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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, September 6, 2024



     The greatest moment of my suffering occurred just one year before I joined the Engineering college at Anantapur. Laughing is the happiness in humans .I lost the ability to laugh for about a year. One of my boyhood friends observed it. The very next day he came to my house and presented the book “Mental Powers by Sri A S Murthy an advocate. This book really saved my life. What I struggled between life and death and what I understood about positive thought was clearly explained in the book with clear procedure for its application. This gave me tremendous encouragement for counter the suffering that was leading to madness. Though I have seen tremendous improvement in every few minutes of meditation, it took several years to recover sufficiently. This is an indirect intimation that how much suffering was hidden in me due to first poisoning to me. It is the greatest moment of help to me from my boyhood friend  Sri Ganapathy, who almost looks like a real  Ganapathy except for tusk. I am extremely grateful to him. If this has not happened I would not have existed to enter The College of Engineering at Anantapur. Luckily that year I was not selected for engineering. Only in the next year I was selected. This is also a plus point for me. My experience revealed some secrets governing human life.

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