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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, November 26, 2015


     Thought power is the operating system of humanity as I have written many times in my blog. By developing thought power by meditating in Himalayas ancient Indian saints were able to look into the past and future of anything such as one’s life or the events in a country or simply about many things in the universe. They were even able to leave their bodies travel into the vast expanding universe and return to the body at will, duly keeping their body away from decomposition. This indicates unlimited powers of thought. This is much higher side for an average man even to know in details. Hence we can think of some easy mental powers that are useful in normal life along with some other slightly higher powers.
CONCENTRATION: This is essential for everyone in normal life. Due to worries in normal life some may lose concentration and there by strength of mind. Some (especially ladies) may even think of committing suicide. All these can be avoided by very simple means by developing concentration and a little meditation. One of such methods of developing concentration is black spot gazing.
BLACKSPOT GAZING: Prepare a circular black spot of about 1 or 1.5 centimetre diameter on a white paper of suitable size and paste it on a wall  or on a card board and place it vertically so that it is at your eye level and at a distance of about 3 feet approximately from your eye. Semi dark room is preferable either morning or evening or at any suitable day time if morning or evening is not possible. About 15 to 20 minutes of practice is sufficient and at least two times in a day. Look at the black spot with your mind and sight concentrated on it. Usually no strain to eyes comes. If any strain comes temporarily discontinue and start after some rest. Also keep the idea in mind that you will not get any strain while practicing black spot gazing. With the practice your concentration will also increase. Now you can practice meditation with repetition of a suitable small sentence after black spot gazing or at any time later. The sentence may suitable to nullify your worry. In general the well accepted sentence ‘day by day in every way I am getting better and better’ is preferable. If you are religious form a suitable sentence connected to nullify your worry, in the name of your God. Try for fast meditation. In the beginning opposite thoughts enter your mind to nullify your meditation. As the practice increases the positive thought increases and over through the negative thoughts in to the depths of your subconscious mind so that they may not come up again and you will be free from worries early. This is a simple practice of eliminating worries by concentration and meditation. To go on still higher side, with gradual practice of black spot gazing, you will see white light coming around black spot and gradually black spot completely disappears and comes back at intervals. As the practice increases you can keep in mind that the disappeared black spot will not come back till you ask for it mentally. Gradually you will succeed in getting the black spot disappear completely and return when you wish to see it. This is the first stage of concentration to go towards higher powers. This practice may take about one month time, if you practice regularly for about two times in a day with about 15 to 20 minutes each time.
2nd stage of concentration: After one month of practice of black spot gazing and after achieving control over black spot as mentioned already, continue practice by keeping the idea of seeing actual happenings. Suddenly you see some three dimensional seen of actual happenings in the world. But you do not know where it is happening. Continue practice of seeing such things. This practice will take one more month.
3rd stage of concentration or CLAIRVOYANCE: In this stage, keep in mind that you can see actual happenings that you want to see. For example you may wish to see what your friend who is far away is doing.  Keeping the idea in mind that you can see things is important. With practice you can see actual happenings that you wish to see. This may take one more month. This is an extra sensory perception and is beyond normal senses and hence is paranormal. Indian saints are famous in extra sensory activities. Some experiments done with those who have much less experience in paranormal are only partial and hence science has not yet recognized paranormal such as clairvoyance and telepathy etc. Still there is time for science to experiment with well performed persons and recognize some paranormal.
TELEPATHYNormal persons talk with each other using their known senses. But it is also possible to communicate one’s own thoughts to another without using normal senses. For this purposes both the persons sending and receiving thought waves should possess mental powers. This only indicates full control of thoughts and spiritual resources to some extent. Telepathy can be practiced irrespective of distance between the same persons. This is an indication that it is equivalent to talking in telephone in the physical world. Whatever we do with senses in the physical world can also be done by using spiritual resources or the extra sensory perception (E S P). Perhaps there is another world within us though latent to the normal man but can be felt by persons who practice for E S P. This is also a kind of mental power.
     ASTRO TRAVEL OR ASTRO PROJECTION: This is otherwise known as out of body experience (O B E). In addition to physical body, the human being also carries the astral body and causal body within him unknowingly. Controlling the astral body and leaving the physical body temporarily and travelling into the universe in the astral plane and seeing many things and remembering the same even after reentering the physical body is what is achieved in astral travel. Only saints who develop lot of mental powers by controlling their mind and body by great meditation are capable of doing this. However there are some simple methods are also suggested to practice astral travel. The following procedure of practicing the same looks very simple.

It is preferable to start in the morning for a beginner. For an experienced person any time is suitable. More relaxation is needed. Better is to starting in a room when you are alone without many noises around. Lie down and concentrate on body and mind relaxation. Don’t allow unnecessary thoughts to enter your mind. Practice deep breathing and exhale completely. With relaxation and closed eyes concentrate your mind on hand or foot. Try to focus on that body part with closed eyes so that you can visualize the same. Without moving the physical body visualize moving hand or foot up and down. Increase your focus to the rest of your body so that you can move any part of the body or the entire body mentally without moving the physical body. When the astral body prepares to leave the physical body, vibrations are experienced. Don’t be afraid of them. If you are afraid you may not be successful in achieving astral travel. Use your concentrated thought in your mind to separate your astral body from your physical body. Once the astral body comes out of the physical body you can look back and see the physical body. If it happens it is successful. Your astral body is always connected to your physical body by an invisible force; some called it as silver cord. So you an reenter your physical body at your wish after astral travel. Now you can move your hand and foot of physical body as before. All this is a simple outline on astral travel. Some may get it easily and others may get it after a long practice depending on their ability to concentrate and regulate their thoughts. Time and distance are void in astral plane. You can bring any patient to normalcy with your concentrated positive thinking irrespective of distance. Some think that demons can take control of you in astral plane . It all depends on your thought. If your mind is sufficiently strong and if your thoughts are positive and if you have the feeling that no demon, devil or any negative force can touch you will always be safe. Don’t entertain such fears. You can start practice of astral travel with a free, positive, optimistic and concentrated thought.

GENERAL: The mental powers are universal. We can’t keep any limits to these powers. The universe is unlimited. If sixth sense (E S P) is developed we can look into many secrets in the universe. The science has not reached that state of discovering the secrets of creation in connection with E S P. The experiments they have conducted are only with deceivers or with inexperienced person in that field. Hence E S P is not recognized by science. India is famous in this field since very ancient times. In any field of MENTAL POWERS ‘ THOUGHT POWER IS THE OPERATING SYSTEM’ as written by me many times in other posts.  

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