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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Sunday, January 3, 2021




     What is our connection with God? Is it just our thought or is it our thought associated with our religious belief? There are many religious people who achieved great things through their religious prayers. Prayer is a kind of thought power associated with some religious belief. Prayers of all religions work, though they are deviating from one another in religious belief. This is a clear indication that there should be something common in all religious prayers. This needs investigation.

     Accidentally my life revealed the answer to the above question. I am bound to keep it on record for the purpose of science or philosophy.

     I have to start with the experiences of my mother. She is a great devotee of Jesus. Most of her life was miserable. She is the second wife of my father after his first wife expired; my father had 6 children from the first wife. But none of them survived beyond one or two years. So he married again after the demise of his first wife. But my mother could not get children for about 17 years. So she was very much ill-treated by my father and his mother. She even attempted suicide but did not succeed. There was no other alternative for her than to pray Jesus whom she wholeheartedly believes. She prayed for getting children.

     It is from her prayers we can derive something that can be achieved by greater concentration and enormous faith. Her sufferings increased her concentration due to her immense faith in Jesus also increased. There are two factors involved in her prayers. One is the concentration of thought and the other is the religious faith in Jesus for analysis. Her concentrated thoughts resulted in stimulating the central power governing the human life. As a result she got the dream wherein she felt that an angel told her that she is going to get children soon. Accordingly she gave birth to a female child in due course. But unfortunately the baby could not survive longer. She died around the age of one year.

     Yet again she continued her intensive prayers for children. This time she got a wonderful dream. She has seen a very much disturbed ocean. Group of angels carrying her first born child came out of the ocean. There is a plate in her hand full of flowers and fruits. One of the angels told my mother to take the plate immediately as the baby cannot carry it for a long time. The moment my mother touched the plate entire seen disappeared. She became pregnant and I was born. But I did not die early similar to the seven children of my father. But I met with enormous sufferings that took me to the point of death. But I escaped death many times. From my experience I have clearly understood that there is some invisible force saving me every time I faced death. Examples from my life can prove it.

     In my early teenage life I got a dream that the wooden beam of the roof of the house where I was sleeping was broken and was hanging. That was on the night of 14th August. The next day was Independence Day of India. In those days celebrations were done throughout the day and even part of night. I was busy seeing the celebrations, though the memory of the dream was striking in the mind frequently. After returning back to my house I went to bed. Soon after waking up my sight directly fell on the crack in the beam. My dream indirectly reminded the danger. Any rain or any extra load on the roof can result in the collapse of the roof above my bed. We immediately informed the same to the owner of the house. He immediately kept a wooden support under the crack and prevented its collapse .My dream save me.

     On another day I fell under a running car. It went over my left leg. A nearby police man came running to help me. I got up and told him that nothing happened to me. He did not believe my words and started searching my leg for probable injuries. I returned home after stating again that nothing happened to me. After reaching home the words of the police man reminded me. I too wondered why nothing happened to me. After careful thinking I could understand why nothing happened to me. The slipper on my left leg stood normal to the wheel of the car and took the entire load and saved my foot. The strap of the slipper saved me from the effect of abrasion on my skin, though it was broken after saving the skin on my foot. There is no effort on my part to save myself. It is all automatic and surprising.

      Another incident is more emphatic. On that day I was alone in our house. Someone brought tiffin (Idle) for me. There was heavy poison in it. I do not know about it at that time. He was not my enemy. But he has some advantages if I die. I lifted my hand to take it and eat. Wonder happened before I touch idle. I met with sudden heavy fever and my taste changed completely and I felt that I cannot eat it. Temporarily I stopped eating. I took tablet for fever and after few hours I attempted to eat again. I just tasted it and felt very bad taste and thrown it and washed my mouth with water. I was not aware of poison in it. It touched my tongue. I was alright in day time. In the mid night I went for toilet. I do not remember. I fell unconscious and fell down even without my knowledge.  When I wake up I understood that I fell down unconsciously. After that nothing happened for several days. Since I was already a heart patient my heart problem started development at a faster rate that lead to severe 3 bypass heart surgery. Before the state of surgery doctors advised my daughter to take me home as there is no hope of my survival and said that I will die in half an hour time even before start of surgery. Since I did not die even after a long time, they started conditional surgery not to blame them if I die during surgery. But contrary to expectations of the doctor the surgery was quite successful and I recovered fast even after surgery. It is all the grace of sum hidden power acting on me by the blessings of my mother associated with my meditation of positive thought.

     All these incidents indicate that there is some hidden power acting behind evil circumstances may be due to the promise given to her before my birth in her dream, associated with the power of my meditation of positive thought. Most important of all these is my teenage experience as written in my post ‘secrets from experience’. It dealt with enormous sufferings whereas the other experiences had no sufferings or may be of very minor suffering. I need not repeat my teenage experience again here as it is lengthy and is already there recorded. At that time meditation was born from within subconscious mind. It is just positive thought. No religious prayer was involved with religious faith. It was automatic . I consider it as God’s grace from fundamentals of creation. I have also understood that there is need for the God to take different forms of incarnations as human being to influence human beings to positive thought through religious faith of different religions, as the humans could not understand the fundamentals of thought power directly. The same positive thought was introduced through religious faith of all religions. I do feel that this is the secret behind my recovery from fundamentals of creation of human life.


I personally believe in the faith of all religions, as there is positive thought behind all religious prayers which is the fundamental behind all religious prayers. I also believe in our religion Christianity through which my mother brought me on to this planet Earth by her great and intensive positive hopes. My approach to God is through fundamentals of creation, namely positive thought power. I advice people of one religion not to criticize other religion, as the same is equal to criticizing the fundamentals of your own religion, and you will lose what is gained in your own religion. If what I have written is properly understood there won’t be any religious clashes or religious wars. This type of understanding is very essential in a country like India where many religions have to exist side by side with cooperation. This type of understanding is essential for world peace also.

  The following quotations may kindly be perused in support of the above.

     “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.” ----- “Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.”  ----- “Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating thought.” ( From the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri swami Sivananda)

“Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible). This indicates that the God is kind enough to give what we desire, provided there is sufficient concentration and strength of mind in our thoughts.

     There is response from God not only to your positive optimistic thought but also to negative pessimistic thought. Therefore one should be very careful with your thoughts. Simply speaking your life is as you think. Your thinking governs your life.

     Positive thought power was understood by humanity long ago and accordingly, scientific meditation and auto suggestion (Cuism) were developed long ago. But they could not compete with the power of religious thoughts, and hence could not dominate over religion. However there seems to be a good future for the same as they are from the fundamentals from the creation of human life.

     Matter is also a condensed form of God’s creation. Hence there is good and bad in matter also..Drinks like Brandi, Whisky and some intoxicated and harmful modern drugs etc. constitute negative (evil) thought as they reduce the life span. Thoughts like anger, jealousy and enmity selfishness are to be replaced by love and affection, friendship and generosity.

     Positive thinking enhances the life span. It is proved well under investigation. So be careful while thinking.  

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