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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



The universe is undefined. Only 5% of the universe is defined. The rest of the 95% universe is unknown. The universe can also be divided in to two parts. One is visible universe (5% of the universe), the other is the invisible universe (95% of the universe). The visible universe (5%) that can be seen with naked eye and the latest technical instruments contains the following. Nebulae or star dust from which stars are formed, stars, galaxies, quasars, pulsars neutron stars, planets, moons, life including ourselves etc. The invisible universe has dark matter (25%), dark energy (69%), radiation (0.01%), neutrinos (0.1%), black holes (0,001%) etc. Some of the salient features of the universe are discussed below.

     The universe is said to be formed by big bang, which is a popular theory at present. The big bang started from a minute point. Nobody knows why and how? But it started expanding at a tremendous rate faster than light speed. At the time of formation there is matter and antimatter. When matter and anti-matter collided there was tremendous explosion resulting in very powerful and energetic and shortest wave-length gamma rays including very minute sub atomic particlles like Higgs Boson particles. Perhaps the force of this reaction might be expanding the resultant saved matter. And this energy may be called as black energy. This process is still continuing at the center of galaxies. Some residual energy liberated might be reconverted as matter as per the equation E = mc^2 of Einstein and remain as black matter without the ability to reflex or absorb light. Liberation of matter and anti-matter from a single point seems to be not reasonable. There must be two simultaneous big bangs at suitable distance so that they can inter-act with each other.  We can also assume that the result of the universe is due to the clash between God and Satan (Satan is named differently in different religions) from the spiritual world. God’s weapon is matter and Satan’s weapon is antimatter. And correspondingly there should be two big bangs. This is only a theory subject to approval of science.

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