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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



     Solar spares of 2024 have become more than the double than what the scientists expected. Sun spots on the surface of our star reached higher than in the last 23 years in August as 215.5 and are further increasing. It may continue even up to 2 more years.

     The maximum and minimum sun spots occur in a cyclic period of 11 years. Sun spots are the regions of Sun’s surface where surge of electromagnetic radiation breaks through the Sun’s magnetic field, creating relatively cool patches. That appear black to us thanks to an optical illusion.

     Under this increasing Solar activity Earth may be bombarded with solar storms. It could impact ground based infrastructure, trigger wide spread auroras at lower latitudes, and even cause satellites to tumble back to Earth, if the solar flare activity increases sufficiently.

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