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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, July 10, 2020


CREATION (in my view)        
     The Indian Vedanta’s say the human beings are mini Gods. The Indian saints who meditated in Himalayas for a long time are of the opinion that we should join God early. The world is full of good and bad even in animal life and in bacteria. We find many diseases of bacteria that kill human beings. We also found that about 10 million good bacteria in a glass of drinking water that help us. All these are part of creation that arrived from the spiritual world.
     If we project the phenomena of this world into the spiritual world there should    be some similarity in the spiritual world also. There should be similar proportionate good and bad in the spiritual world also. By law of equilibrium also there should be two almost equal and opposite forces even in the spiritual world. We may call good as God and bad as Satan (not exactly Biblical Satan but something more superior to it). There should be continuous clashes between God and Satan, that resulted in disintegration of part of infinite souls of God and Satan which resulted in angels, fairies, humans and even up to good bacteria etc. from God’s side and devils, demons and bad bacteria etc. from the side of Satan.
     The purpose of creation appears to be God’s effort to take us back in to Him. Since we came out of God With some superior souls our ancient saints called us as mini gods and expressed their desire to join God as indicated by God. God created material world and gave us material body so that our souls can occupy the same and think well to find ways to join God with His help. But Satan obstructed the same by creating anti matter, which destroys matter. Scientists discovered that the universe consists of 95% of black matter and black energy that cannot emit light or cannot reflect light (dead universe) and only 5% matter that escaped Satan’s destruction (that emits light or can reflect light). The entire visible universe including ourselves escaped Satan’s destruction.
         Now it should be our aim to join God as pointed out by our ancient saints. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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