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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, November 12, 2020




     GOD cannot be defined. God has no shape, no particular place of existence though we call his place as heaven tentatively. Different religions define God in their own understanding.

     For example the Bible quotes as follows.  “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     The Vedantic conception of God:

      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.

     There are varieties of life on earth. No other life can be compared with intelligent human life. This significantly gives the impression that we are close to God in many ways. We may be called as personal gods, while the absolute God is impersonal and infinite. The ancient Indian saints who meditated enormously and developed mental powers are insisting us to join God, leaving the attachments of this world, perhaps because we were once integral part of the infinite God. If so, there is need for us to investigate how we were separated from God.

     To no more we have to study what is going on in this world and project the same at a large scale towards God. There is lot of good and bad in this world. This world is continuing as good has edge over bad. If we project the same into the spiritual world of God, there should be another evil power nearly equal to God in the spiritual world also by laws of equilibrium. There should be frequent clashes between good (God) and evil forces. This clash might have resulted in the breakup of infinite soul of God as well of that of evil, that might have resulted in angels fairies on one side and devils and demons on the other side. Our universe including human beings and other evil powers seems to be result of clash between God and evil powers. Even up to bacteria there are good bacteria as well as bad bacteria.

     Let us examine our universe. There are many galaxies in our universe. Matter and antimatter are being created in the center of the galaxies. Antimatter reacts with matter resulting enormous destruction of both producing in most powerful gama rays. Ultimately what happens to these gama rays is not known. The scientists have discovered that the visible universe that emit light or reflect life is only about 5% of the total universe. The rest of the 95% of the universe is invisible and cannot emit light nor reflect light. This gives the impression that God created this universe with matter as a matter of protection to human souls and to understand by thinking processes and to reach God again. But the evil is attacking God’s ways by destroying about 95% of God’s effort to take us back into him.

     This is only an effort to understand and think about probabilities of purpose of creation and need not be taken as granted.


     Ancient man when gradually understood with his initial development of intelligence that he is far superior to all varieties of life on earth. He also got the idea as to how all this universe is created. He assumed that some power created this universe and called it as God. Initially he has no idea of evil force.   

      God is fond of taking back the separated souls from Him back into Him. So there is need for his incarnation as human being. As a human being it is difficult to control the entire humanity. Hence there is much need to take form as many times as possible at different places. As a result of different incarnations of God as human being in many places at suitable timings and due to His dominance in the area different faiths were developed depending on local understandings which resulted in different religions. Though the basic principle behind all religions is the same, there are unnecessary religious clashes due to minor differences.

     The basic principle behind all religions is the positive optimistic thought. Every religious prayer contains optimistic thought in different forms depending on their religious faith. This fact is not properly understood, resulting in religious clashes even up to religious wars. Since the basic principle of all religions is the same by criticizing other religion, one will lose the benefits he gained from the prayers of his own religion. Hence criticizing other religions should be avoided. According to some experts those who practice positive (optimistic) thought live up to more than 85 years, while those with negative (pessimistic) thought die early.

       There is no point in following old theories of ancient religions even now when science and technology is fast developing. We have to formulate new theories with the available knowledge and known events. Science is a method of knowledge. We have to form theories scientifically. Even the new theories are subject to modification depending on further developed knowledge of science and astronomy. These theories may vary with individuals depending on their belief and knowledge. What I have felt probably by intuition also, I have written, so that it may give scope to others to think more and develop their own theories. What is written need not be taken for granted. It is only a theory subject to modification, but to keep in mind so that it may be improved further.                                                                           

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