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An Experience that revealed me certain secrets of life.      It was my second half of teenage. I was losing control of my mind over body...

Monday, December 23, 2024



     “ Japanese scientist Dr. Masoru Emoto scientifically proved through decades of research that the molecular structure of water can be altered with human intensions and emotions. Simply by saying certain words or phrases at droplets of water and freezing them the difference in crystalline structure is astounding. Keep in mind. Our bodies are about 60% - 70% water meaning our thoughts are positively or negatively affects the entire system.”

     This gives an indication that the entire universe is interconnected. There is connection between solar system and our lives. I successfully verified it. Not only that our thoughts can increase good and decrease bad timings of astrology if properly applied with sufficient concentration. Religious prayers are lacking concentration and hence most of the religious prayers won’t work. If proper concentration is applied to religious prayers they also work. Simply speaking any positive thought with concentration can do good to us. Negative thoughts can damage our life..

Wednesday, October 16, 2024



     Let us consider the universe as a single unit for the sake of convenience. The human body is a great example where soul mind and matter are inter-connected. But as seen from reliable astrology there is connection between solar system and our lives. I have given two clear proofs of astrology from my experience.  Let it be bodily diseases, circumstances in life regarding finances, events, relationships death, etc.  If we consider solar system as matter only there is no meaning to say that the solar system is influencing our lives. Hence there should be something other than only matter in the solar system. Science has not reached that stage of finding the secret influences of solar system and other distant stars.

     Some religions in India even worship the Sun and treat some plates as messengers of God and some other planets as messengers of evil force (Satan). Even Greek mythology gives more importance to constellations of stars with secret spiritual powers. Planet Venus of our solar system is considered as a symbol of beauty. But it is the hottest planet in solar system. It rains sulfuric acid also. But ladies born with Venus as ruling planet or Venus in angular position favorably aspected by other planets are really beautiful. It is contradicting its nature. But it is true from my experience also.

Friday, October 11, 2024



     Intensive prayers of my mother resulted in my birth. Though her worries brought her close to the Satanic world her prayers saved her. In her dream certain angels came out of a tremendously disturbed ocean with her first born baby daughter in their hands. The baby was carrying fruits and flowers in the plate. The angels asked my mother to take the plate as it is associated with the birth of a son who can save her from all evils of Satan. The moment she touched the plate the dream disappeared. So I had to transfer her sufferings by some unknown secret phenomena and fight against Satan the evil force in nature. The natural facilities with which human beings are born are terribly disturbed in me due to satanic actions. The following are the brief note how I struggled.

1.     I Iost the ability to laugh. I was forced to study under great suffering and regained it.

2.     I lost the ability to eat. Even to eat small quantity of food I was taking about 2 hours as it was getting struck up in the mouth due to break down of signals from brain abruptly an untimely. This happened just one year before I joined Engineering College at Anantapur. I had to try concentration methods such as black spot gazing and meditational procedures to counter it.

3.     I was not able to sleep well in the night due to unnecessary fears and confused negative thoughts. Here also I have to practice stopping confused thoughts by meditation and concentration.

4.     There are many other satanic disturbances, I need not mention here as writing all may be laborious.

Ultimately I countered all satanic influences by the grace of God. There is always either timely direct help or indirect help from God. Ultimately my mother is saved an Iam also saved. The universe appears to be a fighting place between God and Satan, the evil power with different names in other religions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024



Dear readers (friends classmates relatives and all other readers), I like to say something on my recent writings on my life. Since it is a very rare experience I had intension since a long time to keep it on record. Since I have become sufficiently old I have now decided to write all these happenings in my life. My experience may be useful to some and may be suitable for investigation to others. Since it is laborious  and uninteresting to some. In such case I may kindly be excused for wasting your precious time. The high intensity feelings resulted from high suffering which even hypnotized others are resolved and disappeared in me due to help from two ladies (angels). I am now perfectly normal as a normal old man. 


     The coming two years 2025 and 2026 are astrologically more important and crucial periods in my life. Both good and bad are increasing together. If I can overcome bad by properly utilizing good aspects, I can even cross 100 years of life. But I have to struggle using meditation and positive thinking. I need the kind blessings of the readers too. Your blessings will always help me. Thank you all very much.

Sunday, October 6, 2024



     There are numerous secrets governing our lives. What we know about our lives either by religion or by science are negligible. So there is need for each one to record his out of normal experiences which may give additional clues on life. One such out of normal experience is also mine. I have already recorded my experiences. I like the conclusions of my experiences to be recorded also.

     We are connected to God and the universe through our thoughts mainly. So we must know about our thoughts. The following quotations from the book ‘thought power’ by Sri Swamy Sivananda give clear idea of what thought power is. “What is this world after all? It is nothing but materialization of the thought forms of God…. Thoughts virtually travel in no time. --- Thought has got tremendous power. Thoughts can heal diseases.----Every thought you send out is a vibration which never perishes.--- If your thoughts are noble ,holy and forcible, they set in vibration in every sympathetic mind.--- Keep good thoughts in your mind and reject evil ones.--- Keep the mind fully occupied. Then evil thoughts will not enter. Watch the mind every minute.--- cultivate positive virtual thoughts mercy, love, purity, forgiveness, integrity, generosity and humility in the garden of your mind.---The negative thoughts of hatred, lust, anger, greed, pride will die by themselves. The following are my conclusions.

     Thought power is the operating system of human life. Meditation improves thought power. Concentration improves meditational powers. Black spot gazing, crystal gazing and star gazing improves concentration. One can cure any hidden diseases or outward diseases by the power of thought. One can design one’s own future or even his next birth by regulating his present thought. Concentration on positive thoughts nullifies evil thoughts. All religious prayers are positive thoughts. There is no concentration in long and lengthy prayers. Short and meaningful sentence with repetition for at least 15 to 20 minutes twice in a day preferably soon after getting up and just before going to bed are desirable. This type of meditation may be religious or scientific. If it is scientific the following sentence for meditation is useful. “Day by day in every way I am getting better and better.”

Saturday, October 5, 2024



     Besides our mind there is subconscious mind in us. It stores all our thoughts and actions in it. That is why some saints who developed sixth sense can look into other’s subconscious mind and predict the past events in their lives. Some even predict the future events in others lives. It is not known how? It may be possible through astrology to some extent. How their sixth sense is connected to the sky is not clear. Like this there are many wonders. Whatever it may be we can treat the universe as a single unit. What I mean is everything in the universe whether it is life or matter they are inter-connected. If they are closer the connections are stronger. So we are more closely connected to solar system. From my own observation, we are deeply connected to solar system. All those who poisoned me had planet in opposition to Saturn and Mars conjunction in my horoscope. The saving planets were temporarily locked in 12th house until they entered first house by progression, wherefrom my recovery started and improved gradually. In the second and third poisoning I did not feel any suffering though doctors told my daughter that I will die in half an hour. It is mainly due to the entry of planet Jupiter in my first house.

     Regarding my personal life my feelings of disappointment converted automatically into great pure affection (though reduced to a great extent as stated already) continued and was directed towards another lady. I attempted to tell her my past, but I was not able to tell her due disappointment. She observed it and suggested me to give it by writing. This was a timely great help to me. I wrote my experience of sufferings in a note book and gave it to her. She read it leisurely as it was a long one and understood me well and sympathized me and encouraged me for early recovery. Since I was able to tell my hidden sufferings I got fully relieved from the balance disappointment finally. But the impressions of my past experiences are submerged deep into my subconscious mind occasionally they come up with very less intensity, but I can counter them with reasoning and meditation. This is my art of living at present.

SOLAR FLARE ON 01-10-2024


The x-class powerful solar flare exploded outward from Sunspot AR3842 near the solar equator at around 6 p m E T on Tuesday October first with a magnitude of X7.1. Radiation from the solar flare bypassed Earth’s magnetic shield or magnetosphere and ionized the upper parts of the upper atmosphere creating a temporary radio blackout above large parts of Pacific Ocean including Hawaii. It hurled a C M E- a cloud of fast moving plasma and radiation into space, which NASA predicts will collide with Earth on Saturday 5th October 24. It is likely to trigger a disturbance in the magnetic sphere known as geomagnetic storm that enables solar particle to penetrate deep into the atmosphere and trigger vibrant arora displays at unusually low latitudes. The solar maximum is likely to continue for one more year. There is an increasing chance o the Sun unleashing even more immense solar storms on par with the Carrington event of 1859, the most powerful solar storm on record. If such a storm hit us today, it would disrupt ground based infrastructure, knock out most of our satellites potentially causing trillions of dollars worth of damages.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024



     The secrets in the universe are infinite. We only know 5% of the universe. So also the secrets of life are infinite and we know only 5% of life. Hence religion and science only indicates 5% of life. If we keep some extraordinary experiences on record we can at least understand some phenomena of life. My life gave me one such experience to be kept on record. I have written intensity of my early sufferings due to poisoning. I could overcome the same by meditation in a long period in life. But the great disappointment I underwent I could not eliminate from within. This played a wonderful part in my later life. Some love and affection can naturally counter it as it was the age for love and affection. But later on I understood that this has got connection with mutual planets positions only. Between me and my wife there was only normal love and affection and it could not relieve my disappointment. But when I saw a lady coworker it started developing tremendously at a faster rate. In a short time it reached its supreme  pure love and affection. She is unmarried and she is very daring too. She had strong desire not to marry and lead an independent life. After seeing her horoscope (which appears to be not her horoscope), I told her that she is going to marry a mad man soon as in the date of birth. To my surprise she married a mad man in two months time only.  After marriage on fine early morning she came to our house when I was sleeping in balcony and asked me as to why I hypnotized her to marry a mad man.  Even If I said that I never practiced hypnotism though I read books she did not accept it and went back with full confidence that I hypnotized her. When she is so confident it forced me to look back into my life and my mother’s life too where I could get some clues. Here the question arises can my thoughts are so intensive to hypnotize her, though they are not under my control? Such powers only Indian saints get after years of meditation. However my disappointment was partly released. Such happening is a strange and secret phenomenon and indirectly indicates the amount of enormous disappointment in me. How I got rid of the balance (total) disappointment and reached normalcy later, I will write separately. The question arises here is if death is prevented under enormous suffering, can it be converted into such a great affection even to hypnotize others like her? It is an unsolved mystery but it is true and practical.

Thursday, September 12, 2024



I had very strange and unbelievable sufferings in my early life. I attempted to catch the reason and origin of it in my life. I could not find anything in my life except I was poisoned even without enmity. It is not sufficient. Hence I attempted to study my parent’s lives also. At last I could find out sufficient reasoning in my mother’s life. My mother is the second wife of my father after the death of his first wife. None of the six children from his first wife survived. My mother had no children even up to 17 years of married life. So she was very much ill-treated by my father and his mother. She was very much disappointed and even attempted suicide by hitting her head with a big stone. The only hope with her is her prayer to Jesus intensively for children. I enquired about her prayers. What I heard is that they have not seen any one praying with so much concentration. At last her prayers yielded. She gave birth to a female child. But she also died early. Her prayers continued. This time she got a wonderful dream. She saw a very much disturbed ocean. From it came the angels carrying her first born. What they said to her is wonderful.  Meanwhile I have to say many unbelievable happening in my life. That is the result of my early sufferings . I have to keep them on record. These may be useful for study and investigation. I will write step by step.

Friday, September 6, 2024



     The greatest moment of my suffering occurred just one year before I joined the Engineering college at Anantapur. Laughing is the happiness in humans .I lost the ability to laugh for about a year. One of my boyhood friends observed it. The very next day he came to my house and presented the book “Mental Powers by Sri A S Murthy an advocate. This book really saved my life. What I struggled between life and death and what I understood about positive thought was clearly explained in the book with clear procedure for its application. This gave me tremendous encouragement for counter the suffering that was leading to madness. Though I have seen tremendous improvement in every few minutes of meditation, it took several years to recover sufficiently. This is an indirect intimation that how much suffering was hidden in me due to first poisoning to me. It is the greatest moment of help to me from my boyhood friend  Sri Ganapathy, who almost looks like a real  Ganapathy except for tusk. I am extremely grateful to him. If this has not happened I would not have existed to enter The College of Engineering at Anantapur. Luckily that year I was not selected for engineering. Only in the next year I was selected. This is also a plus point for me. My experience revealed some secrets governing human life.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024



     Solar spares of 2024 have become more than the double than what the scientists expected. Sun spots on the surface of our star reached higher than in the last 23 years in August as 215.5 and are further increasing. It may continue even up to 2 more years.

     The maximum and minimum sun spots occur in a cyclic period of 11 years. Sun spots are the regions of Sun’s surface where surge of electromagnetic radiation breaks through the Sun’s magnetic field, creating relatively cool patches. That appear black to us thanks to an optical illusion.

     Under this increasing Solar activity Earth may be bombarded with solar storms. It could impact ground based infrastructure, trigger wide spread auroras at lower latitudes, and even cause satellites to tumble back to Earth, if the solar flare activity increases sufficiently.

Thursday, August 29, 2024



     There appears to be a great future for AI. AI is being applied in every field. There is a tremendous development for AI. AI can even read your thoughts. Every criminal can be detected by reading his thoughts. So selecting AI as career for the present generation of students is essential. In this connection I like to give certain guidelines as I read from others.

     Mathematics, physics and computer sciences are essential in high school study. Mathematics gives understanding in algorithms and data analysis. Physics generates logical thinking and problem solving.  Computer science is useful in programming and IT concepts.

     While in the college B Tech in computer science with focus on AI/ML (Artificial Inteligence/ Machine Learning) or B Sc in computer science or data science or specialized certifications in AI and M L from platforms like EDX, and udacity are useful.  These combinations can guide anyone well in their career in AI.

Monday, August 26, 2024



     Artificial intelligence is simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like humans. Learning, reasoning, problem solving, perception and language comprehension are all examples of cognitive abilities. Artificial intelligence is a method of making a computer, a computer controlled robot or a software think intelligently like the human mind. AI is accomplished by studying the patterns of human brain and by analyzing the cognitive process. The outcome of these studies develops intelligent software and systems.

Friday, July 19, 2024



     The secrets of the universe are not known. we only know about 5% of the universe only.  It is still under great investigation. At least something what we know may be kept under record.

     The known universe in 1922 is 100000 light years. But the known universe in 2024 is 93 billion light years. It is likely to increase further when our new scientific instruments can look into further universe. The unobservable universe is estimated approximately 23 trillion light years. The universe is full of galaxies and each galaxy contains billions of stars. Extreme objects in the universe are quasars, black holes, supernova, kilonova, magnetar, pulsar, neutron star etc Supernova is an explosion caused by an average star. Kilonova is an explosion caused when two neutron stars merge with each other  Hypernova is an explosion caused by a giant star, a burst 5 times more energetic than supernova. The mysterious objects in the universe are oumuamua, the red rectangle nebula, planet nine, galaxy x, east pizarro tabbys star. Most powerful events in the universe are gamma ray blasts, black holes collision, neutron star collision, supernova explosion.

     Cosmic voids are vast spaces between filaments which contain very few or no galaxies. Voids typically have a diameter of 10 to hundred mega parsecs, (one mega parsec=3x10^6 light years) particularly the large voids defined are the rich super clusters or sometimes called super voids. They have less than 1/10th of average density of matter.

     A tea spoon of matter taken from a star would weigh around 10 million tons, which is similar to the average mountain on earth. The largest known black hole Homberg 15A has diameter of one trillion K M more than 190 times the distance between the Sun and Pluto. The coldest known natural place in the universe Boumerank Nebula at -272.15 degrees C. It is 1 degree C warmer than absolute zero and 2 degrees colder than the back-ground radiation from the big bang. There is a highway in space called interplanetary highway. It is used for space crafts around solar system with least resistance using gravity. Hell like planet named as K2 – 14lb is located around 200 light years from Earth rains rocks and fire and its oceans are made of lava.

     Strange exoplanets: H D 189773b constantly rains glass. 55cancri e – 1/3 of the planet is made of solid diamond. T V E S @. T V E S 2b is the darkest known planet of the observable universe. GLiese4366 is a giant ball of ice with a surface of flares.

     U V Scutiis is the biggest star in our entire known universe.  It is located 48 quadrilion K M away from earth near the center of our galaxy. Closest earthlike planet is 1400 light years away from earth and the closest black hole is about 3000 light years away and the closest galaxy (Andromeda) is about 2537000 light years away from earth. Every galaxy has a super massive black hole at the center. Top six strongest things in the universe are neutrinos, gravity waves, dark energy, dark matter, cosmic microwave, antimatter.

     Limits of our universe: Minimum possible temperature is 0 degree Kelvin(-273 C) Smallest possible time is 5.79x10^-44 second. Maximum possible temperature is 1.42x10^32 kelvin (one unit of Kelvin=one unit of centigrade but Kelvin is measured as 0 degrees at -273 C). Smallest possible length is 1.62x10^-32 meters. Dark energy is 69%, dark matter is 25%, regular matter is 5%, radiation is 0.01%, neutrinos are 0.1%,black holes are 0.005%.  Four ways the universe might end on are big bounce, big rip, big freeze, and big slurp.

     The earth has to be pressed into the size of 8.7 millimeters to become a black hole. Every night you and your body unknowingly travel 858240 K M around sun and 6256000 K M around the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The universe is thought to be infinite and it is still be possible that it is closed and finite. There would be any edges but it would connect back into itself as a closed universe.

     There are four types of galaxies, namely spiral galaxy, barred spiral galaxy, elliptical galaxy and irregular galaxy. Sun spins at 1997m/s, earth spins at 480 m/s, neutron star spins at 71950000 m/s, super massive black hole spins at 270000000 m/s Known places where laws of physics breakdown are below the plank length, in the center of black hole, before the big bang and above the speed of light. Light is in various forms in the universe such as radio waves, micro waves, Infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, visible light, x rays and gamma rays. Four fundamental forces in the universe are light, force responsible for beta decay, force that holds galaxies together, and the force that holds atoms together.

     Universe is unlimited to write. There are many things such as great attractor, multi universes, several dimensions in the universe besides the 4 dimensions of length, width, height and time, parallel universe, planet X and many more mysteries like flying saucers and verities of life etc. It is very lengthy to discuss about all of them. So I will stop with this brief description given above only.

Sunday, July 14, 2024



     Everyone speaks about God. But only very few know how to approach God. There are two ways to approach God mainly. One IS through religion and religious prayers. The other is through independent of religion and by proper application of thought.

Religion and religious prayers:

     This is mainly based on ancient belief. Every religion has its own belief. It is observed that all religious prayers work, tough names of God and their belief are different, provided there is sufficient concentration in their prayers. This is applicable to saints of different religions as they concentrate more on their prayers. Most of the religious prayers won’t work as they are lengthy and hence lack concentration.


     We are directly connected to God through our thought. Whatever we think or act it goes to God and is recorded somewhere. By regulating our thoughts we can design our present life as well as future lives after rebirths. So it is in our hand, It is designed like that by God. So our thought is the operating system of our lives. So it is more important, how to regulate our thoughts. Repeating long lengthy sentences cannot produce sufficient concentration. Select a small meaningful sentence and meditate on it at least 15 minutes soon after you get up in the morning and before going to bed in the night. You will see its effects in a short time. A sentence like ‘day by day in every way I am getting better and better’ may be preferable. Concentration and repetition and a small meaningful sentence are essential in meditation. If you don’t get sufficient concentration try black spot gazing, crystal gazing or star gazing suitably. The same can be applied to religious prayers also.

     The first one relates to individual religions. But the second one is common to all religions and all human beings. Hence the second one is most preferable.

Sunday, July 7, 2024



     Astrology is a wonderful subject. It reveals the resultant effect of our previous lives. Simply speaking the sky is the language of God. Since our own thoughts and actions resulted in our lives, we can nullify and enhance good in our horoscope by regulating our thoughts and actions of our present life suitably. God has given us powers to modify the bad impressions of our horoscope. A saint with supreme powers of thought can come out of evils of horoscope by regulating his thoughts and actions. Evil planets cannot do any evil to them. Since the belief of astrology is also strong in humans, there are varieties of predicting events based on horoscope. All may be partially true and not sufficiently true. Since there are so many stars and planets in the universe and each has at least some influence on human life the present knowledge in astrology is only about 5% of the total required knowledge. But mainly it is the solar system that governs our life since we are in it. Earth rotates around its axis in one day, and it revolves around the Sun in one year. This relationship of one day after birth representing in the corresponding one year after birth and so on is working well as in western astrology. The idea of one day is equal to one year is also there in ancient India, but it is wrongly applied to yugas. But it is proved in western asfrology by trial and error method that this one day is equal to one year is connected to rotation of Earth around its own axis in one day and its revolution around the Sun in one year. If you want to know major events in your life after 30 years of age you have to start progressions of planets on your birth year after 30 days of your life from birth time.

     There are some who blindly say that the astrology in not correct. But this is not the way of saying. They should experiment practically and then only they have to give their correct opinion. I personally verified western astrology practically and confirm beyond any doubt that there is definite relationship between our life and solar system.

Thursday, July 4, 2024



     Strange things happened in my life. These can be interpreted in terms of astrology. There is one of the greatest evil of astrology as well as grestest good in astrology in my horoscope. I was born on 02-02=1938 at 07 hours and 36 minutes A M at Nadyal (longitude 78 E 2 28’, latitude 15 N 30’). There is conjunction of planets Saturn and mars (great evil) in the second degree of sign Aries which is the intersection point of ecliptic and equator, which is said to be a most critical point in astrology. There is also a great good of conjunction of Sun Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius which is the 12th house in my horoscope and their power is slightly imprisoned in the early stages of my life.

     The effect of this evil is my feelings were terribly blocked as I was poised three times by persons who possess a planet exactly opposite to Saturn and mars of my horoscope (As explained in my post ‘something hidden in me that I never told fully’ in my blog ‘astroblog –msa.blogspot.com’ The second house rules feelings and finances. Regarding finances I like to say an instance in my life. After working for some time temporarily I got retrenchment in service for want of vacancy for a period more than one year. What I have saved was fully spent. Due to old age my father was unable to work. During this time my father died due to heart attact.There was not even one rupee with me. Nobody can give me loan. With lot of worry I was moving on a road too and fro unable to think what to do. Suddenly to my surprise one of my boyhood friend who left my place at Kurnool long ago and settled at Hyderabad was passing along the road. It gave me lot of hope.I explained him the situation. But he had no money to help me. He wanted to get it from one of his friends. In one hour time he brought sufficient money to me to serve th funeral of my father. This is a hidden help to me. After few days a business man with interest money, who is also well cquainted with my father came to me to offer money on loan and to give back to him even it is a long period. This is also a help from heaven to me. After this incident I never get financial problems in my balance life time. This incident occurred when the progressed ascendant of my horoscope touched the location of planet Saturn in my horoscope in the second house which rules finances and feelings.

Thursday, June 27, 2024



My first experiment also proves that our lives are related to solar system. The astrology I studied (western astrology) is based on the fact that the Earth rotates about its axis around 360 degrees in one day. The Earth also revolves around the Sun covering 360 degrees in one year. By observational analysis it is found that the movement of the planets in one day represents the life events in one year. If you want to know the live events in your 30th year you have to study the movement of planets in your 30th day after birth with aspects to planets at birth. This is known as progressed position of planets. Also we have to observe the transiting planets in the 30th year of your life. If there are similar aspects in progression as well as in transit we can fix the event on the exact day of transit. My 1st experiment dealt with such event. In the horoscope I studied the progressed Sun joins the birth Saturn in conjunction in the third year of the boy. Also the transiting Sun in the boy’s horoscope joins the Saturn on the third day after 4th birthday . So at the age of 3 years and 3 days some bad event has to occur in their family. On enquiry I found that the Grandfather of the boy expired on the exact day I predicted. This is a clear proof that our lives are governed by solar system.

Sunday, June 9, 2024



     Before my 3 bye-pass heart surgery on 10-04-2014 doctor told my daughter that I would die in half an hour time and asked her not to waste money and take my body to our house to save money. But as already told my daughter based on astrology that I would not die, she insisted on surgery. But to save money doctor awaited for more than 2 hours, but since I did not die they started conditional surgery which was successful. After surgery the doctor gave a surprised information to my daughter. He told her that my blood circulation was reversed and as it turned in the opposite direction to block, the block was released temporarily till surgery. He also told her that he did not come across such a case and he also did not study or hear such a case. This is one of the wonderful savings of my life. This may be mainly due to scientific meditation.

Sunday, June 2, 2024



     I believe that the power of star forms the corresponding intelligent beings around its planets where conditions are suitable, just like Earth. There are billions of stars in the universe. Variety of rays are also coming to Earth from distant stars. But life giving power is reduced due to enormous distance. Accordingly intelligence and physical shape is also reduced. So I believe that all the other species on Earth are formed by the distant stars. But the corresponding intelligent life (aliens) around the planets of these stars may be highly intelligent if the planet provides life forming conditions. It may please be noted that light from long distant stars is coming to Earth for the first time and new variety of life is being formed. To conclude I believe that there are life at so many places in the universe as there are number of species on Earth or even more as light from other long distant stars has not been reached the planet Earth.

     This may look like contradicting Darwin’s theory of evolution, but it is not so. Darwin has not given the origin of species on Earth. He only developed after effects of life of different species. Nobody knows the origin of life. Science has not reached that stage to discover the secret of origin of life. So many theories can be formed based on the available facts and faiths.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024



     On 14th June 1911 the train known as ‘Zanetti’ with 3 bogies left Rome carrying 106 passengers. The train disappeared after entering a tunnel at Lombard. Suspecting some unforeseen phenomena two passengers jumped out of the train at the last moment, while the co-passengers started to behave rudely. They shouted and became panicked and the train was covered with milk-white mist gradually becoming more viscous. Later no one could find the train anywhere. The tunnel was examined several times. There was no train. No passenger in the tunnel. It was said that the train was stuck in the time loop   It was seen in many countries such as Russia, India (on 29th December 1955 at Pultava railway station, Pune), Mexico (1845), Italy (400 years back), Germany and Romania.

     It appeared both in past as well as in future. So we have to form a theory to suit these phenomena. To explain this we are bound to assume that the present past and even future events are recorded in space time curve. Due to unforeseen enormous disturbances the space time curve bends in a zig zag way overlapping past present future events on it. For example when a future part of space time overlaps with the present space time curve we at present see some of the future indications in our present time as in present space time curve as it is connected through some secret phenomena to our lives on Earth . At the same time the future world can witness the present events in their future world. When the space time curve readjusts itself these events will disappear. These apply to all the three past, present and future events. Also since the past present and future are all already recorded some like Nosterdamus and others could predict the future events. We do not know how and when their minds are connected to future events. Everything is an unsolved mystery, but likely to be solved in near future.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024



The universe is undefined. Only 5% of the universe is defined. The rest of the 95% universe is unknown. The universe can also be divided in to two parts. One is visible universe (5% of the universe), the other is the invisible universe (95% of the universe). The visible universe (5%) that can be seen with naked eye and the latest technical instruments contains the following. Nebulae or star dust from which stars are formed, stars, galaxies, quasars, pulsars neutron stars, planets, moons, life including ourselves etc. The invisible universe has dark matter (25%), dark energy (69%), radiation (0.01%), neutrinos (0.1%), black holes (0,001%) etc. Some of the salient features of the universe are discussed below.

     The universe is said to be formed by big bang, which is a popular theory at present. The big bang started from a minute point. Nobody knows why and how? But it started expanding at a tremendous rate faster than light speed. At the time of formation there is matter and antimatter. When matter and anti-matter collided there was tremendous explosion resulting in very powerful and energetic and shortest wave-length gamma rays including very minute sub atomic particlles like Higgs Boson particles. Perhaps the force of this reaction might be expanding the resultant saved matter. And this energy may be called as black energy. This process is still continuing at the center of galaxies. Some residual energy liberated might be reconverted as matter as per the equation E = mc^2 of Einstein and remain as black matter without the ability to reflex or absorb light. Liberation of matter and anti-matter from a single point seems to be not reasonable. There must be two simultaneous big bangs at suitable distance so that they can inter-act with each other.  We can also assume that the result of the universe is due to the clash between God and Satan (Satan is named differently in different religions) from the spiritual world. God’s weapon is matter and Satan’s weapon is antimatter. And correspondingly there should be two big bangs. This is only a theory subject to approval of science.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Do the wormholes of Einstein exist between our world and the world after death?


     The most iconic predictions by Einstein’s theory of general relativity are as follows.

1.     Gravitational waves    ---------------   Proved.

2.     Time dilation       ----------------------  Proved.

3.     Black holes    --------------------------    Proved.

4.     Gravitational lencing   --------------    Proved.

5.     White Holes   ------------------       Not Proved 

6.     Worm Holes    ----------------------Not Proved.

     . Worm hole is an ideal short cut to inter-galactic travelling but not proved yet. It connects too far away points in space-time through tunnel or bridge. A warm hole warps and bends space and time reducing the disparity between the two given points of space or time. Hypothetically a worm hole can bridge (shorten) extremely long distances like millions of light years.

     It is observed by some human beings who died temporarily and returned back to life as if they travelled through a tunnel and reached the other world and by chance with some unknown phenomena returned back to life. This gives the impression that the two worlds where we live as human beings and the world our soul reaches after death (astral world) are inter-connected with worm holes. There may be two such worm holes between these two worlds one to reach heaven depending on one’s good nature and the other to reach hell for the evil humans for cleaning their sins through a kind of suitable suffering. Among some who died forcibly by suicide may not go through worm holes but may remain in our world as ghosts until their time comes to reach a worm hole to other world. This is only a theory subject to investigation..

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Something hidden in me that I never told before fully.


      I was poisoned three times in my life time without enmity, but due to indirect enmity on others or due to personal benefits. The first poisoning is in my teenage which affected my brain and gave me almost a life long suffering up to the age of about 36 ears. This covers the period of my study in the College of Engineering. Anantapur. In my boyhood our house is the center for all friends and to go for play ground to play foot ball Hockey and other games in the nearby ground. But the effect of poisoning started breaking connection between my mind and body. I was not able to eat as signals that governed eating were frequently met with failure and the food was struck up in my throat many times causing lot of difficulty to swallow. I was taking even more than 3 hours to eat small quantity of food. This stage occurred a year before I joined in engineering. One day I felt that was the last day in my life.. But something prevented in me even to tell my parents. I was not able to talk to anybody as it was producing strain in me even to talk. Ultimately there was a struggle between life and death. Variety of thoughts entered my mind without my efforts. I observed that one variety of thought was giving momentary relief. I struggled my best to catch it.  But it was almost impossible. Struggle continued and I observed that something is forcibly preventing death in me and introducing positive thought that gave momentary relief. Ultimate struggle resulted in meditation. At last I have understood how to escape and reduce enormous suffering in me. I recovered considerably. Yet I was very weak when I entered engineering college. I was eating not even 50% of food with great care and trouble. I know that any sympathy wave can kill me by reproducing the past memories. Hence I should not tell anything of my past experience. I tried my best to appear normal though I was under heavy suffering.  Even in the classroom in my 1st. year in the college I used to sit in the last row and practice concentration by looking at a suitable point in the book. Even in my hostel room I was covering myself with bed sheet and practicing meditation which saved me. That is the only way of my living in the college not to expose myself as will turn adverse to me. There was enormous worry yet I should not express. So occasionally I used to go out to a lonely place and used to weep loudly rolling on the ground for a considerable time. It was giving me a bit of relief temporarily and served not to expose myself fully as any sympathy wave can killme.

     Long afterwards after leaving the college I studied western astrology. I was surprised to note my experience from astrology. I have seen the conjunction of planet Saturn and planet Mars in the second degree of the sign Aries of moveable zodiac which is also at the intersection point of ecliptic and equator. This is the most feared aspect in the entire astrology. Its opposite degree is my 8th house which rules death. All the persons who poisoned me have planets in my 8th house exactly in opposition to Saturn- Mars conjunction of my horoscope. There is a countering influence to nullify this evil in my horoscope in the 12th house which prevents its good effect to considerable amount. That is why I did not die though I was poisoned three times. In my early age it is not so powerful so it could not prevent suffering, but it stopped death. In the later two stages of poisoning it not only prevented death but also saved me from suffering as the good planets in the 12th house left the 12th house by progression.

     The effect of first poisoning was enormous. My feelings of the age were blocked considerably for a long time of about 36 years and at the end it was a blast of the blocked feelings that came out as enormous affection probably to counter the early longtime suffering. Such thing can only happen if something prevents death. In astrology there is a countering good aspect of conjunction of three good planets Sun Jupiter and Venus in the humanitarian sign Aquarius. But since they are in the 12th house there action was restricted for considerable time. The blast my feelings was directed towards a good lady friend of mine. The intensity of my feeling was extremely high but due to insufficient knowledge I took them as normal only. As usual I asked her date of birth for my study. As seen from her horoscope it was clear that she did not gave her correct date of birth. With the intension whatever I can say it will not affect her, I told her that she will marry a mad man soon. But to my surprise she married a mad man in two months time. Few days after her marriage in the early morning when I was sleeping in the veranda she came to our house and questioned me “why did you hypnotize me to marry a mad man?” I replied that I do not know anything about hypnotism. But she did not accept it and left the place even without talking to my wife as usual. Her confidence was shocking news to me. I was forced to look back into my life for detailed study.

     Days were rolled down, but I could not find the solution I wanted. The outburst of my blocked feelings in the form of great affection still continued. This time these were directed towards another lady. She gave me her correct date of birth.  This gave me scope for the answer I am searching for. I prepared her horoscope and compared it with my horoscope. I clearly observed that one of my good progressed planets was passing on her one good planets position. It seems that the planets position at ones birth are the entry points for others feelings to enter when other’s progressed planet pass over it, depending on the nature of planets whether good or bad. So it is clear that good planets in ones horoscope tally with the good planet in another horoscope there can be good cooperation for a life time. So such good combinations are searched for in connection with marriage as marriage is a long time affair. So when there is no good combination between the two married couple it will be a life long suffering to both.

    I like to indicate a minor instance of release of my blocked feelings when I was in the engineering college 1st year. Depending on the age my friendly feelings were blocked as I was not able to move as a friend with any of my classmates. There was a release of slight outburst of my friendly feelings towards a classmate with whom I not even talked much as with others. Only once in my life time in the engineering college I tried to play foot ball. After the play when I returned I happened to see my classmate. He told me that though he has not much acquaintance with me he is feeling enormous unbelievable feeling of friendship with me and he cannot find sufficient reasoning for it. I immediately understood that are the reflection of my own feelings but I could not understand the theory behind it at that time. He is not my roommate. Only after a long time I could understand that a good progressed planet from my horoscope passed over one of the good positions in his horoscope or vice versa.

     Throughout my life I am in the habit of scientific meditation. I use the sentence “day by day in every way I am getting better and better”. I am of the opinion that our thoughts are directly connected to certain central force in nature may be called as God. If there is sufficient concentration in our thought and if our thoughts are of positive (optimistic) there is definite response accordingly from God. This was very well proved in my life. The same concentration and optimistic thought is not there in religious thoughts. Hence most of the religious prayers are only a failure. Those who are religious should increase the concentration and optimistic thoughts in their religious prayers. Then only their religious prayers get materialized as they please. It is all the same whether you pray Rama, Buddha Krishna or Alla or Jesus or Jehova or even an imaginary minor deity, it will work with sufficient concentration and optimistic thought. All your thoughts will reach one central point may be called as supreme God common to all religions.   

      The first poisoning was extremely troublesome. Almost I touched death and came back by scientific meditation luckily. It troubled me for a period of about 36 years of age. It attacked my brain and the connections with brain and my body were shaken. Few hours after my second poisoning I got heavy vomiting and most of the poison has gone out in vomiting. Yet I got heart problem that can be controlled by medicine. Regarding the third poisoning I was alone on that day. Someone as usual brought idly as breakfast in the morning. There was poison in it. I do not know about it. He was not my enemy. It only benefits him if I die. I was alone and attempted to eat it. I lifted my hand to take it. By the time my hand came down mystery happened. I got sudden and heavy shocking fever and my entire taste was changed. I felt I cannot eat it for the present and I thought of eating it later. Probably it was all due to my scientific meditation. Here I did mistake in thinking. I would have analyzed the circumstances in the light of my meditational practice. But I did not do it. After taking medicine for fever and after few hours I attempted to eat it. But due to bad taste I did not swallow it. I have thrown it away and washed my mouth neatly. But the poison was of heavy type. In the night I fell down unconsciously in the bath room. I do not know that how much time I fell down. When I wake up only I understood I fell down. Next few days one of my close relative gave me company as requested by me. No trouble came again as before. Since I am already a heart patient, this poison added support to it and heart problem gradually and slowly increased to a maximum effect. I was forced to be admitted in a hospital finally. Three doctors who examined my angiogram informed my daughter that I will not survive longer and asked her not to waste money and take me back to home. But since I confidently told my daughter based on astrology that I will survive she insisted on surgery. The doctors informed her that it is difficult for me to survive even up to start of surgery and delayed surgery for about 2 hours.  Since I did not die as they expected they started conditional surgery and it became successful. The doctors told my daughter after surgery that I survived because the blood circulation was reversed . They also told her that they have not seen or heard such action of reversal of blood circulation before. Whatever it may be that the three bypass surgery was very successful and I almost comfortable even after10 years after surgery. I attribute everything to my practice of scientific meditation.

     This is a wonderful experience in my life. Such experiences are very rare and reveal some secrets of life. My experience taught me a very great secret of human life as explained in one of the paragraphs as above. Simply speaking our thoughts are connected to God as explained in every religion. Whatever you think strongly with sufficient concentration, it materializes as event. Even for those who believe in their own religion also works when their thought is directed with sufficient concentration.  All religious prayers work as well as scientific meditation with sufficient concentration. This article is also written to bring the secret behind all religious prayers and to bring good cooperation between all religions. Kindly don’t misunderstand me.    

     It gives the impression to me that the baby in mother’s womb is governed by the spiritual body of mother.  The baby has no astral body independently when it was in mother’s womb. But soon the baby is born and when it takes its first breath, the baby gets her own astral body depending on the solar system at the moment of birth of the baby. That is why the events in the life of the baby are governed by the planets position at the birth of the baby and also governed by the progressions and transits of planets over the birth planets. This is a proof to say that her astral body is formed at the time of her 1st. breath. However some assume that the astral body of the baby was formed when it starts development of the baby in mother’s womb. This is not tallying with the circumstances in the life of the baby. Hence it is more appropriate to assume that the astral body of the baby is formed at the time of her birth soon after taking her first breath only.

     Soul is associated with the body when it is formed in mother’s womb. Soul is not the astral body  It is the principal of life in the body. It is in every part of the body. At the time of death soul is separated from the body and it takes astral body as vehicle and travels into hell or heaven depending on his actions with the physical body. There it will be purified from its past evil actions in the form of suitable sufferings so that they may not be repeated in the next birth. This type of birth and rebirth may be continued for several times (may be about 2000 times) until finally the soul settles down with sufficient purity in astral world. The same process will continue for the soul to reach the causal world where it is fully purified before reaching God to unify with Him. The physical body, astral body and causal body are the media for the soul to travel through them to reach God and unify with Him ultimately.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


 I wish all my readers a very happy, peaceful, bright and prosperous new year 2024.

                                                                                     M S Aseervadam