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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Tuesday, February 23, 2021



     There are no specific well defined theories to understand creation. The ancient Indian saints who developed mental powers by meditation in Himalaya Mountains attempted to understand the same to some extent. But understanding creation is not susceptible to mental powers. Several religions have developed their own theories in different ways, but they appear to be not self sufficient.

     Some religions say it is play of God both in life and death (even in killing). This looks to be not reasonable when God is good and very kind in nature. According to another religion a powerful angel of God revolted against God and became evil against creation of God. If God is the creator of angel, He can destroy the evil creator. But it is not happening since the evil creator is nearly equal to God and God cannot destroy the evil creator. This indicates that this particular theory is also not correct. There are many more theories but there is no self sufficiency in any theory. Any how these are the old theories of the ancient times when science was not started with proper reasoning. Most of the religious theories have no proper reasoning to support them in the modern scientific age. Hence it is needed to go for new theory with proper reasoning based on available facts and science.

     Human being is an intelligent one in all the living species. There is no comparison with any form of life on earth. According to Indian Vedanta we are mini Gods. Indian saints who meditated in Himalayas and developed enormous powers are insisting humans to join God early. They are giving several procedures to do so though it is difficult to join God. All this indicates that we were once integral part of God and later were separated from God by some evil force. This indicates that some evil force is also existing which is nearly equal to God. We do not know how God and evil power came into existence. We can only presume that by some law of equilibrium both God and evil power came into existence in the spiritual world by some unknown phenomena. Both are of nearly equal strength. The clash between these two equal and enormous powerful spirits resulted in the creation of the physical universe as assumed further.

     Since the physical universe itself is the creation of God and the evil spirit and since both represent physical universe we can study the phenomena of this physical universe and project the same into the spiritual world to know something in the spiritual world that is similar to the physical world. For this purpose we have to make a large scale study of what is happening in this physical world. Let us examine what is happening in the center of any galaxy. Say for example let us consider our own galaxy, Milky Way. There is the creation of matter and anti matter. There is heavy reaction between matter and antimatter, resulting in heavy destruction of each other resulting in powerful gamma rays. Matter seems to be 5% more than the antimatter. Hence 5% matter escaped destruction and formed the physical universe as we are seeing as stars of galaxies and planets etc. Nobody knows about the destroyed universe resulted in gamma rays.  The visible universe which emits light or reflects light is the 5% of the escaped universe from destruction.

     In the last century, scientists were wondering how the planets are moving around the stars and how the stars are moving around the center of galaxy and so on, when the gravitation at the center has no capacity to counter the centrifugal force resulting from the weight and speed of the moving objects to retain them in the orbit. These would have flown away from their orbits. To their surprise they discovered that there is an invisible source (cannot emit light & cannot be seen in any superior telescope but of extremely low density) but covers the vast area of space and may be of 95%of the universe by its enormous volume. This acts as a cushion for the stars and planets etc. that are moving with great speeds and keeps them in the orbit, just as a ball thrown on a vertical rubber sheet rolls along the sheet. It is really surprising to note such a big invisible universe. Since it cannot be seen in any telescope as it is not emitting light, it is detected by its very light gravitational pull.

     In order to project the phenomena of the physical world into the spiritual world (life after death) we have to study the physical world. There is much duality in the physical world. Good and bad are well mixed in every human being. It is a matter of timing. These timings seem to be on the planets position at birth time. Earth rotates around its central axis about 360 degrees in one day, and also revolves around the Sun in 360 degrees in one year. This one day is equal to one year is a very important factor in western astrology. If anyone wants to know about the events in 30th year of his life one has to look in to the planets positions at 30th day of his life and interpolate the planets positions on the birth planets. If similar aspect is there in planets position in the transit of planets in the 30th year of age, the exact date of the event can be calculated. I have personally verified this and found to be correct. This method is arrived by trial and error method by studying several lives along with events in life. The fact one day is equal to one year is also there in the Indian puranas. Yugas are well defined in the Samhita written by Manu, a great rishi (illuminated sage). But the same are multiplied by 360  by some Sanskrit scholars (such as Kulluka Bhatta), thinking that the one day mentioned in Samhita is one Daiva year and one Daiva year is equal to 360 earth days; and the same enhanced periods are being followed in Hindu Almanacs. This is objected by many Hindus. The ascending Kali yuga actually ended in the year 1700 A D and Dwapara yuga started.

     The evil is everywhere among the humans intermixed with good. Evil is there even in planets and stars. Its action depends on certain timings. So also there are timings of good. If the evil in a person is more his life span gets reduced. A good person with optimistic thoughts can live long. It is proved under investigation.

     Due to similarity and continuity there should be similar good and bad in the other world which we may enter after death.

     As long as good and evil are there in different worlds the diseases, clashes, accidents and wars are inevitable everywhere. We are living by chance as good is superior to bad by 5% only.  

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