Ever since the human life is formed, the
intelligence is developed with every generation. Humans thought that how this
universe is formed and how he himself came in to existence? As he could not
find a reasonable answer he assumed that a creator is behind the formation of
this phenomena. In other words he called the creator as God. But how God
created the universe nobody knows except with some assumption or belief.
So let us start with the assumption that
God created the universe. Now we have to
follow some statistical analysis. God is said to be symbol of love peace and
purity. So his creation should also represent love peace and purity. But our
universe is not representing God’s qualities. Our universe is a mixture of good
and bad love and enmity. Humans kill one another for their personal benefits.
Even the animals kill one another for food. There are highly poisonous snakes
and also harmful scorpions which does not represent the supreme qualities of
God. In such a case how can we say that God created the universe? We have to
change the theory of creation.
So let us try for a better theory. By some
natural law of equilibrium there existed good and bad in nearly equal
proportions in the form of good and bad
universal thought or may be in the form of matter and antimatter which are
formed due to some great thought powers of good and evil forces (for
convenience let us call the good as God and evil as Satan for naming purpose.
In other religions their names are slightly different). There is a continuous
fight between these two forces. When anti matter meets the matter there is a
tremendous explosion of destruction of matter and anti matter resulting in highly
powerful gamma races. Some matter has escaped this destruction and is driven by
the force liberated in the explosion due to clash between matter and
antimatter. This escaped matter is the universe we are seeing by naked eye and
through well developed scientific instruments. The energy produced in explosion
may be called as black energy as it cannot be detected and the residual and not
visible matter may be called as black matter which cannot reflect light and
cannot produce light. The black energy is responsible for the expansion of the
universe. This will continue as long as the reaction between matter and anti
matter at the center of all galaxies. This is an endless affair as God and
Satan are infinite and extremely powerful forces. The residual matter in the
universe (which mainly represent this universe) moving away from each other due
to force of dark energy. It is an endless affair and the universe will cool
down enormously on one time or other and it may result in the end of life in
the universe.
Simply speaking the universe is the result of clash between two great
spiritual forces representing great good and great evil that are capable of
creating matter and anti-matter respectively by their spiritual powers.
. This clash between matter and
anti-matter produced by two great spiritual powers seems to be started at the
time of big bang and is still continuing. Before the big bang there was no
creation of matter and anti- matter.
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