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Saturday, October 5, 2024

SOLAR FLARE ON 01-10-2024


The x-class powerful solar flare exploded outward from Sunspot AR3842 near the solar equator at around 6 p m E T on Tuesday October first with a magnitude of X7.1. Radiation from the solar flare bypassed Earth’s magnetic shield or magnetosphere and ionized the upper parts of the upper atmosphere creating a temporary radio blackout above large parts of Pacific Ocean including Hawaii. It hurled a C M E- a cloud of fast moving plasma and radiation into space, which NASA predicts will collide with Earth on Saturday 5th October 24. It is likely to trigger a disturbance in the magnetic sphere known as geomagnetic storm that enables solar particle to penetrate deep into the atmosphere and trigger vibrant arora displays at unusually low latitudes. The solar maximum is likely to continue for one more year. There is an increasing chance o the Sun unleashing even more immense solar storms on par with the Carrington event of 1859, the most powerful solar storm on record. If such a storm hit us today, it would disrupt ground based infrastructure, knock out most of our satellites potentially causing trillions of dollars worth of damages.

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