Source: Visual
Capitalist Ministry of Tourism. through News Paper Times of India
This is how the world travels, and more
tourist are headed here in 2017.
International tourism can be the backbone
of nation’s economies and underline a country’s cultural influence. In 2017,
more than 1.3 billion tourists spent over $ 1 trillion around the globe,
according to the World Tourism Organization. A look at the destinations for the
tourist and the dollars spent.
Country Dollars spent visitors $ per visitor
billions) (in millions)
1. U S 210.7 74.7 2821
2. Spain 68.0 81.8 831
3. France 60.7 86.9 699
4. Thailand 57.5 35.4 1624
5. U K 51.2 37.6 1362
6. Italy 44.2 58.3 758
7. Australia 41.7 8.9 4685
8. Germany 39.8 37.5 1061
9. Macao 35.6 17.3 2057
10. Japan 34.1 28.7 1188
11. Hong Kong 33.3 27.9 1194
12. China 32.6 60.7 537
13. India 27.4 10.2 2686
14. Turkey 22.5 37.6 598
15. Mexico 21.3 39.3 542
Australia’s size and distance from the
rest of the world mean visitors are likely to make the most of a trip. Longer vacations
to the island nation likely contribute to the high average spending through it
only saw 8.9 million in 2017.
Visitors spend the most total amount in
the U S by a massive margin with its many attractions including Disneyland, Yellow
Stone National Park, and the country’s highest-rated tourist spot, Central
Europe too, is a top holiday destination
both by number of visitors and amount spent. Macao and Hong Kong, both
independently administered regions of China, beat the mainland in terms of
dollars spent though China gets more visitors.
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