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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Do the wormholes of Einstein exist between our world and the world after death?


     The most iconic predictions by Einstein’s theory of general relativity are as follows.

1.     Gravitational waves    ---------------   Proved.

2.     Time dilation       ----------------------  Proved.

3.     Black holes    --------------------------    Proved.

4.     Gravitational lencing   --------------    Proved.

5.     White Holes   ------------------       Not Proved 

6.     Worm Holes    ----------------------Not Proved.

     . Worm hole is an ideal short cut to inter-galactic travelling but not proved yet. It connects too far away points in space-time through tunnel or bridge. A warm hole warps and bends space and time reducing the disparity between the two given points of space or time. Hypothetically a worm hole can bridge (shorten) extremely long distances like millions of light years.

     It is observed by some human beings who died temporarily and returned back to life as if they travelled through a tunnel and reached the other world and by chance with some unknown phenomena returned back to life. This gives the impression that the two worlds where we live as human beings and the world our soul reaches after death (astral world) are inter-connected with worm holes. There may be two such worm holes between these two worlds one to reach heaven depending on one’s good nature and the other to reach hell for the evil humans for cleaning their sins through a kind of suitable suffering. Among some who died forcibly by suicide may not go through worm holes but may remain in our world as ghosts until their time comes to reach a worm hole to other world. This is only a theory subject to investigation..

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