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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, July 19, 2024



     The secrets of the universe are not known. we only know about 5% of the universe only.  It is still under great investigation. At least something what we know may be kept under record.

     The known universe in 1922 is 100000 light years. But the known universe in 2024 is 93 billion light years. It is likely to increase further when our new scientific instruments can look into further universe. The unobservable universe is estimated approximately 23 trillion light years. The universe is full of galaxies and each galaxy contains billions of stars. Extreme objects in the universe are quasars, black holes, supernova, kilonova, magnetar, pulsar, neutron star etc Supernova is an explosion caused by an average star. Kilonova is an explosion caused when two neutron stars merge with each other  Hypernova is an explosion caused by a giant star, a burst 5 times more energetic than supernova. The mysterious objects in the universe are oumuamua, the red rectangle nebula, planet nine, galaxy x, east pizarro tabbys star. Most powerful events in the universe are gamma ray blasts, black holes collision, neutron star collision, supernova explosion.

     Cosmic voids are vast spaces between filaments which contain very few or no galaxies. Voids typically have a diameter of 10 to hundred mega parsecs, (one mega parsec=3x10^6 light years) particularly the large voids defined are the rich super clusters or sometimes called super voids. They have less than 1/10th of average density of matter.

     A tea spoon of matter taken from a star would weigh around 10 million tons, which is similar to the average mountain on earth. The largest known black hole Homberg 15A has diameter of one trillion K M more than 190 times the distance between the Sun and Pluto. The coldest known natural place in the universe Boumerank Nebula at -272.15 degrees C. It is 1 degree C warmer than absolute zero and 2 degrees colder than the back-ground radiation from the big bang. There is a highway in space called interplanetary highway. It is used for space crafts around solar system with least resistance using gravity. Hell like planet named as K2 – 14lb is located around 200 light years from Earth rains rocks and fire and its oceans are made of lava.

     Strange exoplanets: H D 189773b constantly rains glass. 55cancri e – 1/3 of the planet is made of solid diamond. T V E S @. T V E S 2b is the darkest known planet of the observable universe. GLiese4366 is a giant ball of ice with a surface of flares.

     U V Scutiis is the biggest star in our entire known universe.  It is located 48 quadrilion K M away from earth near the center of our galaxy. Closest earthlike planet is 1400 light years away from earth and the closest black hole is about 3000 light years away and the closest galaxy (Andromeda) is about 2537000 light years away from earth. Every galaxy has a super massive black hole at the center. Top six strongest things in the universe are neutrinos, gravity waves, dark energy, dark matter, cosmic microwave, antimatter.

     Limits of our universe: Minimum possible temperature is 0 degree Kelvin(-273 C) Smallest possible time is 5.79x10^-44 second. Maximum possible temperature is 1.42x10^32 kelvin (one unit of Kelvin=one unit of centigrade but Kelvin is measured as 0 degrees at -273 C). Smallest possible length is 1.62x10^-32 meters. Dark energy is 69%, dark matter is 25%, regular matter is 5%, radiation is 0.01%, neutrinos are 0.1%,black holes are 0.005%.  Four ways the universe might end on are big bounce, big rip, big freeze, and big slurp.

     The earth has to be pressed into the size of 8.7 millimeters to become a black hole. Every night you and your body unknowingly travel 858240 K M around sun and 6256000 K M around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The universe is thought to be infinite and it is still be possible that it is closed and finite. There would be any edges but it would connect back into itself as a closed universe.

     There are four types of galaxies, namely spiral galaxy, barred spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy and irregular galaxy. Sun spins at 1997m/s, earth spins at 480 m/s, neutron star spins at 71950000 m/s, super massive black hole spins at 270000000 m/s Known places where laws of physics breakdown are below the plank length, in the center of black hole, before the big bang and above the speed of light. Light is in various forms in the universe such as radio waves, micro waves, Infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, visible light, x rays and gamma rays. Four fundamental forces in the universe are light, force responsible for beta decay, force that holds galaxies together, and the force that holds atoms together.

     Universe is unlimited to write. There are many things such as great attractor, multi universes, several dimensions in the universe besides the 4 dimensions of length, width, height and time, parallel universe, planet X and many more mysteries like flying saucers and verities of life etc. It is very lengthy to discuss about all of them. So I will stop with this brief description given above only.

Sunday, July 14, 2024



     Everyone speaks about God. But only very few know how to approach God. There are two ways to approach God mainly. One IS through religion and religious prayers. The other is through independent of religion and by proper application of thought.

Religion and religious prayers:

     This is mainly based on ancient belief. Every religion has its own belief. It is observed that all religious prayers work, tough names of God and their belief are different, provided there is sufficient concentration in their prayers. This is applicable to saints of different religions as they concentrate more on their prayers. Most of the religious prayers won’t work as they are lengthy and hence lack concentration.


     We are directly connected to God through our thought. Whatever we think or act it goes to God and is recorded somewhere. By regulating our thoughts we can design our present life as well as future lives after rebirths. So it is in our hand, It is designed like that by God. So our thought is the operating system of our lives. So it is more important, how to regulate our thoughts. Repeating long lengthy sentences cannot produce sufficient concentration. Select a small meaningful sentence and meditate on it at least 15 minutes soon after you get up in the morning and before going to bed in the night. You will see its effects in a short time. A sentence like ‘day by day in every way I am getting better and better’ may be preferable. Concentration and repetition and a small meaningful sentence are essential in meditation. If you don’t get sufficient concentration try black spot gazing, crystal gazing or star gazing suitably. The same can be applied to religious prayers also.

     The first one relates to individual religions. But the second one is common to all religions and all human beings. Hence the second one is most preferable.

Sunday, July 7, 2024



     Astrology is a wonderful subject. It reveals the resultant effect of our previous lives. Simply speaking the sky is the language of God. Since our own thoughts and actions resulted in our lives, we can nullify and enhance good in our horoscope by regulating our thoughts and actions of our present life suitably. God has given us powers to modify the bad impressions of our horoscope. A saint with supreme powers of thought can come out of evils of horoscope by regulating his thoughts and actions. Evil planets cannot do any evil to them. Since the belief of astrology is also strong in humans, there are varieties of predicting events based on horoscope. All may be partially true and not sufficiently true. Since there are so many stars and planets in the universe and each has at least some influence on human life the present knowledge in astrology is only about 5% of the total required knowledge. But mainly it is the solar system that governs our life since we are in it. Earth rotates around its axis in one day, and it revolves around the Sun in one year. This relationship of one day after birth representing in the corresponding one year after birth and so on is working well as in western astrology. The idea of one day is equal to one year is also there in ancient India, but it is wrongly applied to yugas. But it is proved in western asfrology by trial and error method that this one day is equal to one year is connected to rotation of Earth around its own axis in one day and its revolution around the Sun in one year. If you want to know major events in your life after 30 years of age you have to start progressions of planets on your birth year after 30 days of your life from birth time.

     There are some who blindly say that the astrology in not correct. But this is not the way of saying. They should experiment practically and then only they have to give their correct opinion. I personally verified western astrology practically and confirm beyond any doubt that there is definite relationship between our life and solar system.

Thursday, July 4, 2024



     Strange things happened in my life. These can be interpreted in terms of astrology. There is one of the greatest evil of astrology as well as grestest good in astrology in my horoscope. I was born on 02-02=1938 at 07 hours and 36 minutes A M at Nadyal (longitude 78 E 2 28’, latitude 15 N 30’). There is conjunction of planets Saturn and mars (great evil) in the second degree of sign Aries which is the intersection point of ecliptic and equator, which is said to be a most critical point in astrology. There is also a great good of conjunction of Sun Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius which is the 12th house in my horoscope and their power is slightly imprisoned in the early stages of my life.

     The effect of this evil is my feelings were terribly blocked as I was poised three times by persons who possess a planet exactly opposite to Saturn and mars of my horoscope (As explained in my post ‘something hidden in me that I never told fully’ in my blog ‘astroblog –msa.blogspot.com’ The second house rules feelings and finances. Regarding finances I like to say an instance in my life. After working for some time temporarily I got retrenchment in service for want of vacancy for a period more than one year. What I have saved was fully spent. Due to old age my father was unable to work. During this time my father died due to heart attact.There was not even one rupee with me. Nobody can give me loan. With lot of worry I was moving on a road too and fro unable to think what to do. Suddenly to my surprise one of my boyhood friend who left my place at Kurnool long ago and settled at Hyderabad was passing along the road. It gave me lot of hope.I explained him the situation. But he had no money to help me. He wanted to get it from one of his friends. In one hour time he brought sufficient money to me to serve th funeral of my father. This is a hidden help to me. After few days a business man with interest money, who is also well cquainted with my father came to me to offer money on loan and to give back to him even it is a long period. This is also a help from heaven to me. After this incident I never get financial problems in my balance life time. This incident occurred when the progressed ascendant of my horoscope touched the location of planet Saturn in my horoscope in the second house which rules finances and feelings.