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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Monday, February 3, 2025



     What is thought? Is it a wave, particles or both? Nobody knows. What is the speed of thought? Is it equal to the speed of light or is it many times more than the speed of light? This cannot be decided as there are no instruments to measure the speed of thought. Thought is not visible while light is visible.

     Suppose we are in a group and if someone gets an idea in his mind forcibly, the same may be got reflected in some other’s mind at the same time due to impact of his powerful thought into other’s mind. This is a well known phenomenon. On the same lines if we are in the company of bad fellows for a considerable time, we may also turn to be bad. If we are in the company of good fellows such as saints we are also influenced to become good. Hence it is always safe to avoid the company of bad fellows. Telepathy is an important factor in thought technology.

     What is telepathy and what is its effect in the universe? It needs a lot of study. A mentally developed person in India with sixth sense can talk to another such person in America or in other country using telepathy. If this thought technology is developed and if an astronaught or a cosmonaught developes telepathy and if he is sent to moon, it can be examined whether he can talk to any other person on earth with similar thought powers. If it is successful the same may be examined between planet to planet in solar system. If this is also successful the same may be extended between Earth and any exoplanet if there is any intelligent life. Their thought rays may be different and they need to be decoded. We have to develop instruments that are capable of catching thought rays of extremely minor wavelengths. We may use artificial intelligence (AI) in this process. Meanwhile robots with artificial intelligence may be sent to exoplanets to study the probable intelligent life there and send information to Earth. The thought ray is totally weightless and can travel with infinite speed and is of extremely small wavelength. So the thought rays of other living beings in exoplanets may be of different wavelengths and we must find a way to capture and analyze them. Then only we can know about intelligent beings in other exoplanets. The entire process seems to be imaginary but there may be some hidden truth in it that may outcome long after.

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