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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, June 24, 2022



Speed vs mass

     Anything that has zero mass can move with infinite speed. Light ray is said to have no mass. It moves with a speed of 300000 km per second. But it is said to be absorbed by a black hole when it comes near to it. If light ray has no mass it should not be absorbed by a black hole. This indicates that the light ray has very minor mass that cannot be measured or understood.

     However there are certain things that have no mass. For example our thought ray has no mass. For example a saint from India can talk to another saint in America instantly by telepathy. Also our soul has no mass. It can also travel from India into the dream of another person in America momentarily at an infinite speed duly retaining its connection with its body at the same time. If one can control his soul he can travel anywhere into the universe with unlimited speed after leaving his body and return back into the body by wish.

     The ancient Indian saints were experts in leaving their bodies and returning into body at a suitable time by wish only, but how far they went is not properly recorded. They were even able to enter the recently died animal body and make it live. This is an art of living for them. Not only the Indian saints but also some beggars in India also developed this art of living. They used this performance for begging and collecting money for the purpose of living. If this art of spiritual technology is developed in consultation with some Indian saints living, and developed further in the light of science, it may be possible to know more details of the universe.

     Since a long time several have seen flying saucers surrounding the Earth, moving with tremendous speed. If they have come from distant stars, either they might have started several billions of years ago with robots driving the same. Or they might have developed mass less material with mass less robots that can move with unlimited speed or at least with a very much less mass by any technical processes.  Is there any way to prepare material that will not be pulled by gravity? Perhaps science has not reached that stage. Since mass increases with velocity, trying for a mass less material is very important. If we have to reach closer to any star, we must be able to counter mass and thereby gravity. Is there any process to make the human beings also mass less? As on today science has not reached that stage? As per general theory nothing is impossible. After many generations later it may be possible. Then only we can inhabit the suitable exoplanets.

     We are surrounded by several dimensional worlds. After death our soul enters the world of another dimention. It is mass less. Hence can we train some of our souls to investigate about the worlds in different dimension.

     Soon after death our soul enters another world of different dimensions known as astral world.  Ancient Indian saints have understood something of this world by spiritual powers. The following abstracts from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ may be of some use to understand the astral world.

     “Soon after death in this world man leaves his physical body and enters the astral universe. His life period on the astral planet is dependant on his material karma that draws him back to the terrestrial realm at a calculated time. Until he comes out of material karma, this process of rebirth and redeath continues. Once he comes out of the karma of this world, he settles down in the astral world for a considerable time.”
"There are many astral worlds teaming with astral beings. The inhabitants use astral vehicles, or masses of light to travel from one planet to another."
"The astral universe is infinitely beautiful, clean, pure and orderly.--Weeds,bacteria, insects, snakes are absent.--The astral spheres maintain an even temperarure of eternal spring."
"The astral beings dematerialise and materialise their forms at will. All astral beings are free to assume any form and can easily commune together. Astral persons through fiats of their cosmically attuned will, bring offspring into being in significantly patterned astral forms."
"Communication among all astral world residents is effected entirely by telepathy and astral television. -- Spoken and written word -- are unknown in astral realms.”

     "By intuition astral persons pierce the veil and observe human activities, but man cannot view the astral spheres unless his sixth sense is somewhat developed. Thousands of earth dwellers have momentarily glimsed an astral being or an astral world."

     From the above information, the following is suggested as any physical movement to exoplanets by space vehicle is not an immediate possibility,

    At least some human beings on earth should come into contact with the souls in the astral world by developing sixth sense. They should suggest the astral beings to investigate the far distant universe in the dimention they live and reveal the secrets about their universe to us so that we can compare them with the secrets of our dimentional universe.

     There may be still some Indian saints who are capable of leaving their body and can travel any distance in to the universe by wish only. They may be encouraged to investigate into the secrets of this universe such as exoplanets with habitable zone with intelligent beings and submit the same for recording for future developments such as possibility of contacting them.

     There are verities of spiritual powers among several Indian saints. For details if required, it may be verified from the book ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Paramahansa Yogananda and also from the address of Yogoda Satsanga Sakha Math given in the early pages of the same book.


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