It is given
in some astrological books that in any ones’ horoscope that the region from 7th
house to 12th house also partly belongs to marriage partner. I
personally attempted to verify the truth. As the horoscope of my wife was not
recorded and not known I attempted to predict certain events from her close
relatives. For this purpose I studied the transit if planet Uranus in my 8th
house in exact opposition to the location of conjunction of Saturn and Mars
very close to the intersection of ecliptic and equator and in my 2nd
house. When Uranus was in exact opposition to these two planets of my horoscope
I predicted two telegrams (no cell phones were available at that time)
indicating some bad and severe information from the relatives of my wife. Even
to my surprise my wife received two telegrams on two different dates as
indicated by me one informing the death of her aunt and the other informing the
extreme seriousness of her younger brother who ultimately recovered though the
doctors did not give any hope of his recovery, This is a clear proof that the
marriages are made in heaven even before our birth. This is only my second
experiment in astrology.
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