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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


        I have seen several religious persons praying their religious God powerfully and solving the problems of others including some diseases. These facts need analysis. Three main factors are involved in these cases. One is the power of God and the other is the power of human thought, and the third one is the power of human thought influencing the power of God.

     Indian saints were able to even transfer the sins of others into them and relieve the sufferings of their close relatives or close friends. They were able to influence others and even able to change the nature of others as they desire. They were able to create affection or enmity between others as they desire. All these are being done by their much higher thought power than others. Here human thought power is the dominating factor.

     Then what is the purpose of incarnation of God in different forms at different places? There is definitely some purpose behind God’s incarnation. Several human beings have no such higher powers as some of the humans possess it. God has to generate such thought power among ordinary humans. Faith can generate higher thought power. This can be created among humans by doing miracle by God as a human incarnation. That is how human beings pray in the name of God and do wonders.

     The basic principle behind all these cases is the generation of higher thought power that is given to humans under the process of creation. Moreover we appear to be mini Gods as stated in Indian Vedantas. We might be once integral part of God and later separated from God by the clash of evil force (which existed by the law of equilibrium) with God which is nearly equal to God. So we must believe in the powers of our own thought as well God irrespective of any religion. Let there be no religious clashes. All religions and all human beings are equal by the principle of creation (Keeping aside the theories of karma, actions of past births).  

Thursday, November 12, 2020




     GOD cannot be defined. God has no shape, no particular place of existence though we call his place as heaven tentatively. Different religions define God in their own understanding.

     For example the Bible quotes as follows.  “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.)

     The Vedantic conception of God:

      “What is God of Vedanta? He is principle, not person. You and I are all personal Gods. The absolute God of the universe, the creator, preserver and destroyer of the universe is impersonal principle”. ----- “God is the infinite, impersonal being, ever existent, unchanging, immortal, fearless; and you are all His incarnations, His embodiments. This is the God of Vedanta, and His heaven is everywhere”.

     There are varieties of life on earth. No other life can be compared with intelligent human life. This significantly gives the impression that we are close to God in many ways. We may be called as personal gods, while the absolute God is impersonal and infinite. The ancient Indian saints who meditated enormously and developed mental powers are insisting us to join God, leaving the attachments of this world, perhaps because we were once integral part of the infinite God. If so, there is need for us to investigate how we were separated from God.

     To no more we have to study what is going on in this world and project the same at a large scale towards God. There is lot of good and bad in this world. This world is continuing as good has edge over bad. If we project the same into the spiritual world of God, there should be another evil power nearly equal to God in the spiritual world also by laws of equilibrium. There should be frequent clashes between good (God) and evil forces. This clash might have resulted in the breakup of infinite soul of God as well of that of evil, that might have resulted in angels fairies on one side and devils and demons on the other side. Our universe including human beings and other evil powers seems to be result of clash between God and evil powers. Even up to bacteria there are good bacteria as well as bad bacteria.

     Let us examine our universe. There are many galaxies in our universe. Matter and antimatter are being created in the center of the galaxies. Antimatter reacts with matter resulting enormous destruction of both producing in most powerful gama rays. Ultimately what happens to these gama rays is not known. The scientists have discovered that the visible universe that emit light or reflect life is only about 5% of the total universe. The rest of the 95% of the universe is invisible and cannot emit light nor reflect light. This gives the impression that God created this universe with matter as a matter of protection to human souls and to understand by thinking processes and to reach God again. But the evil is attacking God’s ways by destroying about 95% of God’s effort to take us back into him.

     This is only an effort to understand and think about probabilities of purpose of creation and need not be taken as granted.


     Ancient man when gradually understood with his initial development of intelligence that he is far superior to all varieties of life on earth. He also got the idea as to how all this universe is created. He assumed that some power created this universe and called it as God. Initially he has no idea of evil force.   

      God is fond of taking back the separated souls from Him back into Him. So there is need for his incarnation as human being. As a human being it is difficult to control the entire humanity. Hence there is much need to take form as many times as possible at different places. As a result of different incarnations of God as human being in many places at suitable timings and due to His dominance in the area different faiths were developed depending on local understandings which resulted in different religions. Though the basic principle behind all religions is the same, there are unnecessary religious clashes due to minor differences.

     The basic principle behind all religions is the positive optimistic thought. Every religious prayer contains optimistic thought in different forms depending on their religious faith. This fact is not properly understood, resulting in religious clashes even up to religious wars. Since the basic principle of all religions is the same by criticizing other religion, one will lose the benefits he gained from the prayers of his own religion. Hence criticizing other religions should be avoided. According to some experts those who practice positive (optimistic) thought live up to more than 85 years, while those with negative (pessimistic) thought die early.

       There is no point in following old theories of ancient religions even now when science and technology is fast developing. We have to formulate new theories with the available knowledge and known events. Science is a method of knowledge. We have to form theories scientifically. Even the new theories are subject to modification depending on further developed knowledge of science and astronomy. These theories may vary with individuals depending on their belief and knowledge. What I have felt probably by intuition also, I have written, so that it may give scope to others to think more and develop their own theories. What is written need not be taken for granted. It is only a theory subject to modification, but to keep in mind so that it may be improved further.                                                                           

Thursday, October 29, 2020



In 1968, in a church at Porto Alegre, Brazil, a large wooden crucifix some 300 years old suddenly began to exude a red substance, as if it were bleeding. The substance was tested and did, indeed, prove to be blood. The appearance of blood or tears on religious symbols is a phenomenon with long recorded history. And not withstanding all modern equipment that is now available for testing and investigation, many of those miraculous occurrences cannot be disproved, nor they can be explained. They persistently remain in the realm of mystery. (The Unexplained Mysteries of Mind Space and Time, Vol.4, Issue 42).

Verities of mysteries are happening in almost every religion. And hence the following facts seems to be the outcome.

1.     God is one and the same for all religions with whatever name you give Him, or with whatever form you assume. God is shapeless and nameless. Hence he appears to deep devotees in the name and shape the devotee gives to God.

2.     Entire universe including all varieties of life including human beings are the result of thought power (may be similar to the thought power of humans or may be something far more superior to it) of God,

3.     Human beings are the supreme creations of God and hence there is some close intimacy with God in terms of thought (For example prayer, meditation or any kind of thought connected aspects).

4.     The above phenomenon of bleeding crucifix may be a devine phenomenon or may be the resultant power of human thought as there are many believers of bleeding of Christ when crucified.

5.     It appears that God takes many forms in different regions to guide humans not to become victims of evil, and hence different religions have come out.

6.     Anyhow the bleeding crucifix and similar other phenomenon of other religions remains as a mystery only till now.

In India many believe in the thought power of humans given by God. Whenever there are no rains for a long time they perform Yagnas that deal with massive united thought power to produce rains. Though most of such Yagnas fail due to lack of sufficient concentrated thought power, there are certain successful instances too. It is a clear proof that God has given us power to create certain events. Hence we must be very careful with our thought.

It is also very well established by our researchers that positive and optimistic thought gives one long life. Negative and pessimistic thought reduces life span as pointed out by me already in other posts. Hence we can design our own life span. If you want to live long avoid anger, jealousy, hatred, selfishness etc. And replace them with love affection and broad thinking. Replace worry by happiness by meditational methods I have suggested in other posts.

Thursday, October 15, 2020



SOURCE: News paper Times of India

Human civilization as we know it may have already entered its last decades, a new report examining the likely future of our planets habitability warns. The increasingly disastrous impacts of the climate crisis, coupled with inaction to tackle it are sending our planet down a bleak path towards an increasingly chaotic world which could overwhelm societies around, the report’s authors content. The paper is produced by Melbourne-based think tank the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration. The paper argues that “climate change now represents a near to mid-term existential threat to human civilization,” and calls for a recalibration in how governments respond to estimated climate scenarios so they take worst case projections more seriously.

The report calls for an overhaul in countries risk management “which is fundamentally different from conventional practice”. “It would focus on high-end, unprecedented possibilities, instead of assessing middle-of-the-road probabilities on the  basis of historic experience.” (THE INDEPENDENT)                                                       

Sunday, October 4, 2020




Source: Reader’s Digesr

     Mr. David Muckle and Mr. W R McKay … were in a field on farm of the farmer when they heard a sudden loud report, like that of a cannon. They turned just in time to see a cloud of stones flying upward from a spot in the field. Surprised beyond measure they examined the spot, which was circular and about 16 feet across, but there was no sign of an eruption nor anything to indicate the fall of a heavy body there. The ground was simply swept clean. They are quite certain that it was not caused by a meteorite, an eruption of the earth, or a whirlwind. (From the July 10, 1880, issue of Scientific American ).

     During a violent storm angular black pebbles fell on Wolverhampton, England in such quantities that they had to be shoveled away. (La Science PourTous, 5:264, July 18, 1860)

     Fire seemed to fall from the sky like rain for about 10 minutes in the night of October 18 1867, at Themes Ditton, Surrey, England. In the morning “waterbutts and pebbles in the upper part of the village were thickly covered with a deposit of sulphur.” (Symons’s monthly Meteorological Magazine, 2:130, December1867)

     For 10 to 12 sunny, cloudless days an almost incessant deluge of rain poured down on a small area of Chesterfield County, South Carolina. (The New york Sun, October 24, 1886)

     Numerous silver coins fell in the Meshchera region in central Russia during a storm in August 1940. (John Michel and Robert J. M. Rickard Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, P. 19)

     Thousands” of 1000 franc notes rained down on Burges, France in 1957. No one claimed the notes or reported any loss. (John Michel and Robert J> M> Rickard Phenomena, A Book of Wonders, p.19)

     On August 27, 1968, blood and flesh fell on an area of about one third of a square mile betweenthe Brazilian towns of Cacapava Sao Jose dos Campos. The fall was reported to have lasted about five to seven minutes. (John Michel and Robert J. M. Rickard, Phenomena: A Book of Wonders, p.15)

     Explanations for such sky falls, fall into the categories of extraterrestrial, supernatural and time warp.

      In the extraterrestrial hypothesis alien space ships are supposed, for unspecified but perhaps scientific or culinary reasons, to gather up supplies of earthly materials and then release them, or most of them. Or materials are directed to the earth from another similar planet and jettisoned upon us in the upper atmosphere.

      In the supernatural theory, gods, demons, spirits, poltergeists or other unnamed entities are responsible for the sky falls.

      In the time warp theory, it is conceived that worlds of another dimension, but of parallel constitution, intersect occasionally with our own and that when they do, currents of fish, fields of ice, screes of stone, and mounds of jelly come tumbling into our ken.

     In such case the reverse sky falls from our world to other worlds cannot be ruled out.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020




     As per BIG BANG theory the universe was started about 3.7 billion years ago. Our solar system including Earth was formed about 5.6 billion years ago. Human life as homo sapiens started about 195000 years ago. Modern world started about 10000 years ago. Earth becomes uninhabitable after one billion years later. Destruction of Earth takes place after 5 billion years later.

     So before one billion years we have to select any inhabitable planet of any other star nearby, provided our technology improves to such a stage that we can reach such inhabitable planet comfortably.

     As an alternative soon after our death our souls are capable of travelling anywhere into the universe almost at infinite speed. We can select our rebirth in any inhabitable planet of any other star either as human beings or as any other intelligent beings to suit the new star and new planet systems. This may be a preferable alternative. Let us hope something good to happen before the time Earth becomes uninhabitable.  


Wednesday, August 12, 2020




     Some religions accept next birth, while others do not. If we have to understand the reality of next birth we must develop some mental powers. We do not know where from we came into this world. But in India it is a well known fact that our ancient saints meditated (Tapas) in Himalayas and developed powers to look into their past lives. They were even able to look into some past lives of others also. There are certain instances that some children were able to recollect their previous birth. It was practically proved by verifying what they said about their past lives.

     Universe is a result of God’s thought power. God has given us similar thought power. There is a direct link between God and man through thought power. A clear example is any religious prayer. God has no shape. But each religion attributes a shape of its own. Yet it works in whatever shape you assume God. Under high intensity prayer God can appear to his devotee in whatever shape he assumed. Hence all religious prayers work. Some religions developed idol worship. It is only meant for increasing thought power and hence it works powerfully. Some religions have not understood idol worship. They should understand the theory behind it and should not criticize idol worship. Each religion has its own understanding of God based on the circumstances they met with in their own life. They should not criticize other religions. One should learn to respect all other religions.

     Our next birth is mainly dependent on our present birth. Each birth carries good and bad timings based on what we thought and what we did in our previous lives. It is the result of Karma of our past lives. Since it is the result of our own actions of our past life, we can undo the same by doing good things in this life so that our next life may be a better one.

“What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.” ----- “Thought is the primal force at the origin and back of all creation; the genesis of the entire phenomenal creation given as a single thought that arose in the Cosmic Mind.”  ----- “Thought is a great force; it moves; it creates. You can work wonders with the power of thought. You must know the right technique of handling and manipulating thought.” ( From the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri swami Sivananda).

   As seen from the quotation given above there is need of thought technology to design our life not only in this birth but also in our future births. Thought technology consists of concentrated positive thought properly directed to achieve the desired effect. Meditation  also constitutes part of thought technology. Loose thinking and weak mind creates negative thoughts such as fear, anger, hatred, worry, lust etc. Strong mind can produce positive thoughts such as courage, love and right thinking. There is need for strengthening the weak minds. Concentration methods like black spot gazing, star gazing, crystal gazing may be useful for strengthening mind. My post on ‘mental powers’ may please be referred for details.


     “A child is born on that day and of that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing his unalterable past and its probable future results”. ----- “The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasize fate ----- the result of past good and evil ----- but to arose man’s will to escape from his universal thralldom. What he has done, he can undo. None other than himself was the instigator of the causes of whatever effects are now prevalent in his life. He can overcome any limitation, because he created it by his own actions in the first place and because he possesses spiritual resources that are not subject to planetary pressure”.(From the book ‘Autobiography of a YOGI’ by Paramahansa Yogananda”.

     Simply speaking have positive (optimistic) thoughts and actions and avoid negative (pessimistic) thought and actions. Develop strength of mind. These will be helpful for a better next birth.                                                                       

Friday, July 10, 2020


CREATION (in my view)        
     The Indian Vedanta’s say the human beings are mini Gods. The Indian saints who meditated in Himalayas for a long time are of the opinion that we should join God early. The world is full of good and bad even in animal life and in bacteria. We find many diseases of bacteria that kill human beings. We also found that about 10 million good bacteria in a glass of drinking water that help us. All these are part of creation that arrived from the spiritual world.
     If we project the phenomena of this world into the spiritual world there should    be some similarity in the spiritual world also. There should be similar proportionate good and bad in the spiritual world also. By law of equilibrium also there should be two almost equal and opposite forces even in the spiritual world. We may call good as God and bad as Satan (not exactly Biblical Satan but something more superior to it). There should be continuous clashes between God and Satan, that resulted in disintegration of part of infinite souls of God and Satan which resulted in angels, fairies, humans and even up to good bacteria etc. from God’s side and devils, demons and bad bacteria etc. from the side of Satan.
     The purpose of creation appears to be God’s effort to take us back in to Him. Since we came out of God With some superior souls our ancient saints called us as mini gods and expressed their desire to join God as indicated by God. God created material world and gave us material body so that our souls can occupy the same and think well to find ways to join God with His help. But Satan obstructed the same by creating anti matter, which destroys matter. Scientists discovered that the universe consists of 95% of black matter and black energy that cannot emit light or cannot reflect light (dead universe) and only 5% matter that escaped Satan’s destruction (that emits light or can reflect light). The entire visible universe including ourselves escaped Satan’s destruction.
         Now it should be our aim to join God as pointed out by our ancient saints. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Saturday, June 20, 2020


     Suicides are a result of worry. Worry is a kind of negative thought. It is pessimistic thought. Its opposite (optimistic thought) can nullify it. Life is a mixture of good and bad timings. These timings can be calculated by a good astrologer. Any bad time will be followed by good timing. It is natural. If you wait for some time, may be few days or few months or so on you can definitely meet with good timings. Meanwhile you must learn how to nullify worried thoughts. Study the cause of worry. Select a suitable sentence of opposite nature and meditate the same as fast as you can with sufficient concentration so that it’s opposite thoughts may not enter your mind while meditating. These good thoughts overlap worried thoughts and suppress them into the depths of subconscious mind so that the worried thoughts may not come up again. As a general case you can meditate the universally accepted sentence ‘Day by day in every way I am getting better and better’. The meditation can be done as many times as required until the worry completely disappears.
     Suicide is dangerous. Soul enacts the drama of suicide repeatedly with suffering as at the time of death. Some spiritual guide should come to your rescue to drag you out of the situation. Since it is suicide, the spiritual guide may not come to your rescue in time. In such a case you may become a ghost. To avoid all these it is always safe not to commit suicide.
     Those under depression generally can’t be social. They sit alone and think about worried thoughts. Their relatives should observe this and should take them to a doctor. There are good medicines to reduce depression and give relaxation. Somebody should give him advice on meditation, free movement in the company of friends and to take advice from the doctor. Good exercise and reading good books also gives relaxation. It is all a way of thinking against worry. There are many ways to eliminate worry from mind. If one can think for such ways, it is to automatic understanding to find ways to escape from worry and consequently from suicide.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


     As per BIG BANG theory the universe was started about 3.7 billion years ago. Our solar system including Earth was formed about 5.6 billion years ago. Human life as homo sapiens started about 195000 years ago. Modern world started about 10000 years ago. Earth becomes uninhabitable after one billion years later. Destruction of Earth takes place after 5 billion years later.
     So before one billion years we have to select any inhabitable planet of any other star nearby, provided our technology improves to such a stage that we can reach such inhabitable planet comfortably.
     As an alternative soon after our death our souls are capable of travelling anywhere into the universe almost at infinite speed. We can select our rebirth in any inhabitable planet of any other star either as human beings or as any other intelligent beings to suit the new star and new planet systems. This may be a preferable alternative. Let us hope something good to happen before the time Earth becomes uninhabitable.  

Saturday, April 11, 2020


     In the absence of right medicine to Covid-19, it is always safe to depend on our positive thought power to counter the bad effects of Covid-19. I give below some important quotations from the book ‘THOUGHT POWER’ by Sri Swami Sivananda, besides my own experiences of positive thought.
     “Thought has great tremendous power. Thought can heal diseases. Thought can transform the mentality of persons, Thought can do anything. It can work wonders. The velocity of thought is unimaginable.” ----- “The best medicine or panacea for all diseases and for keeping good health is the entertaining of divine (Positive) thoughts, The waves released by divine (positive) thoughts by Kirtan, Japa and regular meditation, will electrify, rejuvenate, vivify, energise the cells, tissues, nerves. ----- ““As a man thinketh so he becometh”. This is a great truth or truism. Think, “I am strong”, strong you become. Think, “I am weak”, weak you become. ----- Think “I am a sage or God”, sage or God you become.”.”----- “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of thought forms of God.”
          The following quotations from the Bible may kindly be perused in support of the above.
     “Before the world was created, the Word already existed; he was with God, and he was the same as God. From the very beginning the word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (Bible, the New Testament the book ‘JOHN’ Chapter 1, verses 1 to 3.) 

     “Ask me it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. (Mathews, chapter 7, verse 7, from the Bible). This indicates that the God is kind enough to give what we desire, provided there is sufficient concentration and strength of mind in our thoughts.
     There is tremendous practical meaning in the above mentioned quotations Please read the same many times so that they will be fixed in your mind. I have seen its effect practically many times, during my life period. One such example I gave under my post ‘Secrets from experirnce’. There are numerous examples in my life in support of the quotations. Your positive thought can form a protective coat around you so that any virus or bacteria cannot enter you. Even if you are already suffering from any disease whether it is by any virus or bacteria, your positive thought can expel them by strengthening your immune system. It all depend on your positive thought and its repetiion. If you are religious you can form a suitable sentence connected to your religious faith and repeat the same many times as fast as you can. It also contains positive thought in terms of religion and hence it also works. I give below some advices to strengthen your thoughts positively.
     There is a well recognized standard sentence for positive and scientific meditation such as “Day by day in every way I am getting better and better”. You can meditate this sentence giving sufficient meaning to it before meditation depending on your need. If you want to counter the bad effects of Covid-19, think of it to counter the same and apply fast meditation for at least 20 minutes so that negative thoughts may not enter in between meditation. You can meditate at suitable intervals with sufficient concentration depending on your need. By regular practice your thought power and concentration will also increase. Greater the concentration, the cure from the diseases will be early.. Even if any medicine is discovered for the cure of Covid-19, meditational powers will enhance the power of the medicine for early cure.
     If you feel that your concentration is not sufficient, try black spot gazing for strengthening your mind. For details please go through my post on ‘Mental Powers’.

     Everyone is having healing powers to some extent even without ones knowledge. It will be known if it is applied properly. One can enhance his healing powers by meditation and concentration. These healing powers can be first applied on self by properly directing our thought. If it is successful it can also be directed on others through the touch of your hand or through your eyes. Some may be even having very powerful healing powers even without their knowledge. It is just an internal property of human beings under secrets of creation. Hence try and see how much healing powers you are having. Your spiritual resources and your planetary positions at birth contribute to the extent of healing powers in you.
     Kindly transmit this information to others also. I will be thankful to you.

Monday, January 13, 2020


                                   (Source: Times of India news paper)

                    To enlarge please left click on the figure at least twice.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


I wish all the viewers of my blog a happy and prosperous new year 2020. I also thank you all for your kind perusal of my blog which encouraged me to add some more posts regularly.
                                                                                  M S Aseervadam