DARK MATTER (The spiders web).: Planets, stars, Galaxies make up
less than 5% of the universe. Scientists think that about 25% of the universe
is covered by black matter. We
cannot see it, but we are sure that it exists because of its gravity. Some
think that the dark matter is composed of some undiscovered particle or
particles, others believe it as an undiscovered property of gravity. Dark
Matter is a real puzzle.
DARK ENERGY (The Poltergeist): This covers about 70% of the
universe. This is powerful enough to tear the entire universe asunder. Dark
Matter appears to mesh the galaxies together, while the Dark Energy seems to
push everything apart. Scientists believe that the Dark Energy is responsible
for the fast expanding universe. Some believe that it is produce due to the
collision of the quantum particles, but no one knows it is true.
action): According to Albert Einstein it is a
phenomenon by which two different particles in totally different parts of the universe can be linked to one
another, mirroring the behavior and the state of their partner. For particles to be connected across such vast
distances, they must be sending signals to one another that travel faster than
the speed of light. Because of its spooky characteristics, entanglement could
eventually become the bedrock of next generation.
particles that make up everything around us – electrons, protons and neutrons –
all have evil twins. Antimatter particles have the same mass as the normal
particles but have the opposite
electric charge. When matter and antimatter meet there can be enormous
destruction to each other liberating most powerful gama rays. Scientists are
planning to create antimatter and to use the energy liberated by the reaction
of matter and antimatter in running spacecrafts. How for it can be successful
we have to watch and see. Most of the antimatter is getting destroyed at the
center of the galaxy itself as matter is more than antimatter
and hence antimatter cannot reach us. Hencee there is no danger to us from antimatter.
BLACK HOLES – (The massive monsters):
These are the regions of enormous gravitational pull so that anything
around it can be drawn into it. Not even light can escape. That is why
we cannot see a black hole. There seems to be100 million black holes in our
galaxy, MILKY Way. These are billions of times more massive than our Sun. At
the center of each galaxy there lurks a super massive black hole.
COSMIC RAYS - ( The ghostly visitors): Cosmic rays are high energy particles that come from outer space
and regularly bombard Earth. Our
atmosphere protects us from cosmic rays. In the upper layers of stratosphere
these layers can affect human beings as well as electrons. Astronauts and
aircraft crew are more likely to be affected by these rays. Electronics are the
more potential victims of cosmic rays. Very rarely a cosmic ray particle with
enough energy can go straight into an electronic system causing damage to it.
The high energy particles can disrupt electronic data, leading to system
crashes. And in an increasing digital world it is not good news. The race is on
to find solution.
LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE: As for as our knowledge is concerned
planet Earth is the only place where life is available. Bu the universe is
unlimited. There are many stars like our Sun. Many such stars may have planets
that are suitable for creation of life. Considering the size of the universe
scientists believe that life exists at many places in the universe. Let us a nalyse
the probability with the following assumptions.
1. Rays of every star has inheriting
nature to produce life under suitable conditions of any planet rotating around
it or in any planet rotating around any star. 2. Intelligence of life is
dependent on the distance between the star and the life generating planet. 3.
Hence it is clear that a star generates superior life in the planets rotating
around it only if the planet supports the life creating conditions such as
water oxygen, suitable temperature etc. 4. Other inferior life on the same
planet may be from the rays of other distant stars. 5.It can
be concluded that every life giving rays of a star can produce life on every
planet of any stat that supports life giving conditions. 6. From the above argument it can be concluded
places in the universe is equal to number of species in any one life supporting
planet of any star. 7. When new light
rays are coming to Earth for the first tome from long distant stars, new
species are being formed on Earth. 8. Hence it can be concluded that life
exists in unlimited places in the Universe. 9. In other exoplanets there may be
inferior human life resembling animas with four legs but the head resembling
partially that of a human with less intelligence. 10.This is only my
understanding based on certain statistical analysis and the scientists have to
support it in due course.
(The silent scream): Space is a vacuum. There should not be any noise.
But we observe there is noise in the space known as space roar. The entire
universe is alive with sound. And space roar is not everyday sound. It is
actually these odd radio signals we have detected throughout space. We use
these waves for communications in T V, cell phones, radios. At times these
waves are loud enough to down other signals. This causes nuisance to scientists
who explore cosmos. So wherefrom this roar comes? Some think it is leftover
radiation from early stars. Others believe that it is due to gasses swirling
around galaxy clusters, or else galaxies themselves. The roaring universe is
still an unsolved mystery.
THE BIG CRUNCH (The end of the universe): As on today the Big Bang theory popular.
According to yhis theory the universe is expanding. Dark energy which is about
70 % of the universe is causing expansion, while the dark matter which is about
25% is likely to cause contraction. Since dark energy is much more the
expansion is continuing. There is simultaneously another force, which is
gravitational pull towards the center of the universe that may cause
contraction when it dominates over expanding force. This may take many billions
of years. As on today there is overall expansion in the universe, but there are
isolated stretches in the universe that are causing localized contractions.
Assume a blasted balloon. Each broken piece of balloon is going away from the
other piece. If you take individual piece it is contracting towards its center.
The same thing is going on in the universe also. Certain sets of galaxies are
contracting towards their center, while the set is going away from the other
sets of galaxies. No one knows exactly the future of the universe. It is a
EXOPLANETS: These are the planet outside solar
system revolving around another star. Just about 30 years ago scientists have
no idea about these exoplanets. Now from research scientists believe that every
star must be having at least one exoplanet. They are expected to be of
different sizes varying from gas giants bigger than Jupiter up to rocky planets
like Earth or even smaller than Earth. They may be very hot enough to boil
metal or may be so cool up to the freezing point. There time of revolution
around their stars may be very fast and may be equal to few Earth days. They
can orbit two stars at once. Some exoplanets don’t orbit any star but they
wander through galaxy in darkness. There may be conditions suitable for life in
some exoplanets. For example, scientists discovered the most number of Earth
sized planets in the habitable zone of a single star TRAPPIST-1. This system of
seven rocky worlds, all of them with the potential of water on their surface –
is an exciting discovery in search of life on exoplanets. There are other life
supporting exoplanets also revolving around other stars.
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