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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, December 31, 2015


I wish all the readers of my blog a happy and prosperous new year 2016.
                                                             Time:0.00 A M I S T 01-01-2016

Saturday, December 26, 2015


     Human gene editing or genome editing or genome editing with engineered nucleases ( G E E N) is a type of genetic engineering in which D N A is inserted, replaced or removed from a genome using artificial engineered nucleases. There are four families of engineered nucleases being used. They are Zinc Finger nucleases (Z F Ns), Transcription Activator-like Effector nucleases (T A L E Ns), The Crispr/Cas system and engineered Meganuclease re-engineered homing endonucleases. These methods are guided by a D N A cutting enzyme to specific D N A sequences.
     Human gene editing is a great achievement and is likely to bring great changes in human life. It is quite possible to change the hereditary effect. It may not be possible in the near future to ascertain the relation between parents and their children by means of D N A, if this is implemented. It is quite possible to replace the defective genes with normal ones at its natural location, thereby eliminating likely diseases.  It is recently found that there are some inherited genes linked to12 deadly cancers. These inherited genes are in breast and ovarian cancers, stomach cancer, prostate, lungs, brain and nervous system, uterus and blood cancers, etc. This raises the hope for earlier detection and better targeting of therapy. There is increased acceptance and use of techniques of assisted conception, which are likely to be required for the use of genome editing in human embryos. Thus the use of these techniques in stem cells and in early stages of human development can correct genetic defects for improvement in health. If human gene editing is developed further it may alter the nature of the human species. This technology can also enhance the desirable physical and mental traits. It is an indication that highly intelligent persons can be produced as well as extremely wicked persons who may aim at destruction of humanity if this technique falls into the hands of evil minded people.
     This technique of human gene editing allows physicians to alter the human germline which includes the eggs and sperm, to cure genetic disease or even enhance desirable physical and mental traits. The international scientists meeting held in Washington recently declared that it would be irresponsible to proceed until the risks should be well assessed and until there was broad social consensus about the appropriateness of any proposed change. The group also held that as knowledge advances the issue of making permanent changes to human genome should be revisited on a regular basis.

     However there seems to be tremendous improvement in genetic engineering in the near future. Let us hope for something good for humanity.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


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In 2011, we announced the retirement of Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger sites. We made an exception for Blogger to give readers an easy way to follow blogs using a variety of accounts. Yet over time, we’ve seen that most people sign into Friend Connect with a Google Account. So, in an effort to streamline, in the next few weeks we’ll be making some changes that will eventually require readers to have a Google Account to sign into Friend Connect and follow blogs.

As part of this plan, starting the week of January 11, we’ll remove the ability for people with Twitter, Yahoo, Orkut or other OpenId providers to sign in to Google Friend Connect and follow blogs. At the same time, we’ll remove non-Google Account profiles so you may see a decrease in your blog follower count.

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We know how important followers are to all bloggers, but we believe this change will improve the experience for both you and your readers.

Posted by Michael Goddard, Software Engineer

Monday, December 14, 2015


Spiritual world
     Many investigated about the spiritual world and expressed their experience and opinion. One such investigation is from the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (S S R F) with highly developed sixth sense (E S P). The human body seems to have unlimited secrets both of physical body that deals with 5 senses and the invisible spiritual bodies such as astral body and causal body that are not susceptible to normal senses. These can only be understood if one can go out of the 5 senses of the physical body and develop the sixth sense known as extra sensory perception (E S P). Science has not reached that stage of detecting and developing E S P. So we are bound to know something from experts who investigated in this field.
     They have divided spiritual planes into 14 parts including that of Earth plane. 7 planes are positive with the physical life on Earth as the lowest positive plane. There are 7 negative planes. The positive planes above the Earth plane are occupied by angels and those human subtle bodies with righteous deeds on Earth plane and with concentrated positive thinking and engaged in positive spiritual practices. The 7 negative zones are occupied by devils and demons and sinner human subtle bodies that did unrighteous deeds on the physical Earth plane and engaged in negative spiritual practices.
    The human body consists of four basic bodies namely 1 Physical body comprising of five senses touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. 2 Mental body consists of feelings, emotions and desires, 3 Causal or intellectual body capable of decision making and reasoning, 4 supra causal or subtle ego consists of feeling that we are separate from God. Soon after death the physical body remains on Earth and the vital energy is released into the universe and the subtle body goes through the subtle region in the universe, where it gets accustomed to the new region without physical body. (The existence of the body without the physical body is known as subtle body). Depending on its spiritual level such as merits or sins it gradually travels into a subtle plane of existence such as heaven, nether or hell. That is the subtle body travels into one of the 13 subtle planes of existence other than the earth plane which is the only physical plane of existence and also the first positive plane. All subtle bodies that enter the subtle negative planes will become ghosts. Due to suffering in these planes these ghosts attempt to induce fear and suffering in other normal human beings living in the earth plane. Some are of the opinion that the six negative planes of ghosts can drag a weak minded person (such as one who commits suicide) into their planes even if they are good in nature.  But this seems to be against the law of natural justice. Even if a weak minded good person dies there should be some provision to save him. Angels or strong minded people who were in positive planes should come to his rescue, and take him into the positive planes. Whatever it may be, it is always safe to develop sufficient strength of mind on earth plane itself to avoid such possibility. There is no need for mental powers, but it is enough if one can come out of very loose thinking by practicing methods of concentration. Sufficient strength of mind can save any from ghost attack even in the earth plane. There is scope for rebirth only from positive planes. Once if any enters into the negative planes of ghosts it is almost impossible for rebirth and further improvement.
     There are three basic components in human beings such as SATTVA (purity and knowledge) RAJA (action and passion), and TAMA (ignorance and inertia). Sattvik person lives in service of society with no expectation of recognition or reward. Rajasic man lives more for personal gain and achievement and a Tamasic man is harmful to society for his personal gains. These three basic components can be changed by spiritual practice. It is more probable that most of the persons belonging to the Tamasic component are likely to be dragged into any of the 7 negative planes.
Some attribute some dreams to be connected to subtle planes of existence. Since on earth we are having not only the physical body but also the other bodies such as astral and causal bodies, it is quite possible that some subtle body of our close relatives or others may come into contact with our latent subtle body. Just for example one night my wife came into my dream and at the same night she also came into the dream of our daughter. It appears that she visited us from the other planes of existence on the same night. One more thing to be investigated on the aspect that our subtle bodies are active during our sleep is as follows. Suppose you happen to see a living person in your dream along with other dead person or alone, it is an indication that both of your subtle bodies are active and came into contact with each other. In such a case the other living person should also get the same or similar dream at the same time. If this happens it can be confirmed that our subtle body also travels while we are asleep. It may please be noted that in the subtle world there is nothing like time or distance. Everything is instantaneous. Any external sound can wake us up momentarily from the dream. This idea entered my mind recently and hence I could not get an opportunity to verify the same.

     We can plan our spiritual existence from the earth plane itself. Some knowledge of these subtle planes is also essential for us to plan our future into the unknown spiritual world.

Thursday, November 26, 2015


     Thought power is the operating system of humanity as I have written many times in my blog. By developing thought power by meditating in Himalayas ancient Indian saints were able to look into the past and future of anything such as one’s life or the events in a country or simply about many things in the universe. They were even able to leave their bodies travel into the vast expanding universe and return to the body at will, duly keeping their body away from decomposition. This indicates unlimited powers of thought. This is much higher side for an average man even to know in details. Hence we can think of some easy mental powers that are useful in normal life along with some other slightly higher powers.
CONCENTRATION: This is essential for everyone in normal life. Due to worries in normal life some may lose concentration and there by strength of mind. Some (especially ladies) may even think of committing suicide. All these can be avoided by very simple means by developing concentration and a little meditation. One of such methods of developing concentration is black spot gazing.
BLACKSPOT GAZING: Prepare a circular black spot of about 1 or 1.5 centimetre diameter on a white paper of suitable size and paste it on a wall  or on a card board and place it vertically so that it is at your eye level and at a distance of about 3 feet approximately from your eye. Semi dark room is preferable either morning or evening or at any suitable day time if morning or evening is not possible. About 15 to 20 minutes of practice is sufficient and at least two times in a day. Look at the black spot with your mind and sight concentrated on it. Usually no strain to eyes comes. If any strain comes temporarily discontinue and start after some rest. Also keep the idea in mind that you will not get any strain while practicing black spot gazing. With the practice your concentration will also increase. Now you can practice meditation with repetition of a suitable small sentence after black spot gazing or at any time later. The sentence may suitable to nullify your worry. In general the well accepted sentence ‘day by day in every way I am getting better and better’ is preferable. If you are religious form a suitable sentence connected to nullify your worry, in the name of your God. Try for fast meditation. In the beginning opposite thoughts enter your mind to nullify your meditation. As the practice increases the positive thought increases and over through the negative thoughts in to the depths of your subconscious mind so that they may not come up again and you will be free from worries early. This is a simple practice of eliminating worries by concentration and meditation. To go on still higher side, with gradual practice of black spot gazing, you will see white light coming around black spot and gradually black spot completely disappears and comes back at intervals. As the practice increases you can keep in mind that the disappeared black spot will not come back till you ask for it mentally. Gradually you will succeed in getting the black spot disappear completely and return when you wish to see it. This is the first stage of concentration to go towards higher powers. This practice may take about one month time, if you practice regularly for about two times in a day with about 15 to 20 minutes each time.
2nd stage of concentration: After one month of practice of black spot gazing and after achieving control over black spot as mentioned already, continue practice by keeping the idea of seeing actual happenings. Suddenly you see some three dimensional seen of actual happenings in the world. But you do not know where it is happening. Continue practice of seeing such things. This practice will take one more month.
3rd stage of concentration or CLAIRVOYANCE: In this stage, keep in mind that you can see actual happenings that you want to see. For example you may wish to see what your friend who is far away is doing.  Keeping the idea in mind that you can see things is important. With practice you can see actual happenings that you wish to see. This may take one more month. This is an extra sensory perception and is beyond normal senses and hence is paranormal. Indian saints are famous in extra sensory activities. Some experiments done with those who have much less experience in paranormal are only partial and hence science has not yet recognized paranormal such as clairvoyance and telepathy etc. Still there is time for science to experiment with well performed persons and recognize some paranormal.
TELEPATHYNormal persons talk with each other using their known senses. But it is also possible to communicate one’s own thoughts to another without using normal senses. For this purposes both the persons sending and receiving thought waves should possess mental powers. This only indicates full control of thoughts and spiritual resources to some extent. Telepathy can be practiced irrespective of distance between the same persons. This is an indication that it is equivalent to talking in telephone in the physical world. Whatever we do with senses in the physical world can also be done by using spiritual resources or the extra sensory perception (E S P). Perhaps there is another world within us though latent to the normal man but can be felt by persons who practice for E S P. This is also a kind of mental power.
     ASTRO TRAVEL OR ASTRO PROJECTION: This is otherwise known as out of body experience (O B E). In addition to physical body, the human being also carries the astral body and causal body within him unknowingly. Controlling the astral body and leaving the physical body temporarily and travelling into the universe in the astral plane and seeing many things and remembering the same even after reentering the physical body is what is achieved in astral travel. Only saints who develop lot of mental powers by controlling their mind and body by great meditation are capable of doing this. However there are some simple methods are also suggested to practice astral travel. The following procedure of practicing the same looks very simple.

It is preferable to start in the morning for a beginner. For an experienced person any time is suitable. More relaxation is needed. Better is to starting in a room when you are alone without many noises around. Lie down and concentrate on body and mind relaxation. Don’t allow unnecessary thoughts to enter your mind. Practice deep breathing and exhale completely. With relaxation and closed eyes concentrate your mind on hand or foot. Try to focus on that body part with closed eyes so that you can visualize the same. Without moving the physical body visualize moving hand or foot up and down. Increase your focus to the rest of your body so that you can move any part of the body or the entire body mentally without moving the physical body. When the astral body prepares to leave the physical body, vibrations are experienced. Don’t be afraid of them. If you are afraid you may not be successful in achieving astral travel. Use your concentrated thought in your mind to separate your astral body from your physical body. Once the astral body comes out of the physical body you can look back and see the physical body. If it happens it is successful. Your astral body is always connected to your physical body by an invisible force; some called it as silver cord. So you an reenter your physical body at your wish after astral travel. Now you can move your hand and foot of physical body as before. All this is a simple outline on astral travel. Some may get it easily and others may get it after a long practice depending on their ability to concentrate and regulate their thoughts. Time and distance are void in astral plane. You can bring any patient to normalcy with your concentrated positive thinking irrespective of distance. Some think that demons can take control of you in astral plane . It all depends on your thought. If your mind is sufficiently strong and if your thoughts are positive and if you have the feeling that no demon, devil or any negative force can touch you will always be safe. Don’t entertain such fears. You can start practice of astral travel with a free, positive, optimistic and concentrated thought.

GENERAL: The mental powers are universal. We can’t keep any limits to these powers. The universe is unlimited. If sixth sense (E S P) is developed we can look into many secrets in the universe. The science has not reached that state of discovering the secrets of creation in connection with E S P. The experiments they have conducted are only with deceivers or with inexperienced person in that field. Hence E S P is not recognized by science. India is famous in this field since very ancient times. In any field of MENTAL POWERS ‘ THOUGHT POWER IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM’ as written by me many times in other posts.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015


     It is natural for anyone to know something about astrology, if he believes that there is some relationship between our life and the movement of planets of Solar system. Several experts have investigated on this aspect and found to be correct. One of the most popular methods of predicting events in one’s own life is the western astrology. It is mainly based on the time of rotation of Earth about its axis and the time of revolution of Earth around the Sun. Earth rotates around its axis in a day, where as it revolves around the Sun in one year. By trial and error it is observed that in this type of astrology, that the movement of planets in one day influences human life in one corresponding year.  Just to elaborate, if you like to know the events in the 30th year of your life you have to consider the movement of the planets from 29th to 30th day after your birth with reference to the planets position at the time of your birth. You have to prepare birth chart as well as progressed chart for the 29th and 30th year of your life. Progressed charts are prepared for the 29th and 30th day after birth for the same time as that of birth chart.
     Once when technology was not developed it was somewhat difficult to prepare the same. With the development of internet (web sites), preparation of birth chart and progressed chart of any year is very much simplified. You can directly read these charts from the web sites. There is no need to learn preparation of these charts from the ephemeris. Only one has to learn about the nature of planets, affairs ruled by houses, and the nature of the aspects between planet to planet and planet to houses. The brief outline of the same will be discussed later.
     The birth chart and the progressed chart of any year may be obtained from the  web sites, 1. www.secretlanguageofastrology.com 2. www.alabe.com, only thing is one has to feed the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth (or an important place near the place of birth) at the appropriate places and enter submit. One will receive the chart immediately. The table below also gives the symbols of planets as well as signs etc. The chart not only gives the planets position but also indicates the house cusps (most powerful point in a house).
     There are 12 signs of each 30 degrees, totaling 360 degrees. Each degree is further divided into 60 parts known as minutes. Also there are 12 houses. The signs mainly govern bodily parts, whereas the houses govern the type of events in life. Life is the resultant effect of planetary influences and spiritual resources within us. Some consider the influence of planets as 65% and that of spiritual resources as 35% in an average man. But in saints who develop full control over body and mind, the spiritual resources may be taken as 100%. They come out of control of planets.
Bodily parts ruled by signs:
Aries: Head and face.
Taurus: Neck throat and ears.
Gemini: Arms and shoulders; hands and lungs.
Cancer: Breasts and stomach.
Leo: Back and heart; upper portion of back.
Virgo: Belly and uterus; intestines and solar plexus.
Libra: Kidneys and loins; reins, ovaries and lower back.
Scorpio: Sex organs and anus; bladder and the genitals.
Sagittarius: Thighs and hips; liver, condition of blood.
Capricorn: Knees, spleen, hams.
Aquarius: Calves and ankles; Circulation of body fluids.
Pisces: Feet, toes; psychic and spiritual faculties.
     It may please be noted that if any evil planet under evil aspects from other planets and is in detriment or fall in the sign some trouble to the concerned bodily part at the appropriate time in progressions may be expected. (This needs some practical experience). Please read the post for further information.
Ruler ship of planets:

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Saturn rules Capricorn. Uranus rules Aquarius, and Neptune rule Pisces.
Affairs ruled by houses:
House no. 1: Personal appearance, but chiefly the face and head.
House no. 2:  Finances, worldly goods, liberty, feelings, possessions.
House no. 3: Brothers, sisters, neighbors, letters, mental interests, self expression, unpublished writings.
House no. 4: Domestic affairs, houses, landed property, one of the parents, end of life conditions, home.
House no. 5: Children, speculation, love affairs, creativity games, risks, pleasures.
House no. 6: Service in work, likely diseases, personal comforts, cloths, food and other requisites, sanitation and hygiene.
House no. 7: Marriage partner, public enemy, law suits, contracts, partnerships, agreements, matter of exchange, others in close connection.
House no. 8: Legacies wills, the life force in births, sex; death and after life, partner’s property, possessions of or from others, shared feelings.
House no. 9: Long journeys, religion, foreign countries, dreams visions, brothers and sisters of marriage partner, publishing, philosophy, more profound mental interests, legal affairs.
House no. 10: One of the parents, profession, honor, attainment trade, public standing (matters outside home).
House no. 11: Friends, hopes and wishes, social relations, societies and companies with which the subject is concerned, (more detached contacts).
House no. 12: Retirement, escape, sacrifice, secret and private enemies, seclusion, limitations, secret sorrows, hidden life of the unconscious, large animals, horses, institutions, karma, spiritual and moral obligations.
The houses 1, 4, 7, 10 are said to be angular houses and the planets in these houses are said to be more powerful. The house cusp is the most powerful point in the house. The house is supposed to start 8 degrees before the house cusp and end at 8 degrees before the next house cusp.
Planets: The beneficial planets in decreasing order are Jupiter, Venus, Sun, moon and mercury. The malefic planets in decreasing order Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Neptune. (Pluto is not considered as a planet; hence its influence may be neglected).
The essential dignities of planets:
Moon is powerful in the sign Cancer and Taurus and is weak in signs Capricorn and Scorpio. Sun is strong in Leo and Aries and weak in Aquarius and Libra. Mercury is strong in Gemini, Virgo, and is weak in Sagittarius and Pisces. Venus is powerful in Taurus and Libra and Pisces but less powerful in Scorpio, Aries and Virgo. Mars is good in Aries and Scorpio and Capricorn but bad in Libra, Taurus and Cancer. Jupiter is very good in Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancer but less powerful in Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. Saturn is good in Capricorn and Libra but very bad in Cancer and Aries. Uranus is good in Aquarius and Scorpio but less powerful in Leo and Taurus. Neptune is good in Pisces but less powerful in Virgo. The planets in other signs are of average nature, good planets are slightly good and bad planets are slightly bad. However these are subject to modification depending on the aspects they receive from other planets, which will be discussed further.

Nature of planets: Moon rules females in mans chart, changes public, oceans, simply it indicates response and fluctuations. Mercury rules mind, memory, acquaintances, journeys by land and communication. Venus governs money, adornments, pleasures, arts, females in man’s horoscope, love and deeper emotions. Mars has dominion over fires, quarrels, energy, adventures, male relationships in a female horoscope, accidents, surgery, athletics, and warfare. Jupiter governs religion, legal affairs, good fortune and guardians. Saturn rules over diseases, hindrance, falls and bruises, decay and hard work. Uranus has jurisdiction over catastrophes, sudden events, suicides, tragedies, electricity,   explosions and astrology. Neptune rules deceptions, exiles, frauds, illusions, gases, sea, poisons, psychic happenings and dreams. (Influence of Pluto is not considered since it is declared as not a planet).    
Aspects are the angular distance between two planets and angular distance between a planet and a house cusp. In order to read the birth chart impressions we have to consider the orbs of influence of planets. The orbs of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury when applying an aspect are 6 degrees and when separating from an aspect may be taken as 8 degrees. The Sun’s orb when applying aspect is 12 degrees and when separating it is 17 degrees. The Moon’s orb when applying is 8 degrees and when separating it is 12 degrees. These orbs apply to the major aspects such as 0 (conjunction), 60 (sextile), 90 (square), 120 (trine), and 180 (opposition) degrees. Miner aspects and their orbs may be neglected. The orb of influence for parallel aspect (same declination) may be taken as 2 degrees for all planets while applying and separating. Declinations may be taken from any ephemeris or may be neglected. Planets under progressions indicate tendency of events from about 1 (one) degree before the exact aspect, and produce full event when the aspect is exact.

The aspect of 60 and 120 degrees between any two planets is always good. The aspect of 90 and 180 degrees between any two planets is always bad. The aspect of conjunction (0 degrees) is dependent on the nature of planets in conjunction. If at least one of evil planets like Saturn, Uranus, Mars or Neptune is there in conjunction, the aspect is to be considered as bad and otherwise good. For reading the birth chart impressions the orb of influence has to be taken into account. It may please be noted that only the birth chart impressions will be materialized in progressions. If the aspect between two planets is good and the aspect formed in progressions is bad, no bad event will materialize. Or there may be very minor bad event. Materialisation of event in progressions occur when the aspect is exact (full).
Reading birth chart impressions:
To examine the birth chart impressions of any house we have to consider in the order of preference, the planet in the house and their aspects to other planets including orb of influence, the ruler of the sign in which the house cusp is located and its location in sign and house and its aspects.
A simple example can clarify this. Suppose the planet Jupiter is in the second house and in sign Libra. We assume that it is in opposition to Sun from sign Aries and from 8th house. We also assume that Jupiter is also in sextile aspect to Mars from the sign Sagittarius and from 4th house, considering orbs of influence. The second house rules finances etc. Aspect of Sun is bad as it is in opposition. So whenever there is a bad aspect of Sun to Jupiter either in progressions or in transits (transits will be discussed later) there can be financial troubles etc., as well as troubles in affairs of 8th house ruled by Sun. Good aspects of Sun to Jupiter in Libra either in progressions or in transits will not give any good results as there in no birth chart good impressions between Jupiter and Sun. Or the aspect may be slightly good. Similarly the good aspects between birth chart Jupiter and progressions or transits of Mars can yield good results in the affairs of 2nd house and 4th house in the corresponding periods. Bad aspects between Jupiter and Mars in progressions and transits may not yield any bad results but may be slightly bad.  All other houses may be read in a similar way.

In short the nature of event under aspect of different planets is dependent in the following order of preference. 1. Affairs governed by the houses occupied by the   planets. 2. The houses ruled by the planets under aspect, 3. The houses under any aspect by the planets concerned, 4.The essential dignities of the planets under aspect, 5.The nature of planets under aspect. 

Transits in 30th year indicates movement of planets in the 30th year of life whereas the progressions indicate movement of planets in the 30th day of life. Hence progressions are 365 times more powerful than transits. Effects of transits can be read in a similar way as that of progression except for the fact they are very less powerful. Fast moving planets may or may not produce event. They are suitable for selecting good or bad days for any event. Fast moving planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Sun is also is a fast moving planet but is powerful and may produce minor events. Slow moving planets are likely to produce event. The slow moving planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If an aspect in progressions is repeated in transits it is easy to arrive at the date of event closely. For the purpose of transits advance chart for any date, any time and any place up to 5 years from the current year is also available on the web sites mentioned already. As an alternate Raphael’s Ephemeris or Lahiri’s Indian Ephemeris for the corresponding year may be referred. In Lahiri’s Ephemeris, to convert the planets longitudes into Western system ayanamsa as given in the ephemeris is to be added.
  General:  The purpose of writing this article is, I like others too to know something about this type of astrology, as I have seen immense truth in it practically. It appears that the Universe including humans and matter (stars and planets etc.) have come out of great thought power (or similar one) of God. And hence there is definite relationship between humans and planets and stars, from which the subject astrology has come up. The purpose of astrology is that if we can know the bad timings, we can nullify or at least reduce the evil by utilizing the spiritual resources within us (by meditation). Hence astrology is very useful to mankind.
Thank you for reading.    

Thursday, September 17, 2015


     Nostradamus predictions on third world war are famous, though he has not given the period of war. Most of his predictions were realized only after the event has occurred. It seems that he intentionally avoided the timing of events not to confuse public. In his letter to his son Caesar Nostradamus he has mentioned that he made prophecies up to the year 3739. Hence it is difficult to assume when the world war III is likely to come.
     In spite of so many complications, yet there is a long range clue to fix up the period of world war III. In his Century III and Quatrain 70, Nostradamus indicates that England will sink into the sea during the world war III. This may be due to the fact that the heavy ice caps near poles may melt due to the heat generated by the war inundating England. Due to global warming effect ice caps already started melting. Sea level is rising at present at the rate of one foot per decade and it is likely to rise further at a greater rate. Some are of the opinion that if the sea level rises further by about 23 feet England is likely to sink into the sea. At the present rate it may take two centuries or even earlier. If nuclear war comes during this period it may even be instantaneous. As such the third world war seems to be not far away. Nostradamus also utilized some astronomical data also for his calculations besides his powers of intuition and other mental powers. Let us examine the possible astronomical data also to locate the probable world war III period within the coming two centuries.
     Nostradamus predicted war when planets Jupiter and Saturn pass through the sign Aries. Several expected war somewhere around June 1999 accordingly. But no such thing happened. In his time no one knows about the planets Uranus and Neptune. They were discovered later. Since he felt that some other planet was moving in association with Saturn, he might have assumed it as Jupiter. In fact Jupiter is not a planet to produce wars. Uranus or Neptune is the most probable planets in this case. While Uranus and Saturn conjunction rules nuclear wars, Neptune and Saturn conjunction rules chemical or biological wars, if some other evil and stimulating aspects support the same. Most critical degrees for this conjunction to occur are the first three degrees of Aries (of movable zodiac). So any evil conjunction in first three degrees of the sign Aries or in its opposite degrees (first three degrees of sign Libra) where the plane of ecliptic and equator are close, duly supported by war stimulating planet is essential to create world war.
     Planet Uranus entered the sign Aries around June 2010 and it will be in sign Aries up to April 2018. This produced revolutions in many countries like Syria etc. ruled by the sign Aries. The countries England, Germany, Denmark, Poland etc. are also ruled by sign Aries. These countries seem to be turning against terrorism. Saturn enters the sign Aries around Feb. 2026 and leaves the sign in April 2028. Neptune enters the sign Aries in Feb. 2026 and continues in it till April 2039. Conjunction of planets Neptune and Saturn will also take place around the first degree of Aries in Feb. 2026. Besides this the war planet Mars also joins them in April 2026. By this time the planet Uranus is at the end of the sign Taurus and will enter the sign Gemini, in the month of May 2026. Gemini rules the United States. Saturn enters Gemini in June 2030 and joins Uranus in conjunction in July 2032 in the 29th degree of Gemini. Planet Mars also joins Uranus and Saturn in Gemini in June 2032. China is ruled by the sign Libra which is opposite to sign Aries.
     The above astrological configurations indicate some tendencies of biological and chemical war being initiated around Feb. 2026 under the influence of the conjunction effect of Neptune and Saturn duly supported by the transit of Mars in April 2026. Nostradamus also predicted the start of the 3rd world war with biological and chemical weapons only. According to Nostradamus, China joins the Islamic nations in a war against the countries in Europe. The war is likely to be turned into a nuclear war by the year 2032. Most of the European countries get destroyed in the war.
     It is at this time Nostradamus predicts that England will sink into the sea for reasons not known to him. Nowadays the reasons are clear. Global warming is going on and ice near poles is melting and the sea levels are gradually rising. During the war the melting of ice will increase enormously due to heat generated and it is quite possible that the England along with other low level countries will sink into the sea. Nostradamus also predicted that a mountain like object from the sky falls into the sea and many coastal areas including some ancient historic cities gets submerged in sea water (Century I, Quatrain 69). This seems to be a misinterpretation as he is not aware in his time about rising of sea levels due to global warming. In his time Nostradamus was not even aware of aero planes and rockets. Only he got the vision of something falling from the air into the sea. He has to assume according to the available knowledge of his time only. During war period, due to fight in the air any war planes or rockets are likely to fall into the sea. Besides this, any space debris such as space ships, satellites, space stations are also likely to fall into the sea after the expiry of their life time. But due to the enormous inundation of the coastal areas, he might have assumed that the fallen object may be of a size of a mountain. No such a big object of size of a mountain is likely to fall on Earth in the near future. It is only imaginary whereas the great inundation of coastal areas is quite possible during war period.
     After causing sufficient damage in Europe the Easterners aim at attacking United States and Russia. This results in United States and Russia coming together for counter attacking Easterners army. This becomes the starting point for the defeat of the Easterners, according to Nostradamus. United States and Russia together liberate Europe from the clutches of Easterners. Nostradamus states that ultimately the war ends at the river Ganges in India (Century IV, Quatrain 51).
     Nostradamus did not mention much about India in this 3rd world war. But there is a clear indication that the war will end at Ganges. The occupants of part of India, probably North India by China will be forced by the Indian army with the help of the United States military up to the river Ganges. It appears that the part of India above the river Ganges will be under the control of Chinese army by the time world war ends. No further details are available after the war. During the war, if part of North India is occupied by China as indirectly indicated by Nostradamus, then the capital of India should be shifted temporarily to South India at a suitable place, till recapturing of part of North India occupied by China. This is only a probability from the hint given by Nostradamus and need not be taken for granted. However India should be cautious about this aspect as most of the predictions of Nostradamus are coming true on some date or other.

     Astrological ephemeris indicating planets positions is not readily available up to the year 3739. As such it is not possible to further examine the alternate probabilities of 3rd world war. As such the astrological calculations have some limitations. The above probabilities may be kept in mind for guidance only, and what is reviewed may not be taken for granted. It may also be noted that such reviews already failed in the year 1999. But these astrological tendencies are stronger in the light of Nostradamus prophecies. The 3rd world war seems to be a longer one. It may start with hidden chemical and biological weapons and later turn into a nuclear war. Lot of damage will be done to humanity as a whole besides world economy. Let us hope this war not to come. Since all these are only visions of a seer and only astrological tendencies, these can be prevented by advance peace pacts between the countries. Global warming should also be controlled by cooperation between the countries and individual efforts by each country, because it is a war against humanity by Nature. Let us hope something good to happen to humanity.   

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


     There are many wonders in the design of human body. We can think of a few wonders only, as they are unlimited. One should know at least something about his own body. Hence this post is written. Importance is given not for the functions of body or bodily diseases but for certain aspects connected to body that lends a note of mystery to our mind. 
     Right with the start of formation in the womb, the human body is only a speck, but it develops into more than 5 billion times by the time it grows into full shape. Average interval time between the time of birth and fertilization of egg is about 266 days. Most cells die at the rate of about 5 millions per second and the heart beats about 40 million times every year. A human blinks about 6 million times every year. Brain needs more blood, about 20% of the total blood, though its weight is only 2% of the total body weight. Bones and joints can be replaced by stainless steel and titanium. But the latest development shows that even heart and liver can also be replaced.
     The life span of red blood cells is about 3 months only whereas the life of nerve cells in the brain is more than 50 years. About 2 million red cells are being created every second by the bone morrow. Experiments are being made to know whether change of blood of aged people with blood of young can increase the health and also life span among the old people. It is successful in case of mice. If this happens number of aged will be more than the number of new born and children. However the average life span of human beings is likely to be increased to 150 years shortly with the latest discoveries in medical field. Science has developed to such a stage that a man can be turned into a woman and a woman can be changed into a man. It is successful practically.
     The surface of the skin is made up with tiny dead cell flakes not visible to the naked eye that can be rubbed away. Body looses about 4 kg.  of rubbed  skin flakes every year. Hair on head grows for about 5 years up to a length of about one metre and rarely up to four metres also before it falls naturally. Number of hair on the head (scalp) is more if its color is light and less if it is black. Hair in the head grows at the rate of 3.5 mm per week. Hair colour is dependent on the genes from parents. On the average there are about 120000 hairs on the head. Nails grow about half a millimetre per week.
     There are about 650 muscles and 206 bones in an adult body, but the numbers of bones in a baby are about 306. Some of this join together and become one as the baby grows. The largest bone in the body is thigh bone while the smallest is the stirrup bone in the ear. The skull has 22 separate bones bound together by fibres.  Spine supports the body mainly. It is made up of 22 vertebrae. Spine also supports spinal cord which connects the brain to all body parts. The body has more than 200 joints, the largest being at hip and knees. The biggest muscle is also in the hips.
     Heart pumps about 200 million litres of blood in an average life time. Adults’ heartbeat rate at rest is around 72 per minute. For a new baby it is around 125 per minute. One cubic mm of blood contains about 5 million red cells, 8000 white cells and 350000 platelets. The volume of blood in a man is about 5.5 litres and of a  women is about 4.5 litres. There are mainly four blood groups, namely A O B AB. O is popular. Each group is either Rh.+ or Rh.-. For the patients requiring blood transfusion same group of blood should be given. Otherwise they can become very ill.
     One can urinate about 45000 litres in his life time. Body’s water balance is controlled by urinary system. In each kidney there are about one million tiny filters known as nephrons. Kidneys take about 85 litres of water and other substances from blood of 1000 litres and let out only 0.6 litre of urine after recycling.
     Nervous system controls organs and tissues in the body. The total length of nervous system in the body is about 80000 k m. The fastest nerve signals travel at a speed of 120 m per second and the slowest is about 1.5 m per second. A network of nerves connects brain to every bodily part. The brain is the first part and biggest at one stage to be developed in the womb. The human brain is about 1/50th of the weight of the human body and has a much greater proportion compared to other animals. That is the reason perhaps that the human being is so intelligent among the living beings.
     Respiratory system takes air and separates oxygen from it, pass it into blood. Body cells take this oxygen to burn glucose, which also cells receive from blood when it carries digested food. Under normal rest one can once breathe half litre of air in about 4 seconds. Strenuous breathing rate may be more than 60 breathes per minute. New born babies may breathe up to 40 times a minute.  For an aged person of 80 years the total number of breathes in his life time may be around 600 millions. Oxygen rich blood from the lungs that goes to the heart is red while the blood that comes to lungs is poor in oxygen and its color is dull purple.
     The total quantity of food one can eat in one year is about 10 times his body weight. While passing through the tract, the food is broken to small substances known as nutrients and get absorbed into the blood. The whole journey of food from mouth to anus takes about 24 hours. The length of the digestive system is about 9 metres.    

     Dogs’ nose is 10000 times more sensitive to smell than a human being. Leprosy destroys nerves that respond to touch. Hence a leprosy patient can suffer injuries without realizing it. Tongue has a unique print just like finger print. Tooth is the only unrepairable part of the body. Our body consists of about 50 million cells and each cell has its genetic code that makes us as a unique individual. The genetic code is found in DNA.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Astrology is the only subject that is capable of calculating mischief, made up races  and hidden horses that win unexpectedly in some races.
     I have personally verified many methods in numerology also and found them of no use. But the subject astrology has something to do with horse racing. It is reliable with some exceptions. In one race I have calculated a horse was very superior as per speed calculations. But according to astrology another horse that was second in calculations but far below in timings compared to the top horse was preferable. The results were as per astrology. Perhaps it is a made up race by mutual understanding between the trainers. In another race almost 6 horses were exactly same in timing as per calculations. In such case usually we should not play. But astrologically a horse was clear. But it lost its position being struck up in the middle of the group and fell behind. In spite of that it won by nose at the finishing line. All the six calculated horses were in the blanket finish. In another race a horse came on top on speed calculations and it was also top as per astrology. But it was last in the betting ring. It was paid more than 20 times of the betting amount. The reason for its not recognition is it never figured up to 4th place in any race. I calculated its timing from its last race when it came 5th only. And its timing is superior in this company. Moreover it is an old horse. Hence no one bothered about it. It won from start to finish.  Astrology is so much useful in horse racing. Even those who do not know anything about astrology can calculate the winner in horse racing in some cases if they follow the suggestions given by me below.
     It is dependent on the chart at the moment of the post time of any race. It can be directly read from the internet. I will give how to read it in this article. The planets within 2 degrees of the four angular points of the chart can give the name content of the winning horse depending on the nature of the planet and the words ruled by the planet by its nature, in many cases with some exceptions. Nature of planets and the exceptions I will give in this post.
     The chart at the post time of any race can be erected from either ‘www.secretlanguageofastrology.com’ or from ‘www.alabe.com’ duly filling the required rows such as date, time, city and country and hitting submit. The name row need not be filled up. Just below the circular chart you can find symbols of planets and symbols of signs. From this you can find the degrees of the angular points. i. e. Degrees and signs on the 10th House cusp on top of the chart and its opposite point. Similarly the degrees with signs on the East (left side known as ascendant) and its opposite west side (right side known as descendant) may please be noted. Any planet within 2 degrees on either side of the four angular points may also be noted if any. These planets give the clue of the winning horse by virtue of the name content of the horse governed by the planets. The nature of the planets in angles is reflected in the name of the winning or runner up horses with some exceptions. Each sign is of 30 degrees and each degree is of 60 minutes. It is enough if it is rounded to the nearest degree.
    You can also prepare your own free birth chart on similar lines. For detailed study of your horoscope they may charge some fee.
Those who are interested in knowing more on picking winners in horse racing may please refer the book ‘A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator’ by Llewellyn George under the heading Part V Additional Studies/ picking winners/ Horse Racing. However instead of my own writing, I quote below from the book some important information I have personally verified and found to be correct in order to give more respect to that great author of the book.
     “The Sun, Mars and Jupiter are said to denote short names, while Venus, Saturn denote long names. The Sun by itself suggests a name derived from nature or royalty, but Jupiter may also signify a royalist or Biblical name. Mercurial names are common conventional names, while the moon has rule over family names of the more rural variety, suggesting simplicity, domesticity or collectivism. Venusian names are the euphonious, musical or ornate names pleasant to the ear or suggestive of glamour. Martian names are concise, blunt, militant names popular among fiction writers as typical names of heroes. Saturnine names are those suggestive of dignity, tradition or history. Uranus seems to indicate unusual, startling names either ultramodern or archaic, while Neptunian names are those which lend a note of mystery to the imagination. Pluto’s names are those associated with the underworld or politics. No hard and fast rule can be offered concerning the question of planetary name-cues.”
     “We have noticed that the current aspects in operation or the angular placements of the planets, at the track during post time often give a clue as to the name-content of the winning or runner up horses.” 
In the same book under Part V. Additional Studies/ Astrological Vocabulary about more than 3000 words governed by different planets are given. These may be useful while catching the name content of the horse governed by a planet. Only some important words as verified by me along with some additional important words I give below for guidance. For further verification the book may please be referred.
MOON: Adaptable, aqua, baby, bakery, butter, canal, cheese, change, dairy, domestic, emotional, family, feminine, groceries, house, hydro, infant, juice, kitchen, lady, liquid, luna, moist milk, naval, oyster, pale public plastic ,queen, quiet, receptive river, silver, stomach, tides, umbilical, voyage, water women, young.(Moon also governs the word ‘gold’ besides Sun, from my experience).
MERCURY:  Accounts, books, clerk, clever, debating, education, elocution, fingers, fluent, Gemini, hands, intellect, imagination, journal, journey(short), knowledge, learning, letters, magazine, mail, messages, neighbors, nerves numbers, name, opinion, paper, publisher, quick silver, records, rumor, speech, talking, understanding, virgin, writers, youths.
VENUS: Artistic, beautiful, cheerful, cleanly, dancing decorate, delightful, entertainment, floral, gaiety, garden, handsome, immoral, joyous, kind, ladies, lovely, modest, neat, nice, ornaments, pleasure, perfume, queenly, rose, singing, sweet, tune, unify, vocalist, wine, wedding, youthful.
SUN: Authority, boss, bright, cardiac, celebrated, dignity, elevate, famous, glory, gold, heart, honor, individuality, joy, king, leader, loyalty, light, majestic, noon, nucleus, omnipresent, prince, president, quality, royal, ruler, sovereign, throne, vigor, warmth, yellow, zealous.
MARS: Angry, attack, accident, bold, brutal, cuts, cannon, daring, danger, energetic, fiery, fighter, gunner, gladiator, headstrong, hectic, iron, impulsive, jolt, knife, lusty, mechanical, missile, noisy, needle, oppressive, provoke, quarrelsome, quick, rash, red, regiment, sharp, soldier, steel, torment, temper, uproar, violence, vex, warlike, wrestler, weapon.
JUPITER: Abundant, auspicious, big, banking, cashier, capitalist, comfortable, development, diplomat, excessive, expansive, finances, fortunate, growth, huge, honest, immense, jovial, judge, knowledge, large, legal, lucky, magnificent, maximum, noble, orderly, philosophical, prosperity, quality, rich, respectable, sporting, surplus, truthful, uniformity, value, wealth.
SATURN: Aged, ailing, bitter, bones, carbon, colds, decay, disaster, debt, delay, envy, fear, failure, grudge, grievous, heavy, hard, inert, irksome, jealousy, knees, kill, loss, limitation, misfortune, malicious, miserly, needy, neglect, obstruct, poor, pessimistic, quash, reduction, ruin, sedative, suspicious, tense, terror, tragedy,( thunder), underneath, vested, worry, yoke.
URANUS:  Astrologer, amazing, broadcast, catastrophe, cyclone, crisis, drastic, discard, electric, eccentric, flying, freedom, gases, generator, humanitarian, invent, intuition, kinetic, liberty, lightning, magnetic, miracle, notorious, novelty, out-break, process, quest, revolt, reform, shock, spectacular, telepathic, turbulent, upheaval, uranium, vibrant, whirlwind, x-rays, zigzag.
NEPTUNE: Aquamarine, adulteration, addict, bogus beach, bribery, confusion, cheat, dreamy, deception, enigmatical, fake, fraud, gullible, hallucinations, hysterical, indefinite, inundation, kelp, liquid, mediumistic, mystical, nebulous, ocean, oil, obsession, psychic, plotting, poisoning, quack, rendezvous, seduce, scandal, trance, toxic, undulating, vague, wet, yeast.
PLUTO: Abyss, alibi, betraying, bad, criminal, corrupt, convict, defiance, detective, evolution, enigma, filth, grave, havoc, horrible, immoral, impure, kidnaper, loot, menace, miscreant, nullify, nefarious, obscene, pollute, ravage, rogue, septic, sinister, treachery, underworld, unknown, victim, virus, waste.
     If the name of the horse is that of a famous and familiar name of king or a queen then it can win or placed if Sun is in angles. Similar thing applies if the name of a musician or a dancer or of a beautiful lady like Helen of Troy for Venus; names of war lords for Mars and so on as indicated under nature of planets.
     Those who are beginners in this field are to exercise lot of caution. In most of the cases it is difficult to find that which planet governs the name content of the horse. Only less than 30% of the horses may be clear to catch the planet governing the name of horse. Some horses may carry the primary influence of a planet and secondary influence of another planet. The name of the horse is only based on primary influence only. If the secondary influence of this horse is superior to the primary influence of a selected horse, this horse can win over it. In this case the astrological method fails, but it is a rare case. Until one gets acquainted with this method by trial and error practically, it is always safe to play small amounts only.
GERARAL: if both speed calculations as given under the post ’Horse Racing’ and astrological calculations also tally it is safe to play. Usually mischief occurs in racing if the number of horses running is 6 or less than 6. In such cases we have to closely observe whether there is any astrological clearance. Even otherwise, we must know something about racing psychology (nature of the trainers and owners). In a set of jackpot races (5 in number), if the first three winners are favorites, the next two races can be outsiders. In such case it is better to go for astrological influence also. Always prefer speed calculations first, and then only astrological calculations, except in special cases as mentioned above and where you suspect mischief. In such cases you can play both the horses of speed calculations as well as astrological calculations adjusting the amount of money in such a way that you can be on the gain considerably even if any of them wins.
     Horse racing is a game for pleasure with money. Hence one must know the limitation of losing money without any kind of worry. That limit should not exceed under any circumstances. It varies with the financial condition of the individual. Our pleasure in racing should not be lost by losing more money beyond limits.

     One’s horoscope also should favor gains in racing. If his horoscope is much against gains in horse racing, he will be a continuous loser. If it is so it is better to stop horse racing, and prefer some other field. (ALSO REFER MY POST ON HORSE RACING). 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


     There are some frequently asked questions in the comments on my blog. I am sorry as I could not find time to answer individually. Hence I like to answer collectively without mentioning the questions.
     My blog is made public. My intension is to spread the information and my ideas to public. Anyone can share it.
     The information and knowledge I collected by reading variety of books right from my teenage besides my personal experience by following the circumstances and even my thoughts with sufficient reasoning. I stopped reading novels and story books at an early age and started reading books on facts and science. This gave me scope for sufficient knowledge to write my articles in my blog. Especially my experience as given in my article ‘secrets from experience’ gave me much initiative to start a blog and spread the information what I have understood accidentally. Different people may think in a different way. But what I think looked as more reasonable to me. In fact nobody knows what exactly the creation is. There are many theories that are based on religion and science. These are going on changing based on experience of different persons and due to the development of scientific knowledge. That is the reason why there are so many religions and even the scientific theories are also going on changing with new understanding. Due to different understandings in different religions, even religious clashes are coming to the fore resulting in damage to humanity. If this has to be avoided there should be proper understanding of each religion. The basics of all religions are just prayers. And prayer is nothing but generation of thought power. Already power of thought is understood by science. So scientific meditation (unconnected to any religion), auto suggestion, black spot gazing (for concentration) are already under sufficient development. My experience also proved that they are true and act more powerfully than any religious prayer. Unity between religions is quite possible if this is properly understood. On the same lines I expressed my opinion in my blog.
     I used to type the matter of any blog post under Microsoft word first to enable me to easy corrections and to add sufficient information at intervals and finally copy it into my blog post. For the present I am using Hathway network Hyderabad, a division of Hathway Cable & Datacom Ltd., Mumbai, India as service provider.
     For the beginners I suggest that they may get guidelines from ‘blogger.com’, ‘blogspot.com’ or ‘the blogstarter.com’ and such others and from there they can go for templates for selection of design of screen.
     Some are suggesting me to add videos and visions, games etc., for attracting my blog. I am limiting the same so that concentration may be on text.
     The universe seems to be a mixture of good and bad, positive and negative charges everywhere including the atoms of matter as well as antimatter. The same principle of good and bad I have extended into spiritual world also and wrote the article ‘matter and anti matter’. In most of the religious books Satan (the evil power) is also created by God, first as an angel and later revolted against God. If Satan is created by God, God can destroy it at any time. But this has not happened and evil is still continuing. This looks not reasonable under the principles of equilibrium between good and bad. Hence I made God (good) and Satan (evil) two almost equal indestructible powers of the spiritual world, since the original provisions as in religious books does not tally with the development in science and the existing principles in nature. Hence I have written that God (creator) created matter (Physical world) and the opposite power Satan (destroyer) created antimatter. This is only a theory for the present depending on nature and hence need not be taken for granted. When matter and anti matter meets there is total destruction. Most of the matter (God’s creation) was destroyed by Satan. What we see now is what remains after destruction. God’s creation (matter) is more than that of Satan’s creation (anti matter). That is how the balance universe still exists. The clash between matter and anti matter is still going on in the entire universe especially at the center of galaxies. This may not affect us on this planet earth.
     There is a proposal to create an antimatter space ship to explore the universe. But the cost of creating a milligram of antimatter is about $100 billion. Moreover it may not be safe to humanity to create antimatter.

     I request all the visitors of my blog to be kind enough to spread the information given in my blog for the sake of unity between all religions and hence for the benefit of mankind. Thank you very much in anticipation. I also thank you all for your kind suggestions for improvement of my blog.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


     We know very well that we are on the planet Earth. But we have to know where exactly our planet Earth is located in the universe. To start with we must know at least something about our planet Earth.
     The Earth is the third planet from the Sun after Mercury and Venus, orbiting the Sun at an average distance of about 150,000,000 kilometres from the Sun. Its diameter at the equator is 12,756 kilometres. It is the densest of all the planets in the solar system, with a density of 5.50. Earth’s axis is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees and 27 minutes to the plane of its orbit. This inclination of its axis causes seasons on Earth. About 71% of its surface is covered by water and 29% by land. Earth’s atmosphere contains about 78% Nitrogen, and 21% Oxygen. The Earth has only one moon, rotating around Earth at an average distance of 384000 kilometres, covering about 27 days (which is considered to be the same as the menstrual periods interval of women; most of the astrologers believe that the menstrual periods of women are related to the motion of moon with respect to their birth moon). The Moon always keeps the same side towards the Earth. Earth is the only planet with life in the solar system. The other planets in the solar system are Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.(Pluto is now not considered as a planet). Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Its mass is 318 times that of Earth.
     The Sun around which all the planets of solar system revolve is a star. A star may be defined as a self luminous body of gas. The Sun contains about 99% of the total solar system mass. Its diameter is 1,392,000 kilometres. It can contain more than one million Earths in it. Sun contains large amount of hydrogen. Four atoms of hydrogen combine to form one atom of helium. In this process lot of energy is liberated and this makes the Sun shine. Also many varieties of particles are liberated besides light. One such small particle is neutrino. Neutrinos are small neutral particles produced by the atomic reactions in the Sun. 60 billion neutrinos pass through our thumbnail every single second without harming us. This indicates how small the size of a neutrino particle is. It seems the neutrinos are passing through human cell without crossing nucleus of the cell. Some are of the opinion that if these neutrinos pass through nucleus of human cell there may be great reaction. Can it be instantaneous human combustion? It is not known yet to science.
     Our star, the Sun is located in the Galaxy known as Milky Way which contains about 100 billion stars approximately. The diameter of our galaxy is 100,000 light years (A light year is the distance travelled by light in one year at the rate of  300,000  k.m. per second). Our galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy. Sun’s galactic rotation period is about 225 million years (Also known as cosmic year). The galactic center is about 27000 light years from us. The solar system is almost to the edge of our galaxy. The orbital speed of solar system about the center of galaxy is about 220 kilometres per second.\
     There are unlimited numbers of galaxies in the universe. The nearest star to our solar system is Proxima Centauri of the constellation Centaurus at a distance of 4.39 light years from the Sun. The nearest galaxy to us (other than our galaxy, Milky way) is The Large Megellanic cloud, about 160000 light years from us. This galaxy revolves around our galaxy, Milky Way. Another galaxy known as The Small Megellanic cloud is at a distance of 200000 light years from us. One of the most important galaxy, known as The Andromeda Galaxy which is also a spiral galaxy and similar to our galaxy is at a distance of about 2,500,000 light years from us. This Galaxy is moving towards our galaxy at the rate of 300 kilometres per second and the two galaxies are likely to collide in a few billion years time and will result in a single massive galaxy and in an enormous burst of star formation.
     Our galaxy, The Milky Way galaxy is located in a group of galaxies known as Local Group. This local group contains The Milky Way galaxy, The Andromeda galaxy, The Triangulam galaxy and other smaller galaxies. This local group may be considered as a part of Virgo Super Cluster. This cluster contains most of the elliptical type of galaxies. It is even difficult to distinguish individual galaxies among thousands of elliptical. Somewhat less than the half of the mass Virgo Cluster lies in the form of galaxies. The rest is the hot gas that fills the space between them. The gas is not static. Lot of energy from the center of cluster is flowing out to edge of cluster through gas.
     This Virgo Super Cluster may be considered as part of large scale structure of the cosmos and everything is a part of observable universe. This observable universe is only a negligible part of total universe constituting only 5% of the total universe. The rest of the universe cannot be observed even through telescopes. (My post on ‘Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy may please be verified).

     If we assume the size of the humans as 10^0 (i.e. one ) metre, the size of Earth is 10^6 metres and the size of the Universe is 10^25 (10 to the power 25) metres. This indicates where we stand in the universe in terms of size. This is only the size of the observable universe what we can see through telescopes, by study of light rays. Beyond the observable universe, to what extent the universe exists nobody knows. Light rays have to still reach the earth from beyond the observable universe. Some say that the universe is having infinite size. Some believe in parallel universe. In both cases they believe that people like us (exact twins) with similar circumstances and similar surroundings exist somewhere in the infinite universe or in the parallel universe.  Simply we do not know exactly where we are in this vast universe because we do not know the boundaries of the universe. We have to wait and see for further development of science.    

Sunday, July 5, 2015

D N A (deoxyribonucleic acid)

     DNA is a molecule that contains most of the genetic information that needs to develop, live and reproduce in all living organisms and even in viruses. It consists of two long chains of nucleotides twisted into a double helix and joined by hydrogen bonds between the complimentary bases adenine and thymine or cytosine and guanine.
     D N A is found in nucleus of cells. Hence it is found in blood, semen, skin, saliva and even in hair. Hence in a crime scene (for example a murder case) if any of the above of the murderer is found at the site it is easy to identify the murderer by comparing the D N A of the suspected persons with the D N A found at site.
     Even in mass accidents, and in decomposed bodies found later, D N A is very useful for identifying the dead body by comparing the D NA of the body with the D N A of blood related close relatives.
     There are instances that sons born illegally, claiming their father with the D N A technology successfully. Anyone who deceives a lady and make her pregnant can also be detected by D N A test.
     Understanding techniques in storage of genetic information in D N A has led to lot of development in computer technology. Machine learning, database theory, string searching algorithms is the result of the same.
     D N A in human cell and D N A In chimpanzee are almost the same up to 98%. If so why there is so much difference in human being and chimpanzee both in appearance and intelligence is not clear. Scientists attribute these differences to the sequence of genes of D N A as well as the types of genes. There may be need for further investigation in this regard.
     With so much technology developed in connection with D N A, we must know at least some brief note on it.
     D N A is organized into chromosomes within the cells. The set of chromosomes in a cell makes up its genome. The human genome has approximately 3 billion base pairs of D N A arranged into 46 chromosomes (23 pairs of chromosomes). 22 pairs of chromosomes look the same in both males and females. In the 23rd chromosome females have 2 copies of x chromosome, while males have one x and one y chromosome. A gene is a sequence of D N A that contains genetic information. Cell division is essential for an organism to grow. When cell divides it must replicate the D N A in its genome, so that the two divided cells have the same genetic information as their parent cell.
     Genetic Engineering:

     Methods have been developed to purify D N A from organisms, such as phenol-chloroform extraction and to manipulate it in the laboratory. Recombinant D N A is a man made D N A sequence that has been assembled from other D N A sequences. They can be transformed into organisms. The text of 54000 word book was encoded in D N A by researchers in Harvard University in August 2012. There may be many further developments in connection with D N A in the near future.