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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Wednesday, October 16, 2024



     Let us consider the universe as a single unit for the sake of convenience. The human body is a great example where soul mind and matter are inter-connected. But as seen from reliable astrology there is connection between solar system and our lives. I have given two clear proofs of astrology from my experience.  Let it be bodily diseases, circumstances in life regarding finances, events, relationships death, etc.  If we consider solar system as matter only there is no meaning to say that the solar system is influencing our lives. Hence there should be something other than only matter in the solar system. Science has not reached that stage of finding the secret influences of solar system and other distant stars.

     Some religions in India even worship the Sun and treat some plates as messengers of God and some other planets as messengers of evil force (Satan). Even Greek mythology gives more importance to constellations of stars with secret spiritual powers. Planet Venus of our solar system is considered as a symbol of beauty. But it is the hottest planet in solar system. It rains sulfuric acid also. But ladies born with Venus as ruling planet or Venus in angular position favorably aspected by other planets are really beautiful. It is contradicting its nature. But it is true from my experience also.

Friday, October 11, 2024



     Intensive prayers of my mother resulted in my birth. Though her worries brought her close to the Satanic world her prayers saved her. In her dream certain angels came out of a tremendously disturbed ocean with her first born baby daughter in their hands. The baby was carrying fruits and flowers in the plate. The angels asked my mother to take the plate as it is associated with the birth of a son who can save her from all evils of Satan. The moment she touched the plate the dream disappeared. So I had to transfer her sufferings by some unknown secret phenomena and fight against Satan the evil force in nature. The natural facilities with which human beings are born are terribly disturbed in me due to satanic actions. The following are the brief note how I struggled.

1.     I Iost the ability to laugh. I was forced to study under great suffering and regained it.

2.     I lost the ability to eat. Even to eat small quantity of food I was taking about 2 hours as it was getting struck up in the mouth due to break down of signals from brain abruptly an untimely. This happened just one year before I joined Engineering College at Anantapur. I had to try concentration methods such as black spot gazing and meditational procedures to counter it.

3.     I was not able to sleep well in the night due to unnecessary fears and confused negative thoughts. Here also I have to practice stopping confused thoughts by meditation and concentration.

4.     There are many other satanic disturbances, I need not mention here as writing all may be laborious.

Ultimately I countered all satanic influences by the grace of God. There is always either timely direct help or indirect help from God. Ultimately my mother is saved an Iam also saved. The universe appears to be a fighting place between God and Satan, the evil power with different names in other religions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024



Dear readers (friends classmates relatives and all other readers), I like to say something on my recent writings on my life. Since it is a very rare experience I had intension since a long time to keep it on record. Since I have become sufficiently old I have now decided to write all these happenings in my life. My experience may be useful to some and may be suitable for investigation to others. Since it is laborious  and uninteresting to some. In such case I may kindly be excused for wasting your precious time. The high intensity feelings resulted from high suffering which even hypnotized others are resolved and disappeared in me due to help from two ladies (angels). I am now perfectly normal as a normal old man. 


     The coming two years 2025 and 2026 are astrologically more important and crucial periods in my life. Both good and bad are increasing together. If I can overcome bad by properly utilizing good aspects, I can even cross 100 years of life. But I have to struggle using meditation and positive thinking. I need the kind blessings of the readers too. Your blessings will always help me. Thank you all very much.

Sunday, October 6, 2024



     There are numerous secrets governing our lives. What we know about our lives either by religion or by science are negligible. So there is need for each one to record his out of normal experiences which may give additional clues on life. One such out of normal experience is also mine. I have already recorded my experiences. I like the conclusions of my experiences to be recorded also.

     We are connected to God and the universe through our thoughts mainly. So we must know about our thoughts. The following quotations from the book ‘thought power’ by Sri Swamy Sivananda give clear idea of what thought power is. “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of the thought forms of God…. Thoughts virtually travel in no time. --- Thought has got tremendous power. Thoughts can heal diseases.----Every thought you send out is a vibration which never perishes.--- If your thoughts are noble ,holy and forcible, they set in vibration in every sympathetic mind.--- Keep good thoughts in your mind and reject evil ones.--- Keep the mind fully occupied. Then evil thoughts will not enter. Watch the mind every minute.--- cultivate positive virtual thoughts mercy, love, purity, forgiveness, integrity, generosity and humility in the garden of your mind.---The negative thoughts of hatred, lust, anger, greed, pride will die by themselves. The following are my conclusions.

     Thought power is the operating system of human life. Meditation improves thought power. Concentration improves meditational powers. Black spot gazing, crystal gazing and star gazing improves concentration. One can cure any hidden diseases or outward diseases by the power of thought. One can design one’s own future or even his next birth by regulating his present thought. Concentration on positive thoughts nullifies evil thoughts. All religious prayers are positive thoughts. There is no concentration in long and lengthy prayers. Short and meaningful sentence with repetition for at least 15 to 20 minutes twice in a day preferably soon after getting up and just before going to bed are desirable. This type of meditation may be religious or scientific. If it is scientific the following sentence for meditation is useful. “Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.”

Saturday, October 5, 2024



     Besides our mind there is subconscious mind in us. It stores all our thoughts and actions in it. That is why some saints who developed sixth sense can look into other’s subconscious mind and predict the past events in their lives. Some even predict the future events in others lives. It is not known how? It may be possible through astrology to some extent. How their sixth sense is connected to the sky is not clear. Like this there are many wonders. Whatever it may be we can treat the universe as a single unit. What I mean is everything in the universe whether it is life or matter they are inter-connected. If they are closer the connections are stronger. So we are more closely connected to solar system. From my own observation, we are deeply connected to solar system. All those who poisoned me had planet in opposition to Saturn and Mars conjunction in my horoscope. The saving planets were temporarily locked in 12th house until they entered first house by progression, wherefrom my recovery started and improved gradually. In the second and third poisoning I did not feel any suffering though doctors told my daughter that I will die in half an hour. It is mainly due to the entry of planet Jupiter in my first house.

     Regarding my personal life my feelings of disappointment converted automatically into great pure affection (though reduced to a great extent as stated already) continued and was directed towards another lady. I attempted to tell her my past, but I was not able to tell her due disappointment. She observed it and suggested me to give it by writing. This was a timely great help to me. I wrote my experience of sufferings in a note book and gave it to her. She read it leisurely as it was a long one and understood me well and sympathized me and encouraged me for early recovery. Since I was able to tell my hidden sufferings I got fully relieved from the balance disappointment finally. But the impressions of my past experiences are submerged deep into my subconscious mind occasionally they come up with very less intensity, but I can counter them with reasoning and meditation. This is my art of living at present.

SOLAR FLARE ON 01-10-2024


The x-class powerful solar flare exploded outward from Sunspot AR3842 near the solar equator at around 6 p m E T on Tuesday October first with a magnitude of X7.1. Radiation from the solar flare bypassed Earth’s magnetic shield or magnetosphere and ionized the upper parts of the upper atmosphere creating a temporary radio blackout above large parts of Pacific Ocean including Hawaii. It hurled a C M E- a cloud of fast moving plasma and radiation into space, which NASA predicts will collide with Earth on Saturday 5th October 24. It is likely to trigger a disturbance in the magnetic sphere known as geomagnetic storm that enables solar particle to penetrate deep into the atmosphere and trigger vibrant arora displays at unusually low latitudes. The solar maximum is likely to continue for one more year. There is an increasing chance o the Sun unleashing even more immense solar storms on par with the Carrington event of 1859, the most powerful solar storm on record. If such a storm hit us today, it would disrupt ground based infrastructure, knock out most of our satellites potentially causing trillions of dollars worth of damages.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024



     The secrets in the universe are infinite. We only know 5% of the universe. So also the secrets of life are infinite and we know only 5% of life. Hence religion and science only indicates 5% of life. If we keep some extraordinary experiences on record we can at least understand some phenomena of life. My life gave me one such experience to be kept on record. I have written intensity of my early sufferings due to poisoning. I could overcome the same by meditation in a long period in life. But the great disappointment I underwent I could not eliminate from within. This played a wonderful part in my later life. Some love and affection can naturally counter it as it was the age for love and affection. But later on I understood that this has got connection with mutual planets positions only. Between me and my wife there was only normal love and affection and it could not relieve my disappointment. But when I saw a lady coworker it started developing tremendously at a faster rate. In a short time it reached its supreme  pure love and affection. She is unmarried and she is very daring too. She had strong desire not to marry and lead an independent life. After seeing her horoscope (which appears to be not her horoscope), I told her that she is going to marry a mad man soon as in the date of birth. To my surprise she married a mad man in two months time only.  After marriage on fine early morning she came to our house when I was sleeping in balcony and asked me as to why I hypnotized her to marry a mad man.  Even If I said that I never practiced hypnotism though I read books she did not accept it and went back with full confidence that I hypnotized her. When she is so confident it forced me to look back into my life and my mother’s life too where I could get some clues. Here the question arises can my thoughts are so intensive to hypnotize her, though they are not under my control? Such powers only Indian saints get after years of meditation. However my disappointment was partly released. Such happening is a strange and secret phenomenon and indirectly indicates the amount of enormous disappointment in me. How I got rid of the balance (total) disappointment and reached normalcy later, I will write separately. The question arises here is if death is prevented under enormous suffering, can it be converted into such a great affection even to hypnotize others like her? It is an unsolved mystery but it is true and practical.