Universe was created about13.7 billion
years ago by BIG BANG. The reasons for the creation are not known. But by the
analysis of the events happening in this world and the Astral world wherein our
soul enters after death, it is assumed by me that the purpose of creation is to
take back all our souls into the supreme soul of God where from we were
separated due to the clash of an evil power (may be called as Satan for
convenience, not exactly Biblical Satan but much powerful one and only 5% less
in power than God) with God. By some law of equilibrium it is assumed that a
great good soul (God) and a great evil soul (Satan) existed in the spiritual
world. Our Solar system including Earth was formed about 5.6 billion years ago.
Primates including the first ape were evolved about 5 million years ago. Homo
sapiens were born about 195,000 years ago. Last ice age ended and modern world
started about 10,000 years ago.
Early man lived in jungles along with
animals. He ate fruits and roots found in the forest. He killed animals and ate
their raw flesh. He had no language to speak. He grunted like animals. Early
man formed groups and hunted as it is safe. Early man observed that the seeds
thrown away grew into plants, which led to farming by him. He began to make
houses of mud and leaves. He has understood that animals and other creatures
cannot do this. It is here that the early man understood that he is the most
intelligent than other living beings. He got the idea that there should be some
great power that created him and the universe. He was surprised why he is so
intelligent when other creatures are not. He also understood that he can think
while the other creatures are acting by instinct mainly. His way of expression
was only symbolic in the beginning. He wanted to talk. Language was born in
him. He was able to talk. But he has no idea in the initial stages that there
is a phenomena in the creation of human life that when we ask for God gives us.
But gradually he has understood the need of prayers to achieve favours from
God. Whether it is prayer or only any positive thinking it materializes as
desired. He has not understood this fact. Here thought power is the operating
system. Based on this natural phenomena science started developing as per the
desired thoughts of the scientists. Several inventions took place. X-ray,
radio, television, electricity, pistol, thermometer, telescope, atomic energy,
space travel and many more were developed due to these phenomena of thought
technology under creation of human life. It
may please be noted that there is nothing like prayer behind these discoveries.
But there is only a desire to discover the secrets of nature in all these
phenomena. Simply according to their direction of thought result in discoveries
happened. Here it is a clear proof that thought power is the operating system
of human life. We can drag the secrets under creation by thought. It is a
natural phenomenon of creation. The same is behind the prayers of any religion,
whom so ever you pray. Prayers generate deeper thought and the results are more
powerful. Independent of any religious prayers the same thing can be achieved
even more powerfully if you apply the thought technology given by God. This is
more scientific and more realistic. Scientific meditation associated with
certain concentration methods such as black spot gazing can give desired
results more powerfully. This is the only way to save humanity from undesired
effects of religion such as religious wars, clashes, deaths due to stampedes,
accidents during religious festivals etc. If religion is perfect, there should
not be a single death due to religion. But unfortunately religion is causing
many deaths
teaches many good things. But the scientific facts are hidden behind every
religion. God takes many incarnations as human being to guide humanity towards
him. He may take different incarnations in different regions. Or some human
beings may have been born with divine power to guide humanity. These
incarnations of God at different times and different places might have led to
worship God in different forms which led to different religions. As the basic
principles of religions are not fully understood by humanity, it led to
religious clashes and wars. If there is no harmony and proper understanding
between religions, it is better to follow thought technology, which is behind
all religions, instead of religion. This will lead to greater harmony among
humanity as it is more scientific and more realistic. Whatever powers are
achieved by the ancients through religion can also be achieved by thought
technology. If religion is properly understood there won’t be religious
clashes. But it is a remote chance to understand religion in the right way. It
is always safe to follow thought technology to save humanity.
Simply speaking there is a phenomenon, by
which any desired effect or circumstances can be dragged from the celestial
sphere by thought power, is hidden in thought of humanity. Praying any
religious God of any form or any sacrificed human being in Jatara in India is
materializing their desires in prayers. This diversity in prayers is a definite
proof that there is some other spiritual power behind their prayers such as a common
God and the thought technology given by God hidden behind their prayers. Hence
it is very clear that thought technology is the operating system behind all
religious prayers. Simply religious prayers are only by products of scientific
thought technology. Hence there is no need of one religion criticizing other
religions for the sake of human cooperation. This type of understanding is
essential to avoid religious wars and clashes.
The following supporting posts in my blog
may please be read to understand this post in a better way.
1. Secret from experience.
2. Thought technology.
3. My views on creation, soul, mind and
matter etc.
4. Matter and anti matter.
5. Matter, dark matter, dark energy in
the universe.