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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Thursday, September 12, 2024



I had very strange and unbelievable sufferings in my early life. I attempted to catch the reason and origin of it in my life. I could not find anything in my life except I was poisoned even without enmity. It is not sufficient. Hence I attempted to study my parent’s lives also. At last I could find out sufficient reasoning in my mother’s life. My mother is the second wife of my father after the death of his first wife. None of the six children from his first wife survived. My mother had no children even up to 17 years of married life. So she was very much ill-treated by my father and his mother. She was very much disappointed and even attempted suicide by hitting her head with a big stone. The only hope with her is her prayer to Jesus intensively for children. I enquired about her prayers. What I heard is that they have not seen any one praying with so much concentration. At last her prayers yielded. She gave birth to a female child. But she also died early. Her prayers continued. This time she got a wonderful dream. She saw a very much disturbed ocean. From it came the angels carrying her first born. What they said to her is wonderful.  Meanwhile I have to say many unbelievable happening in my life. That is the result of my early sufferings . I have to keep them on record. These may be useful for study and investigation. I will write step by step.

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