Planet Neptune is the last discovered
planet (before Pluto) in the solar system. Hence Nostradamus is not fully aware
of it. He predicted third world war when the planets Saturn and Jupiter enter
the Aries sign of the movable zodiac. Jupiter is not a planet that can produce
wars. Since he is not aware of Neptune he assumed that Jupiter accompanied
Saturn. He predicted biological wars and chemical wars under this aspect. This
is a clear indication of Saturn and Neptune conjunction on 21-02-2026 very
close to the intersection point of ecliptic and equator (zero degrees and forty
four minutes of sign Aries) which is considered as the most critical degree as
the first point of Aries. The planet of war, Mars also joins the Neptune and
Saturn in the middle of April in 2026, laying the foundation for the third
world war as biological and chemical war but later turns into a nuclear war after
a long time as predicted by Nostradamus.
Since I have already written a post on
world war III it may please be referred. In this post I like to concentrate on
certain people who are likely to be affected by this aspect as well as world
war III
The planet Neptune has already showed its Impact
on this world as corona virus (Covid – 19), which has taken many lives, though it
is still about 10 degrees away from the 1st point of Aries. Its
power to harm will further increase as it nears the 1st point of
Aries. Occasionally its power may go down due to other good aspects temporarily.
But it will come with supreme evil in the early 2026 that is likely to continue
for a long time, which may ultimately result in nuclear war. This is what I
have understood from the predictions of Nostradamus combined with astrological
influences. There may be other more powerful varieties of viruses including
chemical bombs.
Individuals: : Those born between 19 th March to 23 rd March of every year are more likely to be affected considerably.The following individuals whose date of birth is given below are likely to be disturbed slightly or more powerfully depending on other planets position in their birth chart as their progressed sun position in the year 2026 nearly coincides with the point of conjunction of Neptune and Saturn in the 1st degree of sign Aries. To get the date of birth that will be affected deduct the same number of years and same number of days from the date 21-03-2026. For example deduct 10 years from 2026 the year will be 2016 and deducting 10 days from 21 March the date will be 11th March. Hence the date of birth that is likely to be affected is 11-03-2016 due to their progressed Sun. The other dates are given below. They should take much advance care to avoid any problem.
Date of
births:- 20-03-2025; 19-03-2024; 18-03-2023;
17-03-2022; 16-03-2021; 15-03-2020; 14-03-2019; 13-03-2018;
12-03-2017;11-03-2016; 10-03-2015; 09-03-2014; 08-03-2013; 07-03-2012; 06-03-2011;
05-03-2010; 04-03-2009; 03-03-2008; 02-03-2007; 01-03-2006; 28-02-2005;
27-02-2004; 26-02-2003; 25-02-2002; 24-02-2001; 23-02-2000; 22-02-1999;
21-02-1998; 20-02-1997; 19-02-1996; 18-02-1995; 17-02-1994; 16-02-1993;
15-02-1992; 14-02-1991; 13-02-1990; 12-02-1989; 11-02—1988; 10-02-1987;
09-02-1986; 08-02-1985; 07-02-1984; 06-02-1983; 05-02-1982; 04-02-1981;
03-02-1980; 02-02-1979; 01-02-1978; 31-01-1977; 30-01-1976; and so on
-------------------------20-01-1966; and
so on -----------------10-01-1956; and so on --------31-12-1946; and so on
------21-12-1936; and so on ------------------11-12-1926; and so on ---------.
Besides the above date of births the persons born two days on either side of the given date of births should be also careful due orb of influence. Also those whose position of their rising degree (Ascendant) or moon is within two degrees on either side of 1st degree of Aries should also be careful. For this purpose one has to consult an astrologer who follows the western astrology (one day = one year in progression). Location of other planets at the same place in the birth chart may produce minor troubles. The persons that are most affected are those born on the dates 19 th to23rd of March of any year with their time of birth as 8 minutes just before to 8 minutes just after exact sun rise in their birth place, as both Sun and ascendant are afflicted in this case.
It is also surprising to note that
Nostradamus predicted the end of third world war at Ganges, while he has not
mentioned the involvement of India in the third world war anywhere. He also
mentioned that England will be submerged under the sea during world war. It is
quite possible due to warming of poles due to war. If so most part of China will
also be submerged. Since China needs land they may try to occupy part of India.
India is likely to send them back up to Ganges with the help of America as
indirectly indicated by Nostradamus. India may not further insist in sending
China away from India on mercy grounds as China lost most of its land under sea
water and as they are neighbours.
This is all a probability based on
Nostradamus predictions and combined with certain astrological influences and
hence need not be taken for granted. But since most of the predictions of
Nostradamus came to be true we must be cautious.
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