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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Friday, October 11, 2024



     Intensive prayers of my mother resulted in my birth. Though her worries brought her close to the Satanic world her prayers saved her. In her dream certain angels came out of a tremendously disturbed ocean with her first born baby daughter in their hands. The baby was carrying fruits and flowers in the plate. The angels asked my mother to take the plate as it is associated with the birth of a son who can save her from all evils of Satan. The moment she touched the plate the dream disappeared. So I had to transfer her sufferings by some unknown secret phenomena and fight against Satan the evil force in nature. The natural facilities with which human beings are born are terribly disturbed in me due to satanic actions. The following are the brief note how I struggled.

1.     I Iost the ability to laugh. I was forced to study under great suffering and regained it.

2.     I lost the ability to eat. Even to eat small quantity of food I was taking about 2 hours as it was getting struck up in the mouth due to break down of signals from brain abruptly an untimely. This happened just one year before I joined Engineering College at Anantapur. I had to try concentration methods such as black spot gazing and meditational procedures to counter it.

3.     I was not able to sleep well in the night due to unnecessary fears and confused negative thoughts. Here also I have to practice stopping confused thoughts by meditation and concentration.

4.     There are many other satanic disturbances, I need not mention here as writing all may be laborious.

Ultimately I countered all satanic influences by the grace of God. There is always either timely direct help or indirect help from God. Ultimately my mother is saved an Iam also saved. The universe appears to be a fighting place between God and Satan, the evil power with different names in other religions.

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