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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, October 22, 2021



Your thought is your God : Your thought is directly linked to God. Whatever you think, the response from God is dependent on your thought. If you think in a wrong way the response is according to it. Negative (pessimistic) thoughts are dangerous. Always try to possess positive (optimistic) thoughts. These can improve your life span also.

     Ancient human was surprised at his own creation and the creation of the universe. With his limited knowledge he assumed that someone with great powers created the universe. But he was not fully aware of the connection of God with him. He thought that the creation is from supreme power and he called Him as God and that he has to pray God for any achievement in his life. He found response to his prayers. He tried to define God. By some natural process some people were born with great powers. He found lot of difference between him and such people with great powers. He assumed them as the incarnations of God. Such people were born at different places on Earth. Since the people were anxious to give some shape and name to God, they started worshipping these great people as Gods. So different regions formed different Gods. This resulted in different faiths and different religions. Yet some only prayed God without giveng Him shape or name.

     So different regions produced different shapes and names to their own Gods.There is difference in their faiths. Depending on their local practices their faiths also changed. So there is clash in the faiths of different regions. This produced even religious wars causing the destruction of humanity.

     Behind every religious prayer there is positive and optimistic thought. This is the basis of success of every religious prayer. This basic principle is totally ignored in individual religious prayers. If this is properly understood there won’t be religious clashes. I have accidentally understood this in my teenage. To know about it kindly read my post ‘secrets from experience’ in my blog ‘astroblog-msa.blogspot.com’

     So be careful while thinking. Your future and your life span is dependent on your present thought. By using good thoughts one can do good to others. Similarly with the help of evil thoughts one can do evil to others. This thought technology is well developed in India. But it ran parallel to religion depending on certain religious faiths. With good thoughts you are son of God. With evil thoughts you are son of Satan (evil power). It is for you to take sides. One way of thinking wll led to heaven, and the other will lead to hell.

     Not only in matter this evil is extended into living things also.  Even among the bacteria, there is good bacteria as well as bad bacteria. This good and bad is extended through animal world into the human life also. So one should be cautious not to come into contact with evil.

     To simplify things we can easily conclude that your thought is your God. Religion and prayer are byproducts or integral part of your thought only. If this is     We generally believe that the universe is the creation of God. If god is good the universe should be good. But there is sufficient bad in the universe. It gives the impression that the influence of Satan (evil) is also present in the creation. It also gives the impression that the entire evil cannot be removed in the universe. Good and bad are of opposite nature. This opposing nature is found even in matter. Atom has positive and negative charges in matter. Antimatter is of opposite nature. In place of positive charge of matter, antimatter has negative charge, and vice versa. When matter and antimatter meet there can be tremendous destruction of each other liberating highly powerful short gamma rays. Where they go nobody knows. This process is going on at the center of all galaxies. Since matter under creation is about 5% more than antimatter, the universe including all life in the universe that escaped destruction from antimatter is surviving as we see.

     If this is properly understood there can be happy life among the people of all religions without any clash.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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