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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Sunday, December 24, 2023



     Ever since the human life is formed, the intelligence is developed with every generation. Humans thought that how this universe is formed and how he himself came in to existence? As he could not find a reasonable answer he assumed that a creator is behind the formation of this phenomena. In other words he called the creator as God. But how God created the universe nobody knows except with some assumption or belief.

     So let us start with the assumption that God created the universe.  Now we have to follow some statistical analysis. God is said to be symbol of love peace and purity. So his creation should also represent love peace and purity. But our universe is not representing God’s qualities. Our universe is a mixture of good and bad love and enmity. Humans kill one another for their personal benefits. Even the animals kill one another for food. There are highly poisonous snakes and also harmful scorpions which does not represent the supreme qualities of God. In such a case how can we say that God created the universe? We have to change the theory of creation.

     So let us try for a better theory. By some natural law of equilibrium there existed good and bad in nearly equal proportions  in the form of good and bad universal thought or may be in the form of matter and antimatter which are formed due to some great thought powers of good and evil forces (for convenience let us call the good as God and evil as Satan for naming purpose. In other religions their names are slightly different). There is a continuous fight between these two forces. When anti matter meets the matter there is a tremendous explosion of destruction of matter and anti matter resulting in highly powerful gamma races. Some matter has escaped this destruction and is driven by the force liberated in the explosion due to clash between matter and antimatter. This escaped matter is the universe we are seeing by naked eye and through well developed scientific instruments. The energy produced in explosion may be called as black energy as it cannot be detected and the residual and not visible matter may be called as black matter which cannot reflect light and cannot produce light. The black energy is responsible for the expansion of the universe. This will continue as long as the reaction between matter and anti matter at the center of all galaxies. This is an endless affair as God and Satan are infinite and extremely powerful forces. The residual matter in the universe (which mainly represent this universe) moving away from each other due to force of dark energy. It is an endless affair and the universe will cool down enormously on one time or other and it may result in the end of life in the universe.

     Simply speaking the universe is the result of clash between two great spiritual forces representing great good and great evil that are capable of creating matter and anti-matter respectively by their spiritual powers. 

. This clash between matter and anti-matter produced by two great spiritual powers seems to be started at the time of big bang and is still continuing. Before the big bang there was no creation of matter and anti- matter.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

MARRIAGES ARE MADE IN HEAVEN Proof as per astrological experience (PROOF OF ASTROLOGY)


It is given in some astrological books that in any ones’ horoscope that the region from 7th house to 12th house also partly belongs to marriage partner. I personally attempted to verify the truth. As the horoscope of my wife was not recorded and not known I attempted to predict certain events from her close relatives. For this purpose I studied the transit if planet Uranus in my 8th house in exact opposition to the location of conjunction of Saturn and Mars very close to the intersection of ecliptic and equator and in my 2nd house. When Uranus was in exact opposition to these two planets of my horoscope I predicted two telegrams (no cell phones were available at that time) indicating some bad and severe information from the relatives of my wife. Even to my surprise my wife received two telegrams on two different dates as indicated by me one informing the death of her aunt and the other informing the extreme seriousness of her younger brother who ultimately recovered though the doctors did not give any hope of his recovery, This is a clear proof that the marriages are made in heaven even before our birth. This is only my second experiment in astrology.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Are our lives connected to solar system?

       Long ago early in my life I was in the habit of reading birthday forecasts by Sri Peter Vydal in the news paper ‘Indian Express’.  This practice suddenly impressed me to verify the truth in connection with the movement of the sky personally. So I started reading several books in this regard. After gaining sufficient knowledge I started practical study of the events in our life with reference to the movement of the sky.

     I took the date of birth of the son of my colleague and prepared his birth chart. I could catch an important evil event in the horoscope highly suitable to verify the truth. Progressed Sun in his horoscope joins the planet Saturn after 3 days of his birth. In western astrology movement of planets in one day represents the events in one year of life. This appears due to the fact that Earth rotates 360 degrees in one day around its axis but it takes about 365 days (360 degrees) to revolve around the Sun. There seems to be some mystery in the rotation of eartth indirectly connected to us. This rotation of earth in one day along with movement of planets in one day is projected into corresonding one year of the individual life. (One day = one year) If you like to verify the events in your life at your 30th year you have to refer the movement of the sky after 30 days after your birth along with the sky position at the age of 30 years. This has nothing to do with any religious belief since it is a practical observation..  Further in the horoscope I studied there is a similar aspect in transits also,  the transiting Sun also joins the birth Saturn 3 days  after the 3rd birth day after birth. So there is an important event is going to happen when the boy reaches the age of 3 years and 3 days. I have noted down the date and went to their house on that day. All the family members were alright.  I left the house after some formal talk with them with the intension of further research in practical astrology. But in the evening when I went out for a walk I heard the sad news that the maternal grandfather of the boy, half an hour after I left their house went to take bath and met with heart attack and collapsed and when taken to hospital they were informed that he was dead before reaching hospital. The event is a one in million probabilities that proves our connection with the solar system.

     The second practical study I attempted is more complicated. Even the most experienced astrologists won’t attempt it.  That is predicting the life events of one from the horoscope of another close relative. I attempted to predict some evil events in the relatives of my wife, from my horoscope. Following the transit of an evil planet in opposition to the location of evil planets in my horoscope I predicted two dates and informed my wife that two different telegrams will come on the dates indicating evil.(There were no cell phones at that time). Even to my surprise my wife received two evil telegrams on the dates mentioned. One indicated extreme serious illness to her younger brother. Even doctors did not guarantee his recovery. But fortunately, he recovered slowly. The other telegram on some other date as mentioned is the death of her aunt. This is also a prediction of one in million probabilities. I tested the truth of astrology by numerous other examples too. I need not mention all here for want of space.

     These two examples indicate the clear proof that our lives are governed by solar system to a great extent as indicated by the method I followed. There are many other methods of predictions. Those I have not tested.

Sunday, September 24, 2023



     The minimum possible temperature in our universe is zero degrees Kelvin. Any negative degree in Kelvin is not possible. Zero degree kelvin is equal to minus 273.15 degrees C. The Kelvin scale uses Celsius © for its unit increment.

     Life can grow and reproduce at temperatures as low as (-) 15 degrees C and as high as 122 degrees C including detectable microbial community. But the theoretical boundaries for life are (-) 40 degrees C and 150 degrees C. Highest recorded temperature on earth is 56.7 degrees in Death Valley (U S A). The lowest temperature recorded on earth is (-) 89.3 degrees C in Antarctica.

     The highest temperature at which a healthy human can survive is around 41-42 degrees C (106 F). At this temperature heat stroke can occur and lead to severe damage to the brain and other vital organs. The lowest temperature at which a human can survive is around (-) 32 degrees C (- 26 degrees F). The high  temperature in human body usually occurs under high fevers and there is immediate need to reduce the temperature by suitable ways.

     Binary neutron star collision results in about 350 billion degrees C.

     Relativistic heavy ion colloids and formation of quark gluon-plasma produces a temperature of 4 trillion degrees C.

     Cern proton verses nuclear collision is the cause of 5.5 trillion degrees C.

      The maximum possible temperature in the universe is 1.42X10^32 kelvin.

Friday, September 8, 2023

What is the probable effect on the Yellowstone National Park of U S A by the solar eclipse on 14 th October 2023?


     The Yellowstone National park is located in U S A at the longitude of 110 degrees 35’ 18.6576” West and the latitude of 44 degrees 25’ 25.2871” North. There is a largest volcanic system under the Yellowstone National park. The magma chamber that lies underneath this park is about 60 k m long and 29 k m wide and 4.8 to 11.3 k m deep. The 3 major eruptions occurred are at 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 0.64 million years ago. If we take the last interval of 0.66 million years and deducting rate of change of 3 eruptions it becomes 0.66-0.14=0.52 million years which is already over long back. Hence  it is already due for major eruption.

     There are frequent earthquakes and repeated uplifts etc. and point to the possibility of future volcanism and earthquake activity. So we have to carefully observe the power of uplift at this spot by the gravitational pull of the solar eclipse on 14th October 2023. This eclipse is considered to be one of the major eclipses in U S A. But the eclipse is partial only at this park, but very close to total eclipse. Maximum pull due to eclipse on this park occurs at a time of 7 hours and 22 minutes of Greenwich Mean Time on 14th October 2023. Since the Sun has about 8 degrees south declination the Sun is not exactly overhead at local mid-noon but is inclined towards south of the park by about 50 degrees and there is a long showdown towards north even at mid-noon. So the gravitation pull of the eclipse is very much reduced.

     Hence I think that there won’t be any major eruption due to eclipse on Yellowstone National Park of U S A on 14th October 2023. However some minor earthquakes, fires and many forceful geysers cannot be ruled out. It is advisable not to enter the park between12th to 16th of October 2023.

     Gravitation pull of this eclipse is more in places with 8 degrees south latitude where the eclipse is totally visible and where there are faults in earth’s tectonic plates. Major earthquakes are possible at such places in South America.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023



Sl. No.





Concerned with religion only

Concerned with religion as well as science



Long and lengthy with many sentences

Short with one or two sentences only



No repetition of sentences.

Full of repetition of short sentences.



Lacks concentration

Full of concentration.



Not so close to God by concentrated thought

Close to God through their concentrated thought.



Name of God or the word God is integral part of prayer.

Name of God or the word God is only optional as our connection with God is through thought only.



There is remote chance of reaching God due to lack of concentration.

Their thoughts reach God frequently and response comes quickly.




Please note: Prayers in the form of meditation using the name of God or by using the word God will definitely benefit religious persons as they are associated with concentration due to simplicity and repetition great belief.

Monday, September 4, 2023

What happens in the universe in one second time?


     We know very well that the Sun contains enormous quantity of hydrogen atoms and when they combine helium is formed duly liberating enormous energy into the space. But it is surprising to note that the quantity of helium Sun makes in a second time is 606 million metric tonnes.

     So many stars are being born and so many are becoming supernovae. To know the facts 4800 stars are born every second and about 30 stars become supernovae in a second.

     It is also a well known fact that the universe is expanding. But at which rate it is expanding is not known to all. According to astronomical facts the universe is expanding at the rate of 72 k m per megaparsec. (That means that a galaxy one megaparsec away will be moving away from us at a speed of 72 k m per second).

     Our galaxy is known as Milky Way. There is another galaxy close to us and almost double the size of our galaxy. It is moving towards our galaxy and is likely to merge with our galaxy. It is only110 k m from edge to edge. That means the merging is almost started. Yet it takes several million years to complete merging. Since there is enormous distance between stars the merging may not result in collapse and hence there is no danger. Ultimately the two galaxies put together will become a single galaxy.

Monday, August 21, 2023


      There are several people have seen flying saucers moving with extreme speeds in the Earth’s atmosphere and going out of sight instantly. Some even reported that they were carried into the flying saucers for the purpose of experimenting human life and released them after that. Even the pilots and astronauts also reported as seeing flying saucers. But the presence of flying saucers is not yet confirmed scientifically. Earth is at present known to be the only planet that is suitable for life. The essentials for life such as water oxygen atmosphere and suitable temperature are present on Earth. Recently several exoplanets that have habitable conditions were discovered using Hubble telescope mainly. But whether there is life is not known. Theoretically speaking there can be life in numerous exoplanets in the universe. Only time can prove it

     But there are instances that aliens are attacking human beings. To quote the recent instance at Peru, in South America, about seven feet tall aliens are attacking humans in the night. People are wandering in groups in the night with guns to attack aliens. There is an instance when someone fired at an alien nothing has happened to it. It indicates there is no life in it. Probably they are machines known as super robots from some exoplnet of another star.  Only time will prove it. If it is so, it is preferable for scientists on Earth to develop super artificial intelligent robots and send them to habitable exoplanets of other stars in a nuclear self operated space ship so that they can send the details of life in exoplanets. A living person travelling such a long distance in a space ship from star to star is only an impossibility. It is better to get the things done through super artificial intelligent robots. This may be the probable future

Sunday, August 20, 2023



 We are already living with two overlapping worlds. One is our physical world with physical body, but we have probably more hidden spiritual bodies like astral body etc. There is another overlapping world known as astral world. These two worlds are in different wavelengths and hence we cannot see each other. The astral world is one that we enter after our death. If a human can develop to operate his sixth sense he can look into the astral world. We need more effort to look into the astral world, whereas the astral beings need lesser effort to look into our world. However we can look into astral world without efforts sometimes whether knowingly or unknowingly. At night when we get up in the night from sleep we see certain spiritual bodies moving in front of us. These will disappear in about 3 seconds only. The reason is that the astral body within us gets stimulated by some natural phenomena under creation, only for about 3 seconds soon after we wake up from sleep in the night. Both our physical body as well as astral body operates simultaneously at that time. If there is any astral body near visible distance from you, you can see both your room where you sleep as well as astral bodies near you in the overlapping position. At that time the astral beings can also understand that we are seeing them and they try to run away out of fear probably.  Some foreigners rejected these phenomena and called it as an extension of dream. If it is dream how can we see the sleeping place itself always? So I think that their assumption is not correct. These phenomena are explained by Indian saints. I personally verified it many times. If you closely follow your dream sometimes you can understand it as a fact.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Volcano under Yellowstone national park in U S A


     The Yellowstone national park in the U S A is located in the western U S A largely in the northwest corner region of the Wyoming. Even though the official address is in the state of Wyoming, it is actually in three states extending into Montana and Idaho. Its longitude is 110 degrees 35 minutes and 18.6576 seconds west and its latitude is 44 degrees 25 minutes 25.2871 seconds north. Its area is 2219.791 acres (8983.18 sq. k m) or( 3468.4 Sq. miles ).It comprises of canyons, lakes, rivers and mountain ranges. It also comprises of wild life like America largest buffalo herd, grizly bears and wolves.

     A largest super volcano is also located in this park. The three super eruptions of this volcano occurred 2.1 millions, 1.3 million and 640000 years ago forming the island Paric caldera, the Henry park caldera and Yellowstone caldera respectively. Over the past 16.5 million years or so the hot spot of park generated a succession of explosive eruptions. At least a dozen of the eruptions are so massive that they are classified as super eruptions. Volcanic eruptions sometimes empty their source of magma so swiftly that the overlying land collapses into the emptied magma chamber forming a geographic depression called caldera.

     The United States estimates that there are one or two major caldera forming eruptions per million years and several of many steam eruptions per century. Presently volcanic activity is exhibited via geothermal vents scattered throughout the region plus recorded ground swelling indicating ongoing inflation of the underlying magma chamber.  There is a great flume of magma located below the calderas’ surface. This may cause very large explosion at any time.

     According to earthquake data in 2013 the magma chamber is 80 k m (50 miles) long and 20 k m (12 miles) wide. It also has 4000 cu. K m (960 cu. Miles) underground volume of which 6 to 8 % is filled with molten rock. The analysis indicates that the magma reservoir can reach eruptive capacity and trigger a super eruption within just decades only, not centuries as volcanologists had originally thought. Yllowstone is monitored for volcanic activity by Y V O scientists. They have not detected any signs of eruption so far.

     But there is uplift pressure from the magma indicating swelling of the ground surface over it, besides many geysers and hot water springs. If there is any pull upwards due to planetary conjunctions it may assist eruption provided it is sufficiently large enough. One such indication to be watched is the conjunction of planets Saturn and Neptune in the first degree of the sign Aries of the movable zodiac on 21-02-2026, which is said to be most powerful critical degree. Moon also joins these two planets on 20-02-2026. Hence dates from 19-02-2026 to 22-02-2026 are to be carefully watched when these planets are almost directly overhead over Yellowstone National Park U S A and thereby exerts more pull than any other day.

     Since Y V O scientists are carefully watching, they may indicate any such possibility of volcanic eruption in advance.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Nostradamus predictions 0n 3rd world war analysed


     Notradamus did not give any specific period of 3rd world war. But he has only given certain hints on its period. He only said that when two planets Saturn and Jupiter enter the sign Aries together the war is likely to start. But according to Astrology the conjunction of planet Saturn and Jupiter cannot produce world war. Planets like Uranus and Neptune were not known during his time. He only felt the entry of two big planets into the sign Aries and assumed them as Saturn and Jupiter. The nature of war he predicted is that of biological war and chemical war. This type of war is possible in astrology only if planets like Saturn and Neptune join together. These two planets Saturn and Neptune join together in conjunction at 0 degree and 45 minutes of Aries sign on 21-02-2026 at the intersection point of equator and ecliptic which is also most powerful critical degree, probably this date may be watched for laying foundation for 3rd world war.

     Another important indication given by Nostradamus for the 3rd world war is that England will sink into the sea during the war. If war comes naturally the average temperature will rise. If it rises more than 1.5 degrees near poles, the Ice Mountains near poles are likely to melt and cause most of the coastal land to sink under the sea. In such case England is most likely to sink into the sea as it is not much above the mean sea level. Part of England will be shifted to America (As New England) and part of it will be shifted to Scotland. Even in India Bombay is likely to come under sea water along with Calcutta and Chennai partly besides part of borders of many countries all over the world.

     Also the aspect of Saturn conjunction with Neptune also indicates not only probable biological and chemical wars but it also indicates sea surge, tsunamis, earthquakes and burst of volcanoes. There is a very big volcano under the Yellow Garden National park in U S A. It has to be watched carefully under this aspect of Saturn and Neptune conjunction around 20-02-2026 or21-02-2026. On 13-04-2026 Mars, the planet of war also joins Neptune and about a week days later Mars also joins Saturn. These days are also to be watched for wars earth quakes, tsunami and sea surge.

     If U S A is busy with some internal problems it may not be possible to counter act any enemy. This is the quite opportunity for the country like China to dominate. Astrologically The sign Aries where the aspect of Saturn conjunction Neptune falls rules England, Denmark, Germany and Syria etc., and its opposite sign Libra where this aspect also rules are China, parts of India near China, Japan, upper Egypt, ex-Burma, Austria etc., All these countries may be involved in the third world war.

     According to Nostradamus China with the help of certain Islamic countries like Iron etc., almost conquers the entire Europe and then attacks America. Though looked like success in the initial stage it could not compete with America latter. America with the help of Russia liberates entire Europe from the occupied China and Iron. Though Nostradamus did not predict any war clearly between India and China, he surprisingly in his quatrain IV – 51 mentions “that the day of the battle shall be near Ganges.” This indicates that Northern part of India near China as indicated in astrology is also involved in the 3rd world war and is finally liberated by America probably up to Ganges. This may be the end of the 3rd world war. India may be equal to China in military power, but can it withstand biological and chemical war is a doubtful case. There should be proper plans to nullify the side effects of this type of war effects.

    Long before the end of the war, the biological and chemical war is likely to continue for a long time. Getting disgusted with this type of long war and destruction thereby the warring nations turn the war into a nuclear war by about the year 2032 when transiting Saturn conjoins with transiting Uranus in the sign Gemini which is said to rule America. America will dominate in war and liberate entire Europe and north India, Egypt etc. Ultimately the 3rd world war will end at Ganges. But there is enormous destruction of life and property that has never occurred before. To recover from this damage will take several years.