestructible and
everlasting but can be further divided loosing spiritual power and
consciousness in proportion to their size.
4. Due to frequent clashes between good
and bad (God and Satan) the infinite souls of God and Satan were slightly divided and separated into billions of parts.
5. The great soul of God was divided
into angels, fairies, good human beings, good animals and good bacteria. The
great soul of Satan was also divided into devils, demons, bad human beings, bad
animals and bad bacteria. All these souls were not having physical form in the
initial stages of their division.
6. It appears that God wanted to reunite
the divided souls from him into his own major soul. For this purpose there was
need to create the physical universe in which we are now existing.
7. God has assigned the physical bodies
to all the divided souls from him. He also provided thought technology
especially to bodies of humans so that they can utilize the same as a stepping
stone to advance towards God through other spiritual worlds.
8. He also made males and females in all
physical bodies of different species so that other wandering souls may be born
and reborn and utilize the physical bodies for further upgrading.
9. There was need to guide his creation
to direct them towards Him, and so God has to take birth as human being and in
other forms also for the same purpose. According to one religion God descended
into the animal world also twice.
10. The incarnation of God as human being
in different regions in different forms resulted in different religions and
prayers to Gods of different forms. Every religious prayer worked as thought
technology is behind every religious prayer. Hence each religion considered
that their own religion is great and reliable, without knowing what is behind
their prayer. This resulted in religious
clashes and even in religious wars.
11. Humans have failed to understand that
thought technology as introduced by God is behind every religious prayer. If
this is properly understood there won’t be any religious clashes and wars.
Right understanding will lead us to unite with God early. We must cooperate
with the principles and purpose of creation by God.
12. We must also be cautious as the power
of Satan is also acting against the creation of God. As long as good and bad
are prevailing in all the worlds, the wars seem to be inevitable. There are
zones of supreme happiness and extreme suffering. Only concentrated optimistic
thoughts can save us from entering the evil zones. To improve concentration,
black spot gazing or crystal gazing may be useful besides meditation. Life
seems to be a game of snakes and ladders. We must be cautious not to take a
wrong step.
I once again state that this is my view on
creation and other secrets of life. The readers of my post need not be taken it
for granted. They are requested to keep these ideas in mind and develop their
own understanding depending on their own experience and knowledge and future
developments in science and technology and astronomy.
I thank all the readers who go through
this article in particular.
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