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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Saturday, November 14, 2015


     It is natural for anyone to know something about astrology, if he believes that there is some relationship between our life and the movement of planets of Solar system. Several experts have investigated on this aspect and found to be correct. One of the most popular methods of predicting events in one’s own life is the western astrology. It is mainly based on the time of rotation of Earth about its axis and the time of revolution of Earth around the Sun. Earth rotates around its axis in a day, where as it revolves around the Sun in one year. By trial and error it is observed that in this type of astrology, that the movement of planets in one day influences human life in one corresponding year.  Just to elaborate, if you like to know the events in the 30th year of your life you have to consider the movement of the planets from 29th to 30th day after your birth with reference to the planets position at the time of your birth. You have to prepare birth chart as well as progressed chart for the 29th and 30th year of your life. Progressed charts are prepared for the 29th and 30th day after birth for the same time as that of birth chart.
     Once when technology was not developed it was somewhat difficult to prepare the same. With the development of internet (web sites), preparation of birth chart and progressed chart of any year is very much simplified. You can directly read these charts from the web sites. There is no need to learn preparation of these charts from the ephemeris. Only one has to learn about the nature of planets, affairs ruled by houses, and the nature of the aspects between planet to planet and planet to houses. The brief outline of the same will be discussed later.
     The birth chart and the progressed chart of any year may be obtained from the  web sites, 1. www.secretlanguageofastrology.com 2. www.alabe.com, only thing is one has to feed the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth (or an important place near the place of birth) at the appropriate places and enter submit. One will receive the chart immediately. The table below also gives the symbols of planets as well as signs etc. The chart not only gives the planets position but also indicates the house cusps (most powerful point in a house).
     There are 12 signs of each 30 degrees, totaling 360 degrees. Each degree is further divided into 60 parts known as minutes. Also there are 12 houses. The signs mainly govern bodily parts, whereas the houses govern the type of events in life. Life is the resultant effect of planetary influences and spiritual resources within us. Some consider the influence of planets as 65% and that of spiritual resources as 35% in an average man. But in saints who develop full control over body and mind, the spiritual resources may be taken as 100%. They come out of control of planets.
Bodily parts ruled by signs:
Aries: Head and face.
Taurus: Neck throat and ears.
Gemini: Arms and shoulders; hands and lungs.
Cancer: Breasts and stomach.
Leo: Back and heart; upper portion of back.
Virgo: Belly and uterus; intestines and solar plexus.
Libra: Kidneys and loins; reins, ovaries and lower back.
Scorpio: Sex organs and anus; bladder and the genitals.
Sagittarius: Thighs and hips; liver, condition of blood.
Capricorn: Knees, spleen, hams.
Aquarius: Calves and ankles; Circulation of body fluids.
Pisces: Feet, toes; psychic and spiritual faculties.
     It may please be noted that if any evil planet under evil aspects from other planets and is in detriment or fall in the sign some trouble to the concerned bodily part at the appropriate time in progressions may be expected. (This needs some practical experience). Please read the post for further information.
Ruler ship of planets:

Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo. Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio. Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Saturn rules Capricorn. Uranus rules Aquarius, and Neptune rule Pisces.
Affairs ruled by houses:
House no. 1: Personal appearance, but chiefly the face and head.
House no. 2:  Finances, worldly goods, liberty, feelings, possessions.
House no. 3: Brothers, sisters, neighbors, letters, mental interests, self expression, unpublished writings.
House no. 4: Domestic affairs, houses, landed property, one of the parents, end of life conditions, home.
House no. 5: Children, speculation, love affairs, creativity games, risks, pleasures.
House no. 6: Service in work, likely diseases, personal comforts, cloths, food and other requisites, sanitation and hygiene.
House no. 7: Marriage partner, public enemy, law suits, contracts, partnerships, agreements, matter of exchange, others in close connection.
House no. 8: Legacies wills, the life force in births, sex; death and after life, partner’s property, possessions of or from others, shared feelings.
House no. 9: Long journeys, religion, foreign countries, dreams visions, brothers and sisters of marriage partner, publishing, philosophy, more profound mental interests, legal affairs.
House no. 10: One of the parents, profession, honor, attainment trade, public standing (matters outside home).
House no. 11: Friends, hopes and wishes, social relations, societies and companies with which the subject is concerned, (more detached contacts).
House no. 12: Retirement, escape, sacrifice, secret and private enemies, seclusion, limitations, secret sorrows, hidden life of the unconscious, large animals, horses, institutions, karma, spiritual and moral obligations.
The houses 1, 4, 7, 10 are said to be angular houses and the planets in these houses are said to be more powerful. The house cusp is the most powerful point in the house. The house is supposed to start 8 degrees before the house cusp and end at 8 degrees before the next house cusp.
Planets: The beneficial planets in decreasing order are Jupiter, Venus, Sun, moon and mercury. The malefic planets in decreasing order Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Neptune. (Pluto is not considered as a planet; hence its influence may be neglected).
The essential dignities of planets:
Moon is powerful in the sign Cancer and Taurus and is weak in signs Capricorn and Scorpio. Sun is strong in Leo and Aries and weak in Aquarius and Libra. Mercury is strong in Gemini, Virgo, and is weak in Sagittarius and Pisces. Venus is powerful in Taurus and Libra and Pisces but less powerful in Scorpio, Aries and Virgo. Mars is good in Aries and Scorpio and Capricorn but bad in Libra, Taurus and Cancer. Jupiter is very good in Sagittarius, Pisces and Cancer but less powerful in Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. Saturn is good in Capricorn and Libra but very bad in Cancer and Aries. Uranus is good in Aquarius and Scorpio but less powerful in Leo and Taurus. Neptune is good in Pisces but less powerful in Virgo. The planets in other signs are of average nature, good planets are slightly good and bad planets are slightly bad. However these are subject to modification depending on the aspects they receive from other planets, which will be discussed further.

Nature of planets: Moon rules females in mans chart, changes public, oceans, simply it indicates response and fluctuations. Mercury rules mind, memory, acquaintances, journeys by land and communication. Venus governs money, adornments, pleasures, arts, females in man’s horoscope, love and deeper emotions. Mars has dominion over fires, quarrels, energy, adventures, male relationships in a female horoscope, accidents, surgery, athletics, and warfare. Jupiter governs religion, legal affairs, good fortune and guardians. Saturn rules over diseases, hindrance, falls and bruises, decay and hard work. Uranus has jurisdiction over catastrophes, sudden events, suicides, tragedies, electricity,   explosions and astrology. Neptune rules deceptions, exiles, frauds, illusions, gases, sea, poisons, psychic happenings and dreams. (Influence of Pluto is not considered since it is declared as not a planet).    
Aspects are the angular distance between two planets and angular distance between a planet and a house cusp. In order to read the birth chart impressions we have to consider the orbs of influence of planets. The orbs of Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury when applying an aspect are 6 degrees and when separating from an aspect may be taken as 8 degrees. The Sun’s orb when applying aspect is 12 degrees and when separating it is 17 degrees. The Moon’s orb when applying is 8 degrees and when separating it is 12 degrees. These orbs apply to the major aspects such as 0 (conjunction), 60 (sextile), 90 (square), 120 (trine), and 180 (opposition) degrees. Miner aspects and their orbs may be neglected. The orb of influence for parallel aspect (same declination) may be taken as 2 degrees for all planets while applying and separating. Declinations may be taken from any ephemeris or may be neglected. Planets under progressions indicate tendency of events from about 1 (one) degree before the exact aspect, and produce full event when the aspect is exact.

The aspect of 60 and 120 degrees between any two planets is always good. The aspect of 90 and 180 degrees between any two planets is always bad. The aspect of conjunction (0 degrees) is dependent on the nature of planets in conjunction. If at least one of evil planets like Saturn, Uranus, Mars or Neptune is there in conjunction, the aspect is to be considered as bad and otherwise good. For reading the birth chart impressions the orb of influence has to be taken into account. It may please be noted that only the birth chart impressions will be materialized in progressions. If the aspect between two planets is good and the aspect formed in progressions is bad, no bad event will materialize. Or there may be very minor bad event. Materialisation of event in progressions occur when the aspect is exact (full).
Reading birth chart impressions:
To examine the birth chart impressions of any house we have to consider in the order of preference, the planet in the house and their aspects to other planets including orb of influence, the ruler of the sign in which the house cusp is located and its location in sign and house and its aspects.
A simple example can clarify this. Suppose the planet Jupiter is in the second house and in sign Libra. We assume that it is in opposition to Sun from sign Aries and from 8th house. We also assume that Jupiter is also in sextile aspect to Mars from the sign Sagittarius and from 4th house, considering orbs of influence. The second house rules finances etc. Aspect of Sun is bad as it is in opposition. So whenever there is a bad aspect of Sun to Jupiter either in progressions or in transits (transits will be discussed later) there can be financial troubles etc., as well as troubles in affairs of 8th house ruled by Sun. Good aspects of Sun to Jupiter in Libra either in progressions or in transits will not give any good results as there in no birth chart good impressions between Jupiter and Sun. Or the aspect may be slightly good. Similarly the good aspects between birth chart Jupiter and progressions or transits of Mars can yield good results in the affairs of 2nd house and 4th house in the corresponding periods. Bad aspects between Jupiter and Mars in progressions and transits may not yield any bad results but may be slightly bad.  All other houses may be read in a similar way.

In short the nature of event under aspect of different planets is dependent in the following order of preference. 1. Affairs governed by the houses occupied by the   planets. 2. The houses ruled by the planets under aspect, 3. The houses under any aspect by the planets concerned, 4.The essential dignities of the planets under aspect, 5.The nature of planets under aspect. 

Transits in 30th year indicates movement of planets in the 30th year of life whereas the progressions indicate movement of planets in the 30th day of life. Hence progressions are 365 times more powerful than transits. Effects of transits can be read in a similar way as that of progression except for the fact they are very less powerful. Fast moving planets may or may not produce event. They are suitable for selecting good or bad days for any event. Fast moving planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Sun is also is a fast moving planet but is powerful and may produce minor events. Slow moving planets are likely to produce event. The slow moving planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If an aspect in progressions is repeated in transits it is easy to arrive at the date of event closely. For the purpose of transits advance chart for any date, any time and any place up to 5 years from the current year is also available on the web sites mentioned already. As an alternate Raphael’s Ephemeris or Lahiri’s Indian Ephemeris for the corresponding year may be referred. In Lahiri’s Ephemeris, to convert the planets longitudes into Western system ayanamsa as given in the ephemeris is to be added.
  General:  The purpose of writing this article is, I like others too to know something about this type of astrology, as I have seen immense truth in it practically. It appears that the Universe including humans and matter (stars and planets etc.) have come out of great thought power (or similar one) of God. And hence there is definite relationship between humans and planets and stars, from which the subject astrology has come up. The purpose of astrology is that if we can know the bad timings, we can nullify or at least reduce the evil by utilizing the spiritual resources within us (by meditation). Hence astrology is very useful to mankind.
Thank you for reading.    

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