My first experiment
also proves that our lives are related to solar system. The astrology I studied
(western astrology) is based on the fact that the Earth rotates about its axis
around 360 degrees in one day. The Earth also revolves around the Sun covering
360 degrees in one year. By observational analysis it is found that the
movement of the planets in one day represents the life events in one year. If
you want to know the live events in your 30th year you have to study the
movement of planets in your 30th day after birth with aspects to planets at
birth. This is known as progressed position of planets. Also we have to observe
the transiting planets in the 30th year of your life. If there are similar
aspects in progression as well as in transit we can fix the event on the exact
day of transit. My 1st experiment dealt with such event. In the horoscope I
studied the progressed Sun joins the birth Saturn in conjunction in the third
year of the boy. Also the transiting Sun in the boy’s horoscope joins the Saturn
on the third day after 4th birthday . So at the age of 3 years and 3 days some
bad event has to occur in their family. On enquiry I found that the Grandfather
of the boy expired on the exact day I predicted. This is a clear proof that our
lives are governed by solar system.